• Title/Summary/Keyword: improvement of production

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The Research about the Classification System Improvement and Cord Development of Korean Classification of Disease on Oriental Internal Medicine (한국표준질병사인분류중 한방내과영역의 분류체계 개선 및 진단명 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : It is necessary that the international classification of diseases (ICD) be examined in order to comprise the third revision of the Korean Classification of Disease on Oriental Medicine (KCD-OM) and disease classification in the oriental internal medicine field. It is essential that the selection, classification and definition of disease and pattern names of oriental concepts in internal medicine be clear. Since 2008, the fifth revision of the Korean Classification of Disease (KCD-5) has been used in Korea. It was required to use the reference classification from the Oriental medicine area based on the ICD-10. Methods : In this review, the necessity for, meaning of and content of the third revision are briefly described. The ICD system was reviewed and KCD-OM was reconstructed. How diagnosis in the oriental internal medicine area had changed is discussed. Review and Results : In 1973, the disease classification of oriental medicine was established the basis on the contents of Dongeuibogam. It was irrespective of the ICD. As to the classification system in the Oriental internal medicine field, systemic disease was comprised of wind, cold, warm, wet, dryness, heat, spirit, ki, blood, phlegm and retained fluid, consumptive disease, etc. Diseases of internal medicine comprised a system according to the five viscera and the six internal organs and followed the classification system of Dongeuibogam. The first and second revisions were of the classification system based on the curriculum in 1979 and 1995. In 1979, in the first revision, geriatric disease and idiopathic types of disease were deleted, and skin disease was included among surgery diseases. This classification was expanded to 792 small classification items and 1,535 detailed classification items to the dozen disease classes. In 1995, in the second revision, it was adjusted to 644 small classes and 1,784 detailed classification items in the dozen disease classes. KCD-OM3 did KCD from this basis. It added and comprised the oriental medical doctor's concept names of diseases considering the special conditions in Korea. KCD-OM3 examined the KCD-OMsecond revised edition (1994). It improved the duplex classification, improper classifications, etc. It is difficult for us to separate the disease names and pattern names in oriental medicine. We added to the U code and made one classification system. By considering the special conditions in Korea, 169 codes (83 disease name codes, 86 pattern name codes) became the pre-existence classification and links among 306 U codes of KCD-OM3. 137 codes were newly added in the third revision. U code added 3 domains. These are composed of the disease name (U20-U33, 97 codes), the disease pattern name (U50-U79, 191 codes) and the constitution pattern name of each disease (U95-U98, 18 codes). Conclusion : The introduction of KCD-OM3 conforms to the diagnostic system by which oriental medical doctors examine classes used with the basic structure of the reference classification of WHO and raises the clinical study and academic activity of the Korean oriental medicine and makes the production of all kinds of nation statistical indices possible. The introduction of KCD-OM3 promotes the diagnostic system by which doctors of Oriental medicine examine classes using the association with KCD-5. It will raise the smoothness and efficiency of oriental medical treatment payments in the health insurance, automobile insurance, industrial accident compensation insurance, etc. In addition, internationally, the eleventh revision work of the ICD has been initiated. It needs to consider incorporating into the International Classification of Diseases some of every country's traditional medicine.

Some General Characteristics of the Abstracting Journals Published in Korea (한국초록집의 특성)

