• Title/Summary/Keyword: image details

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Efficiency Improvement of Morphological Details Extraction using Post-it Transformation for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Compression (초저비트율 동화상 압축을 위한 post-it 변환을 이용한 수리형태학적 상세부분(details)추출의 효율개선)

  • Huh, Si-Heng;Eo, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.2 no.2 s.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, a new morphological details extraction algorithm is proposed. It is known that separate transmission of details and background smoothed image is a powerful technique for very low bit-rate video data transmission. Several details extraction algorithms show relatively large variation of grayscale levels in details, smoothed image, which is the difference between original and details images, provides highly distortedand complicated result. In order to remedy those pitfails, and thus to improve the coding efficiency, we propose a new algorithm using the reconstruction top-hat result as the reference image in process of obtaining details, instead of top-hat result, which is used fur existing a1gorithms. Experimental results show that details, extracted using the proposed algorithm, are much similar to original image, and thus the smoothed image is not too complicated.

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An Adaptive Histogram Equalization Based Local Technique for Contrast Preserving Image Enhancement

  • Lee, Joonwhoan;Pant, Suresh Raj;Lee, Hee-Sin
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2015
  • The main purpose of image enhancement is to improve certain characteristics of an image to improve its visual quality. This paper proposes a method for image contrast enhancement that can be applied to both medical and natural images. The proposed algorithm is designed to achieve contrast enhancement while also preserving the local image details. To achieve this, the proposed method combines local image contrast preserving dynamic range compression and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE). Global gain parameters for contrast enhancement are inadequate for preserving local image details. Therefore, in the proposed method, in order to preserve local image details, local contrast enhancement at any pixel position is performed based on the corresponding local gain parameter, which is calculated according to the current pixel neighborhood edge density. Different image quality measures are used for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides more information about the image details, which can help facilitate further image analysis.

A Noisy Infrared and Visible Light Image Fusion Algorithm

  • Shen, Yu;Xiang, Keyun;Chen, Xiaopeng;Liu, Cheng
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1004-1019
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    • 2021
  • To solve the problems of the low image contrast, fuzzy edge details and edge details missing in noisy image fusion, this study proposes a noisy infrared and visible light image fusion algorithm based on non-subsample contourlet transform (NSCT) and an improved bilateral filter, which uses NSCT to decompose an image into a low-frequency component and high-frequency component. High-frequency noise and edge information are mainly distributed in the high-frequency component, and the improved bilateral filtering method is used to process the high-frequency component of two images, filtering the noise of the images and calculating the image detail of the infrared image's high-frequency component. It can extract the edge details of the infrared image and visible image as much as possible by superimposing the high-frequency component of infrared image and visible image. At the same time, edge information is enhanced and the visual effect is clearer. For the fusion rule of low-frequency coefficient, the local area standard variance coefficient method is adopted. At last, we decompose the high- and low-frequency coefficient to obtain the fusion image according to the inverse transformation of NSCT. The fusion results show that the edge, contour, texture and other details are maintained and enhanced while the noise is filtered, and the fusion image with a clear edge is obtained. The algorithm could better filter noise and obtain clear fused images in noisy infrared and visible light image fusion.

Reflectance estimation for infrared and visible image fusion

  • Gu, Yan;Yang, Feng;Zhao, Weijun;Guo, Yiliang;Min, Chaobo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.2749-2763
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    • 2021
  • The desirable result of infrared (IR) and visible (VIS) image fusion should have textural details from VIS images and salient targets from IR images. However, detail information in the dark regions of VIS image has low contrast and blurry edges, resulting in performance degradation in image fusion. To resolve the troubles of fuzzy details in dark regions of VIS image fusion, we have proposed a method of reflectance estimation for IR and VIS image fusion. In order to maintain and enhance details in these dark regions, dark region approximation (DRA) is proposed to optimize the Retinex model. With the improved Retinex model based on DRA, quasi-Newton method is adopted to estimate the reflectance of a VIS image. The final fusion outcome is obtained by fusing the DRA-based reflectance of VIS image with IR image. Our method could simultaneously retain the low visibility details in VIS images and the high contrast targets in IR images. Experiment statistic shows that compared to some advanced approaches, the proposed method has superiority on detail preservation and visual quality.

