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Effect of Ta/Cu Film Stack Structures on the Interfacial Adhesion Energy for Advanced Interconnects (미세 배선 적용을 위한 Ta/Cu 적층 구조에 따른 계면접착에너지 평가 및 분석)

  • Son, Kirak;Kim, Sungtae;Kim, Cheol;Kim, Gahui;Joo, Young-Chang;Park, Young-Bae
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2021
  • The quantitative measurement of interfacial adhesion energy (Gc) of multilayer thin films for Cu interconnects was investigated using a double cantilever beam (DCB) and 4-point bending (4-PB) test. In the case of a sample with Ta diffusion barrier applied, all Gc values measured by the DCB and 4-PB tests were higher than 5 J/㎡, which is the minimum criterion for Cu/low-k integration without delamination. However, in the case of the Ta/Cu sample, measured Gc value of the DCB test was lower than 5 J/㎡. All Gc values measured by the 4-PB test were higher than those of the DCB test. Measured Gc values increase with increasing phase angle, that is, 4-PB test higher than DCB test due to increasing plastic energy dissipation and roughness-related shielding effects, which matches well interfacial fracture mechanics theory. As a result of the 4-PB test, Ta/Cu and Cu/Ta interfaces measured Gc values were higher than 5 J/㎡, suggesting that Ta is considered to be applicable as a diffusion barrier and a capping layer for Cu interconnects. The 4-PB test method is recommended for quantitative adhesion energy measurement of the Cu interconnect interface because the thermal stress due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion and the delamination due to chemical mechanical polishing have a large effect of the mixing mode including shear stress.

A Study on the Importance and Priorities of the Investment Determinants of Startup Accelerators (스타트업 액셀러레이터 투자결정요인의 중요도 및 우선순위에 대한 연구)

  • Heo, Joo-yeun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2020
  • Startup accelerators have emerged as new investment entities that help early startups, which are not easy to survive continuously due to lack of funds, commercialization capabilities, and experiences. As their positive performance on early startups and the ecosystem has been proven, the number of early startups which want to receive their investment is also increasing. However, they are vaguely preparing to attract accelerators' investment because they do not have any information on what factors the accelerators consider important. In addition, researches on startup accelerators are also at an early level, so there are no remarkable prior studies on factors that decide on investment. Therefore, this study aims to help startups prepare for investment attraction by looking at what factors are important for accelerators to invest, and to provide meaningful implications to academia. In the preceding study, we derived five upper level categories, 26 lower level accelerators' investment determinants through the qualitative meta-synthesis method, secondary data analysis, observation on US accelerators and in-depth interviews. In this study, we want to derive important implications by deriving priorities of the accelerators' investment determinants. Therefore, we used AHP that are evaluated as the suitable methodology for deriving importance and priority. The analysis results show that accelerators value market-related factors most. This means that startups that are subject to investment by accelerators are early-stage startups, and many companies have not fully developed their products or services. Therefore, market-related factors that can be evaluated objectively seem to be more important than products (or services) that are still ambiguous. Next, it was found that the factors related to the internal workforce of startups are more important. Since accelerators want to develop their businesses together with start-ups and team members through mentoring, ease of collaboration with them is very important, which seems to be important. The overall priority analysis results of the 26 investment determinants show that 'customer needs' and 'founders and team members' understanding of customers and markets' (0.62) are important and high priority factors. The results also show that startup accelerators consider the customer-centered perspective very important. And among the factors related to startups, the most prominent factor was the founder's openness and execution ability. Therefore, it can be confirmed that accelerators consider the ease of collaboration with these startups very important.