  • 최성진
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1994
  • This paper attempts to define some general characteristics of the Abstracting Journals published in Korea as evidenced in those published during last ten years. This purpose is achieved by comparing the results of the two studies conducted by the author in 1984 and in 1994. Both studies were conducted to present the state of the art in the abstracting services in Korea. The major conclusions made in this paper are summarised as follows: (1) Researchers and professionals working in a small number of subject fields are benefited by the abstracting journals, which provide current-awareness services of recent achievements in research and development in Korea. Those in most of the fields have no abstracting journals of their own, and naturally they have no substantial abstract-ing services. Even many researchers and professionals in the fields that have some abstracting journals are not informed of research results in their fields because the abstracting journals are scattered in many narrow subjects and in many cases, the abstracting journals only cover publications in some specific forms and kinds. (2) Abstracting journals that cover more than two subject fields, which are supposed to be of more or less help to the researchers and professionals in the subject fields that have no abstracting journals published in their fields, have rapidly increased in number in the past ten years. Most of suh abstracting journals carry thesis and dissertation abstracts, and the rest, those of research papers published in specific places, in specific forms, by specific institutions, and of reports of research projects sponsored by specific foundations. These abstracting journals are not of the kind that comprehensively provide researchers in related fields with current awareness of publications of research results in Korea. (3) Most of the abstracting Journals existing in Korea are Published by institutions of higher education and research institutes, and the rest, by commercial publishers, industrial firms, libraries, information centres, government agencies, research foundations, learned societies, etc. Those which publish many titles are small in number and those publish one or two titles are large in number. The former is largely made up of institutions of higher education and research institutes. (4) The abstracting journals published in Korea are classified by type into those of dissertations, research papers, journal articles, patent specifications in that descending order. The fact that Master; and doctoral dissertation abstracts ate dominating in Korea is due to the irrational practice of publishing those abstracts at many different institutions. (5) Most of the abstracting journals existing in Korea are published by national or government-supported research institutes in order to publicise their own research outputs. Their coverage of literature is normally narrow, and naturally their value to users is limited. (6) Korean is the desirable language for the abstracting journals intended to be distributed within Korea. About half of the abstracting jornals published in Korea is printed in Korean and the other half, in foreign languages, and in Korean and in foreign languages together. All the abstracting journals in foreign languages are printed in English except one, which is printed in Japanese. (7) Some twenty per cent of the abstracting journals in Korea is published monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly. The others are published annually, biannually and irregularly. The latter may not function properly as a current-awareness tool due to long intervals between their issues. It is particularly undesirable that about half of the abstracting journals in Korea is published irregularly. Most of the abstracting journals published in Korea are distributed freely to individuals and institutions selected by the publishers. (8) The abstracting journals published by the use of computers increased drastically in the past ten years. The abstracting journals produced by the conventional type-setting method will possibly disappear in Korea in another ten years to come. Automation of the production of abstracting journals does not simply mean technical, economic improvement in publishing processes but availability of machine-readable databases that can be used for many other pur-poses, including generation of other bibliographical publications and provision of machine literature searching capabilities. Necessary steps should be taken for this important development immediately.

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PRC Maritime Operational Capability and the Task for the ROK Military (중국군의 해양작전능력과 한국군의 과제)

