• 제목/요약/키워드: improvement of reproductive efficiency

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초음파 검사에 의한 젖소 번식 검진과 번식 장애 치료 (Treatment of Reproductive Dysfunctions and Reproductive Monitoring Using Ultrasonography in Dairy Cow)

  • 임원호;오기석;서규종;황순신;김방실;배춘식;김성호;김종택;박인철;박상국;손창호
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2006
  • 전국 65개 시군에 소재하는 착유우 20두 이상 규모의 760개 목장에서 85,983두를 대상으로 초음파 번식 검진 및 치료를 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 번식 검진우 85,983두 중 난소 질병이 40,399(47.0 %)로 가장 많았으며 자궁 질병 11,912두(13.9%), 임신 및 임신기 사고가 26,587두(30.9%), 난소나 자궁의 유착이 172두(0.2%), 프리마틴 8두(0.01%)그리고 분만 후 50일 이내로서 정상적인 발정 주기와 같은 기타가 6,905두(8.3%)로 나타났다. 번식 검진우에서 번식 장애에 대해 치료를 실시하였던 소는 30,241두로 이중 둔성 발정 또는 발정 발견의 잘못 14,909(49.3%), 난포낭종 3,750(12.4 %), 황체낭종 907두 (3.0%), 난소 기능부전 665두 (2.2%) 및 난소의 과립막 세포종 3두(0.01%)로 난소 질병이 20,234두로 66.9%를 차지 했고 나머지는 자궁 질병과 기타 질병이었는데 자궁 질병 중에서는 자궁 내막염이 6,986두(23.1%)로 가장 많았다. 정기적인 번식 검진 효과를 번식 지표로서 확인해 보았던 바 평균 분만 간격은 번식 검진 이전에는 475일이었으나 번식 검진 이후에도 381일로 단축되었고, 공태기는 186일에서 98일로 단축, 분만 후 첫 수정까지의 평균 일수는 106일에서 66일로 단축, 분만 후 60일 이내에 발정을 보여 주었던 소의 비율은 32%에서 90%로 증가, 첫 수정시 수태율은 42%에서 64%로 증가, 수태당 수정 회수는 2.6회에서 1.8회로 단축되었다. 따라서 정기적인 검진은 조기 임신 진단, 번식장애의 정확한 진단 및 적절한 치료로서 번식 효율을 증가시켜 농가의 생산성을 향상시켰다.

한우(韓牛)의 번식효율(繁殖效率) 증진(增進)에 관한 연구(硏究) -Progesterone측정(測定)을 위한 방사선면역분석법(放射線免疫分析法)의 개발(開發)- (Studies on the improvement of reproductive efficiency in Korean native cows -Development of radioimmunoassay for progesterone-)

  • 최한선;강병규;이정길;손창호
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 1990
  • 항체로서 4-pregnen-$11{\alpha}$-ol-3,20-dione-hemisuccinate bovine serum albumin을 사용하여 progesterone 측정을 위한 방사선 면역분석법을 개발하였다. 항체의 최종 희석 배율은 1 : 5,000이었다. Label progesterone의 회수율은 84%였으며 최저 측정치는 8pg/ml이었다. Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation은 각각 6.2, 10.4%이었다. 방사선 면역 분석법은 가축에서 성성숙(性成熟), 발정확인(發情確認), 임신진단(姙娠診斷), 분만(分娩)후 난소기능회복(卵巢機能回復) 및 번식장애(繁殖障碍)의 진단(診斷)등에 적용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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번식효율 증진을 위한 후보 종빈돈의 조기선발에 관한 연구 I. 후보 종빈돈의 첫발정 일령과 산자수 (Studies on Early Selection of Excellent Gilts for Improvement of Reproductive Efficiency I. First Estus and Litter Size of Candidate Gilts)

