• 제목/요약/키워드: iterative reconstruction algorithm

검색결과 103건 처리시간 0.019초

투과 컴퓨터 단층촬영을 위한 모델 기반 반복연산 재구성에서 투사선 구동 시스템 모델의 성능 비교 (Performance Comparison of Ray-Driven System Models in Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Transmission Computed Tomography)

  • 정지은;이수진
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.142-150
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    • 2014
  • The key to model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) algorithms for transmission computed tomography lies in the ability to accurately model the data formation process from the emitted photons produced in the transmission source to the measured photons at the detector. Therefore, accurately modeling the system matrix that accounts for the data formation process is a prerequisite for MBIR-based algorithms. In this work we compared quantitative performance of the three representative ray-driven methods for calculating the system matrix; the ray-tracing method (RTM), the distance-driven method (DDM), and the strip-area based method (SAM). We implemented the ordered-subsets separable surrogates (OS-SPS) algorithm using the three different models and performed simulation studies using a digital phantom. Our experimental results show that, in spite of the more advanced features in the SAM and DDM, the traditional RTM implemented in the OS-SPS algorithm with an edge-preserving regularizer out-performs the SAM and DDM in restoring complex edges in the underlying object. The performance of the RTM in smooth regions was also comparable to that of the SAM or DDM.

반복복원 기법을 이용한 전자회로기판의 납땜부 형상 복원 (Shape Reconstruction of Solder Joints on PCB using Iterative Reconstruction Technique)

  • 조영빈;권대갑
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents a shape reconstruction method for automatic inspection of the solder joints on PCBs using X-ray. Shape reconstruction from X-ray radiographic image has been very important since X-ray equipment was used for improving the reliability of inspection result. For this purpose there have been lots of previous works using tomography, which reconstructs the correct shape, laminography or tomosynthesis, which are very fast algorithm. Latter two methods show outstanding performance in cross-sectional image reconstruction of lead type component, but they are also known to show some fatal limitations to some kinds of components such as BGA, because of shadow effect. Although conventional tomography does not have any shadow effect, the shape of PCB prohibits it from being applied to shape reconstruction of solder joints on PCB. This paper shows that tomography using Iterative Reconstruction Technique(IRT) can be applied to this difficult problem without any limitations. This makes conventional radiographic instrument used for shape reconstruction without shadow effect. This means that the new method makes cost down and shadow-free shape reconstruction. To verify the effectiveness of IRT, we develop three dimensional model of BGA solder ball, make projection model to obtain X-ray projection data. and perform a simulation study of shape reconstruction. To compare the performance of IRT with that of conventional laminography or tomosynthesis, reconstruction data are reorganized and error analysis between the original model are also performed.

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Non-Iterative Threshold based Recovery Algorithm (NITRA) for Compressively Sensed Images and Videos

  • Poovathy, J. Florence Gnana;Radha, S.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제9권10호
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    • pp.4160-4176
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    • 2015
  • Data compression like image and video compression has come a long way since the introduction of Compressive Sensing (CS) which compresses sparse signals such as images, videos etc. to very few samples i.e. M < N measurements. At the receiver end, a robust and efficient recovery algorithm estimates the original image or video. Many prominent algorithms solve least squares problem (LSP) iteratively in order to reconstruct the signal hence consuming more processing time. In this paper non-iterative threshold based recovery algorithm (NITRA) is proposed for the recovery of images and videos without solving LSP, claiming reduced complexity and better reconstruction quality. The elapsed time for images and videos using NITRA is in ㎲ range which is 100 times less than other existing algorithms. The peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is above 30 dB, structural similarity (SSIM) and structural content (SC) are of 99%.

Block Sparse Signals Recovery Algorithm for Distributed Compressed Sensing Reconstruction

  • Chen, Xingyi;Zhang, Yujie;Qi, Rui
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.410-421
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    • 2019
  • Distributed compressed sensing (DCS) states that we can recover the sparse signals from very few linear measurements. Various studies about DCS have been carried out recently. In many practical applications, there is no prior information except for standard sparsity on signals. The typical example is the sparse signals have block-sparse structures whose non-zero coefficients occurring in clusters, while the cluster pattern is usually unavailable as the prior information. To discuss this issue, a new algorithm, called backtracking-based adaptive orthogonal matching pursuit for block distributed compressed sensing (DCSBBAOMP), is proposed. In contrast to existing block methods which consider the single-channel signal reconstruction, the DCSBBAOMP resorts to the multi-channel signals reconstruction. Moreover, this algorithm is an iterative approach, which consists of forward selection and backward removal stages in each iteration. An advantage of this method is that perfect reconstruction performance can be achieved without prior information on the block-sparsity structure. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the desirable performance of the proposed method.

