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Implementation of Electronic Nose System applicable to MPEG-V(ISO/IEC 23005) Standardization (MPEG-V(ISO/IEC 23005) 표준적용이 가능한 전자코 시스템 구현)

  • Lim, Hea-Jin;Choi, Jang-Sik;Jeon, Jin-Young;Byun, Hyung-Gi
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.388-393
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    • 2016
  • MPEG-V(ISO/IEC 23005) standardizes normative sensory effects metadata and sensory devices command for adapting the sensory effects between the virtual world and the real world. MPEG-V(Virtual) standardization has been carried out by 3DG(Dimensional Graphics) ad-hoc group inside MPEG Working Group(ISO IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11). For the scent effect, one of the sensory effects within MPEG-V, we proposed an olfactory interaction model including electronic nose and scent display to the ad-hoc group. Recently, we proposed types and elements related to the electronic nose as a sensor defined in MPEG-V standard for olfactory interaction. At the 114th MPEG meeting, the types and elements were consequently reflected on MPEG-V CD(Committee Draft) 4th edition. In this paper, we implement an electronic nose system applicable to MPEG-V standard by using MPEG-V schema, encoder, and decoder in order to assess their adequacy.

Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interactions Considering Nonlinear Free Surface Condition for Base-isolated Fluid Storage Tank (면진된 유체저장탱크의 비선형 유체-구조물 상호작용 해석)

  • Kim, Moon-Kyum;Lim, Yun-Mook;Cho, Kyung-Hwan;Jung, Sung-Won;Eo, Jun
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.481-488
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    • 2003
  • A fluid-structure-isolator interaction program was developed in this study. The behavior of liquid regions are simulated by the boundary element method, and then the technique of analyzing the free surface motion in time domain is developed by using the nonlinear free surface boundary condition(NFBC) and the condition of interface between the structure and the fluid. Structure regions are modeled by the finite element method. In order to construct the governing equation of the fluid structure interaction(FSI)problem in time domain, the finite elements for a structure and boundary elements for liquid are coupled using the equilibrium condition, the compatibility condition and NFBC. The isolator is simulated by equation proposedin 3D Basis Me. In order to verify the validity and the applicability of the developed fluid- structure -Isolator interaction program, The horizontal forced vibration analysis was performed. The applicability of the developed method is verified through the artificial seismic analysis of real size liquid storage tank.

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Interactive analysis of a building fame resting on pile foundation

  • Chore, H.S.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.367-384
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    • 2014
  • The study deals with the physical modeling of a typical single storeyed building frame resting on pile foundation and embedded in cohesive soil mass using the finite element based software SAP-IV. Two groups of piles comprising two and three piles, with series and parallel arrangement thereof, are considered. The slab provided at top and bottom of the frame along with the pile cap is idealized as four noded and two dimensional thin shell elements. The beams and columns of the frame, and piles are modeled using two noded one dimensional beam-column element. The soil is modeled using closely spaced discrete linear springs. A parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of various parameters of the pile foundation, such as spacing in a group and number of piles in a group, on the response of superstructure. The response considered includes the displacement at the top of the frame and bending moment in columns. The soil-structure interaction effect is found to increase the displacement in the range of 38 -133% and to increase the absolute maximum positive and negative moments in the column in the range of 2-12% and 2-11%. The effect of the soil- structure interaction is observed to be significant for the type of foundation and soil considered in this study. The results obtained are compared further with those of Chore et al. (2010), wherein different idealizations were used for modeling the superstructure frame and sub-structure elements (foundation). While fair agreement is observed in the results in either study, the trend of the results obtained in both studies is also same.

Analysis of the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Player Experience in Mobile Games (모바일 게임에서 내적동기가 플레이어의 경험에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Feng, JingWei;Lee, HongMei;Kim, CheeYong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1591-1600
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    • 2022
  • With the prosperity of Internet, the game industry is occuping an important position in the national economic system. The study on the game industry which has been drawing eyes from researchers is of great significance. Many scholars have done researches on game motivations, but the elements of intrinsic motivation are still in the exploratory stage. This study determines the dimensions of the influencing factors of players 'intrinsic game motivation and their game experience by adopting the method of literature research. A theoretical model is established to explore the influence of intrinsic game motivation on players' game experience. Questionnaires from players of "The Honor of Kings" are collected through the Internet. SPSS 21.0 is utilized to test the model and hypotheses, and finally the results of the data are analysed. It verifies that intrinsic motivation mainly consists of four components: achievement, social interaction, immersion and escapism. By exploring the influence of the four elements on players' experience, it is concluded that the players' immersion and social interaction have a greater positive impact on their game experience. It is indicated that a better game design highlights the storyline of the game and the interaction system is of importance to enable players to gain a better game experience.

A Research of User Experience on Multi-Modal Interactive Digital Art

  • Qianqian Jiang;Jeanhun Chung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2024
  • The concept of single-modal digital art originated in the 20th century and has evolved through three key stages. Over time, digital art has transformed into multi-modal interaction, representing a new era in art forms. Based on multi-modal theory, this paper aims to explore the characteristics of interactive digital art in innovative art forms and its impact on user experience. Through an analysis of practical application of multi-modal interactive digital art, this study summarises the impact of creative models of digital art on the physical and mental aspects of user experience. In creating audio-visual-based art, multi-modal digital art should seamlessly incorporate sensory elements and leverage computer image processing technology. Focusing on user perception, emotional expression, and cultural communication, it strives to establish an immersive environment with user experience at its core. Future research, particularly with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR), should not merely prioritize technology but aim for meaningful interaction. Through multi-modal interaction, digital art is poised to continually innovate, offering new possibilities and expanding the realm of interactive digital art.