  • 손동수;이장희;최선호;연성흠;류일선;서국현;허태영;박성재;조규호
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2003
  • 종빈돈의 번식효율 증진을 위해 후보종빈돈의 성성숙일령, 첫교배일령 및 등지방 두께 등이 번식능력에 영향을 미치는 요인을 조사$.$분석하여 우수한 후보종빈돈의 조기선발에 활용코자 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 출생계절별 첫발정일령 및 첫수정일령은 봄에 출생한 후보종빈돈은 194.14일 및 222.05일, 여름에 출생한 후보종빈돈은 163.25일 및 193.00일, 가을에 출생한 후보종빈돈은 160.25일 및 199.20일, 겨울에 출생한 후보종빈돈은 159.72일 및 190.11일로 봄에 출생한 후보종빈돈의 첫발정일령이 겨울, 가을, 여름에 출생한 후보종빈돈보다 유의적으로 늦게 나타났다(P< 0.01). 2. 등지방두께가 13∼16mm인 후보종빈돈의 첫발정일은 180.32일, 17∼20mm인 후보종빈돈은 171.24일, 21∼23mm인 후보종빈돈은 162.20일로 등지방두께가 얇을수록 첫발정일령이 지연되었으나 유의적인 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 3. 등지방두께가 13∼16mm인 후보종빈돈의 첫수정일령은 211.12일, 17∼20mm인 후보종빈돈은 202.43일, 21∼23mm인 후보종빈돈은 195.43일로 등지방 두께가 얇을수록 첫수정일령이 지연되었으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 4. 첫발정일령이 160일령 이하일 때에 산자수는 9.64두였으며, 161∼180일렬인 경우 10.14두, 181∼200일령인 경우 9.56두, 201일령이상인 경우 9.13두로 첫발정일령이 161∼180일이었을 때가 산자수가 가장 많았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 5. 첫수정일령이 180일령 이하일 때에 산자수는 9.13두였으며, 181∼200일령인 경우 9.75두, 201∼220일령인 경우 10.13두, 221일령 이상인 경우 9.45두로 첫수정일령이 201∼220일령이었을때가 산자수가 가장 많았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 6. 첫수정시 등지방두께가 13∼16mm일 때에 산자수는 9.33두였으며, 17∼20mm인 경우 9.81두, 21∼20mm인 경우 10.17두로 첫수정시 등 지방두께가 21∼23mm이었을 때가 산자수가 가장 많았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다.

The Effects of Resveratrol on Oocyte Maturation and Preimplantation Embryo Development

  • Kwak, Seong-Sung;Hyun, Sang-Hwan
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2012
  • Biotechnologies for cloning animals and in vitro embryo production have the potential to produce biomedical models for various researches. Especially, pigs are a suitable model for xenotransplantation, transgenic production and various areas of reproductive research due to its physiological similarities to human. However, utilization of in vitro-produced embryos for transfer remains limited. Despite improvement over past few decades, obstacles associated with the production of good quality embryos in vitro still exist which limit the efficiency of cloning. One of major problems includes improper in vitro maturation (IVM) and culture (IVC). Oxidative stress caused from in vitro culture conditions contributes to inadequate IVM and IVC which leads to poor developmental competence of oocytes, failure of fertilization and embryo development. To reduce the oxidative stress, various antioxidants have been used to IVM and IVC system. However, limited information is available on the effects of resveratrol on livestock reproductions. Resveratrol is a polyphenolic natural product and well known as an antioxidant in foods and beverages (e.g. in grapes and red wine). Resveratrol is known to be cardioprotective, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiapoptotic. This paper will review the effects of resveratrol on in vitro maturation of oocytes and embryo development.

한우(韓牛)의 번식효율(繁殖效率) 증진(增進)에 관한 연구(硏究) -Progesterone농도(濃度) 측정(測定)에 의한 조기임신진단(早期姙娠診斷)- (Studies on the improvement of reproductive efficiency in Korean native cows -The use of plasma progesterone concentrations for early pregnancy diagnosis-)

  • 강병규;최한선;이정길;손창호;서국현
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.249-253
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    • 1990
  • Plasma progesterone concentrations were measured in 24 Korean native cows by a radioimmunoassay at 0, 6 and 20 days after insemination. As a result, 23 cows (95.8%) were judged to be in estrus with ovulation and one cow (4.2%) was judged to be in estrus without ovulation. Plasma progesterone concentrations at 20 days after insemination were $5.11{\pm}1.33$ (mean${\pm}$SD, range 3.20~7.86) ng/ml in pregnant cows and $0.35{\pm}0.10$ (range 0.30~0.50) ng/ml in nonpregnant cows. Of the 20 cows, 18 cows were confirmed the pregnant by rectal palpation at 60 days after insemination. The accuracy of the pregnancy diagnosis based on plasma progesterone concentration was 90 % for positive case and 100% for negative case.