  • Kim, Min-Seok
    • Strategy21
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    • s.33
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    • pp.65-112
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    • 2014
  • Recent trends show that the PRC has stepped aside its "army-centered approach" and placed greater emphasis on its Navy and Air Force for a wider range of operations, thereby reducing its ground force and harnessing its economic power and military technology into naval development. A quantitative growth of the PLA Navy itself is no surprise as this is not a recent phenomenon. Now is the time to pay closer attention to the level of PRC naval force's performance and the extent of its warfighting capacity in the maritime domain. It is also worth asking what China can do with its widening naval power foundation. In short, it is time to delve into several possible scenarios I which the PRC poses a real threat. With this in mind, in Section Two the paper seeks to observe the construction progress of PRC's naval power and its future prospects up to the year 2020, and categorize time frame according to its major force improvement trends. By analyzing qualitative improvements made over time, such as the scale of investment and the number of ships compared to increase in displacement (tonnage), this paper attempts to identify salient features in the construction of naval power. Chapter Three sets out performance evaluation on each type of PRC naval ships as well as capabilities of the Navy, Air Force, the Second Artillery (i.e., strategic missile forces) and satellites that could support maritime warfare. Finall, the concluding chapter estimates the PRC's maritime warfighting capability as anticipated in respective conflict scenarios, and considers its impact on the Korean Peninsula and proposes the directions ROK should steer in response. First of all, since the 1980s the PRC navy has undergone transitions as the focus of its military strategic outlook shifted from ground warfare to maritime warfare, and within 30 years of its effort to construct naval power while greatly reducing the size of its ground forces, the PRC has succeeded in building its naval power next to the U.S.'s in the world in terms of number, with acquisition of an aircraft carrier, Chinese-version of the Aegis, submarines and so on. The PRC also enjoys great potentials to qualitatively develop its forces such as indigenous aircraft carriers, next-generation strategic submarines, next-generation destroyers and so forth, which is possible because the PRC has accumulated its independent production capabilities in the process of its 30-year-long efforts. Secondly, one could argue that ROK still has its chances of coping with the PRC in naval power since, despite its continuous efforts, many estimate that the PRC naval force is roughly ten or more years behind that of superpowers such as the U.S., on areas including radar detection capability, EW capability, C4I and data-link systems, doctrines on force employment as well as tactics, and such gap cannot be easily overcome. The most probable scenarios involving the PRC in sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula are: first, upon the outbreak of war in the peninsula, the PRC may pursue military intervention through sea, thereby undermining efforts of the ROK-U.S. combined operations; second, ROK-PRC or PRC-Japan conflicts over maritime jurisdiction or ownership over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands could inflict damage to ROK territorial sovereignty or economic gains. The PRC would likely attempt to resolve the conflict employing blitzkrieg tactics before U.S. forces arrive on the scene, while at the same time delaying and denying access of the incoming U.S. forces. If this proves unattainable, the PRC could take a course of action adopting "long-term attrition warfare," thus weakening its enemy's sustainability. All in all, thiss paper makes three proposals on how the ROK should respond. First, modern warfare as well as the emergent future warfare demonstrates that the center stage of battle is no longer the domestic territory, but rather further away into the sea and space. In this respect, the ROKN should take advantage of the distinct feature of battle space on the peninsula, which is surrounded by the seas, and obtain capabilities to intercept more than 50 percent of the enemy's ballistic missiles, including those of North Korea. In tandem with this capacity, employment of a large scale of UAV/F Carrier for Kill Chain operations should enhance effectiveness. This is because conditions are more favorable to defend from sea, on matters concerning accuracy rates against enemy targets, minimized threat of friendly damage, and cost effectiveness. Second, to maintain readiness for a North Korean crisis where timely deployment of US forces is not possible, the ROKN ought to obtain capabilities to hold the enemy attack at bay while deterring PRC naval intervention. It is also argued that ROKN should strengthen its power so as to protect national interests in the seas surrounding the peninsula without support from the USN, should ROK-PRC or ROK-Japan conflict arise concerning maritime jurisprudence. Third, the ROK should fortify infrastructures for independent construction of naval power and expand its R&D efforts, and for this purpose, the ROK should make the most of the advantages stemming from the ROK-U.S. alliance inducing active support from the United States. The rationale behind this argument is that while it is strategically effective to rely on alliance or jump on the bandwagon, the ultimate goal is always to acquire an independent response capability as much as possible.

Analysis of Carbon Fixation in Natural Forests of Quercus mongolica and Quercus variabilis (신갈나무와 굴참나무 천연림(天然林)의 탄소(炭素) 고정량(固定量) 분석(分析))

  • Song, Cheel-Young;Chang, Kwansoon;Park, Kwansoo;Lee, Seungwoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1997
  • This study has been carried out to estimate carbon fixation, and carbon NPP based on equation form of $Wt=aD^bH^c$ in natural stand of Quercus mongolica and Quercus variabilis in Chungju. The effect of improvement of environment was also evaluated by estimating sink of $CO_2$ gas in forest ecosystem of Korea in a year. The following effects have been obtained in analysing estimate of allometric equation. Equation form of $Wt=aD^bH^c$ was the most adequate, those of $Wt=a(D^2H)^b$, $Wt=aD^b$ estimate of the biomass and the carbon fixation in Quercus natural stand of Chungju. Total above ground of Quercus mongolica was 130.58 t/ha and that of Quercus variabilis was 137.38 t/ha. Annual production of two stands was 9.96 t/ha/yr, 8.64 t/ha/yr, respectively. Carbon fixation of total above ground was 60.52t C/ha in Quercus mongolica stand, and was 62.22t C/ha in Quercus variabilis stand. Annual fixation of carbon was 4.78t C/ha/yr and 4.28t C/ha/yr, seperately. Annual emission of carbon estimated 2.44t C/ha/yr in contrast of forest area in Korea. It was showed that the annual fixation of carbon was higher 1.84t C/ha/yr~2.34t C/ha/yr than annual emission of carbon. But foliage was 2.39t C/ha/yr and 1.89t C/ha/yr, which occupied 40% and 50% of annual carbon fixation of total above ground. Annual carbon fixation may fluctuate about 1.89t C/ha/yr~2.39t C/ha/yr by seasons.

