• Title/Summary/Keyword: intelligence information society

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Analytical Evaluation of PPG Blood Glucose Monitoring System - researcher clinical trial (PPG 혈당 모니터링 시스템의 분석적 평가 - 연구자 임상)

  • Cheol-Gu Park;Sang-Ki Choi;Seong-Geun Jo;Kwon-Min Kim
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2023
  • This study is a performance evaluation of a blood sugar monitoring system that combines a PPG sensor, which is an evaluation device for blood glucose monitoring, and a DNN algorithm when monitoring capillary blood glucose. The study is a researcher-led clinical trial conducted on participants from September 2023 to November 2023. PPG-BGMS compared predicted blood sugar levels for evaluation using 1-minute heart rate and heart rate variability information and the DNN prediction algorithm with capillary blood glucose levels measured with a blood glucose meter of the standard personal blood sugar management system. Of the 100 participants, 50 had type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and the average age was 67 years (range, 28 to 89 years). It was found that 100% of the predicted blood sugar level of PPG-BGMS was distributed in the A+B area of the Clarke error grid and Parker(Consensus) error grid. The MARD value of PPG-BGMS predicted blood glucose is 5.3 ± 4.0%. Consequentially, the non-blood-based PPG-BGMS was found to be non-inferior to the instantaneous blood sugar level of the clinical standard blood-based personal blood glucose measurement system.

An Analysis of Research Trends about the Educational Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence : Focusing on Korean Journal (생성형 AI의 교육적 활용에 대한 최신 경향 연구 분석)

  • Seongah Lee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.79
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to systematically analyze the latest research trends on the educational applications of generative AI. The analysis focused on 107 domestic studies on the educational use of generative AI published between May 2023 and May 2024, examining research fields, methodologies, and subjects. The results show that generative AI has been actively studied in various fields, including digital literacy, educational support, subject education, and language education, with a particular emphasis on literacy and educational support. Methodologically, the majority of studies were empirical, applying generative AI in educational contexts, with university students being the primary research subjects. Based on these findings, this study proposes future research directions and discusses effective strategies for the educational use of generative AI. In particular, the study emphasizes the importance of prompt generation strategies within educational contexts, as well as the need for guidelines and educational programs to address ethical issues and the reliability of information generated by AI. Additionally, the study suggests the necessity of research on AI applications tailored to various educational stages and subjects, the redefinition of the roles of educators and learners, and the development of customized AI applications for specific learner groups, such as special education and gifted education.

Research on DNS DRDoS Detection Methods Using CNN (CNN을 이용한 DNS DRDoS 탐지방법에 관한 연구)

  • Hoon Shin;Jaeyeong Jeong;Kyu-min Cho;Jae-il Lee;Dong-kyoo Shin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2024
  • Domain Name System (DNS) amplification Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DRDoS) is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in which multiple hosts spoof the source IP to that of the target system and send requests to DNS servers. As a result, the response packets flood the target system. The attacker conceals the origin of the attack, making it difficult to identify the attacker or detect abnormal packets. Additionally, legitimate DNS servers are often used as attack agents. Since User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used in these attacks, it is challenging to detect anomalies based on session protocols, as is done in Transmissoon Control Protocol (TCP)-based DDoS attacks. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting DNS amplification DRDoS attacks by converting attack packets into images and training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to recognize these attacks. Although this method may have a lower detection rate compared to approaches that extract and learn specific DDoS characteristics from packets, it offers the advantage of faster detection due to the omission of the data preprocessing step. Given the nature of DDoS attacks, where real-time response is often more critical than achieving near-perfect detection accuracy, this faster detection capability can be particularly valuable in practical scenarios.