고급 모델링 반복 재구성법(ADMIRE)이 CT 영상의 화질에 미 치는 영향: 흉부 비조영 CT에서 (The Effect of Advanced Modeling Iterative Reconstruction(ADMIRE) on the Quality of CT Images : Non-contrast CT in Chest)

  • 이상헌;이효영
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2019
  • 흉부 CT스캔에서 공기, 지방, 근육, Background의 HU, 잡음 그리고 신호 대 잡음비의 변화를 측정해 영상 화질에 미치는 지멘스 ADMIRE(Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction)의 영향을 조사했다. 실험 결과에 따르면 ADMIRE Strength가 커질수록 잡음은 감소하고 신호는 증가하여, 결론적으로 신호 대 잡음비는 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. ADMIRE는 기존 영상 재구성 알고리즘인 FBP와 비교하여 잡음을 28~61%까지 줄일 수 있으며, 신호 대 잡음비는 16~100%까지 향상시킨다.

스플라인 정칙자를 사용한 투과 단층촬영을 위한 벌점우도 영상재구성 (Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Transmission Tomography Using Spline Regularizers)

  • 정지은;이수진
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2015
  • Recently, model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) has played an important role in transmission tomography by significantly improving the quality of reconstructed images for low-dose scans. MBIR is based on the penalized-likelihood (PL) approach, where the penalty term (also known as the regularizer) stabilizes the unstable likelihood term, thereby suppressing the noise. In this work we further improve MBIR by using a more expressive regularizer which can restore the underlying image more accurately. Here we used a spline regularizer derived from a linear combination of the two-dimensional splines with first- and second-order spatial derivatives and applied it to a non-quadratic convex penalty function. To derive a PL algorithm with the spline regularizer, we used a separable paraboloidal surrogates algorithm for convex optimization. The experimental results demonstrate that our regularization method improves reconstruction accuracy in terms of both regional percentage error and contrast recovery coefficient by restoring smooth edges as well as sharp edges more accurately.

CT Image Reconstruction of Wood Using Ultrasound Velocities II - Determination of the Initial Model Function of the SIRT Method -

  • Kim, Kwang-Mo;Lee, Jun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제33권5호통권133호
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2005
  • A previous study verified that the SIRT (simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique) method is more efficient than the back-projection method as a CT algorithm for wood. However, it was expected that the determination of the initial model function of the SIRT method would influence the quality of CT image. Therefore, in this study, we intended to develop a technique that could be used to determine an adequate initial model function. For this purpose, we proposed several techniques, and for each technique we examined the effects of the initial model function on the average errors and the CT image at each iteration. Through this study, it was shown that the average error was decreased and the image quality was improved using the proposed techniques. This tendency was most pronounced when the back-projection method was used to determine the initial model function. From the results of this study, we drew the following conclusions: 1) The initial model function of the SIRT method should be determined with careful attention, and 2) the back-projection method efficiently determines the initial model function of the SIRT method.

반복적 재구성 알고리즘과 관전류 자동 노출 조정 기법의 CT 영상 화질과 선량에 미치는 영향: 관상동맥 CT 조영 영상 프로토콜 기반의 팬텀 실험 (Effects of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm, Automatic Exposure Control on Image Quality, and Radiation Dose: Phantom Experiments with Coronary CT Angiography Protocols)