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Comparison of F1 and F2 hybrid on authorized silkworm variety (누에 장려품종간 교잡누에의 실용형질 비교)

  • Kim, Kee-Young;Kim, Mi-Ja;Ji, Sang-Duk;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kim, Yong-Soon;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Park, Kwang-Young;Kang, Pil-Don
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to consider practical use of F2 hybrid and intervariety crossing for the improvement of silkworm eggs export and silkworm eggs manufacture. Now Kumokjam and Baegokjam come into wide use to sericulture farmers but comparison test of F1, F2 hybrid and intervariety have not been done. We weighed against the productivity among economical character. While larval period of F2 among them is most long time, pupation percentage and cocoon yield per 10,000 3rd molted larvae are lower than intervariety. With comparing F2 and intervariety, single cocoon weight of F2 is lower 9 ~ 21% than intervariety, and cocoon shell weight of F2 was lower 10 ~ 18% than intervariety. By number of cocoons per liter, F2 hybrid was lower and more irregular size than intervariety. In coparison with number of egg laid, F2 hybrid Baegokjam was 655 ea (14%) and Kumokjam 625 ea (40%) more than F1 hybrid. Also, F2 hybrid for filament grade went down than F1 hybrid. The advantage of egg production in F2 hybrid can reduce costs because there is no necessity for sex discrimination and germination control. But besides increase of number of egg laid, the productivity including economical characters was greatly lowered. Except for being a lot of laying eggs, cocoon productivity of the F2 was greatly reduced by degeneration of practical traits. Therefore the further studies are needed in order to increase utilization value of the F2 hybrid silkworm.

The Effect of Change in Meat Quality Parameters on Pig Longissimus dorsi Muscle by the Addition of Fermented Persimmon Shell Diet

  • Kim, Hoi-Yun;Song, Young-Min;Jin, Sang-Keun;Kim, Il-Suk;Kang, Yang-Su;Lee, Sung-Dae;Chowdappa, Rekha;Ha, Ji-Hee;Kang, Seoc-Mo
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 2006
  • The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of growth performance, chemical composition and meat quality parameters by the addition of fermented persimmon shell diets (FPSD). The experimental animals were ninety-six Berkshires. The pigs were allotted at 8 per pen in front-open building with three replicate pens per treatment. Until $61{\pm}1kg$ live weight at 140 days, the animals were fed growing diet, after which, experimental samples were fixed at 0, 3, 5 and 7% FPSD as C, T1, T2 and T3 in the finishing diets. Pigs of $103{\pm}1kg$ live weight were slaughtered by electrical stunning. In growth performance, ADG increased more (p<0.05) in T2 than C and T1. ADFI (kg/day) was higher (p<0.05) in T2 than in other groups. Feed conversion ratio was lower (p<0.05) in T2 than in other groups. On longissimus dorsi muscle (LM), the content of moisture was lower (p<0.05) in T3 than in other treatments. Crude fat increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. pH at 24 h ($pH_{24}$) decreased more (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than C and T1 by addition of FPSD. WHC decreased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. In meat, Hunter $L^*$ and $a^*$ were lower (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. Hunter $b^*$ was higher (p<0.05) in T3 than in other treatments. In back-fat, Hunter $L^*$ was higher (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. Hunter $a^*$ was not different in C and T1 but increased (p<0.05) in treatments by addition of FPSD. Hunter $b^*$ increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. In sensory evaluation scores, for fresh meat, the value of meat color was higher (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in C and T1. The value of marbling was lower (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments. The value of drip loss was higher (p<0.05) in C than in other treatments and was lower (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in other treatments. The results of cooked meat, the value of tenderness was not different in C and T1 but increased (p<0.05) in other treatments. The value of flavor was significantly higher (p<0.05) in T2 and T3 than in C and T1. The value of overall acceptability was increased (p<0.05) by addition of FPSD. Hence we can conclude that addition of FPSD affected growth performance and meat quality parameters, in particular, it improved crude fat, hunter $L^*$ and $b^*$, and sensory evaluation on pork and was also seen to affect $pH_{24}$ and WHC. FPSD can be used for improvement of meat quality parameters.