Evaluation on the Effects of Deicing Salts on Crop using Seedling Emergence Assay of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) (유채의 출아 검정을 통한 제설제의 작물 영향 평가)

  • Lim, Soo-Hyun;Yu, Hyejin;Lee, Chan-Young;Gong, Yu-Seok;Lee, Byung-Duk;Kim, Do-Soon
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2021
  • The increasing use of deicing salts has caused various environmental problems, including crop damage along the motorway where deicing salts are sprayed during winter. Deicing salts used on roads have been reported to negatively affect crops, but little information is known about their impact on crops. A seedling emergence assay was conducted to evaluate the effects of deicing salts on crops using oilseed rape (Brassica napus) as a model plant. We tested five chloride deicing salts consisting of NaCl, CaCl2, or MgCl2 and 1 non-chloride deicing salt (SM-3) at a range of concentrations (25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 mM), and untreated control. Regardless of deicing salts, they significantly delayed and reduced seedling emergence of oilseed rape with increasing salt concentration. Non-linear regression analysis of seedling emergence with a range of salt concentrations by fitting to the log-logistic model revealed that the chloride deicing salts reduced seedling emergence more than the non-chloride deicing salt SM-3. The GR50 value, the concentration causing 50% seedling emergence, of SM-3 was 47.1 mM, while those of the chloride deicing salts ranged from 30.7 mM (PC-10) to 37.5 mM (ES-1), showing approximately 10 mM difference between non-chloride and chloride deicing salts. Our findings suggest that seedling emergence assay is a useful tool to estimate the potential damage caused by deicing salts on crops.

Seasonal Changes in the Absorption of Particulate Matter and the Fine Structure of Street Trees in the Southern Areas, Korea: With a Reference to Quercus myrsinifolia, Quercus glauca, Quercus salicina, Camellia japonica, and Prunus × yedoensis (한국 남부지역 가로수종 잎 미세구조와 미세먼지 흡착량의 계절 변화: 가시나무, 종가시나무, 참가시나무, 동백나무, 왕벚나무 중심으로)

  • Jin, Eon-Ju;Yoon, Jun-Hyuck;Choi, Myung Suk;Sung, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.110 no.2
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2021
  • The study investigates the correlation between the seasonal changes in the absorption of fine dusts and the fine structure of surface on each type of street tree, such as Quercus myrsinifolia, Quercus glauca, Quercus salicina, Camellia japonica, and Prunus × yedoensis in the southernareas of Korea. The absorption ranges of fine dust were 31.51~110.44 ㎍/cm2 in January, 23.20~79.30 ㎍/cm2 in November, 22.68~76.90 ㎍/cm2 in May, and 9.88~49.91 ㎍/cm2 in August. The absorption value was about 54.4% higher in January than in May. With the grooves and hairs on the leaf surface and lots of wax, Q. salicina seems related to the high absorption rate of fine dust for each fine dust particle size. The one with gloss and smooth leaf surface has a low amount of wax. C. japonica Prunus × yedoensisshowed a low absorption rate of fine dust in each season. Whereas the increase in porosity density, length, and leaf area size can be related to the reduced PM and increasedabsorption rate, the leaf surface roughness, total wax amount, and porosity width can be related to the increase in the PM absorption rate. There was also a high correlation between the total wax amount and absorption rate of the leaf surface at the size of PM0.2 than PM10 and PM2.5. These results imply that the quantitative and qualitative trais of leaf, such as wax amounts and leaf surface,can increase the absorption of fine dusts, and the small-sized particles seem to be highly adsorbed with the high wax amounts.

A Characteristics of Cultural Heritage Landscaping of Jeongnimsa Temple Site in Buyeo from Perspective of Maintenance Project (정비사업을 통해 본 부여 정림사지 문화재 조경의 특성)