  • 하성민;정성희;장혁재;박은아;심학준
    • 한국의학물리학회지:의학물리
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2015
  • 본 논문에서는 반복적 구성 기법과 관전류 노출자동조절 기법이 영상의 화질과 방사선량에 미치는 영향을 관상동맥 전산화단층촬영 혈관조영 영상(coronary computed tomography angiography, CCTA)을 대상으로 팬텀 실험에 기반하여 평가하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 미국 의학물리학회(American Association of Physics in Medicine) 표준의 성능 평가 팬텀을 320 다중검출열 CT로써 촬영하였다. 80 kVp, 100 kVp, 120 kVp의 관전압에 있어서, 관전류 노출자동조절 기법은 저선량 목표 표준편차(SD=44)와 고선량(목표 표준편차=33)의 두 가지 설정으로써 촬영하였다. 재구성 변수로서는 필터보정 역투영(FBP)와 반복적 재구성 방법을 설정하여, 전부 12개의 재구성 영상을 획득하였다(12=3 (80, 100, 120 kVp)${\times}2$ (저선량(목표SD=44), 고선량(목표SD=33))${\times}2$ (필터보정역투영, 반복적 재구성). 영상의 화질은 잡음의 세기(표준편차), 변조전달함수, 대조대잡음비(CNR)에 의하여 평가하였으며, 관전압과 관전류 노출자동조절 기법에서의 목표 선량과 대소 및 재구성 기법의 선택이 화질과 방사선량에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. 반복적 재구성 기법은 필터보정역투영 기법보다 영상 잡음을 대폭 감소시켰으며 이는 저선량의 경우 더욱 뚜렷하였다. 즉, 잡음의 세기는 관전류 노출자동조절의 설정이 고선량 (목표SD=33)과 저선량(목표SD=44)인 경우, 각각 평균 38%와 평균 46% 감소하였다. 반복적 재구성 기법에 의하여, 변조전달 함수에 의한 공간적 해상도의 평가에 있어서 미약한 감소를 보였으나, 이로써 잡음 저감과 대조대잡음비(CNR)에 있어서의 현저한 개선을 상쇄할 정도의 영향에는 미치지 못 하였다. 결과적으로, 관상동맥 전산화단층촬영 혈관조영 영상의 획득에서 있어서, 반복적 재구성 기법과 관전류 노출자동조정 기법을 동시에 사용하는 것은 영상의 화질을 개선하면서 공간적 해상도의 저하 등 그 부작용은 최소화함으로써, 합리적으로 획득 가능한 한 최소한의 선량 (ALARA)의 원칙에 충실한 실제 임상적 효과를 의미한다고 기대할 수 있다.

ERT를 이용한 2차원 대지모델 영상복원 (2D Image Reconstruction of Earth Model by Electrical Resistance Tomography)

  • 부창진;김호찬;강민제
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.3460-3467
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 2차원 대지구조를 분석하기 위해 ERT(electrical resistance tomography) 방법을 사용하여 대지모델을 영상복원하는 방법들을 수치적인 실험방법들을 통해 비교분석한다. 영상복원을 위한 역산방법으로는 Gauss-Newton, TLS(truncated least squares), 그리고 SIRT(simultaneous iterative reconstruction technieque) 알고리즘들이 제시되고 대지저항을 측정하기 위한 전극법은 대표적인 웨너와 슐럼버거 측정방법을 사용한다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 Gauss-Newton과 TLS 알고리즘이 대지모델의 2차원 영상복원에서 적합하다는 것을 보인다.

Evaluation of the Impact of Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms on Computed Tomography Texture Features of the Liver Parenchyma Using the Filtration-Histogram Method

  • Pamela Sung;Jeong Min Lee;Ijin Joo;Sanghyup Lee;Tae-Hyung Kim;Balaji Ganeshan
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.558-568
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    • 2019
  • Objective: To evaluate whether computed tomography (CT) reconstruction algorithms affect the CT texture features of the liver parenchyma. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study comprised 58 patients (normal liver, n = 34; chronic liver disease [CLD], n = 24) who underwent liver CT scans using a single CT scanner. All CT images were reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP), hybrid iterative reconstruction (IR) (iDOSE4), and model-based IR (IMR). On arterial phase (AP) and portal venous phase (PVP) CT imaging, quantitative texture analysis of the liver parenchyma using a single-slice region of interest was performed at the level of the hepatic hilum using a filtration-histogram statistic-based method with different filter values. Texture features were compared among the three reconstruction methods and between normal livers and those from CLD patients. Additionally, we evaluated the inter- and intra-observer reliability of the CT texture analysis by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Results: IR techniques affect various CT texture features of the liver parenchyma. In particular, model-based IR frequently showed significant differences compared to FBP or hybrid IR on both AP and PVP CT imaging. Significant variation in entropy was observed between the three reconstruction algorithms on PVP imaging (p < 0.05). Comparison between normal livers and those from CLD patients revealed that AP images depend more strongly on the reconstruction method used than PVP images. For both inter- and intra-observer reliability, ICCs were acceptable (> 0.75) for CT imaging without filtration. Conclusion: CT texture features of the liver parenchyma evaluated using the filtration-histogram method were significantly affected by the CT reconstruction algorithm used.