Estimation on the Consumption Patterns and Consciousness of Domestic Forage in Korean Native Cattle Farmers (한우 농가 대상 국내산 조사료 이용실태 및 농가 의식조사)

  • Lee, Se Young;Cheon, Dong Won;Park, Hyung Soo;Choi, Ki Choon;Yang, Seung Hak;Lee, Bae Hun;Lee, Byeong U;Jung, Jeong Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2022
  • This study was carried out the estimation on consumption patterns and consciousness of domestic forage for improvement of the quality of domestic forage. Although the cultivated area in South Korea of forage has increased significantly compared to the past, the self-sufficiency rate of domestic forage has increased to around 80% since 2010. Also, livestock farmers prefer to use import forage than domestic due to convenience of use. In Korean beef farms, the ratio of import to domestic forage was higher in domestic forage (import forage 3 : domestic forage 7). In the method of securing domestic forage, purchase of forage (55.6%) was higher than self-cultivation of forage (44.4%). The ratio of use by bailing type was shown in the order of rice staw rice straw (50.5%), domestic hay (15%), imported hay (12.5%), and total mixed ratio (10.7%). The preference of forage was in the order of amount of foreign matter, moisture content, price, feed value in Korean native cattle farm. The result of satisfaction with domestic and import forage showed that the satisfaction of domestic forage price was higher than import forage, while the moisture content and foreign matter of forage were lower than import forage. In addition, in the results of the satisfaction and importance of domestic roughage compared to imported roughage, satisfaction with imported roughage was generally high in all items except for price. As a result, in order to improve the satisfaction of domestic forage in Korean native cattle farm, it is necessary to minimize foreign matter in forage and increase hay production for moisture content uniform in forage.

A Study on Integrated Logistic Support (통합병참지원에 관한 연구)

  • 나명환;김종걸;이낙영;권영일;홍연웅;전영록
    • Proceedings of the Korean Reliability Society Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.277-278
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    • 2001
  • The successful operation of a product In service depends upon the effective provision of logistic support in order to achieve and maintain the required levels of performance and customer satisfaction. Logistic support encompasses the activities and facilities required to maintain a product (hardware and software) in service. Logistic support covers maintenance, manpower and personnel, training, spares, technical documentation and packaging handling, storage and transportation and support facilities.The cost of logistic support is often a major contributor to the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of a product and increasingly customers are making purchase decisions based on lifecycle cost rather than initial purchase price alone. Logistic support considerations can therefore have a major impact on product sales by ensuring that the product can be easily maintained at a reasonable cost and that all the necessary facilities have been provided to fully support the product in the field so that it meets the required availability. Quantification of support costs allows the manufacturer to estimate the support cost elements and evaluate possible warranty costs. This reduces risk and allows support costs to be set at competitive rates.Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) is a management method by which all the logistic support services required by a customer can be brought together in a structured way and In harmony with a product. In essence the application of ILS:- causes logistic support considerations to be integrated into product design;- develops logistic support arrangements that are consistently related to the design and to each other;- provides the necessary logistic support at the beginning and during customer use at optimum cost.The method by which ILS achieves much of the above is through the application of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). This is a series of support analysis tasks that are performed throughout the design process in order to ensure that the product can be supported efficiently In accordance with the requirements of the customer.The successful application of ILS will result in a number of customer and supplier benefits. These should include some or all of the following:- greater product uptime;- fewer product modifications due to supportability deficiencies and hence less supplier rework;- better adherence to production schedules in process plants through reduced maintenance, better support;- lower supplier product costs;- Bower customer support costs;- better visibility of support costs;- reduced product LCC;- a better and more saleable product;- Improved safety;- increased overall customer satisfaction;- increased product purchases;- potential for purchase or upgrade of the product sooner through customer savings on support of current product.ILS should be an integral part of the total management process with an on-going improvement activity using monitoring of achieved performance to tailor existing support and influence future design activities. For many years, ILS was predominantly applied to military procurement, primarily using standards generated by the US Government Department of Defense (DoD). The military standards refer to specialized government infrastructures and are too complex for commercial application. The methods and benefits of ILS, however, have potential for much wider application in commercial and civilian use. The concept of ILS is simple and depends on a structured procedure that assures that logistic aspects are fully considered throughout the design and development phases of a product, in close cooperation with the designers. The ability to effectively support the product is given equal weight to performance and is fully considered in relation to its cost.The application of ILS provides improvements in availability, maintenance support and longterm 3ogistic cost savings. Logistic costs are significant through the life of a system and can often amount to many times the initial purchase cost of the system.This study provides guidance on the minimum activities necessary to Implement effective ILS for a wide range of commercial suppliers. The guide supplements IEC60106-4, Guide on maintainability of equipment Part 4: Section Eight maintenance and maintenance support planning, which emphasizes the maintenance aspects of the support requirements and refers to other existing standards where appropriate. The use of Reliability and Maintainability studies is also mentioned in this study, as R&M is an important interface area to ILS.

