• Title/Summary/Keyword: indigestion

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A Study on etiological factors, symptoms of a disease, and treatments of obesity based on Dong-Yi Bo Gam (동의보감(東醫寶鑑)을 위주(爲主)로한 비만의 원인(原因), 증상(症狀), 치료법(治療法) 연구)

  • Kim, Seok;Jin, Seng-Hee;Kim, Tae-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 1998
  • This study is on the etiological factors of the obesity, symptoms of a disease caused by the etiological factors and the method of medical treatment resulted from symptoms of a disease, it is based on Dong-Yi Bo Gam. The conclusion of this study is as follows. 1. The final metabolic of fat is depend on the defensive energy. The shape of fatty layer is changed by the point where the defensive energy is replenish or not. So 'Goin(暠人)' 'Bein(肥人)' and 'Yuckin(肉人)' is made a discriminated and there is defferent between 'Besudaeso(肥瘦大小)' and 'Herlqidaso(血氣多少)'. 2. Etiological factors of obesity is ; essential substance from cereals overcome the primodial energy, spleen and stomach are strong at once, spleen and stomach are weak at once, spleen is disturbed by evil energy, retention of phlegm and fluid, muscle is weak, blood is excess but energy (qi)is weak, hua-sid(華食) eating the sweat food very often, a rich fatty diet. 3. To investigate each syndrome as etiological factons, essential substance from cereals overcome primodial energy is divided into two case: one is the food increase itself because of the weakness of stomach energy (qi), the other is not to digest the food because liver overact spleen by seven emotion. The obesity because of strengthen of the spleen and stomach at once do not feel hungry very well and spleen and stomach do not damaged easily by overacting. The obesity because of weakness of spleen and stomach at once, and disturbace in spleen cause by evil energy, gain the weight even if they eat food a little. Also it is hard to move four limbs. Weakness of muscle is weakness of spleen and stomach. Weakness of muscle is caused by weakness of spleen and stomach. That is the case of faining the weight because of eating food with an empty stomach. The obsity caused by retention of fluid has intestine rumbling and gain the weight suddenly. 4. The method of medical treatment fallowing to the etiological factors: The food is inclined to increase itself caused by weakness of stomach energy, In case of the obseity caused by this phenomenon. We can use Decoction for Reinforcing Middle wanner and Replenishing Qi(補中益氣湯), five tastes il-going-san(左味異功散) and so on. The method of medical treatment on obsity caused by strengthen of spleen and stomach is not referred yet. But we must investigate about using peptic powder(平胃散), ji-chul-huan(枳朮丸) for strengthen of stomach qi (胃氣). If the obesity appear caused by weakness of spleen and stomach and disturbance in spleen as to evil energy, and in the same time stomach qi is weak, we can use li-gong san(異功散). If not only obesity but also indigestion, we can use Decoction for naurishing the stomach and promotion eating(養胃進食湯). If not only obesity but also weakness of spleen and stomach, we can use Decoction for Reinforcing Middle warmer and replenishing Qi(補中益氣湯). The energy being weak, we can use Decoction for six noble drugs(六君子湯). If the obesity appear because of retention of fluid, we can use sin-chul-huan(神朮丸). On the obesit, caused by excess of blood and weakness of qi(血管氣虛), there is not method of mectical treatment yet, but the method of medical treatment that we count of first important maybe to invigorate the spleen and the lung qi and to disperse and recitify the depressed liver energy(疏肝利氣). The method of medical treament about the obesity caused by a rich fatty diet is not mentioned yet, but it is important to improve the lifestyle of food and we think that invigorate the spleen, and the lung-qi(補疏肝氣) and disperse and recitify the depressed liver-energy (??肝利機) amy count of first important. 5.There is useful medicine for weight down for example Herb tea(茶), red bean, wax gourd, etc. 6.The etiological factors of the obesity that revive frequently is weakness of qi(氣虛), from 形成氣衰, deficiency of yang, hasty of qi, damp and so on. The symptoms and sign of a disease that revive frequently to the obesity is appoplexia(中風), leucorrhea, reddish and whitish turbid, feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, diabetes and so on.

