• Title/Summary/Keyword: job autonomy

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Determinants of Occupational Commitment of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 직업몰입 영향요인 연구)

  • Sim, Su-Hyun;Seo, Young-Joon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.84-102
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the occupational commitment of dental hygienists in Korea. The independent variables contain three groups of work rewards variables which consist of task reward variables (autonomy, job significance, resource adequacy, role conflict, workload, and routinization), social reward variables(supervisory support, co-worker support, and negative affectivity), and organizational reward variables(job security and promotional chances), and eight sociodemographic variables. The sample of this study consisted of 474 dental hygienists who work at general hospitals, university hospitals, dental hospitals and clinics across the nation. Data were collected with self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using hierarchical regression technique. It was found that: (1) job significance have a significant positive effect on the occupational commitment of dental hygienists; (2) role conflict, workload, routinization, and type of work site have significant negative effect on the occupational commitment of dental hygienists; (3) the study model explains 23.7% of the variance in occupational commitment among dental hygienists. The results of the study indicate that managers of dental clinics and hospitals should make efforts to extend the scope and quality of dental hygienists' work through job enlargement and job enrichment.

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A Survey on Professionalism and Job Satisfaction of Korean Veterinarians (한국 임상수의사의 전문직업성 및 직업만족도에 대한 연구)

  • Chun, Myung-Sun;Kim, Jin-Suk;Lee, Mun-Han;Ryu, Pan-Dong
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2012
  • This survey on professionalism and job satisfaction was aimed to analyze the veterinarians' attitude toward their profession and educational needs in Korea. Two hundred and ninety nine completed questionnaires were analyzed for this study. The participants considered nontechnical competences, such as communication skills and ethical decision making skills, important as medical knowledge and skills for veterinarians. There were significant differences in veterinarians' job satisfaction among the subgroups of gender, region, specialty, employment status, and work hours. The factor analysis of adjusted Hall's professionalism scale showed 4 dimensions of Veterinarians' professionalism; belief in self-regulation, belief in public service, using the professional organization as a major referent, and autonomy. Veterinarians' professionalism was significantly related to the job satisfaction. The survey results suggest that the educational program of professionalism should be needed for the professional development of veterinary students and veterinarians.

A Study on the Variables Affecting on the Organizational Effectiveness of Radiological Technologist (방사선사 조직의 조직유효성에 영향을 미치는 변수에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Hwa;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Park, Eun-Tae
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2019
  • Medical institutions are abundant in human resources and have a unique structure with diverse professions and various organizational cultures coexist. This organizational culture influences organizational effectiveness and influences the effectiveness of the organization as a factor of leadership and organizational culture. Leadership is an important factor in linking employee behavior to organizational commitment to achieve job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of organizational effectiveness on organizational culture, leadership perception, and job stress in a special organization called radiologist. As a result, organizational culture and transformational leadership showed high correlation with 0.627. Among the organizational effectiveness variables, organizational commitment showed the highest influence with transformational leadership(${\beta}=0.284$, p<0.001), and job satisfaction was also the highest with transformational leadership (${\beta}=0.440$, p<0.001). The results showed that the expectation of transformational leadership affects organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In order to expect a positive change in the effectiveness of the organization, the radiologist culture requires an organizational culture that can fully demonstrate autonomy and creativity, and transformational leadership is required for this.

A Study on Role Conception and Job Satisfaction of Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 역할지각 및 직무만족에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Chang-Bok;Mun, Heui-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 1996
  • This study was to analyze role conception and job satisfaction of clinical nurses by using questionnaire as designed by Corwin and Paula. For this study questionnaires from 422 nurses working at three university hospitals in Seoul were collected during September 11 to 24, 1995. Statistical analyses were done by the SPSS. The techniques used in this study inclued Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficients, t-test, ANOVA. For the reliability of the questionnaire, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Role conception of the subjects Five Likert scale variables were used to measure role conception including professional aspect, task aspect, and bureaucratic aspect. The variables measured and their means are as follows; Total mean score for role conception was 4.2. Role conception from professional aspect(4.29); task aspect(4.18): bureaucratic aspect(4.09). 2. Job satisfaction of the subjects Five Likert scale variables were used to measure job satisfaction. The variables measured and their means are as follows; Total mean score for job satisfaction was 2.98. Job satisfaction from interaction (3.49): professinal status(3.19): autonomy(3.17): nurse-doctor relationship(2.90): task requirement(2.82): administration(2.32): salary (2.12). 3. The relationship between general characteristics and role conception. There were statistically significant differences in age(F=5.465, p<.000). merrital status(t=-2.70, p<.007), education(F=3.252, p<.022), work department(F=4.186, p<.003), work experience(F=4.457, p<.001), job position(F=8.141, p<.000). 4. The relationship between general characteristics and job satisfaction There were statistically significant difference In education(F=4.043, p<.003), work department(F=4.218, p<.002). job position(F=8.141, p<.000). 5. The correlation between role conception and job satisfaction It showed positive correlation that there was increased role conception, there was increased job satisfaction(r=.3092, p<.001). There were positive correlation in bureaucratic aspect, task aspect, and professional aspect in order.