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Effects of Green Manure on Soil Properties and Grain Yield of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) (수수 재배 시 풋거름작물 이용이 토양특성 변화와 수수의 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung-Kook;Jung, Gun-Ho;Shin, Sung-Hyu;Kim, Min-Tae;Kim, Chung-Guk;Shim, Kang-Bo
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.290-296
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    • 2016
  • Green manure has been used as alternative to chemical fertilizer. To evaluate the effect of green manure on the chemical properties of top-soil and sorghum yield, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth, HV), manure barley (MB), and a mixture of hairy vetch and manure barley (HV+MB) were incorporated into the soil at a rate of $100kg-N\;N\;ha-1$ before the sorghum was transplanted. Total biomass of sorghum grown in the HV, MB, and HV+MB treatments was 13.1, 31.6, and $25.2t\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, and the nitrogen production of the treatments was 81, 74, and $145kg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively. The SPAD value of the uppermost leaf of sorghum plants grown in the soils with HV, MB, or HV+MB were very similar until heading stage; however, at maturity, the SPAD value of sorghum cultivated in the soils with HV was lower than that of sorghum in the soils with MB or HV+MB. This could be because the nitrogen release from HV was too rapid to supply nitrogen to sorghum during the later stage of grain filling. Compared with chemical fertilizers, the incorporation of green manure increased the pH, exchangeable cations ($K^+$, $Mg{^{+}^{+}}$, and $Ca{^{+}^{+}}$), and total nitrogen in soil postharvest, indicating an improvement in soil chemical properties. Total carbon content increased in soil with green manure incorporated, but decreased in the chemical fertilized soil, suggesting that sorghum cultivation using green manure may sequester carbon in soils. The yield of sorghum cultivated with green manure was not different from the yield of sorghum cultivated with chemical fertilizers. These results suggest that the mixture of hairy vetch and manure barley can be a useful chemical fertilizer alternative in sorghum cultivation.

Characteristics of Fatty Acid Composition and Properties by Blending of Vegetable Oils (식물성 기름의 혼합을 통한 지방산 조성 및 이화학적 특성 변화)

  • Lee, Tae Sung;Lee, Yong Hwa;Kim, Kwang Soo;Kim, Wook;Kim, Kwan Su;Jang, Young Seok;Park, Kwang Geun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.624-632
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    • 2012
  • As there have been lately many worldwide resource challenges such as potential exhaustion of fossil fuels, sudden rise of oil price and ever-rising grain pricing due to global food crisis, there have been more interests focused on recycling vegetable oils and fats into clean natural fuel and producing new resources based on waste cooking oil as a part of reusing waste resources. An Experiment was performed by using ratio of 50:50, 75:25 (w/w) mixture of based rapeseed oil, camellia oil, and olive oil. 50:50, 25:75 (w/w) mixture of based palm oil. The result was that the oleic acid ($C_{18:1}$) got the lowest percentage of 42.8%, when we combined the mixture of rapeseed oil and soybean oil. While the highest percentage of 72.1% was when the mixture of camellia oil and rapeseed oil were combined at 50:50 ratio. In 75:25 (w/w) case, mixture of rapeseed oil and soybean oil got the lowest. The highest ratio was the mixture of camellia oil and olive oil. Based on the component of palm oil, the total saturated fatty acid was decreased. It is expected that stabilizing oxidation through controlling of fatty acid after mixture and that liquidity at a low temperature. The acid value indicated that stabilizing oxidation got a range of highest to lowest. Camellia oil ranked as the highest, followed by olive oil, and the oil seeds as the lowest in rank. Controlling iodine value through mixture and improvement of stabilizing oxidation will provide a good quality. The quality of color has no significant change about mixture in ratio and maintenance. The reduction of the cost of refining process is expected by controling of mixture ratio at biodiesel production in the future.