• Title/Summary/Keyword: job evaluation

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An Analysis on the Relative Importance Evaluation of SMEs·Venture Technology Commercialization Problems Using AHP (중소·벤처기업의 기술사업화 애로요인에 대한 상대적 중요도 분석)

  • Roh, Doo-Hwan;Jeong, Young-Keun;Park, Ho-Young
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, small and medium sized domestic enterprises(SMEs) play an pivotal role in the national economy, accounting for 99.9% of all enterprises, 87.5% of total employment, and 47.6% of production. and SMEs was driving a real force of the development of national economy in many respects such as job creation, innovation, balanced regional development, industrial diversity. The government has strengthened a variety of policy support to support SMEs. However, due to the mismatch between the difficulties of SMEs and benefits of government's policy, the policy implementation has not come out effectively. In order to effectively support SMEs, government must be a priority to know about the factors that experiencing difficulties in the technology commercialization process. The purpose of this study is thus to identify the major evaluation criteria through 3 level AHP analysis. First, 12 Critical elements are extracted from previous studies and professional interview and these elements are tied into 3 factors; technological factor, inner-organizational factor and Outer-organizational factor. The results of AHP analysis show that inner-organizational factor is more important and 'Market environment' in the inner-organizational factor is the most important element. The results of this research will be useful for public R&D institutions policy makers when establishing technology commercialization support policies and strategic planning of small and medium sized domestic enterprises.

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Development of a Hospital Service-based Costing System and Its Application (병원서비스별 원가분석모형의 개발과 적용)

  • 박하영
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.35-69
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    • 1995
  • The managerial environment of hospitals in Korea characterized by low levels of medical insurance fees is worsening by increasing government regulations as to the utilization of medical services, rising costs of labor, material, and medical equipments, growing patient expectations concerning the quality of services, and escalating competitions among large hospitals in the market. Hospitals should seek for their survival strategies in this harsh environment and they should have information about costs of their products in doing so. However, it has not been available due to the complexity of the production process of hospital services. The objectives of this study were to develop a service-based cost accounting model and to apply the developed model to a study hospital to obtain cost information of hospital services. A model commonly used for the job-order product cost accounting in the manufacturing industry was modified for the use in hospitals in Korea. Actual costs, instead of standard costs, incurred to produce a unit of services during a given period of time were estimated in the model. Data required to implement the model included financial information, statistics for the allocation of supportive cost center costs to final cost centers, statistics for the allocation of final cost center costs to services, and the volume of each services charged to patients during a study period. The model was executed using data of a university teaching hospital located in Seoul for the fiscal year 1992. Data for financial information, allocation statistics fo supportive service costs, and the volume of services, most of them in electronic form, were available to the study. Data for allocation statistics of final cost center costs were collected in the study. There were 15 types of evaluation and management service, 2, 923 types of technical service, and 2, 608 types of drug and material service charged to patients in the study hospital during the fiscal year 1992. Labor costs of each of seven types of pesonnel, material costs of 611 types of drugs and materials, and depreciation costs of 212 types of medical equipments, miscellaneous costs, and indirect costs incurred in producing a unit of each services were estimated. Medical insurance fees for basic services such as evaluation and management of inpatients and outpatients, injection, and filling prescriptions, and for operating procedures were found to be set lower than costs. Infrequent services which use expensive medical equipments showed negative revenuse as well. On the other hand, fees for services not covered by the insurance such as CT, MRI and Sonogram, and for laboratory tests were higher than costs. This study has a significance in making it possible for a hospital to obtain cost information for all types of services which produced income based on all types of expenses incurred during a given period of time. This information can assist the management of a hospital in finding an effective cost reduction strategy, an efficient service-mix strategy under a given fee structure, and an optimum strategy for within-hospital resource allocations.

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Effect of Multifaceted Intervention Program on Multi-Dimensional Psychologic Condition, Empowerment, Work Readiness, and Functional Capacity in Industrially Injured Workers (다면재활프로그램이 산업재해근로자의 다차원 심리상태, 역량강화, 직업복귀준비 및 작업능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Noh, Dong-hee;Song, Moon-Hee;Jo, Eun-Ju;Kang, Seong-Gu;Kim, Kyoung-Hwa;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effects of a multifaceted intervention program on the psychological condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity for job performance of industrially injured workers. Twelve injured workers in C hospital were included in this study. The subjects participated in a social rehabilitation program 2 hours a day, twice a week, for 8 weeks in total, as well as a work hardening program 3 to 4 hours a day, 5 times a week, for 8 weeks in total. The study was conducted from March to September, 2017. A multi-dimensional psychological examination, empowerment scale, work readiness interview and functional capacity evaluation were conducted and the test scores compared before and after the program with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In the multi-dimensional psychological examination, there were significant differences in the levels of anxiety, depression, lack of social support, and somatization symptoms (p<.05) except anger. The participants also showed significant differences in the empowerment scale, work readiness scale, and functional capacity evaluation. This study suggests that a multifaceted intervention program can be effective in improving the psychologic condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity of industrially injured workers and, in turn, may improve their rate of returning to work.