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  • Kim, S. Peter;Hong, Kyung-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 1994
  • Paroxetine is a potent and selective serotoin re-uptake inhibitor. It is well known as an effective and safe antidepressant and increasingly used for neurotic or non-psychotic depression with anxiety symptoms. The present study assessed antidepressant and antianxiety efficacy and tolerability of paroxetine against placebo in child-adolescent and adult depressive neurosis patients. 232 subjects aged 8-55 years and meeting DSM-III-R criteria for depressive neurosis or dysthymia were divided into 8 subgroups according to their sex and age(8-11 yeard old, 12-17 years old, 18-35 years old and 36-55 years old subgroup in each male and female group). In each subgroup, the randomly assigned half of the patients were treated with paroxetine(10-30mg/day) and the others with placebo for the first 2 weeks in double blind fashion. After 1 week of drug-washout period, paroxetine and placebo groups were crossed over. The depression and anxiety symptoms were assessed with Hamilton Depression Scale(HDS) and Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAS) at baseline and every 1 week during the trial periods. The levels of reduction in HDS and HAS scores from baseline after 2-week trial were compared between paroxetine- and placebo- treated periods by paired t-test. In all the 8 subgroups, statistically significant differences between paroxetine and placebo were found on the antidepressant efficacy after 2-week treatment. The antidepressant efficacy of paroxetine compared to placebo was most prominent in child and adolescent female groups. On anxiety symptoms, paroxetine was also significantly more effective than placebo. The antianxiety efficacy of paroxetine compared to placebo was most prominent in male and female child groups and young adult female group aged 18-35 years. As for the adverse effects of paroxetine, 3 out of 232 subjects reported mild indigestion and abdominal pain. however, in all the 3 cases, the symptoms improved without reduction of dosage or discontinuation of the drug. In conclusion, paroxetine showed significantly higher antidepressant and antianxiety efficacy compared to placebo in child-adolescent and adult depressive neurosis patients after 2-week treatment. Further trials of paroxetine in depressive neurosis are warranted to elucidate the long-term antidepressant and antianxiety efficacy of paroxetine.

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A Clinical study on the Treatment of Pruritus (피부소양증(皮膚瘙痒症) 치료(治療)에 관(關)한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Seong-sik
    • Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.361-376
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    • 1999
  • 1. Backgrounds and Purpose : Pruritus, one of the most common dermatological symptoms, was clinically examined with a view to a better understanding of its characteristics for more accurate treatment. 2. Method : For 22 months from November in 1997 to September in 1999 we selected outpatients who had consulted for itchiness more than twice in the department of Sasang Constitution of the Pundang Oriental medical hospital, Dongkook University, and 59 of those (35 males and 24 females) were confirmed of their course of treatment. From their medical records and history, we learned the general characteristics and patterns of pruritus, and the qualities and effects of its various treatments. 3. Result and Conclusion : Pruritus was more complained by men than by women and the largest age groups were 20's and 30's. For its suffering period, the duration of 1 month to less than 1 year was the greatest, and most patients had already experienced western medical care. Itchiness affected them almost day and night. In addition, many patients had abnormal bowel habits as a general symptom. According to Sasang Constitution, the Soeumin gave sleep disturbance and indigestion; the Soyangin showed a different pattern in their tongue coatings and bowel habits; the Taeumin had different tongue coatings and sweating pattern. The commonly prescribed herbal formula for pruritus was Gakhangjungisan, Yangkyuksanhwatang, Chungsimyonjatang. As for their efficiency, 61.0 % of patients improved, whereas 39.0 percent did not. Patients aged over 30 showed a more significant improvement than those of 20 years or under, and the duration of less than 1 year was more significantly improved than that of 1 year or more. Those who had no experience in western medical care or had been continuously treated showed a more significant improvement than those with intermittent treatments, and severe pruritus was more significantly improved than mild pruritus.

