• Title/Summary/Keyword: inter-text

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A Study on the Design of Synchronization Protocol for Multimedia Communication (멀티미디어 통신을 위한 동기 프로토콜의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • 우희곤;김대영
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1612-1627
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    • 1994
  • There is a synchronization function which deals with only single media of text in the OSI Session Layer. So new synchronization schem and synchronization protocol are required for multimedia communications which include audio, video and graphic as well as text information. In this paper, conceptional Multmedia Synchronization Layer(MS layer) environment is composed and its service primitives and protocols based on 'multi-channel, base media scheme' are designed and proposed for multimedia synchronization services. This MS layer Manager (MSM) establishes the MS layer connection to the peer MS layer and manages each media channel which is created in MS layer media by media. The MSM also finds the synch-position through the media frame number by utilizing it like the time stamp to provide inter-media synchronization services as well as intra-media synchronization services.

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Effectiveness of miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion using cone beam computed tomography: A systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Siddhisaributr, Patchaya;Khlongwanitchakul, Kornkanok;Anuwongnukroh, Niwat;Manopatanakul, Somchai;Viwattanatipa, Nita
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.182-200
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of miniscrew assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) treatment in late adolescents and adult patients using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Literature search was conducted in five electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library) based on the PICOS keyword design focusing on MARPE. Out of the 18 CBCT screened outcomes, only nine parameters were sufficient for the quantitative meta-analysis. The parameters were classified into three main groups: 1) skeletal changes, 2) alveolar change, and 3) dental changes. Heterogeneity test, estimation of pooled means, publication bias, sensitivity analysis and risk of bias assessment were also performed. Results: Upon database searching, only 14 full-text articles were qualified from the 364 obtained results. Heterogeneity test indicated the use of the random-effects model. The pooled mean estimate were as follows: 1) Skeletal expansion: zygomatic width, 2.39 mm; nasal width, 2.68 mm; jugular width, 3.12 mm; and midpalatal suture at the posterior nasal spine and anterior nasal spine, 3.34 mm and 4.56 mm, respectively; 2) Alveolar molar width expansion, 4.80 mm; and 3) Dental expansion: inter-canine width, 3.96 mm; inter-premolar width, 4.99 mm and inter-molar width, 5.99 mm. The percentage of expansion demonstrated a skeletal expansion (PNS) of 55.76%, alveolar molar width expansion of 24.37% and dental expansion of 19.87%. Conclusions: In the coronal view, the skeletal and dental expansion created by MARPE was of the pyramidal pattern. MARPE could successfully expand the constricted maxilla in late adolescents and adult patients.

Implementation of SoulBound Token Using Economical and Efficient Decentralized File Storage Methods (파일 분산 저장 방식을 활용한 경제적이고 효율적인 SoulBound Token 구현)

  • Jae-Hyun Kim;Yong-Hak Lee;Seong-Min Yang;Sung-Hwan Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1345-1357
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    • 2024
  • This paper proposes a method to enhance information security by storing data in SoulBound Token instead of storing gsensitive personal information, such as body measurements, in centralized data storage systems in text format. Sensitive information is stored using the InterPlanetary File System method, and the corresponding Content Identifier is linked to the SBT, avoiding direct storage in a database. Access to the SBT is restricted to pre-approved accounts, allowing startups handling sensitive information to securely use the data. Through experiments, it was confirmed that access was impossible from unauthorized accounts, and the owner was able to grant and revoke access permissions as needed. Furthermore, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of various Layer 2 solutions to consider when issuing SBTs, proposing a method to enhance transaction processing speed and generate SBTs at a gas fee rate approximately 1/4300th of the mainnet.

A study on integrating and discovery of semantic based knowledge model (의미 기반의 지식모델 통합과 탐색에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Seung-Su
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2014
  • Generation and analysis methods have been proposed in recent years, such as using a natural language and formal language processing, artificial intelligence algorithms based knowledge model is effective meaning. its semantic based knowledge model has been used effective decision making tree and problem solving about specific context. and it was based on static generation and regression analysis, trend analysis with behavioral model, simulation support for macroeconomic forecasting mode on especially in a variety of complex systems and social network analysis. In this study, in this sense, integrating knowledge-based models, This paper propose a text mining derived from the inter-Topic model Integrated formal methods and Algorithms. First, a method for converting automatically knowledge map is derived from text mining keyword map and integrate it into the semantic knowledge model for this purpose. This paper propose an algorithm to derive a method of projecting a significant topic map from the map and the keyword semantically equivalent model. Integrated semantic-based knowledge model is available.