Evaluation of Postural Load during Liquid Weight Measurement Process Using Ratio of Exposure Time

  • Lee, Sung-Koon;Park, Peom
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.445-453
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this paper was to prove that if the risk level in combined tasks was improved through evaluation of postural load of liquid weight measurement process, the workload level and ratio of exposure time would be changed, and the time of process would be seen concurrently. Background: According to results of epidemiological studies conducted by Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency, 122 musculoskeletal disorders occurred during 1992 to 2008, in which manufacturing industry covers 96(78.7%) of total. However, this is an insufficient level and only occupies 39% based on the South Korea's manufacturing standard industrial classification(246 industries). Method: Firstly, the number of batches weighed on one day(460min) was investigated based on the work performed and Weight measured weekly. VCR recording was taken based on the level of liquid ingredients prescribed for 1batch using the Camcorder. After dividing a 356 sec video into 1 sec using the screen capture function in Gom player, the job classification was performed by analyzing the change of working postures, which revealed 148 working postures. Time measurement was decided by time of the postures was being maintained. Then, the REBA analysis was performed for the working postures. The ratio of Exposure time was calculated based on the measurement time and REBA Score. In addition, the recommendations were designed and implementation was carried out for the working postures with REBA Score higher than 3. Finally, after the intervention, REBA measurement, time measurement, and ratio of exposure time were calculated for the comparison of works before and after improvement. Results: The number of work elements was decreased by 30.4% from 148 to 103 after improvement. The results of time measurement showed that the time was reduced by 46.3% from 356 sec to 191 sec. And the ratio of exposure time was also improved by 52.1% from 0% to 52.1% after improvement. Conclusion: The reduction of time was found to improve the productivity of management. Furthermore, because the reduction of ratio of exposure time and the improvement of workload level are the improvement of discomfort, it would contribute to the improvement of the worker's psychological working posture. Application: These results would contribute to musculoskeletal disease prevention and management performance. Further studies for other industries would be needed based on this case study.

Nutritional Evaluation, Stability of Cereals and Sanitation Status of Processing Utensils and Environments Based on Hygiene Education (위생교육에 따른 선식 제조기구와 작업장의 위생상태변화 및 일부 선식제품의 안정성과 영양적 평가)

  • 김은미;김현숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.833-843
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of hygiene education on the microbiological changes of processing utensils and the environmental in the manufacture of cereals and to evaluate the Cd, Pb contents and nutrient compositions of 11 cereals. The result of microbiological evaluation was that fungi, coliforms and staphylococcus species were detected in employees, on equipment, utensils and environments in the first inspection. Fungi were detected in most of the cereals, staphylococcus species were detected in soybeans, perilla seeds and sea tangle How, and bacillus cereus was detected in sorghum and black sesame seeds. The water content of rice, barley, glutinous rice, brown rice and carrot flour in packaged products, and in carrot flour, angelica keiskei, carrot, sea mustard and potato in bulk products was in excess of 8.0%. The Pb content of cereals was 0.14-0.51 mg/kg and Cd was not found. The acid value of Job s tears flour and black sesame seed flour was higher than 5.0 mg/g oil. Cereals were manufactured from 41 different cereals and grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, vegetables, potatoes, seaweeds, fruits, glucose and salt. The average content of cereals and grains, legumes, and seeds and nuts in cereals was 75.75%, 16.19% and 4.93%, respectively. The mean nutrient content per 100 g of cereals was calories 365.8kcal, protein 13.3 g, fats 5.9 g, carbohydrates 63.4 g, Ca 91.8 mg, p 269.9 mg, Fe 3.15 mg, Na 76.2 g, K 421.8 mg, Zn 2.33 mg, Vit. A 12.5 R.E., Vit. B$_1$0.23 mg, Vit. $B_2$ 0.16 mg, Vit. $B_6$ 0.46 mg, Niacin 3.5 mg, Vit. C 1.36 mg, folic acid 62.3 $\mu$g and Vit. E 1.24 mg. When nutrients value of 48 g of cereals and 200 $m\ell$l of milk was compared to 1/3 of the RDA, the values were below than 60% of 1/3 of the RDA except Na, K, Vitamin $B_1$ and C contents. The average carbohydrate : protein : fat ratio of energy intake was 54.27 : 17.45 : 28.28, respectively. Therefore, a training program consisting of the education of the staff in surveillance and standard operating procedures, the elimination of dangerous procedures, sanitation checklist, the implementation of Preparation methods and standard recipes for cereals is required.