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A Study on Job Stress and Eating Behavior and Habits of Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 직무스트레스와 식행동 및 식습관에 관한 연구)

  • Koong, Hwa-Soo;Kim, Seong-Min
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.525-534
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    • 2012
  • Study the effect of stress factors and increases in stress at work on the changes in eating behavior and habits and the influence of these changes on the health of dental hygienists. Use the responses of 273 dental hygienists who work in or around the Seoul area after surveying them by post or face to face. The biggest reason for skipping breakfast was having no time (60.4%) and the most desired change in eating habits was over eating (33.0%) while 51.6% responded that they over ate or binge ate due to stress. The largest stress factor was work load 39.6% and subjects responded that after stress the amount of food consumed increased very much for 12.1%, very for 49.8%, indicating increased food consumption than usual. The group with the most job stress had a high level of self stress awareness (p<0.001), nervousness (p<0.01), back pains (p<0.001), optical fatigue (p<0.01), headache (p<0.01) and indigestion (p<0.01). The higher the job stress, the poorer the eating behavior was (p<0.01) and job stress was high for dental hygienists working in dental clinics with less than three dental hygienists (p<0.05). Low eating behavior scores could be seen in groups that took 4 night shifts per week (p<0.05). Job stress scores for high for groups with no break time during work (p<0.001) and these groups showed low eating behavior scores (p<0.01). Furthermore, if high levels of self stress awareness was present, job stress was very high (p<0.001) and eating behavior scores were the lowest (p<0.05). Job stress of dental hygienists impede the eating behavior and habits therefore has a negative influence on their health. There is a need for more efforts to solve this problem and thus maintain the health of dental hygienists.

The clinical study of acne patients (面疱 患者에 對한 臨床的 硏究)

  • Chae, Byeong-yoon
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.251-268
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    • 1998
  • 125 Cases of Acne were treated by Acupuncture and Herb-med treatment during a three months duration from April 1996 to February 1998 in Kyung Hee Univ. Department of Ophthal, Otolaryngology. College of Oriental Medicine. We have observed the cases and the results as follows: 1. The age of average was 24.55 age : 21.91 in males, 24.55 in females. and in these, the gulf between males and females were showed statically significant diference. In the age of onset, averag was 16.96 age and mode was 18 age and male's average was 16.96 age, minimun was 11 age, maximum 40 age and female's average was 20.14 age, minimun was 10 age, maximum 40 age. and these were showed statically significant diference between males and females. 2. In the distribution of season, winter was the most with $37.8\%$ of out patients, the rest was similar to difference of each other. but there was clear difference between males and females. 3. In the duration of history, the average was 5.10 years and male's average was 5.13 years. on the other hand female's was 5.09 years but there is no any significant difference have a resemblance with each other. 4. In blood type, O type was the most with $35.20\%$ and there was in the order of A type was $26.40\%\;B\;type\;was\;23.20\%,\;AB\;type\;was\;15.20\%$ but these were not significant difference by the chi-tend and analysis of variance with total cases, males and females. 5. In select of the preference food, patients of the prefer worm food was $42.40\%\;and\;cool\;food\;was\;38.40\%,\;tepid\;food\;was\;24\%$ but these were no significant difference by the chi-test and ANOVA of each other. 6. the state of pulse classified into 11 type and average was 7.2 times, maximum was 29 times with Hyun Sae, at the same time, the female's average was 6.73 times, maximum was 27 times and male's average was 1.5 times. The result of test with each other, these were showed statically significant difference as compared total cases with males but there were not females ones. 7. In the frequency of the major cause, oversensitiveness was the most with $34.93\%$. secondly there was in order of indigestion $30.82\%$ and menstrual irregularity and menstruation pain $23.28\%$. constipation $10.96\%$ and these showed statically significant difference as compared the females with males on the result of test for difference with each other. 8. In frequency of the symptoms, itching was the most with $31.97\%$ and there was in order of nodule $20.49\%$, pustule $18.85\%,\;papule\;15.58\%,\;flare\;13.12\%$ and also these showed statically significant difference as compared the females with males 9. for the Distribution of acne region, face was the most with $64.06\%$ and there was in order of back $14.29\%,\;upper-chest\;11.69\%,\;neck\;7.79\%$ and there was no significant difference as compared total cases with males and females. 10. Acne applied 30 prescription to 4 weeks and over and 20 weeks and over was $23.3\%$, 30 weeks and over was $16.67\%$ and average of administration duration were 4.2 weeks(male's average 5.78, maximum 96 weeks and female's average 3.85, maximum 23 weeks) maximum was 96 weeks, minimum was 1 week. 11. In the acupuncture treatment, $96.6\%$ applied to acupuncture and average was 5.44 times, maximum 46 times, minimum 1 time(male's average 4.64, female's 5.62) but these were not any significant differeence. 12. for the medication, author made a investigation and comparison between control group with treated group in order to observe for the therapeutic effect during the 1 month and 2, 3. From these results, we can see that acne was improved by the oriental treatment. in the 1 month, average of control group was 13.24 and treated group was 11.78. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.02 as compared the treated group with control group. In the 2 months, average of control group was 13.43 and treated group was 9.03. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.003 as compared the treated group with control group. In the 3 months, average of control group was 13.78 and treated group was 8.06. these showed statically significant decrease in P<0.008 as compared the treated group with control group.

