• Title/Summary/Keyword: intelligence information society

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Evaluation of Transportation Policy Using Multidimensional Scaling Method (다차원척도법에 의한 교통정책 평가 인지 차이 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won Gyu;Jung, Hun Young;Ko, Sang Seon;Yoon, Hang Mook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.3D
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2010
  • The evaluation regarding a transportation policy by an evaluation volition viewpoint there is a difference. Consequently the insurgent analysis which is simple compared to against the evaluation object it was accurate, the analysis which leads the order anger probably is necessary. The research which it sees for the evaluation regarding the transportation policy of the metropolis divided in road being understood, public transportation, parking and pedestrian environment, wide area transportation and transportation information and transportation field whole. And against these field it tried the ALSCAL method and MDPREF method which is a Multidimensional Scale method and it analyzed. The regression analysis result for a dimensional analysis ALSCAL method the case of the transportation policy star improvement degree which it follows in introduction presence of intelligence transportation system and MDPREF method it confronted to the transportation policy star improvement degree which it follows in expansion to construction of specific function appeared with the fact that it is the tendency probably. And the evaluation object and evaluation in the object which will cut the positioning one result was each divided in 4 group. And two methods all it was visible a similar tendency. The ALSCAL method currently transportation system construction degree condition in base and, the MDPREF method currently improvement degree of the transportation policy which it follows in traffic system construction appeared with the fact that it is desirable to establish a hereafter traffic policy in base.

A Research on Adversarial Example-based Passive Air Defense Method against Object Detectable AI Drone (객체인식 AI적용 드론에 대응할 수 있는 적대적 예제 기반 소극방공 기법 연구)

  • Simun Yuk;Hweerang Park;Taisuk Suh;Youngho Cho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2023
  • Through the Ukraine-Russia war, the military importance of drones is being reassessed, and North Korea has completed actual verification through a drone provocation towards South Korea at 2022. Furthermore, North Korea is actively integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into drones, highlighting the increasing threat posed by drones. In response, the Republic of Korea military has established Drone Operations Command(DOC) and implemented various drone defense systems. However, there is a concern that the efforts to enhance capabilities are disproportionately focused on striking systems, making it challenging to effectively counter swarm drone attacks. Particularly, Air Force bases located adjacent to urban areas face significant limitations in the use of traditional air defense weapons due to concerns about civilian casualties. Therefore, this study proposes a new passive air defense method that aims at disrupting the object detection capabilities of AI models to enhance the survivability of friendly aircraft against the threat posed by AI based swarm drones. Using laser-based adversarial examples, the study seeks to degrade the recognition accuracy of object recognition AI installed on enemy drones. Experimental results using synthetic images and precision-reduced models confirmed that the proposed method decreased the recognition accuracy of object recognition AI, which was initially approximately 95%, to around 0-15% after the application of the proposed method, thereby validating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

TAGS: Text Augmentation with Generation and Selection (생성-선정을 통한 텍스트 증강 프레임워크)

  • Kim Kyung Min;Dong Hwan Kim;Seongung Jo;Heung-Seon Oh;Myeong-Ha Hwang
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.455-460
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    • 2023
  • Text augmentation is a methodology that creates new augmented texts by transforming or generating original texts for the purpose of improving the performance of NLP models. However existing text augmentation techniques have limitations such as lack of expressive diversity semantic distortion and limited number of augmented texts. Recently text augmentation using large language models and few-shot learning can overcome these limitations but there is also a risk of noise generation due to incorrect generation. In this paper, we propose a text augmentation method called TAGS that generates multiple candidate texts and selects the appropriate text as the augmented text. TAGS generates various expressions using few-shot learning while effectively selecting suitable data even with a small amount of original text by using contrastive learning and similarity comparison. We applied this method to task-oriented chatbot data and achieved more than sixty times quantitative improvement. We also analyzed the generated texts to confirm that they produced semantically and expressively diverse texts compared to the original texts. Moreover, we trained and evaluated a classification model using the augmented texts and showed that it improved the performance by more than 0.1915, confirming that it helps to improve the actual model performance.