Deflection Prediction of Girdersusing Bi-LSTM Network Based on Strain History Data (변형률 이력 데이터를 활용한 양방향 LSTM 네트워크 기반 거더의 처짐 예측)

  • Park, Sangwon;Chang, Minwoo;Yazdanpanah, Omid
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.743-752
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    • 2024
  • Precise diagnosis of structural condition is essential indicator for the sustained operation of infrastructure. The load tests are widely used to assess the serviceability and safety condition of bridges that are continually exposed to various forms of repeated loading. Recently, advancement in smart diagnostic technologies have introduced methods for assessing structural responses using image data. However, when utilizing image data, challenges such as distortions from lighting and angles, as well as difficulties in collecting information from blind spots, can hinder the comprehensive understanding of structural behavior. To address these limitations, this study presents an artificial intelligence (AI) based method for estimating vertical deflections using strain data measured during static tests on girders. The strain data were obtained from load tests conducted on 11 girders at the Hybrid Structural Testing Center of Myongji University. The deep learning model was developed using a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, with multiple input parameters including girder type, static load, and strain data. The performance of AI model was further enhanced through hyperparameter optimization, and its accuracy was verified through consistency evaluation. Additionally, the effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated by analyzing prediction accuracy and computational time in relation to the quantity of training data.

Investigating Dynamic Mutation Process of Issues Using Unstructured Text Analysis (비정형 텍스트 분석을 활용한 이슈의 동적 변이과정 고찰)

  • Lim, Myungsu;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2016
  • Owing to the extensive use of Web media and the development of the IT industry, a large amount of data has been generated, shared, and stored. Nowadays, various types of unstructured data such as image, sound, video, and text are distributed through Web media. Therefore, many attempts have been made in recent years to discover new value through an analysis of these unstructured data. Among these types of unstructured data, text is recognized as the most representative method for users to express and share their opinions on the Web. In this sense, demand for obtaining new insights through text analysis is steadily increasing. Accordingly, text mining is increasingly being used for different purposes in various fields. In particular, issue tracking is being widely studied not only in the academic world but also in industries because it can be used to extract various issues from text such as news, (SocialNetworkServices) to analyze the trends of these issues. Conventionally, issue tracking is used to identify major issues sustained over a long period of time through topic modeling and to analyze the detailed distribution of documents involved in each issue. However, because conventional issue tracking assumes that the content composing each issue does not change throughout the entire tracking period, it cannot represent the dynamic mutation process of detailed issues that can be created, merged, divided, and deleted between these periods. Moreover, because only keywords that appear consistently throughout the entire period can be derived as issue keywords, concrete issue keywords such as "nuclear test" and "separated families" may be concealed by more general issue keywords such as "North Korea" in an analysis over a long period of time. This implies that many meaningful but short-lived issues cannot be discovered by conventional issue tracking. Note that detailed keywords are preferable to general keywords because the former can be clues for providing actionable strategies. To overcome these limitations, we performed an independent analysis on the documents of each detailed period. We generated an issue flow diagram based on the similarity of each issue between two consecutive periods. The issue transition pattern among categories was analyzed by using the category information of each document. In this study, we then applied the proposed methodology to a real case of 53,739 news articles. We derived an issue flow diagram from the articles. We then proposed the following useful application scenarios for the issue flow diagram presented in the experiment section. First, we can identify an issue that actively appears during a certain period and promptly disappears in the next period. Second, the preceding and following issues of a particular issue can be easily discovered from the issue flow diagram. This implies that our methodology can be used to discover the association between inter-period issues. Finally, an interesting pattern of one-way and two-way transitions was discovered by analyzing the transition patterns of issues through category analysis. Thus, we discovered that a pair of mutually similar categories induces two-way transitions. In contrast, one-way transitions can be recognized as an indicator that issues in a certain category tend to be influenced by other issues in another category. For practical application of the proposed methodology, high-quality word and stop word dictionaries need to be constructed. In addition, not only the number of documents but also additional meta-information such as the read counts, written time, and comments of documents should be analyzed. A rigorous performance evaluation or validation of the proposed methodology should be performed in future works.