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A Survey on the Health, Food Perceptions, and Food Habits of Urban Elderly Men -With Special Reference to Elderly Men in the Tap-gol Park- (도시 남자노인의 건강과 식품에 대한 인식 및 식습관 조사 -탑골공원 노인을 대상으로-)

  • Chung, Mi-Sook;Kang, Keum-Jee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 1996
  • A survey was conducted to investigate the perceptions of health and foods, and the food habits among the elderly men who came to the Tap-Gol park on a daily basis. A total of 253 subjects were selected for this study. The data was analyzed through the $X^2-test$, Duncan's multiple range test and Pearson Correlation by the use of SAS program. The results were as follows. The majority of the subjects were in their 70's. 56.1% of them lived with their sons' families, 9.1% lived alone, and 27.3% lived with a spouse. 32% of the subjects were living with the expense less than 50,000 won per month. Although some were suffering from such diseases as arthritis, indigestion, and hypertension etc., the subjects were generally in good health. Their dependance on dietary supplements were insignificant. Most of the subject had a common-sensible notion as to health. They put emphasis on the three factors for the maintenance of good health: a balanced diet, a peace of mind and exercising. With regard to the food habits, the majority were fair in general. The subject living with family had more regular meals than the single people did. 41.5% of the subjects responded that they had irregular meals, mainly for lunch due to a poor appetite or a financial problem. The respondents cited protein food, milk, fruit, sea weeds and food cooked with oil as conducive to good health. But what they consumed did not match what they thought was good, particularly milk. The results of this study lead to the suggestion that Korea need to develop such a lunch program for the elderly as is practiced in the U.S., through which dietary motivation can be stimulated and a low-priced and balanced diet offered at least for one meal a day.

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A Study on the Present Condition and Reform Plan of School Health in a Rural Area (한 농촌지역 학교보건의 현황과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Young-Jeon;Noh, Hak-Jae;Choi, Boyul;Park, Hung-Bae;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 1996
  • This research has incorporated a postal survey from the principals, nurse-charging teachers and nurse-teachers of the fiftyfive elementary, middle and high school in Yang-pyeong county area where its supplementary rate of nurse-teachers is less than adequate. It is to analyse the current status of the school health service in the area and to come out with a plan to improve the school health program through the participations of the health related experts of the local community. The survey was done in the two months of period of April to May of 1994. The result of the survey follows. The student population in the Yang-pyeong county area is 13,998 and the school employee population is 904 which counts for about 19.2% of the whole population of the area. However, the supplementary rate of nurse-teachers is only 10.8% (4 in 55 schools) which is very low in terms of relativity. School health committee only exist in 17% of the whole number of schools in the area and 50 of school health committee answered that their activity do not meet the adequate level. Only 54. 3% of the whole school numbers has included the school health finance in their financial plans and the amount set for the school health finance is about 500,000 wons (100,000-1,600,000 wons). 64.9% of the schools in the Yang-pyeong county area have the permanent nursing room established in the school. But, often than the equipment for a simple physical examinations, their supply of the health related equipments are less than adequate. Particitations of school doctor in the school health service is at only 67.6% which pretty much include only the physical examinations. Nurse-charging teachers consider their utmost important role is to teach health education but, they answered that they spent most of their times and efforts on physical examinations & immunizations. The average number of students visition to the nursing room is 2.5 persons and complains for basic discomfort as headache, concussion, stomachache and indigestion problems and usual pills used are the analgesics and digestives. Physical examination is done in the most schools every year but, 51.4% of nurse-charging teachers answered the physical examination does not really help. About the emergency treatment ability, 75.7% reports that both manpower & equipment are short. The school food services are present in only 8 schools (21.6%) but, 89.2% of nurse-charging teachers answer that there is a definite need of the food service. The survey says that the utmost important environmental health and safety factors are the traffic accidents followed by improper heat system, lighting, the stools and desks that do not consider the student physical status The overall evaluation of school health program reports that there are adequate physical examination, immunization, environmental hygiene, and management of safety but, on the other hand, health education, health councelling & management of nursing room are not managed properly. The principals of the survey pool report shortage of public agency support, lack of understanding of school health, shortage of nursing equipments and school health finance as the barrier factors of school health. The nurse-charging teachers report on the same questions as their less than qualitifying expertise, extraload of work upon the nursing affairs, shortage of nursing equipments & school health finance. The head masters & nurse-charging teachers answered that they are desperate for the meetings of nurse-charging teachers, construction of school health councelling system & training education in order to improve school health and if these are available, they will actively participate in them. After the careful analysis of the survey result, it is apparent that through the relations of the manpowers, establishment of community-oriented school health is definitely in need in rural area where there is low supplementary rate of nurse-teachers and poor school health environment.