Prediction of Water Storage Rate for Agricultural Reservoirs Using Univariate and Multivariate LSTM Models (단변량 및 다변량 LSTM을 이용한 농업용 저수지의 저수율 예측)

  • Sunguk Joh;Yangwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1125-1134
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    • 2023
  • Out of the total 17,000 reservoirs in Korea, 13,600 small agricultural reservoirs do not have hydrological measurement facilities, making it difficult to predict water storage volume and appropriate operation. This paper examined univariate and multivariate long short-term memory (LSTM) modeling to predict the storage rate of agricultural reservoirs using remote sensing and artificial intelligence. The univariate LSTM model used only water storage rate as an explanatory variable, and the multivariate LSTM model added n-day accumulative precipitation and date of year (DOY) as explanatory variables. They were trained using eight years data (2013 to 2020) for Idong Reservoir, and the predictions of the daily water storage in 2021 were validated for accuracy assessment. The univariate showed the root-mean square error (RMSE) of 1.04%, 2.52%, and 4.18% for the one, three, and five-day predictions. The multivariate model showed the RMSE 0.98%, 1.95%, and 2.76% for the one, three, and five-day predictions. In addition to the time-series storage rate, DOY and daily and 5-day cumulative precipitation variables were more significant than others for the daily model, which means that the temporal range of the impacts of precipitation on the everyday water storage rate was approximately five days.

Study on Predicting the Designation of Administrative Issue in the KOSDAQ Market Based on Machine Learning Based on Financial Data (머신러닝 기반 KOSDAQ 시장의 관리종목 지정 예측 연구: 재무적 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Yanghyun;Kim, Taekyung;Kim, Suyeong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2022
  • This paper investigates machine learning models for predicting the designation of administrative issues in the KOSDAQ market through various techniques. When a company in the Korean stock market is designated as administrative issue, the market recognizes the event itself as negative information, causing losses to the company and investors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate alternative methods for developing a artificial intelligence service to examine a possibility to the designation of administrative issues early through the financial ratio of companies and to help investors manage portfolio risks. In this study, the independent variables used 21 financial ratios representing profitability, stability, activity, and growth. From 2011 to 2020, when K-IFRS was applied, financial data of companies in administrative issues and non-administrative issues stocks are sampled. Logistic regression analysis, decision tree, support vector machine, random forest, and LightGBM are used to predict the designation of administrative issues. According to the results of analysis, LightGBM with 82.73% classification accuracy is the best prediction model, and the prediction model with the lowest classification accuracy is a decision tree with 71.94% accuracy. As a result of checking the top three variables of the importance of variables in the decision tree-based learning model, the financial variables common in each model are ROE(Net profit) and Capital stock turnover ratio, which are relatively important variables in designating administrative issues. In general, it is confirmed that the learning model using the ensemble had higher predictive performance than the single learning model.

A Design of Authentication Mechanism for Secure Communication in Smart Factory Environments (스마트 팩토리 환경에서 안전한 통신을 위한 인증 메커니즘 설계)

  • Joong-oh Park
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • Smart factories represent production facilities where cutting-edge information and communication technologies are fused with manufacturing processes, reflecting rapid advancements and changes in the global manufacturing sector. They capitalize on the integration of robotics and automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the convergence of artificial intelligence technologies to maximize production efficiency in various manufacturing environments. However, the smart factory environment is prone to security threats and vulnerabilities due to various attack techniques. When security threats occur in smart factories, they can lead to financial losses, damage to corporate reputation, and even human casualties, necessitating an appropriate security response. Therefore, this paper proposes a security authentication mechanism for safe communication in the smart factory environment. The components of the proposed authentication mechanism include smart devices, an internal operation management system, an authentication system, and a cloud storage server. The smart device registration process, authentication procedure, and the detailed design of anomaly detection and update procedures were meticulously developed. And the safety of the proposed authentication mechanism was analyzed, and through performance analysis with existing authentication mechanisms, we confirmed an efficiency improvement of approximately 8%. Additionally, this paper presents directions for future research on lightweight protocols and security strategies for the application of the proposed technology, aiming to enhance security.

Prediction of Patient Management in COVID-19 Using Deep Learning-Based Fully Automated Extraction of Cardiothoracic CT Metrics and Laboratory Findings

  • Thomas Weikert;Saikiran Rapaka;Sasa Grbic;Thomas Re;Shikha Chaganti;David J. Winkel;Constantin Anastasopoulos;Tilo Niemann;Benedikt J. Wiggli;Jens Bremerich;Raphael Twerenbold;Gregor Sommer;Dorin Comaniciu;Alexander W. Sauter
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.994-1004
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    • 2021
  • Objective: To extract pulmonary and cardiovascular metrics from chest CTs of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) using a fully automated deep learning-based approach and assess their potential to predict patient management. Materials and Methods: All initial chest CTs of patients who tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 at our emergency department between March 25 and April 25, 2020, were identified (n = 120). Three patient management groups were defined: group 1 (outpatient), group 2 (general ward), and group 3 (intensive care unit [ICU]). Multiple pulmonary and cardiovascular metrics were extracted from the chest CT images using deep learning. Additionally, six laboratory findings indicating inflammation and cellular damage were considered. Differences in CT metrics, laboratory findings, and demographics between the patient management groups were assessed. The potential of these parameters to predict patients' needs for intensive care (yes/no) was analyzed using logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic curves. Internal and external validity were assessed using 109 independent chest CT scans. Results: While demographic parameters alone (sex and age) were not sufficient to predict ICU management status, both CT metrics alone (including both pulmonary and cardiovascular metrics; area under the curve [AUC] = 0.88; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.79-0.97) and laboratory findings alone (C-reactive protein, lactate dehydrogenase, white blood cell count, and albumin; AUC = 0.86; 95% CI = 0.77-0.94) were good classifiers. Excellent performance was achieved by a combination of demographic parameters, CT metrics, and laboratory findings (AUC = 0.91; 95% CI = 0.85-0.98). Application of a model that combined both pulmonary CT metrics and demographic parameters on a dataset from another hospital indicated its external validity (AUC = 0.77; 95% CI = 0.66-0.88). Conclusion: Chest CT of patients with COVID-19 contains valuable information that can be accessed using automated image analysis. These metrics are useful for the prediction of patient management.