Analyzing Contextual Polarity of Unstructured Data for Measuring Subjective Well-Being (주관적 웰빙 상태 측정을 위한 비정형 데이터의 상황기반 긍부정성 분석 방법)

  • Choi, Sukjae;Song, Yeongeun;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2016
  • Measuring an individual's subjective wellbeing in an accurate, unobtrusive, and cost-effective manner is a core success factor of the wellbeing support system, which is a type of medical IT service. However, measurements with a self-report questionnaire and wearable sensors are cost-intensive and obtrusive when the wellbeing support system should be running in real-time, despite being very accurate. Recently, reasoning the state of subjective wellbeing with conventional sentiment analysis and unstructured data has been proposed as an alternative to resolve the drawbacks of the self-report questionnaire and wearable sensors. However, this approach does not consider contextual polarity, which results in lower measurement accuracy. Moreover, there is no sentimental word net or ontology for the subjective wellbeing area. Hence, this paper proposes a method to extract keywords and their contextual polarity representing the subjective wellbeing state from the unstructured text in online websites in order to improve the reasoning accuracy of the sentiment analysis. The proposed method is as follows. First, a set of general sentimental words is proposed. SentiWordNet was adopted; this is the most widely used dictionary and contains about 100,000 words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs with polarities from -1.0 (extremely negative) to 1.0 (extremely positive). Second, corpora on subjective wellbeing (SWB corpora) were obtained by crawling online text. A survey was conducted to prepare a learning dataset that includes an individual's opinion and the level of self-report wellness, such as stress and depression. The participants were asked to respond with their feelings about online news on two topics. Next, three data sources were extracted from the SWB corpora: demographic information, psychographic information, and the structural characteristics of the text (e.g., the number of words used in the text, simple statistics on the special characters used). These were considered to adjust the level of a specific SWB. Finally, a set of reasoning rules was generated for each wellbeing factor to estimate the SWB of an individual based on the text written by the individual. The experimental results suggested that using contextual polarity for each SWB factor (e.g., stress, depression) significantly improved the estimation accuracy compared to conventional sentiment analysis methods incorporating SentiWordNet. Even though literature is available on Korean sentiment analysis, such studies only used only a limited set of sentimental words. Due to the small number of words, many sentences are overlooked and ignored when estimating the level of sentiment. However, the proposed method can identify multiple sentiment-neutral words as sentiment words in the context of a specific SWB factor. The results also suggest that a specific type of senti-word dictionary containing contextual polarity needs to be constructed along with a dictionary based on common sense such as SenticNet. These efforts will enrich and enlarge the application area of sentic computing. The study is helpful to practitioners and managers of wellness services in that a couple of characteristics of unstructured text have been identified for improving SWB. Consistent with the literature, the results showed that the gender and age affect the SWB state when the individual is exposed to an identical queue from the online text. In addition, the length of the textual response and usage pattern of special characters were found to indicate the individual's SWB. These imply that better SWB measurement should involve collecting the textual structure and the individual's demographic conditions. In the future, the proposed method should be improved by automated identification of the contextual polarity in order to enlarge the vocabulary in a cost-effective manner.

Analysis and Evaluation of Frequent Pattern Mining Technique based on Landmark Window (랜드마크 윈도우 기반의 빈발 패턴 마이닝 기법의 분석 및 성능평가)