  • Kim, Mi-Jin;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 2021
  • The maintenance project of the Jeonglimsa temple site started with the objective of restoring the original structure of the temple, however, it was gradually transitioned to a landscaping maintenance project over time that constructs a landscape of the temple area. With paying attention to these facts, this study summarized the characteristics of cultural heritage landscaping of the Jeonglimsa temple site as follows. First, Cultural heritage landscaping is a landscaping act that creates, maintains, and manages landscapes within the spatial scope of the cultural heritage designated under the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and the cultural heritage protection area established around it. It is a work that includes protection and maintenance of the excavated remains, spaces by each function and plans for moving lines, Installation of structures to protect cultural properties, adoption of the facilities and structures for convenience of visitors, and construction of vegetation landscape. Second, the cultural heritage landscaping of the Jeonglimsa temple site has been developed in 5 periods, and these include 'the period of historical site investigation' that the temple name was identified through the designation of cultural assets and excavation investigation by the Japanese rule, 'the construction period of Baekje Tower Park' after the liberation from the Japanese rule, 'the period of Baekje Cultural Area Development Project' designated as a historical site, 'the period of the Comprehensive Development Project for a Specific Area of Baekje Culture',which was proceeded with the establishment of the park and museum instead of restoring the temple building due to the difficulty in gathering the pieces of historical evidence, and 'the period of the Jeonglimsa temple site restoring project', which was designated as a World Heritage Site while restoring the buildings deployment in the Buddhist temple at the time of foundation era of Baekje Dynasty. Third, this study verified the landscape changes of the Jeonglimsa temple site that have been transitioned, for instance, the creation of a commemorative park linked to the outer garden of Buyeo Shrine, the implementation of urban planning of the Japanese colonial era, the creation of a protective environment for the excavated historical structures and temple area, the restoration of building deployment in the Buddhist temple, and the sincerity restoration and utilization of cultural assets. Fourth, the landscape of Jeongnimsa temple site is determined by the subject and scope of cultural property designation, land use, movement lines and pavement, repairing methods of remains, structures, facilities, and vegetation. The characteristics of the cultural heritage landscape of Jeongnimsa Temple were derived, such as creating a procedural landscape considering the expansion of the cultural heritage designation scope, securing authenticity by maintaining relics in consideration of reversibility, creating a vegetative landscape suitable for historical and cultural landscapes, and enhancing the value of cultural heritage enjoyment by providing an open space.

Contract Farming Through a Cooperative to Boost Agricultural Sector Restructuring: Evidence from a Rural Commune in Central Vietnam (베트남 농업구조개혁과 협동조합의 계약영농: 중부베트남의 농촌을 사례로)

  • Duong, Thi Thu Ha;Kim, Doo-Chul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2022
  • The Vietnamese government has proposed contract farming through a new type of cooperative as an institutional innovation which aims to restructure the agricultural sector. However, policy changes often impact farmers, who bear the primary effects of the transition process. Understanding households' strategies for land use and livelihood is crucial for policymaking in the agricultural development field. This study was conducted in the rural Binh Dao commune in Central Vietnam. We analyzed household members' labor force changes and their livelihood behaviors after their participation in a contract farming scheme using qualitative analysis methods combined with geographic information system (GIS) support, based on secondary data and in-depth interviews of 190 farmers. Simultaneously, we created a digital map of the cooperative's production area to investigate changes in land use and production activities. The findings show that contract farming shaped the vertical coordination of the value chain from the farmers to the cooperative and agricultural product trading companies. Subsequently, it encouraged land use and labor efficiency due to mechanical support. In addition, it also increased productivity and protected farmers from market risks. However, despite its positive effects on agricultural productivity in this case, the contract farming scheme could not achieve the restructuring of the rural labor force toward non-agricultural sectors. Ironically, farmers in the Binh Dao commune tended to increase cultivable land during the agricultural restructuring program, rather than switching their labor forces to non-agricultural sectors. The lack of stable non-farming job opportunities in rural Vietnam results in challenges to the efficiency of agricultural restructuring programs. Consequently, farmers in the Binh Dao commune are still smallholder farmers, depending on the family labor force.

Characteristics of Spectra of Daily Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Composites in the Seas around the Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변해역 일별 위성 해수면온도 합성장 스펙트럼 특성)

