• Title/Summary/Keyword: internet regulation

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The Impact of Access Rate Regulation on ISP Revenue and Pricing (인터넷 최대 접속 속도의 제한이 서비스 제공자의 수입과 서비스 가격의 결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Ho;Seo, Seung-Woo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • Internet service providers regulate the maximum data transmission rate of each user as a means to provide a tiered Internet access service or to avoid the monopoly of a few greedy users. In this paper, we aim to analyze the impact of this access rate regulation on the revenue of Internet service provider and the pricing strategy. We first propose a service quality model taking into account the access rate regulation, and analyze how the regulation affects the service subscription decision of users. In addition, we derive a sufficient condition that guarantees the stability of the revenue, and formulate an optimization problem that finds the optimal price to maximize the revenue.

Mechanism of China's Internet Regulation (중국의 인터넷 통제 메커니즘)

  • Kim, Jin Yong
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2013
  • This article examines how the Chinese government blocks the inflow of undesirable information, focusing on the technical aspect of the control mechanism. Unlike Cuba and North Korea, which regulate the whole Internet, China uses both state-of-the-art technological supervision and labor-intensive physical control due to economic reasons in order to prepare for actors who can threaten the Communist party. The Chinese government will not overlook the inflow of information which can be the link between demonstrations and democratization. This is because stronger protests utilizing information technology will trigger the Chinese government's flexible control based on large scale violation and technology. In this article, we first review the concept of universal internet control involved in internet regulation in nations, and then focus on China's internet censorship and its regulatory control from the '90s to the present. Finally, we analyze how the Chinese government actively controls the internet access by utilizing the relationship dynamics between the central and local governments, depending on protest issue. This thesis will assume that it is difficult for China to become democratized due to its information interception, and search how the government manages the internet.

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A Design of IoT based Automatic Control System for Intelligent Smart Home Network (지능형 스마트 홈네트워크를 위한 IoT기반 자동조절시스템 설계)

  • Shim, JeongYon
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 2015
  • The Internet of Thing (IoT) will be a very important core technology to implement Intelligent Smart Home Network and it will take charge of an important role connected to Smart Phone, Cloud Computing in the Ubiquitous environment. In this paper, Internal Autonomous Regulation by human autonomic nervous system was studied and its core mechanism was applied to the design of IoT based Autonomous Regulation System for Intelligent Smart Home Network. We proposed an autonomous regulating mechanism in which the factors of Temperature, Humidity and Illumination are automatically adjusted as they communicate with the connected things.

A Glimpse into Brazil Conference (2014 브라질 회의로 가는 길)

  • Chun, Eung Hwi
    • Review of Korean Society for Internet Information
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2013
  • This short report introduces the general background why Brazil conference is being prepared and what topics would be undertaken and what goals are being taken into account. It overviews what differences from traditional telecommunication governance, internet governance has had in its historical development and how such differences had been formed from its technological differences and the regulatory policy shift from common carrier regulation to privatization. Moreover, the fact that open, voluntary, bottom-up, diverse stakeholder's participation had evolved throughout the historical development of the internet, had established the present multistakeholder governance model from technological standardization to addressing scheme policies. ICANN, which has governed internet addressing schemes since the earlier 2000s, had developed address policies including IANA function from Jon Postel and technical community's legacy management system into contract based formation between ICANN and gTLD, ccTLD registries. And it made dispute resolution policies responding to trademark disputes and resolved gTLD monopoly issue by introducing new TLD generation and the separation of registry and registar. However, there had been challenges on the legitimacy of ICANN due to its dependency on the Federal Government of the U.S. particularly in its oversight role over ICANN and IANA contract. WSIS raised up internet governance issues including addressing governance, and set up IGF as a discussion platform for multistakeholders to discuss and share all views on other internet related public policies. IGF's loose and non-binding discussion once frustrated governments and other stakeholders, but more focused discussion and visible outcomes have consolidated its unique role for internet governance discourses. Particularly, IGF addressed many emerging internet related issues like cybersecurity, privacy, net neuratlity, development related issues. WTPF of 2013, after WCIT debate on whether traditional telecommunication regulation could be applied to internet infrastructure, suggested other governance issues such as the transition to ipv6, IXP coordination etc. How to make sure the legitimacy of internet addressing governance and how and where other internet related public policies could be undertaken are fundamental tasks for internet governance. Brazil conference, which has been motivated by the breakdown of trust in internet governance from NSA mass surveillance revealed by Snowden, faces these questions and try to make consensus on principles, institutions and roadmap for internet governance in multistakeholder participation way.

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Rethinking the Regulation of Suggestive Advertising for Juvenile Protection: Focusing on the Meaning of 'Suggestive Advertising' (청소년 보호를 위한 '선정적 광고'의 규제에 대한 재고: '선정적 광고'의 의미를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jae-Yung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2018
  • Recently, it has been continually researched that the advertising regulation should be tightened since suggestive advertising in Internet affect more negatively juveniles. Most of the researches seem to overlook an important fact that the objects of the researches, suggestive advertising are different from the harmful advertising to juveniles defined by the Juvenile Protection Act because they approached with ethical perspectives, not legally. It can be judged that the suggestive advertising in the past researches are not actually harmful advertising regulated by the Act, so the suggestive advertising should be properly managed for protecting juveniles, not banned. In this context, this study suggested that more proper and reasonable advertising regulations in Internet environment for protecting juveniles, with reviewing the problems of regulation system of media product harmful to juveniles, focusing on the differences between 'suggestive' and 'harmful' advertising to juveniles by the Act.