  • Pyun, Gwangbum;Yun, Unil
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2014
  • With the development of online service, recent forms of databases have been changed from static database structures to dynamic stream database structures. Previous data mining techniques have been used as tools of decision making such as establishment of marketing strategies and DNA analyses. However, the capability to analyze real-time data more quickly is necessary in the recent interesting areas such as sensor network, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Landmark window-based frequent pattern mining, one of the stream mining approaches, performs mining operations with respect to parts of databases or each transaction of them, instead of all the data. In this paper, we analyze and evaluate the techniques of the well-known landmark window-based frequent pattern mining algorithms, called Lossy counting and hMiner. When Lossy counting mines frequent patterns from a set of new transactions, it performs union operations between the previous and current mining results. hMiner, which is a state-of-the-art algorithm based on the landmark window model, conducts mining operations whenever a new transaction occurs. Since hMiner extracts frequent patterns as soon as a new transaction is entered, we can obtain the latest mining results reflecting real-time information. For this reason, such algorithms are also called online mining approaches. We evaluate and compare the performance of the primitive algorithm, Lossy counting and the latest one, hMiner. As the criteria of our performance analysis, we first consider algorithms' total runtime and average processing time per transaction. In addition, to compare the efficiency of storage structures between them, their maximum memory usage is also evaluated. Lastly, we show how stably the two algorithms conduct their mining works with respect to the databases that feature gradually increasing items. With respect to the evaluation results of mining time and transaction processing, hMiner has higher speed than that of Lossy counting. Since hMiner stores candidate frequent patterns in a hash method, it can directly access candidate frequent patterns. Meanwhile, Lossy counting stores them in a lattice manner; thus, it has to search for multiple nodes in order to access the candidate frequent patterns. On the other hand, hMiner shows worse performance than that of Lossy counting in terms of maximum memory usage. hMiner should have all of the information for candidate frequent patterns to store them to hash's buckets, while Lossy counting stores them, reducing their information by using the lattice method. Since the storage of Lossy counting can share items concurrently included in multiple patterns, its memory usage is more efficient than that of hMiner. However, hMiner presents better efficiency than that of Lossy counting with respect to scalability evaluation due to the following reasons. If the number of items is increased, shared items are decreased in contrast; thereby, Lossy counting's memory efficiency is weakened. Furthermore, if the number of transactions becomes higher, its pruning effect becomes worse. From the experimental results, we can determine that the landmark window-based frequent pattern mining algorithms are suitable for real-time systems although they require a significant amount of memory. Hence, we need to improve their data structures more efficiently in order to utilize them additionally in resource-constrained environments such as WSN(Wireless sensor network).

A Study on Analyzing Sentiments on Movie Reviews by Multi-Level Sentiment Classifier (영화 리뷰 감성분석을 위한 텍스트 마이닝 기반 감성 분류기 구축)

  • Kim, Yuyoung;Song, Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.71-89
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    • 2016
  • Sentiment analysis is used for identifying emotions or sentiments embedded in the user generated data such as customer reviews from blogs, social network services, and so on. Various research fields such as computer science and business management can take advantage of this feature to analyze customer-generated opinions. In previous studies, the star rating of a review is regarded as the same as sentiment embedded in the text. However, it does not always correspond to the sentiment polarity. Due to this supposition, previous studies have some limitations in their accuracy. To solve this issue, the present study uses a supervised sentiment classification model to measure a more accurate sentiment polarity. This study aims to propose an advanced sentiment classifier and to discover the correlation between movie reviews and box-office success. The advanced sentiment classifier is based on two supervised machine learning techniques, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Feedforward Neural Network (FNN). The sentiment scores of the movie reviews are measured by the sentiment classifier and are analyzed by statistical correlations between movie reviews and box-office success. Movie reviews are collected along with a star-rate. The dataset used in this study consists of 1,258,538 reviews from 175 films gathered from Naver Movie website (movie.naver.com). The results show that the proposed sentiment classifier outperforms Naive Bayes (NB) classifier as its accuracy is about 6% higher than NB. Furthermore, the results indicate that there are positive correlations between the star-rate and the number of audiences, which can be regarded as the box-office success of a movie. The study also shows that there is the mild, positive correlation between the sentiment scores estimated by the classifier and the number of audiences. To verify the applicability of the sentiment scores, an independent sample t-test was conducted. For this, the movies were divided into two groups using the average of sentiment scores. The two groups are significantly different in terms of the star-rated scores.

Latent topics-based product reputation mining (잠재 토픽 기반의 제품 평판 마이닝)