A study on the design of an efficient hardware and software mixed-mode image processing system for detecting patient movement (환자움직임 감지를 위한 효율적인 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어 혼성 모드 영상처리시스템설계에 관한 연구)

  • Seungmin Jung;Euisung Jung;Myeonghwan Kim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient image processing system to detect and track the movement of specific objects such as patients. The proposed system extracts the outline area of an object from a binarized difference image by applying a thinning algorithm that enables more precise detection compared to previous algorithms and is advantageous for mixed-mode design. The binarization and thinning steps, which require a lot of computation, are designed based on RTL (Register Transfer Level) and replaced with optimized hardware blocks through logic circuit synthesis. The designed binarization and thinning block was synthesized into a logic circuit using the standard 180n CMOS library and its operation was verified through simulation. To compare software-based performance, performance analysis of binary and thinning operations was also performed by applying sample images with 640 × 360 resolution in a 32-bit FPGA embedded system environment. As a result of verification, it was confirmed that the mixed-mode design can improve the processing speed by 93.8% in the binary and thinning stages compared to the previous software-only processing speed. The proposed mixed-mode system for object recognition is expected to be able to efficiently monitor patient movements even in an edge computing environment where artificial intelligence networks are not applied.

A study on the factors of elementary school teachers' intentions to use AI math learning system: Focusing on the case of TocToc-Math (초등교사들의 인공지능 활용 수학수업 지원시스템 사용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구: <똑똑! 수학탐험대> 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kyeong-Hwa Lee;Sheunghyun Ye;Byungjoo Tak;Jong Hyeon Choi;Taekwon Son;Jihyun Ock
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.335-350
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    • 2024
  • This study explored the factors that influence elementary school teachers' intention to use an artificial intelligence (AI) math learning system and analyzed the interactions and relationships among these factors. Based on the technology acceptance model, perceived usefulness for math learning, perceived ease of use of AI, and attitude toward using AI were analyzed as the main variables. Data collected from a survey of 215 elementary school teachers was used to analyze the relationships between the variables using structural equation modeling. The results of the study showed that perceived usefulness for math learning and perceived ease of use of AI significantly influenced teachers' positive attitudes toward AI math learning systems, and positive attitudes significantly influenced their intention to use AI. These results suggest that it is important to positively change teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of using AI technology in mathematics instruction and their attitudes toward AI technology in order to effectively adopt and utilize AI-based mathematics education tools in the future.

With Corona Era, exploring policy measures to prevent non-face-to-face lonely deaths - Focusing on Daegu Metropolitan City's AI and IOT cases of lonely death prevention (With 코로나 시대 비대면 고독사 예방정책 방안 모색 - 대구광역시 AI, IOT 고독사 예방 사례를 중심으로)

  • Ha-Yoon Kim;Tai-Hyun Ha
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2023
  • Due to social and cultural changes and the growth of aging people living as a single because of aging, lonely deaths are steadily increasing, and each local government has begun to define them as a social problem. The legal basis began to be established. In order to explore policy measures to prevent lonely deaths, this study examined cases of lonely death prevention policies using smart digital information technology (AI, IOT), which is being promoted by Daegu Metropolitan City to promote non-face-to-face policies to prevent lonely deaths. Policies related to lonely deaths are divided into two axes: lonely death prevention projects and post-excavation support projects. In order to operate these businesses efficiently, the provision of non-face-to-face services through artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things is recognized as a new service delivery system, so the importance and necessity of non-face-to-face services is increasing. It is time that multifaceted changes and preparations are needed, such as establishing a system to expand the non-face-to-face industry at the national level. In order to respond to another national disaster situation in the future, the non-face-to-face smart care system is being expanded in various welfare policies such as preventing lonely deaths. It will have to be activated.