The Politics of Internet Content Regulation in the U.S.: A Case Study on Communications Decency Act Section 230 Reform with New Institutionalist Approach (미국 인터넷 내용규제의 정치: 신제도주의로 본 연방통신품위법 230조 개정 논의)

  • Choi, Jaedong
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2022
  • This research analyzes the potential reform of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act through the new institutionalist approach. The immunity provision of the Section 230, which has developed the U.S. Internet content regulation regime and protected big tech firms, is facing a significant change today. The chambers of Congress have attempted to limit the immunity shield for platforms with bipartisanship. As a result of analysis through the perspective of historical institutionalism, a critical change could come from external events including fake news controversies and data privacy scandals, as well as endogenous factors such as conflicts among actors. The discussion deals with the possible direction of Internet content regulation reforms in Korea.

Telecommunications Infrastructures and Services Development and Challenges in Nepal

  • Shrestha, Surendra;Adhikari, Dilli Ram
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2017
  • The world's unique geographical, multilingual, multiethnic, multiracial and multi religious Himalayan country Nepal has more than 100 years history on telephony service and it has been formulating appropriate policy and regulation for the adoption of new technology, introducing the competitive market environment for the overall development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures and application of ICT service and tools for socio-economic transformation. The Nepalese market seems to be continuously growing and having huge demand of mobile telephony and internet subscriptions trend. The ICT infrastructure development in difficult geographical area is quite challenging and thus operators are focusing mobile telephony and mobile internet services. Nepal has been doing its best effort on formulating policy and regulation, adoption key strategies for ICT sector development and at the same time joining hands with international and regional bodies such as ITU, SAARC etc for ICT sector development. Due to geographical diversity, policy and regulatory barriers in some extent, power supply constraints and low affordability from customers on ICT tools and services, Nepal has been facing challenges on ICT infrastructure development. However, the national statistics on ICT, Networked Readiness Index and ICT Development Index show that Nepal has done quite good progress and is keeping its pace on ICT development despite the these challenges. Moreover, there seems to be quite uncovered market segments on internet service and big opportunity on ICT sector development in Nepal in the days to come.

Effectiveness of the Internet Real-Name Verification Law: Evidence from Self-censorship and Intention to Detour the Regulation (인터넷실명제와 우회로의 선택: 인터넷 공론장 참여자들의 자기검열과 우회로 선택의향을 중심으로)

  • Han, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Eu-Jong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.55
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    • pp.50-73
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    • 2011
  • This paper investigates the effectiveness of Real-Name System on Internet, which has been applied to some Internet service provider bulletin boards in Korea. The goal of the Real-Name system on the Internet is controlling expression of slanderous or abusive language. The effectiveness of the regulation is dependent on the people's perceptions and attitude toward to the legislation. This empirical study examines the antecedents that affect the perceptions and attitude toward the regulation. Further, we investigate the relationships among variables such as internet public sphere participation, attitude to the regulations, and intention to choose detours. Results of regression analysis show that the younger and the more progressive individuals are, the more they oppose the implementation of the law. Also, it was found that people who have more political interest and participate more actively in public sphere via internet, tend to oppose the law. Structural equation models reveal that participation in online public sphere drives negative attitudes about the regulation. In addition, people with negative perceptions about the law tend to choose the detours such as 'cyber asylum' and 'service asylum'.

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A Subjectivity Study on the Promotion of Korean Smart TV Industry through Q Methodology

  • Kim, Ki Youn;Cho, Dae Keun;Song, In Kuk
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.2171-2185
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    • 2014
  • From the perspectives of regulation and convergence, several debates on the industrial definition of smart TV service in the Korean broadcasting and communications market are currently in progress. The most heated controversy mainly depends on whether smart TV is controlled under broadcasting regulations or under communications regulations. This Korean- specific problem is summarized in regulation fairness or asymmetric regulations between smart TV and IPTV operators. Although both operators utilize very similar technology and share the same business model, the regulations for only smart TV operators are unfettered. This would be an intrinsic cause that prohibits fair competition in the new converging market. Currently we confront the matter of asymmetric regulations between smart TV and others including IPTV or ISP. The purpose of this study, thus, is to provide the strategic, regulatory guidance and theoretical definitions on smart TV service, as one of converging services, based on a qualitative approach through subjectivity methodology. The study identifies three issues net neutrality, regulation fairness and new media and new market and proposes desirable promotion plans regarding those issues. The study draws lessons learned through a Korean smart TV case and provides directions to strategic-policy studies for future emergent converging services.

A Content-blocking Framework for Harmful Media Regulation

  • Lee, Sanghoon;Lee, Namkyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2020.11a
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    • pp.202-204
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    • 2020
  • We explored the blocking framework for regulating harmful content flooding the Internet. The procedure for obtaining content using the Internet was analyzed, and the technology for blocking content that can be applied at each stage of the acquisition process was investigated. Also, the characteristics and limitations of each blocking method were analyzed.

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