  • Woo, Hye-Jin;Park, Kyung-Ae;Lee, Joon-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.632-645
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    • 2021
  • Satellite sea surface temperature (SST) composites provide important data for numerical forecasting models and for research on global warming and climate change. In this study, six types of representative SST composite database were collected from 2007 to 2018 and the characteristics of spatial structures of SSTs were analyzed in seas around the Korean Peninsula. The SST composite data were compared with time series of in-situ measurements from ocean meteorological buoys of the Korea Meteorological Administration by analyzing the maximum value of the errors and its occurrence time at each buoy station. High differences between the SST data and in-situ measurements were detected in the western coastal stations, in particular Deokjeokdo and Chilbaldo, with a dominant annual or semi-annual cycle. In Pohang buoy, a high SST difference was observed in the summer of 2013, when cold water appeared in the surface layer due to strong upwelling. As a result of spectrum analysis of the time series SST data, daily satellite SSTs showed similar spectral energy from in-situ measurements at periods longer than one month approximately. On the other hand, the difference of spectral energy between the satellite SSTs and in-situ temperature tended to magnify as the temporal frequency increased. This suggests a possibility that satellite SST composite data may not adequately express the temporal variability of SST in the near-coastal area. The fronts from satellite SST images revealed the differences among the SST databases in terms of spatial structure and magnitude of the oceanic fronts. The spatial scale expressed by the SST composite field was investigated through spatial spectral analysis. As a result, the high-resolution SST composite images expressed the spatial structures of mesoscale ocean phenomena better than other low-resolution SST images. Therefore, in order to express the actual mesoscale ocean phenomenon in more detail, it is necessary to develop more advanced techniques for producing the SST composites.

Analysis on Seismic Resistance Capacity of Hollow Concrete Block Reinforced Foundation Ground by Using Shaking Table Test (진동대 시험을 이용한 중공블록 보강 기초의 내진성능분석)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Lee, Yeun-Jeung;Yang, Tae Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2021
  • The seventy percentage of Korean Peninsular is covered by the mountainous area, and the depth of west sea and south sea is relatively shallow. Therefore, a large scale land reclamation from the sea has been implemented for the construction of industrial complex, residental area, and port and airport facilities. The common problem of reclaimed land is consisted of soft ground, and hence it has low load bearing capacity as well as excessive settlement upon loading on the ground surface. The hollow concrete block has been used to reinforce the loose and soft foundation soil where the medium-high apartment or one-story industrial building is being planned to be built. Recently the earthquakes with the magnitude of 4.0~5.0 have been occurred in the west coastal and southeast coastal areas. Lee (2019) reported the advantages of hollow concrete block reinforced shallow foundation through the static laboratory bearing capacity tests. In this study, the dynamic behavior of hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground with filling the crushed stone in the hollow space has been investigated by the means of shaking table test with the size of shaking table 1000 mm × 1000 mm. Three types of seismic wave, that is, Ofunato, Hachinohe, Artificial, and two different accelerations (0.154 g, 0.22 g) were applied in the shaking table tests. The horizontal displacement of structure which is situated right above the hollow concrete block reinforced ground was measured by using the LVDT. The relative density of soil ground are varied with 45%, 65%, and 85%, respectively, to investigate the effectiveness of reinforcement by hollow block and measured the magnitude of lateral movement, and compared with the limit value of 0.015h (Building Earthquake Code, 2019). Based on the results of shaking table test for hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground, honeycell type hollow block gives a large interlocking force due to the filling of crushed stone in the hollow space as well as a great interface friction force by the confining pressure and punching resistance along the inside and outside of hollow concrete block. All these factors are contributed to reduce the great amount of horizontal displacement during the shaking table test. Finally, hollow concrete block reinforced sandy ground for shallow foundation is provided an outstanding reinforced method for medium-high building irrespective of seismic wave and moderate accelerations.

The Modern Significance of Taoist Ecological Ideas as Reflected in Taoist Architecture (도교 생태사상이 반영된 도교 건축의 현대적 의의)