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가축의 개량 및 번식효율 증진에 관한 연구 V. 소에 있어서 체외수정의 관한 연구 (Studies on the Improvement of Performance and Reproductive Efficiency in Farm Animals V. Studies in In Vitro Fertilization of Follicular Oocytes in Cattle)

  • 정영채;김창근;유종택;이규승
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1994
  • 소 난포란의 체외성숙율과 체외수정후 분할율을 향상시키기 위하여 성숙배양액에 FCS 첨가 효과를 조사하였으며 FCS의 첨가수준은 5-20%였고 사용된 기본배양액은 Dn(-BSA), Ham's F10 및 TCM199이었다. 난포직경 2-6mm 난포로부터 채란된 수정란을 39$^{\circ}C$ 배양기에서 28시간 성숙시킨후 동결융해정자 또는 비동결정자로 체외수정시켰다. FCS 무첨가구보다는 첨가구 성숙유리 향상되었으나 FCS 첨가의DM(-BSA)와 Ham's F10간에, 그리고 FCS첨가수준간에는 성숙율의 차이가 없었다. FCS의 첨가로 성숙율은 향상되었으나 난할율에는 영향이 없었다. 체외수정 난포란의 난할율이 HIS 처리후 6시간 전배양한 동결정자와의 수정에서는 현저히 낮았으나 2시간 전배양과 정자에 의해서는 향상되었고 비동결정자이용시 더욱 향상되었다. FCS 첨가된 Ham's F10과 TCM199에서 성숙시킨 난자의 난할율이 DM(-BSA)+FCS보다 높았다. 본 연구 결과에서 난포란의 체외성숙이 FCS첨가로 개선되었으나 난할율에는 영향이 없었으며 난할율이 정자처리방법에 따라 차이가 많았고 Ham's F10과 TCM199에 FCS의 첨가가 보다 효과적이었다.

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Factors Affecting Reproductive Performance in the Nepalese Pakhribas Pig:Effects of Nutrition and Housing during Gilt Rearing

  • Shrestha, N.P.;Edwards, S.A.;English, P.R.;Robertson, J.F.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2002
  • The effects of housing and nutrition on the performance of growing gilts of the Nepalese Pakhribas breed were investigated. A total of 36 pigs were allocated according to a factorial design with 3 levels of nutrition, provided to achieve a target growth rate of 200, 300 or 400 g/day, and two types of housing, traditional or improved. The growth rate and body composition were monitored during the growing period and subsequent pregnancy. There was a significantly higher growth rate (p<0.01), greater $P_2$ backfat thickness (p<0.01), and greater eye muscle depth (p<0.01) at service in pigs given the higher level of nutrition. Similarly, there was a significantly higher growth rate (p<0.05), and greater eye muscle depth (p<0.10) with improved housing but no significant difference in $P_2$ backfat thickness. The conception rate was 90% at first service, with no difference between treatments. Gilts from the high plane of rearing produced a mean litter size of one piglet greater than those on the low plane, but this was not significant with the limited numbers. However, both improved plane of nutrition and reduced climatic penalty by improving housing resulted in increased birthweight of piglets (p<0.05). It is concluded that improvement in housing can give benefits equivalent to at least a 7% improvement in efficiency of feed use under traditional Nepalese circumstances for pig rearing.

가축의 개량 및 번식효율 증진에 관한 연구 Ⅵ. 소에 있어서 체외수정 난포란의 발생능 향상에 관한 연구 (Studies on the Improvement of Performance and Reproductive Efficiency in Farm Animal Ⅵ. Studies on Improvement of Development Potential of In vitro-fertilized Bovine Follicular)