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A Multicenter, Randomized, Open, Comparative Study for the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Moxifloxacin 400 mg Once a Day and Clarithromycin 500 mg Twice Daily in Korean Patients with Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis (한국인의 만성 기관지염의 급성 악화 환자를 대상으로 한 Moxifloxacin 400mg 1 일 1회 요법과 Clarithromycin 500mg 1일 2회 요법의 치료효과 및 안전성 비교)

  • Kim, Seung-Joon;Kim, Seok-Chan;Lee, Sook-Young;Yoon, Hyeong-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Yon;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Song, Jeong-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak;Kim, Ho-Joong;Chung, Man-Pyo;Suh, Gee-Young;Kwon, O-Jung;Lee, Shin -Hyung;Kang, Kyung-Ho;Lee, Eh-Hyung;Hwang, Sung-Chul;Han, Myung-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.740-751
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    • 2000
  • Background : Moxifloxacin is a newly developed drug which is more potent and safe compared to previous fluoroquinolones. This drug effectively eradicates organisms such as beta-lactamase-producing or other resistant bacteria. Moxifloxacin is known to be effective in treating respiratory infections such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Chlamydia pneumoniaeme, Legionella spp. and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Methods : In a multicenter, randomized, open, comparative study, the efficacy and safety of oral moxifloxacin taken 400 mg once a day and clarithromycin taken 500 mg twice daily for 7 days were compared for the treatment of Korean patients with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Results : A total of 170 patients were enrolled, and they were divided into two groups: 87 in the moxifloxacin group and 83 in the clarithromycin group. Of those enrolled, 76 (35 for bacteriologic efficacy) in the moxifloxacin group and 77 (31 for bacteriologic efficacy) in the clarithromycin group were included in the efficacy analysis. All were included in the safety analysis. Clinical success was noted in 70 (92.1%) of 76 moxifloxacin-treated patients and 71 (92.2%) of 77 clarithromycin-treated patients. Bacteriologic success rate seemed to be higher in moxifloxacin group (73.5%) than in clarithromycin group (54.8%), but statistically insignificant (p=0.098). Drug susceptibility among organisms initially isolated was higher in moxifloxacin group on Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae (p<0.001). Adverse events were reported by 12.8% of 86 patients receiving moxifloxacin and 21.7% of 83 patients receiving clarithromycin. Headache (4.7% vs 4.8%, moxifloxacin group vs clarithromycin group, respectively) and indigestion (2.3% vs 6.0%, moxifloxacin group vs clarithromycin group, respectively) were the most frequent side effects in the two groups. Conclusion : This study demonstrated that for the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis a 7-day course of moxifloxacin 400 mg od was clinically equivalent and microbiologically superior to clarithromycin 500 mg bid.

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