Development and Evaluation of Quality Assurance Worksheet for the Radiation Treatment Planning System (방사선치료계획 시스템의 정도관리 절차서 개발 및 유용성 평가)

  • Cho Kwang Hwan;Choi Jinho;Shin Dong Oh;Kwon Soo Il;Choi Doo Ho;Kim Yong Ho;Lee Sang Hoon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 2004
  • The periodic Quality Assurance (QA) of each radiation treatment related equipments is important one, but quality assurance of the radiation treatment planning system (RTPS) is still not sufficient rather than other related equipments in clinics. Therefore, this study will present and test the periodic QA program to compare, evaluation the efficiency of the treatment planning systems. This QA program is divided to terms for the input, output devices and dosimetric data and categorized to the weekly, monthly, yearly and non-periodically with respect to the job time, frequency of error, priority of importance. CT images of the water equivalent solid phantom with a heterogeneity condition are input into the RTPS to proceed the test. The actual measurement data are obtained by using the ion chamber for the 6 MV, 10 MV photon beam, then compared a calculation data with a measurement data to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS. Most of results for the accuracy of geometry and beam data are agreed within the error criteria which is recommended from the various advanced country and related societies. This result can be applied to the periodic QA program to improve the treatment outcome as a proper model in Korea and used to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS.

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Development of a Linking Model between Community Resourses and Industrial Injury Insurance Organs for the Activation of Medical Rehabilitation Services for Industrial Injury Patients (산재환자의 의료재활서비스 활성화를 위한 산재보험시설과 민간시설간의 연계모형 개발)

  • Kim, Hee-Girl
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.56-70
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop a linking model between industrial injury insurance organs and local organizations providing social welfare health services, for the activation of medical rehabilitation services for industrial injury patients. Method: Research design for this study was a multi-step research through literature review, field research, and group interviews with persons in charge, to compare local society-oriented medical rehabilitation programs. The term of researches Sep.1 ~ Nov. 30, 2004. Results: 1. Home nurses from Workers Accident Medical Corporation have been taken to be adequate to case managers, who link industrial accident insurance institutions to local society services for the activation of medical rehabilitation services for industrial injury patients. They have been chosen for case managers because they have richer understanding and experiences of objects of industrial accidents than any other specialists, and because they have proved to be able to provide direct home services as a specialist. We have established the center for case management affairs within the workers accident general hospital, organized the committee for case management with doctors in charge, doctors in rehabilitation, rehabilitation consultants, social welfare workers, physical therapists, and nurses, determined objects of case managements from those of long-term recuperation, and constructed a course of case management containing from case management plans to evaluation. 2. We have made files of community resources, and organized the council of industrial accident administration to have it in charge of the adjustment and linking of services in case management affairs. 3. Because there are inequality of community resources between areas, differences in experiences in and bases for linking, and disparity of core organizations with active linking in the system of linking between public and civil sectors, we have taken a system of linking between parallel organs to be the core. In our linking model, workers accident general hospital, hospitals designated for industrial injury, and rehabilitation hospitals are linked in parallel, inadequate long-term recuperation managers are trusted to an workers accident medical corporations through examination by the examination committee in Korea Labor Welfare Corporation, and are dealt with by the committee for case management. Of the hospitals designated for industrial accidents, those running a home caring center provide home caring services for the handicapped at home from industrial injury. 4. Workers Accident Medical Corporation take part in medical rehabilitation, and Korea Labor Welfare Corporation in vocational/social rehabilitation. Furthermore, in the model, the latter should construct a system for job opportunities through Internet portals and provide cyber vocational consultation and introduction. Conclusion: Improvement of systems is needed to apply the linking model to practical affairs. Because this model is centered for practical affairs, it should be put under the analysis of effects, and evaluation of its adequacy to practical application, and its effects and efficiency through experimental running in the 8 workers accident general hospital in Korea.