  • 정영채;김창근;류범용;윤종택;김훈태;이규승
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1990
  • These studies were carried out to find the proper conditions for in vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine follicular oocytes and culture methods capable of further developing early embryos. For these objectives, the cleavage rate of oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro was investigated under medium supplemented with hormones and estrous cow serum and season of oocytes collection as well as different cumulus cell stage before insemination. Finally, 2~8 cell embryos were cultured in in vitro and in vitro culture system to investigate developmental capacity into morula. 1. Cleavage rate of oocytes matured in vitro was 27%(20/73) for A(LH+FSH+estradil-17$\beta$+10% FBS), 38%(27/71) for B(LH+10% ECS) and 27%(15/56) for C(10% ECS), respectively. Supplement B showed more higher rate and 4~8 cell embryos were also obtained much more in this group(67%, 18/27). In vitro maturation rate of follicular oocytes cultured in TCM 199 supplemented withLH and 10% ECS was 88%(75/85). 2. Cleavage rate(15%, 10/65) of oocytes collected in summer was significantly lower than in fall(47%, 42/89). 3. Cleavage rate(15%, 10/65) of oocytes collected in summer was significantly lower than in fall(47%, 42/89). 3. Cleavage rate(15%, 10/65) of oocytes with partially removed cumulus cell before insemination was more higher than that(44%, 27/62) of oocytes with intact cumulus cell. 4. The frequency of development from early cleaved embryos into morula was 6%(4/65), 12%(4/33) for co-culture of cumulus cell monolayer and bovine oviduct epithelial cell monolayer, respectively and 25%(6/25) in ligated rabbit oviduct.

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Economic Assessments of Hormonal and Nutritional Treatments for Improvement of Awassi Sheep Production in Jordan

  • Nasr, R.E.;Haddad, S.G.;Al-Karablieh, E.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.1110-1114
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    • 2002
  • The animal production sector in Jordan is characterized by shortages of locally produced feedstuffs derived from rangeland, forage plants or from human food crops as by products. This is exacerbated by insufficient rainfall, overgrazing, early grazing and high stocking rate. Thus, subject to these constraints, other technological improvements are highly desirable to meet the needs of crop growth and animal production. Alternative adapted technologies are also desirable in order to meet the increased demand for red meat in relation to population growth along with the changes in the price subsidy for feedstuff. The technologies are those, which have been introduced to the animal production sector, obtained in agricultural research stations besides on-farm demonstrations. They include technologies suited for increasing birth and twining rates, synchronizing the mating period, introducing the early weaning method, and animal feed and sheep production. Economic assessments conducted in this study demonstrate promising results of hormonal and nutritional practices in improving production efficiency of Awassi sheep in Jordan. Jordanian published data between 1991 and 1998 were used. The examined practices were: 1) use of PMSG in estrus synchronization in ewes, 2) introduction of early lamb weaning program, 3) supplementation with $AD_3E$ for ewes and 4) the use of agro-industrial feed block as a feed supplement for grazing lambs. Production data were then subjected to partial budgeting for economical evaluation. The use of PMSG outperformed the control groups in fertility and net returns per ewe by US$ 8.36/ewe. The early weaning of lambs increased the net returns by US$ 3.90/lamb. The injection with vitamin $AD_3E$ showed an average additional net return of US$ 5.66/ewe. Feeding agriculture by-product blocks improved weight gain in the feed block groups and resulted in additional net returns of US$ 3.5/lamb. The economic viability and reproductive performance indicators demonstrate that efforts should be undertaken to disseminate these new practices in the development program.

Efficiency of Different Selection Indices for Desired Gain in Reproduction and Production Traits in Hariana Cattle

  • Kaushik, Ravinder;Khanna, A.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.789-793
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    • 2003
  • An investigation was conducted on 729 Hariana cows maintained at Government Livestock Farm, Hisar, from 1973 to 1999, with an objective to compare the efficiency of various selection indices for attaining desired genetic gains in the index traits. The various traits included were age at first calving (AFC), service period (SP), calving interval (CI), days to first service (DFS), number of services per conception (NSPC), lactation milk yield (LY), peak yield (PY), dry period (DP). Except for LY, PY and AFC the heritabilities of all other traits were low. Desirable associations among reproductive traits are supportive of the fact that any one of these traits incorporated in simultaneous selection is expected to cause correlated response in other traits. Production traits (LY and PY) were positively correlated, while DP had low negative genetic correlation with LY, and high genetic correlation with PY. Thus, DP can be taken as additional criteria in selection index for better over all improvement. Almost all production traits except DP had low negative correlation with AFC, SP, DFS and CI meaning that reduction in reproduction traits up to certain level may increase production performance. While, the correlation of NSPC with LY and PY was moderate positive. Among four trait indices I23: incorporating PY, AFC, SP and NSPC and among three trait indices I1: incorporating LY, AFC and SP were the best as these required least number of generations (4.87 and 1.35, respectively) to attain desired goals. Next in order of preference were PY or LY along with DP and SP as the best indices (I20 and I16) of which, index with PY may be preferred instead of LY as it produced considerably high correlated response in LY and reduction in NSPC as well.