Identification of the Capsid Protein-binding Region of the SL1(+) RNA Located at the 5' Region of the Potato virus X Genome

  • Cho, Sang-Yun;Kim, Kook-Hyung
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2012
  • Potato virus X (PVX) contains cis-acting elements including stem-loop 1 (SL1) RNA at the 5' region; SL1 is conserved among all potexviruses. The SL1 at the positive-sense RNA, SL1(+), is required for PVX RNA replication, cell-to-cell movement, and translation. Previous research demonstrated that SL1(+) RNA also serves as the origin of assembly for encapsidation of PVX RNA. To identify the essential sequences and/or regions for capsid protein (CP) subunit recognition within SL1(+) RNA, we used electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), UV cross-linking, and yeast three-hybrid analyses. The EMSA and UV cross-linking analyses with PVX CP subunits and RNA transcripts corresponding to the SL1(+) RNA showed that the SL1(+) RNA formed complexes with CP subunits. We also conducted EMSA and yeast three-hybrid analyses with RNAs containing various mutations of SL1(+) RNA elements. These analyses indicated that SL1(+) RNA is required for the interaction with PVX CP and that the RNA sequences located at the loop C and tetra loop of the SL1(+) are crucial for CP binding. These results indicate that, in addition to being important for RNA accumulation, the SL1(+) RNA from the 5' region of the PVX genome is also required for specific binding of PVX CP.

Infinite Elements for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis (지반-구조물의 상호작용 해석을 위한 무한요소)

  • 양신추;윤정방;이인모
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1989
  • This paper presents a study of soil-structure interaction problems using infinite elements. The infinite elements are formulated for homogeneous and layered soil media, based on approximate expressions for three components of propagating waves, namely the Rayleigh, compressive and shear waves. The integration scheme which was proposed for problems with single wave component by waves. The integration scheme which was proposed for problems with single wave component by Zenkiewicz is expanded to the multi-waves problem. Verifications are carried out on rigid circular footings which are placed on and embedded in elastic half space. Numerical analysis is performed for a containment structure of a nuclear power plant subjected to a horizontal seismic excitation.

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Building frame-pile foundation-soil interactive analysis

  • Chore, H.S.;Ingle, R.K.;Sawant, V.A.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.397-411
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    • 2009
  • The effect of soil-structure interaction on a simple single storeyed and two bay space frame resting on a pile group embedded in the cohesive soil (clay) with flexible cap is examined in this paper. For this purpose, a more rational approach is resorted to using the three dimensional finite element analysis with realistic assumptions. The members of the superstructure and substructure are descretized using 20 node isoparametric continuum elements while the interface between the soil and pile is modeled using 16 node isoparametric interface elements. Owing to viability in terms of computational resources and memory requirement, the approach of uncoupled analysis is generally preferred to coupled analysis of the system. However, an interactive analysis of the system is presented in this paper where the building frame and pile foundation are considered as a single compatible unit. This study is focused on the interaction between the pile cap and underlying soil. In the parametric study conducted using the coupled analysis, the effect of pile spacing in a pile group and configuration of the pile group is evaluated on the response of superstructure. The responses of the superstructure considered include the displacement at top of the frame and moments in the superstructure columns. The effect of soil-structure interaction is found to be quite significant for the type of foundation used in the study. The percentage variation in the values of displacement obtained using the coupled and uncoupled analysis is found in the range of 4-17 and that for the moment in the range of 3-10. A reasonable agreement is observed in the results obtained using either approach.

Nonlinear interaction behaviour of plane frame-layered soil system subjected to seismic loading

  • Agrawal, Ramakant;Hora, M.S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.711-734
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    • 2012
  • The foundation of a tall building frame resting on settable soil mass undergoes differential settlements which alter the forces in the structural members significantly. For tall buildings it is essential to consider seismic forces in analysis. The building frame, foundation and soil mass are considered to act as single integral compatible structural unit. The stress-strain characteristics of the supporting soil play a vital role in the interaction analysis. The resulting differential settlements of the soil mass are responsible for the redistribution of forces in the superstructure. In the present work, the nonlinear interaction analysis of a two-bay ten-storey plane building frame- layered soil system under seismic loading has been carried out using the coupled finite-infinite elements. The frame has been considered to act in linear elastic manner while the soil mass to act as nonlinear elastic manner. The subsoil in reality exists in layered formation and consists of various soil layers having different properties. Each individual soil layer in reality can be considered to behave in nonlinear manner. The nonlinear layered system as a whole will undergo differential settlements. Thus, it becomes essential to study the structural behaviour of a structure resting on such nonlinear composite layered soil system. The nonlinear constitutive hyperbolic soil model available in the literature is adopted to model the nonlinear behaviour of the soil mass. The structural behaviour of the interaction system is investigated as the shear forces and bending moments in superstructure get significantly altered due to differential settlements of the soil mass.