• Title/Summary/Keyword: joint decision making

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A Study of The ROK's Defense Exporting Strategies (한국의 방산수출 전략 연구)

  • Lee, Pil-Jung
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.9
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    • pp.141-190
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    • 2011
  • Defense industry as 'a new dynamics of economic growth' policy implies driving policy of defense products' export. The purpose of this study is to suggest suitable strategies to meet with such policy in terms of region and individual nation. The strategies towards advanced region are joint sale strategy for the third countries, extension strategy of trade-off and development strategy of products to exploit niche markets. The strategies towards non-advanced regions are package strategy including exchange of economic development know-how, strengthening strategy of relationships to leading groups in national decision-making processes, exploit strategy of sales market through transfer discard and surplus equipments to other nations, government to government sale strategy towards countries holding low leveled equipment maintaining and management abilities. Finally, successive strategies require leaders' will, active sales diplomacy and active international cooperations of defense industry.

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A Study on the characteristics of furniture structure with modular elements (모듈요소(modular elements)와 가구의 구조적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Joh Nam-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2003
  • Today's aesthetics and design orientations seem to be: flexibility, mobility, multi-functionality required front user's new needs. Our spaces have changed increasingly contain the needs of constant mobility and ability to adapt to a wide variety of situations. For efficient use, a modular system in furnishing can manage the spaces with components which are easy to assemble and disassemble. The function comes from spacial technological structure that is an 'union' formed by units to joint each other. The repeated module is tailored to unchanging environmental conditions. On the other hand, the structure defined by change reacts flexibility to a dynamic environment. In decision-making, it is flexible and able to adapt. Their ability to be positioned freely anywhere in the room allows individual tasks to be carried out by different people, and their almost endless variety of uses create distinctive spaces for living.

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Introduction of Asset Management System for Road Facilities (도로시설물의 자산관리시스템 도입 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Je-Won;Yoo, In-Kyoon
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.325-328
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    • 2008
  • After insufficient road facilities are expanded, it is more important to maintain performance of road facilities the time according to passing. When the road facilities are maintained optimally through proper maintenance, the total amount of investment can be minimized and national competitiveness is improved. Individual maintenance research of road facilities such as PMS or BMS was in progress until currently, but it is difficult to joint ownership and share information between systems, and it is impossible to use as the decision-making. Therefore, Asset Management System for road facilities is enforced to solve the inefficiency of existing systems, maintenance the road facilities systematically under the limited budget and get the maximum benefits against the cost from the view point of long-term. In this paper, the concept of Asset Management System explained, and research plan from KICT in order to introduce the Asset Management System of road facilities from 2008 hereafter for 5 years accounted.

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New protocol for simplified reduction and fixation of subcondylar fractures of the mandible: a technical note

  • Kamat, Saurabh Mohandas;Dhupar, Vikas;Akkara, Francis
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.403-406
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    • 2021
  • The dilemma regarding the management of condylar fractures generally revolves around the surgical approach, implant design, and the surgeon's experience. Zide and Kent's guidelines streamlined the decision making process for condylar fractures. However, there exists no standardized protocol for reduction and fixation of condylar fractures. Here, we have described a detailed and stepwise protocol, common to any surgical approach, that would lead to predictable, reproducible, and repeatable results in every surgeon's hands.

Locality Aware Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Model for Smart Environments (장소인식멀티센서스마트 환경을위한 데이터 퓨전 모델)

  • Nawaz, Waqas;Fahim, Muhammad;Lee, Sung-Young;Lee, Young-Koo
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2011
  • In the area of data fusion, dealing with heterogeneous data sources, numerous models have been proposed in last three decades to facilitate different application domains i.e. Department of Defense (DoD), monitoring of complex machinery, medical diagnosis and smart buildings. All of these models shared the theme of multiple levels processing to get more reliable and accurate information. In this paper, we consider five most widely acceptable fusion models (Intelligence Cycle, Joint Directors of Laboratories, Boyd control, Waterfall, Omnibus) applied to different areas for data fusion. When they are exposed to a real scenario, where large dataset from heterogeneous sources is utilize for object monitoring, then it may leads us to non-efficient and unreliable information for decision making. The proposed variation works better in terms of time and accuracy due to prior data diminution.

Suggested Strategies for Observational Gait Analysis Using a Mnemonic Device for Patients with Stroke (연상법을 이용한 뇌졸중 환자의 관찰적 보행 분석 전략 제안)

  • Young-Keun Woo
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study suggests observational gait analysis (OGA) strategies for therapists with limited experience in clinics in evaluating patients with stroke during walking. Methods: The proposed model was the mnemonic STEP APP, whose initials refer to the process of OGA for clinical reasoning and decision-making by identifying problems during walking in patients with stroke. Results: STEP APP stands for step (S), tibia (T), events (E), phases (P), ankle (A), problems (P), and priority (P). It serves as a procedural guide for OGA in patients with stroke walking on the ground. Conclusion: This review suggests a simple evaluation of gait using OGA that can be used by therapists who have less experience and difficulty in evaluating patients with stroke during walking. However, it is important to consider the front and back views of motion as well as motion in the transverse plane in order to analyze problems accurately. Furthermore, small joint problems, such as those in the foot, should be considered when evaluating patients with stroke during walking.