  • Shin, Jin-sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.35
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    • pp.359-392
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we examined the development of Chinese Taoist architecture, its cultural implications, and comprehensively summarized the core principles of the Taoist ecological ideas that are reflected in Taoist architecture. This is a groundwork for exploring an ideological model for sustainable ecological architecture in modern cities. Taoist architecture has a long history that has led to changes, developments, and a gradual maturation. Zhi (治), Lu (廬), and Jing (靖), were the first architectural forms of the early Taoist body. These formed the basis for the future development of Taoist Courts (宮觀). The state-sponsored government-run Taoist Courts established from the time of the North and South Dynasties to the time of Tang Dynasty led to a constant standardization of the rites, and these Courts gradually became more and more formalized. Since the establishment of Quanzhenjiao (全眞敎) in the early 12th century, a movement that emphasized putiy training, architecture for the ascetic practice emerged in remote natural spaces suitable for strict ascetic practices. Meanwhile, in Taoist architecture, the type and structure of buildings were strengthened in order to worship various gods. The various Taoist Courts established through this historical process embody the elements, institutions, and ecological ideas of Taoist culture. Taoist architecture basically pursued the idealism of Paradise in a Deep Cave (洞天福地) and adopted a feng-shui theory of using natural terrain artfully in selecting a place and building a layout. This was reflected through their ecology. Meanwhile, Taoist architecture does not destroy the balance of nature by emphasizing the utilization of local natural resources whenever possible while selecting building materials according to the principles of yinyang and the five movements (陰陽五行). In addition, Taoism aims to select simple places for practising asceticism and ancestral rituals whenever possible because of the need to maintain a simple mind, suppress desire, and return to a state of purity. This attitude is an indication of a kind of simple ecological ideas and value of frugality easily found in Taoism. The ecological ideas of Taoism provide abundant resources for considering solutions to the ecological crisis that arises in the creation of residential environments. Through the ecological ideas of Taoism, we can find a direction to understand the relationship between human beings and nature while creating new, sustainable residential environments.

A Deconstructive Understanding the Concept of Haewon in Daesoon Truth: From the Perspective of Derrida's Deconstruction Theory (대순진리의 해원(解冤)사상에 대한 해체(解體)론적 이해 -자크 데리다(Jacques Derrida)의 해체론을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dae-hyeon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.39
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    • pp.69-97
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    • 2021
  • 'Déconstruction' is a system of thought that induces the emergent property that characterizes contemporary philosophy. The tradition of ancient Greek philosophy evolved over and over again, giving rise to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. It seemed to have reached its end under the historical perspective of modernity. However, contemporary philosophy wanted to see more possibilities through the deconstruction of modern philosophy. If modern philosophy dreams of a strange cohabitation between God and man with the humanistic completion of Plato's philosophy, modern philosophy rejects even that through deconstruction. Although Plato's classical metaphysics is a stable system centered around the absolute, it is ultimately based on God and religion. Under that system, human autonomy is only the autonomy bestowed by God. Contemporary philosophy is one of the results of efforts that try to begin philosophy from the original human voice through deconstruction. Instead of epistemology dependent on metaphysics, they wanted to establish epistemology from human existence and realize the best good that would set humans free through deconstruction. As such, it is no mistake to say that deconstruction is also an extension of the modern topic of human freedom. Deconstruction and human freedom act as one body in that the two cannot be separated from each other. Oddly enough, Daesoon Thought, which seems to have religious faith and traditional conservatism as main characteristics, has an emergent property that encompasses modern and contemporary times. The period of Korea, when Kang Jeungsan was active and founded Daesoon Thought, has an important meaning for those who have a keen view of history. Such individuals likely think that they have found a valuable treasure. This is because that period was a time when ideological activities were conducted due to an intense desire to discover the meaning of human freedom and envision a new world without copying the ways of the West. Instead they looked to face internal problems and raise people's awareness through subjectivity. In other words, the subtle ideas created by Korea's self-sustaining liberalism often take the form of what is commonly called new religions in modern times. Among these new religions, Daesoon Thought, as a Chamdonghak (true Eastern Learning), aims to spread a particular modern value beyond modern times through the concept of Haewon (the resolution of grievances) that was proclaimed by Jeungsan. The Haewon espoused in Daesoon Thought is in line with the disbandment of modern philosophy in that it contains modernity beyond modern times. First, Haewon means to resolve the fundamental resentment of human existence, which arose from Danju's grievance. Secondly, Haewon in Daesoon Thought encompasses the Haewon of the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity centers on a Haewon-esque style of existence called Injon (Human Nobility). Haewon in Daesoon Thought can be understood in the same context as Derrida's philosophy of Deconstruction. Modern deconstruction attempts to expose the invisible structures and bonds within human society and attempt to destroy them. In a similar way, Haewon endeavors to resolve the conflicts among the Three Realms by releasing the bonds of fundamental oppression that hinder the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.