  • Park, Sang-Min;On, Byung-Won
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-70
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    • 2017
  • Data-drive analytics techniques have been recently applied to public surveys. Instead of simply gathering survey results or expert opinions to research the preference for a recently launched product, enterprises need a way to collect and analyze various types of online data and then accurately figure out customer preferences. In the main concept of existing data-based survey methods, the sentiment lexicon for a particular domain is first constructed by domain experts who usually judge the positive, neutral, or negative meanings of the frequently used words from the collected text documents. In order to research the preference for a particular product, the existing approach collects (1) review posts, which are related to the product, from several product review web sites; (2) extracts sentences (or phrases) in the collection after the pre-processing step such as stemming and removal of stop words is performed; (3) classifies the polarity (either positive or negative sense) of each sentence (or phrase) based on the sentiment lexicon; and (4) estimates the positive and negative ratios of the product by dividing the total numbers of the positive and negative sentences (or phrases) by the total number of the sentences (or phrases) in the collection. Furthermore, the existing approach automatically finds important sentences (or phrases) including the positive and negative meaning to/against the product. As a motivated example, given a product like Sonata made by Hyundai Motors, customers often want to see the summary note including what positive points are in the 'car design' aspect as well as what negative points are in thesame aspect. They also want to gain more useful information regarding other aspects such as 'car quality', 'car performance', and 'car service.' Such an information will enable customers to make good choice when they attempt to purchase brand-new vehicles. In addition, automobile makers will be able to figure out the preference and positive/negative points for new models on market. In the near future, the weak points of the models will be improved by the sentiment analysis. For this, the existing approach computes the sentiment score of each sentence (or phrase) and then selects top-k sentences (or phrases) with the highest positive and negative scores. However, the existing approach has several shortcomings and is limited to apply to real applications. The main disadvantages of the existing approach is as follows: (1) The main aspects (e.g., car design, quality, performance, and service) to a product (e.g., Hyundai Sonata) are not considered. Through the sentiment analysis without considering aspects, as a result, the summary note including the positive and negative ratios of the product and top-k sentences (or phrases) with the highest sentiment scores in the entire corpus is just reported to customers and car makers. This approach is not enough and main aspects of the target product need to be considered in the sentiment analysis. (2) In general, since the same word has different meanings across different domains, the sentiment lexicon which is proper to each domain needs to be constructed. The efficient way to construct the sentiment lexicon per domain is required because the sentiment lexicon construction is labor intensive and time consuming. To address the above problems, in this article, we propose a novel product reputation mining algorithm that (1) extracts topics hidden in review documents written by customers; (2) mines main aspects based on the extracted topics; (3) measures the positive and negative ratios of the product using the aspects; and (4) presents the digest in which a few important sentences with the positive and negative meanings are listed in each aspect. Unlike the existing approach, using hidden topics makes experts construct the sentimental lexicon easily and quickly. Furthermore, reinforcing topic semantics, we can improve the accuracy of the product reputation mining algorithms more largely than that of the existing approach. In the experiments, we collected large review documents to the domestic vehicles such as K5, SM5, and Avante; measured the positive and negative ratios of the three cars; showed top-k positive and negative summaries per aspect; and conducted statistical analysis. Our experimental results clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed method, compared with the existing method.

A Comparative Study on the Effective Deep Learning for Fingerprint Recognition with Scar and Wrinkle (상처와 주름이 있는 지문 판별에 효율적인 심층 학습 비교연구)

  • Kim, JunSeob;Rim, BeanBonyka;Sung, Nak-Jun;Hong, Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2020
  • Biometric information indicating measurement items related to human characteristics has attracted great attention as security technology with high reliability since there is no fear of theft or loss. Among these biometric information, fingerprints are mainly used in fields such as identity verification and identification. If there is a problem such as a wound, wrinkle, or moisture that is difficult to authenticate to the fingerprint image when identifying the identity, the fingerprint expert can identify the problem with the fingerprint directly through the preprocessing step, and apply the image processing algorithm appropriate to the problem. Solve the problem. In this case, by implementing artificial intelligence software that distinguishes fingerprint images with cuts and wrinkles on the fingerprint, it is easy to check whether there are cuts or wrinkles, and by selecting an appropriate algorithm, the fingerprint image can be easily improved. In this study, we developed a total of 17,080 fingerprint databases by acquiring all finger prints of 1,010 students from the Royal University of Cambodia, 600 Sokoto open data sets, and 98 Korean students. In order to determine if there are any injuries or wrinkles in the built database, criteria were established, and the data were validated by experts. The training and test datasets consisted of Cambodian data and Sokoto data, and the ratio was set to 8: 2. The data of 98 Korean students were set up as a validation data set. Using the constructed data set, five CNN-based architectures such as Classic CNN, AlexNet, VGG-16, Resnet50, and Yolo v3 were implemented. A study was conducted to find the model that performed best on the readings. Among the five architectures, ResNet50 showed the best performance with 81.51%.