Analysis of the Success Factors of Open Innovation fromthe Perspective of Cooperative Game Theory: Focusing on the Case of Collaboration Between Korean Large Company 'G' and Startup 'S' (협조적 게임이론 관점에서 본 대기업-스타트업 개방형 혁신 성공 요인 분석: 대기업 'G사'와 스타트업 'S사'의 협업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jinyoung Kim;Jaehong Park;Youngwoo Sohn
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2024
  • Based on the case of collaboration between large companies and startups, this study suggests the importance of establishing mutual cooperation and trust relationships for the success of open innovation strategy from the perspective of cooperative game theory. It also provides implications for how this can be implemented. Due to information asymmetry and differences in organizational culture and decision-making structures between large companies and startups, collaboration is likely to proceed in the form of non-cooperative games among players in general open innovation, leading to the paradox of open innovation, which lowers the degree of innovation. Accordingly, this study conducted a case study on collaboration between large company 'G' and startup 'S' based on the research question "How did we successfully promote open innovation through cooperative game-type collaboration?" The study found that successful open innovation requires (1) setting clear collaboration goals to solve the organizational problem between large companies and startups, (2) supporting human resources for qualitative growth of startups to solve reliability problems, (3) leading to strategic investment and joint promotion of new projects to solve the profit distribution problem. This study is significant in that it contributes to expanding the discussion of the success factors of open innovation to the importance of interaction and strategic judgment considering the organizational culture and decision-making structure among players, and empirically confirming the success conditions of open innovation from the perspective of cooperative game theory.

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Usefulness and Limitation of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Septic Arthritis of the Elbow in a Neonate (신생아 주관절 화농성 관절염의 초음파 이용의 제한: 증례 보고)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Jeon, Woo-Joo;Jeong, Woong-Kyo;Lee, Soon-Hyuck
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.112-117
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    • 2012
  • Septic arthritis of the elbow is a rare, but serious disorder in neonates. However, neonates often present with few systemic signs other than irritability or poor feeding. When the clinical findings are minimal or absent, joint aspiration gives us helpful information in making a diagnosis. Although many clinicians rely on its result, we experienced a case of early clotted joint effusion, which resulted negative joint aspiration in a neonate with septic elbow arthritis. Ultrasonography helped us to make an early decision to perform surgical intervention as showing different echogenicity of intracapsular portion from generally presented in septic effusion. Presenting case shows that ultrasonography can be an excellent second step examination of neonatal elbow presenting atypical clinical findings of septic arthritis.

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How Does Communication Structure Influence Team Performance in Complex Tasks (커뮤니케이션 구조가 팀 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • TANG, WEI;Jeon, Sang-Gil;Choo, Shi-Gak
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2016
  • This is an experimental study which is designed to identify the joint relationship between communication density and centrality as independent factors to team performance, discovering how they would jointly affect work team performance. Specially different from existing studies, separating team performance into team efficiency and team effectiveness, we identified differential influences to the two independent factors. Findings suggest a competing relationship between communication density and centrality. A framework was proposed to help managers understand the joint effect of density and centrality on performance. Work team has high communication density and low centrality is "Innovating", which is likely to have a great extent of ideas, knowledge and information sharing, and reach high effectiveness. Team with high centrality and low density is characterized as "centralized". Such communication structure may reduce diversity of perspectives and accelerate team decision making. When both density and centrality are low, the team is "Autonomous". To increase external validity, other factors such as leadership, organizational climate influencing on team performance should be reflected in the future research.

A Parametric Study for Jointed Rock Slope Using FEM (절리 암반사면에서의 인자효과에 의한 유한요소 해석의 타당성 검토)

  • Lee, Jin-A;Chung, Chang-Hee;Chun, Byung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2007
  • Though the stability analysis of soil slopes widely employs the limit equilibrium method, the study on the jointed rock slopes must consider the direction of joint and the characteristics of Joint at the same time. This study analyzes the result of the change in the factors which show the characteristics of discontinuity and the shape factor of rock slopes, and so on, in an attempt to validate the propriety as to the interpretation of jointed rock slope stability which uses the general finite element program. First, the difference depending on the flow rules was compared, and the factor effect study was conducted. The selected independent variables included the direction of joint which displays the mechanical characteristics of discontinuity, adhesive cohesion, friction angle, the inclination and height of rock slope which reveal the shape of slope and surcharge load. And the horizontal displacement was numerically interpreted at the 1/3 point below the slope, a dependent variable, to compare the relative degree of factor effects. The findings of study on factor effects led to the validation that the result of horizontal displacement for each factor satisfied various engineering characteristics, making it possible to be applied to stability interpretation of jointed rock slope. A modelling is possible, which considers the application of the result of real geotechnical surveys & laboratory studies and the non-linear characteristics when designing the rock slope. In addition, the stress change which may result from the natural disaster, such as precipitation, and the construction, can be expressed. Furthermore, as the complicated rock condition and the ground supporting effect can be considered through FEM, it is considered to be very useful in making an engineering decision on the cut-slope, reinforcement and so on.