KoBERT-Based Sentence Type Classification System for Web Novel TTS (웹소설 TTS를 위한 KoBERT 기반 문장 유형 판별 시스템)

  • Tae-Hoon Min;Seung-Min Park
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1231-1236
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    • 2024
  • For users who have difficulty reading text, don't have enough time to read directly, or find it inconvenient to enjoy web novels on mobile devices, TTS is the only way to consume web novels, making them an essential audience that companies must cater to. However, current web novel TTS systems merely read text in a monotonous single voice, which hinders user immersion and acts as a barrier to entry. Therefore, a more dynamic and immersive TTS system is needed. This paper proposes a sentence-type classification system based on the KoBERT model to create a more engaging web novel TTS. The system defines sentence types based on the commentary sentence, line sentence, and onomatopoeia sentence, based on the type of sound required. The system demonstrated high accuracy in classifying sentences, and the resulting data can be further utilized for more in-depth classification within the categorized sentences. Additionally, this data can be combined with techniques such as named entity recognition, speaker identification, and inter-sentence relationship detection to contribute to the development of more advanced models.

An Investigation on the Periodical Transition of News related to North Korea using Text Mining (텍스트마이닝을 활용한 북한 관련 뉴스의 기간별 변화과정 고찰)

  • Park, Chul-Soo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.63-88
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    • 2019
  • The goal of this paper is to investigate changes in North Korea's domestic and foreign policies through automated text analysis over North Korea represented in South Korean mass media. Based on that data, we then analyze the status of text mining research, using a text mining technique to find the topics, methods, and trends of text mining research. We also investigate the characteristics and method of analysis of the text mining techniques, confirmed by analysis of the data. In this study, R program was used to apply the text mining technique. R program is free software for statistical computing and graphics. Also, Text mining methods allow to highlight the most frequently used keywords in a paragraph of texts. One can create a word cloud, also referred as text cloud or tag cloud. This study proposes a procedure to find meaningful tendencies based on a combination of word cloud, and co-occurrence networks. This study aims to more objectively explore the images of North Korea represented in South Korean newspapers by quantitatively reviewing the patterns of language use related to North Korea from 2016. 11. 1 to 2019. 5. 23 newspaper big data. In this study, we divided into three periods considering recent inter - Korean relations. Before January 1, 2018, it was set as a Before Phase of Peace Building. From January 1, 2018 to February 24, 2019, we have set up a Peace Building Phase. The New Year's message of Kim Jong-un and the Olympics of Pyeong Chang formed an atmosphere of peace on the Korean peninsula. After the Hanoi Pease summit, the third period was the silence of the relationship between North Korea and the United States. Therefore, it was called Depression Phase of Peace Building. This study analyzes news articles related to North Korea of the Korea Press Foundation database(www.bigkinds.or.kr) through text mining, to investigate characteristics of the Kim Jong-un regime's South Korea policy and unification discourse. The main results of this study show that trends in the North Korean national policy agenda can be discovered based on clustering and visualization algorithms. In particular, it examines the changes in the international circumstances, domestic conflicts, the living conditions of North Korea, the South's Aid project for the North, the conflicts of the two Koreas, North Korean nuclear issue, and the North Korean refugee problem through the co-occurrence word analysis. It also offers an analysis of South Korean mentality toward North Korea in terms of the semantic prosody. In the Before Phase of Peace Building, the results of the analysis showed the order of 'Missiles', 'North Korea Nuclear', 'Diplomacy', 'Unification', and ' South-North Korean'. The results of Peace Building Phase are extracted the order of 'Panmunjom', 'Unification', 'North Korea Nuclear', 'Diplomacy', and 'Military'. The results of Depression Phase of Peace Building derived the order of 'North Korea Nuclear', 'North and South Korea', 'Missile', 'State Department', and 'International'. There are 16 words adopted in all three periods. The order is as follows: 'missile', 'North Korea Nuclear', 'Diplomacy', 'Unification', 'North and South Korea', 'Military', 'Kaesong Industrial Complex', 'Defense', 'Sanctions', 'Denuclearization', 'Peace', 'Exchange and Cooperation', and 'South Korea'. We expect that the results of this study will contribute to analyze the trends of news content of North Korea associated with North Korea's provocations. And future research on North Korean trends will be conducted based on the results of this study. We will continue to study the model development for North Korea risk measurement that can anticipate and respond to North Korea's behavior in advance. We expect that the text mining analysis method and the scientific data analysis technique will be applied to North Korea and unification research field. Through these academic studies, I hope to see a lot of studies that make important contributions to the nation.