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Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Quality Improvement Coordinators in General Hospitals (종합병원 질향상 사업 담당자의 직무만족과 조직몰입에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Mi Hyun;Cho, Woohyun;Seo, Yong-Joon;Lee, Sunhee
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.278-294
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    • 1998
  • This study was planned to provide basic data for activating quality improvement by genera hospital with more than 400 beds across the country, of which 65 coordinators answered. Main results of the study are as follows.. 1. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment by individual characteristics were compared. It was revealed that the sense of self-efficacy was related to job satisfaction positively. But job satisfaction and organizational commitment by locus of control showed no significant difference. 2. In terms of the characteristics of QI activities, the active participation of QI coordinators in QI planning process and smooth communication among hospital staffs were showed positive relationship to job satisfaction significantly. 3. Also support system was proposed as most significant variable related to the job satisfaction and the organizational commitment of QI coordinators. Especially support to QI activities by CEO's, seniors, and other hospital staff was a factor to enhance the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of QI coordinators. 4. In the aspect of organizational culture, culture which were tendency to be recognized high autonomy in their work and organizational identity strongly and to operate reasonable compensation system were related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment positively. The more formalized climate, supportive communication, cooperative teamwork and promoting creative/risk take behavior, it showed the higher organizational commitment. 5. For the aspect of QI job characteristics, QI coordinators' job satisfaction was high when QI office was arranged for independent department which was exclusively in charge of QI activities and their role is exclusively in charge of QI. It can be concluded that organizational support in the aspect of relation and finance and efforts of encouraging their motivation and providing on the job training program are need.

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The Social Support and the Job Satisfaction of the Public Health Nurse in Health Centers in Seoul (서울시 보건소 간호사의 사회적 지지도와 직무만족도)

  • Lee, Sang Hee;Kim, Soon-Lae
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2000
  • In order to investigate the social support and the job satisfaction of the public health nurse, questionnaire survey was carried out on 297 nurses who were working in 25 public health centers in Seoul. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Mean score of job satisfaction was the highest in interaction(3.55) followed by-professional position(3.46), relationship between nurses and doctors(3.23), autonomy(2.85), administration(2.60), requirements(2.43) and pay(2.30) in descending order, and total mean score was 2.92. 2. The level of the job satisfaction was significantly higher in group with longer than 20 years' career and 15 years' in Public Health Center, 5th job rank and income more than two million won a month. 3. The mean score of social support was 3.57 out of 5. The social support tended to be higher in direct social support(3.61) than in indirect social support(3.54). 4. Job satisfaction was significantly correlated with social support(r=0.407). 5. The primary factor which influenced the job satisfaction was the social support which had the 25.5% explaining efficacy. The total explaining efficacy which included pay(6.4%) was 31.0%. In conclusion, it was found out that there existed Pearson's correlation between the job satisfaction and the social support of nurses of Public Health Centers in Seoul. Therefore, what is needed to increase the job satisfaction of nurses of public Health Centers is the politic support for the systems of the social support such as nurse's family, the system of Public Health Center, and the working environment. Finally it is important to increase the job satisfaction of nurses of Public Health Centers through the politic support.

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Effect of Finance Public Enterprise Employees' Work rewards on Organizational Effectiveness -Investigation of Moderating Role of Self-efficacy- (노동보상이 금융공기업 종사자의 조직유효성에 미치는 영향 -자아효능감의 조절효과 검증-)

  • Kang, Myoung-Seok;Jeon, In-Oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.495-510
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of work rewards on the organizational effectiveness including mediator role of self-efficacy, and also the work rewards was divided into three categories of task rewards, organizational rewards and social rewards, organizational effectiveness into two categories of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Research findings are follows; First, job diversity and job challenge of task rewards, payment of organizational rewards, superior support of social rewards have a positive influence on organizational commitment. Second, job diversity, job challenge and job autonomy of task rewards, superior support of social rewards have a positive influence on job satisfaction of finance public enterprise employees. Third, tested mediator role of selt-efficacy between work rewards and organizational effectiveness, and found out moderating roles between work rewards and organizational commitment, but its role between organizational rewards and job satisfaction was found only in job stability of organizational rewards. In terms of the results of this study, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed and directions for future research were presented.