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A Study on the Influences of Technology Sectors Educational Programs Using National Competency Standards on Education Results (국가직업능력표준을 활용한 기술분야 교육과정이 교육성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Bong-Ki;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5420-5429
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    • 2011
  • The study objectively examined the effects on education results from the educational programs developed by adopting competency units of NCS(National Competency Standards)' technology sectors. The objects of the study are divided to learners and instructors. The learners were set bounds to vocational college students to take a degree and incumbent company workers. Research materials had been collected from April of 2010 to June of 2011. We use test papers and structured questionnaire for studying. And we analyzed by SPSS/WIN 17.0. we examined that student's got 1.4 point out of 3 points in their self-test paper before taking classes, below average grades in understanding contents of learning. And as frequency analysis on the after taking classes performance evaluation 62.48% of them answered they can perform their duties in better ways. On average, the company workers got 1.4 point out 3 point before taking classes. And as frequency of analysis on the performance evaluation 85.45% of them answered the can perform their duties in better ways. After instructors took classes on NCS, they gave highly 5.58 out of 7 poins about learners' job competence. On the whole, the educational programs using NCS had positive effects on education results.

Relationship between Quality of Life and Industrial Workers' Oral Health Evaluation (산업근로자의 구강건강평가 및 삶의 질과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Park, Chun-Man;Lee, Jong-Youl
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.295-309
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted among 831 industrial workers in Gumi City in Gyung-Sang-Buk Do for the purpose of acquiring knowledge to improve quality of life though industrial workers' oral health promotion. Oral examination and questionnaire surveying were used to evaluate workers' oral health state and subjective health state and analyze their effect on quality of life. 1. The number of workers in the study were 831 in all; there were more males who accounted for 74.6%. 43.7% of the subject were 29 years old, accounting for the largest age group. Their academic backgrounds are 53.6% workers who graduated from high schools or lower educational institutions, and 46.4% workers who graduated from college or higher educational institutions. 80.7% of the subjects replied that their economic state belonged to the middle class. Their job classification indicates that 70.2% were working in production and engineering fields and that the seniority of 55.3% workers was less than 55.3%. 2. The result of evaluating the effects of oral health state on individual well-being and quality of life using OHIP indicates that younger people, singles(p<0.01) than the married, those in worse economic situation and those with shorter seniority(p<0.01) had higher effect of oral health state on quality of life. In addition, those whose health or oral health was not good (p<0.01), those with liked tough texture of food and snacks(p<0.05), those with more frequency of drinking(p<0.01) and those with more smoking tended to have higher effect of oral health state on daily life or quality of life. Besides, OHIP confirmed that oral health state is a measurement tool that can evaluate its effect on individual well-being and quality of life. The suggestion for future studies is to develop Korean style OHIP that can be used conveniently and efficiently by expanding the subject area up to the whole country and validating the samples gained from random sampling.

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A Comparative Analysis of Exposure Doses between the Radiation Workers in Dental and General Hospital (일반병원과 치과병원과의 방사선 관계종사자 피폭선량 비교분석)

  • Yang, Nam-Hee;Chung, Woon-Kwan;Dong, Kyung-Rae;Choi, Eun-Jin;Ju, Yong-Jin;Song, Ha-jin
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2015
  • Research and investigation is required for the exposure dose of radiation workers to work in the dental hospital as increasing interest in exposure dose of the dental hospital recently accordingly, study aim to minimize radiation exposure by making a follow-up study of individual exposure doses of radiation workers, analyzing the status on individual radiation exposure management, prediction the radiation disability risk levels by radiation, and alerting the workers to the danger of radiation exposure. Especially given the changes in the dental hospital radiation safety awareness conducted the study in order to minimize radiation exposure. This study performed analyses by a comparison between general and dental hospital, comparing each occupation, with the 116,220 exposure dose data by quarter and year of 5,811 subjects at general and dental hospital across South Korea from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2012. The following are the results obtained by analyzing average values year and quarter. In term of hospital, average doses were significantly higer in general hospitals than detal ones. In terms of job, average doses were higher in radiological technologists the other workes. Especially, they showed statistically significant differences between radiological technologists than dentists. The above-mentioned results indicate that radiation workers were exposed to radiation for the past 5 years to the extent not exceeding the dose limit (maximum $50mSv\;y^{-1}$). The limitation of this study is that radiation workers before 2008 were excluded from the study. Objective evaluation standards did not apply to the work circumstance or condition of each hospital. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to work out analysis criteria that will be used as objective evaluation standard. It will be necessary to study radiation exposure in more precise ways on the basis of objective analysis standard in the furture. Should try to minimize the radiation individual dose of radiation workers.