A Study on The Characteristics of The Avant-garde′s Style Expressed in Modern Fashion (현대 복식에 표현된 아방가르드의 유형별 특성 연구)

  • 엄소희;김문숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.315-333
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how the aesthetic values and characters of the Avant-garde fashion through semantics analysis of Avant-garde experiments in the early 20th century. Inner expressions of Avant-garde fashion in future dynamism, alien-hostile, and surreal-experimentalism are as followings (1) Reject tradition of existing fashion concept, (2) Dismantle costume material and inter-text characteristics in fashion field, (3) Laugh at material civilization and elite fashion, (4) Pursue primitive and fundamental sensibility on non-civilized world (5) Express human estrangement due to material civilization, (6) Remove the barrier of fashion between luxury and cheap ones, (7) Time, space and purpose is mixed, (8) Open concept as space structure independent of human body, (9) Complicatedness, ambiguity and expression of irregularity as changeableness, (10) Dismantle concept of beauty and ugliness. As you see, fashion design in modern Avan-garde is pursuing newness as beauty of open concept, rejecting all modern tradition and allowing extremity such as experimental, illogic, unreasonable and non-formatted expressions.

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Multilingual Automatic Translation Based on UNL: A Case Study for the Vietnamese Language

  • Thuyen, Phan Thi Le;Hung, Vo Trung
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2016
  • In the field of natural language processing, Universal Networking Language (UNL) has been used by various researchers as an inter-lingual approach to automatic machine translation. The UNL system consists of two main components, namely, EnConverter for converting text from a source language to UNL, and DeConverter for converting from UNL to a target language. Currently, many projects are researching how to apply UNL to different languages. In this paper, we introduce the tools that are UNL's applications and discuss how to reuse them to encode a Vietnamese sentence into UNL expressions and decode UNL expressions into a Vietnamese sentence. The testing was done with about 1,000 Vietnamese sentences (a dictionary that includes 4573 entries and 3161 rules). In addition, we compare the proportion of sentences translated based on a direct method (Google Translator) and another one based on UNL.

Machine Learning Applied to Uncovering Gene Regulation

  • Craven, Mark
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2000
  • Now that the complete genomes of numerous organisms have been ascertained, key problems in molecular biology include determining the functions of the genes in each organism, the relationships that exist among these genes, and the regulatory mechanisms that control their operation. These problems can be partially addressed by using machine learning methods to induce predictive models from available data. My group is applying and developing machine learning methods for several tasks that involve characterizing gene regulation. In one project, for example, we are using machine learning methods to identify transcriptional control elements such as promoters, terminators and operons. In another project, we are using learning methods to identify and characterize sets of genes that are affected by tumor promoters in mammals. Our approach to these tasks involves learning multiple models for inter-related tasks, and applying learning algorithms to rich and diverse data sources including sequence data, microarray data, and text from the scientific literature.

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ToBI Based Prosodic Representation of the Kyungnam Dialect of Korean

  • Cho, Yong-Hyung
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.2
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes a prosodic representation system of the Kyungnam dialect of Korean, based on the ToBI system. In this system, diverse intonation patterns are transcribed on the four parallel tiers: a tone tier, a break index tier, an orthographic tier, and a miscellaneous tier. The tone tier employs pitch accents, phrase accents, and boundary tones marked with diacritics in order to represent various pitch events. The break index tier uses five break indices, numbered from 0 to 4, in order to represent degrees of connectiveness in speech by associating each inter-word position with a break index. In this, each break index represents a boundary of some kind of constituent. This system can contribute not only to a more detailed theory connecting prosody, syntax, and intonation, but also to current text-to-speech synthesis approaches, speech recognition, and other quantitative computational modellings.

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