A Study on Factors Related to the Job Satisfaction of Dental Hygienists in J Region (J지역 치과위생사의 직무만족 관련요인 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ok;Lim, Chum-Hee;Ju, On-Ju;Kim, Young-Im;Lee, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to examine what affected the job satisfaction of dental hygienists in J local community in a bid to help boost their job performance. The subjects in this study were 156 dental hygienists who worked in north Jeolla province. A survey was conducted from July 24 through September 24, 2006, and the collected data were analyzed with SPSS Ver. 12.0 program. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The dental hygienists investigated got a mean of 2.84 in job satisfaction out of possible five points, which was not a high score. By factor, they were most satisfied with relationship with colleagues(3.21), followed by the future prospects of the occupation(3.10), autonomy(3.07), environments(2.99) and pay(2.55). They found workload most dissatisfactory(2.03). 2. Concerning connections between their general characteristics and job satisfaction, their age had a significant impact on their satisfaction with autonomy(p < 0.001), and their marital status exerted a significant influence on their satisfaction with autonomy(p < 0.001) and pay(p < 0.05). The married dental hygienists were more pleased with those factors than the unmarried ones. Their service area made a significant difference to their satisfaction with the prospects of the occupation and relationship with colleagues(p < 0.001), as those from university hospitals were more contented with those factors. Their educational level affected significantly their satisfaction with autonomy(p < 0.001), workload(p < 0.05) and environments(p < 0.05). The better educated dental hygienists were pleased.

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A study on the relationship of characteristics to job satisfaction among dental hygienists (치과위생사의 특성에 따른 직무만족도에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the job satisfaction of dental hygienists at nine areas including professionalism. autonomy of job performance. backing system. relationship with colleagues. relationship with workers of higher and lower position. relationship with dentists. relationship with supporting departments, relationship with patients and compensation. The subjects in this study were 178 dental hygienists in dental hospitals and clinics. The survey was conducted from December. 2007 to January. 2008. Date were collected by self-administrated questionnaire. A SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. So try to for make basic data analysis recognition of enhance job satisfaction of dental hygienist. The findings of the study were as follows : 1. Regarding the relationship of career to job satisfaction. the dental hygienists who worked for one or two years were most satisfied in terms of professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.84. 2. As for connections between academic credential and job satisfaction. those who graduated from junior colleges expressed the best satisfaction at professionalism. since they got a mean of 3.75. 3. As to link between current service area and job satisfaction. the dental hygienists who worked in the region of Gyeong-nam were most gratified with professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.76. 4. Concerning relations between the type of workplace and job satisfaction. the dental hospital employees were most contented with professionalism. as they got a mean of 3.79. 5. In regard to the number of dental hygienists at current workplace and job satisfaction. those whose workplace hired 20 or 30 dental hygienists expressed the best satisfaction with the relationship with dentists. They got a mean of 3.94.

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The effect influence of job satisfaction on turnover intention in dental hygienists (치과위생사들의 직무만족도가 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Mi Lim;Lee, Hyo Cheol
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of job satisfaction on turnover intention in dental hygienists. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 169 dental hygienists in Gwangju from June 1 to December 31, 2014. Data analysis was performed with t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis using SPSS WIN version 21.0 program. Results: By Likert 5 points scale, mean of job satisfaction was $3.08{\pm}0.35$ points, mean of personal relationship was $3.35{\pm}0.55$ points, and monthly compensation and promotion were $2.91{\pm}0.63$ points and mean of autonomy was $2.79{\pm}0.70$ points. Job satisfaction was the highest in those who were married and over 30 years old. Job satisfaction was highest in those who worked in the general hospitals and had longer career as a dental hygienist. Mean of the turnover intention was $3.31{\pm}0.81$ points. The factors of job satisfaction and turnover intention had the inverse correlation. The influencing factor of turnover intention(${\beta}=-0.327$) were monthly compensation, promotion, job satisfaction(${\beta}=-0.301$), and satisfaction for the location of the job(${\beta}=-0.157$). Conclusions: Turnover intention of dental hygienists is closely related to economic compensation, promotion, working department, and location of the job.