The Characteristics of Landscape Details for Memorialization (기념성을 구현하기 위한 조경디테일의 특성)

  • 이상석
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of landscape details in representing symbolic images in memorials on the themes of war, tragedy, and the democratization movement. In considering the characteristics of memorial landscapes, the researcher divided the characteristics of landscape details into 3 analysis categories. They are the symbolic application of landscape elements, the embodiment of landscape details, and the organization of landscape details to represent symbolic images, for example, memory, mourning, reflection, healing, glory, and identity. Among details in 24 memorials designed in or after 1970. 133 symbolic details were selected including 64 items in Korea. The analysis revealed that among 30 elements used by designers for memorialization, walls, ponds, sculptures were used more often than other elements in representing the meaning of mourning, reflection, and healing that are the basic function of memorial. In regard to detail form, the designers used basic shapes like circles, squares and rectangles, horizontal and vertical lines to heighten the symbolic effect of shapes in confined form. Stone and water utilized from nature were also used as main materials because of their materiality meaning of death, eternity, life, and healing. The techniques of using lighting, fire, and sound were introduced to make details more effective. Details were organized in harmony and repetition to represent the flew of time and space in symbolic images. The study identified the following characteristics of memorial landscapes in Korea that were different from other country first, in designing memorials, most designers in Korea have been more focused on the organization of space than the details in memorials, and so, they have been neglecting to deliver symbolic image through detail design, while depending mainly on the introduction of art works. Lastly, because they introduced traditional elements which have little relation with the symbolic image needed, there have been many details which inaccurately represent symbolic meanings.

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Low-Rank Representation-Based Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction with Edge-Preserving

  • Gao, Rui;Cheng, Deqiang;Yao, Jie;Chen, Liangliang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.3745-3761
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    • 2020
  • Low-rank representation methods already achieve many applications in the image reconstruction. However, for high-gradient image patches with rich texture details and strong edge information, it is difficult to find sufficient similar patches. Existing low-rank representation methods usually destroy image critical details and fail to preserve edge structure. In order to promote the performance, a new representation-based image super-resolution reconstruction method is proposed, which combines gradient domain guided image filter with the structure-constrained low-rank representation so as to enhance image details as well as reveal the intrinsic structure of an input image. Firstly, we extract the gradient domain guided filter of each atom in high resolution dictionary in order to acquire high-frequency prior information. Secondly, this prior information is taken as a structure constraint and introduced into the low-rank representation framework to develop a new model so as to maintain the edges of reconstructed image. Thirdly, the approximate optimal solution of the model is solved through alternating direction method of multipliers. After that, experiments are performed and results show that the proposed algorithm has higher performances than conventional state-of-the-art algorithms in both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Color Image Enhancement Using Local Area Histogram Equalization On Segmented Regions Via Watershed Transform

  • Lertpokanont, B.;Chitwong, S.;Cheevasuvit, F.;Dejhan, K.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.192-194
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    • 2003
  • Since the details in quasi-homogeneous region will be destroyed from the conventional global image enhancement method such as histogram equalization. This defect is caused by the saturation of gray level in equalization process. So the local histogram equalization for each quasi-homogeneous region will be used in order to improve the details in the region itself. To obtain the quasi- homogeneous regions, the original image must be segmented. Here we applied the watershed transform to the interesting image. Since the watershed transform is based on mathematical morphology, therefore, the regions touch can be effectively separated. Hence two adjacent regions which have the similar gray pixels will be split off. The process will be independently applied to three different spectral images. Then three different colors are assigned to each processed image in order to produce a color composite image. By the proposed algorithm, the result image shows the better perception on image details. Therefore, the high efficiency of image classification can be obtained by using this color image.

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Image Global K-SVD Variational Denoising Method Based on Wavelet Transform

  • Chang Wang;Wen Zhang
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.275-288
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    • 2023
  • Many image edge details are easily lost in the image denoising process, and the smooth image regions are prone to produce jagged. In this paper, we propose a wavelet-based image global k- singular value decomposition variational method to remove image noise. A layer of wavelet decomposition is applied to the noisy image first. Then, the image global k-singular value decomposition (IGK-SVD) method is used to remove the random noise of low-frequency components. Furthermore, a constructed variational denoising method (VDM) removes the random noise in the high-frequency component. Finally, the denoised image is obtained by wavelet reconstruction. The experimental results show that the proposed method's peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) value is higher than other methods, and its structural similarity (SSIM) value is closer to one, indicating that the proposed method can effectively suppress image noise while retaining more image edge details. The denoised image has better denoising effects.

TSDnet: Three-scale Dense Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion (TSDnet: 적외선과 가시광선 이미지 융합을 위한 규모-3 밀도망)

  • Zhang, Yingmei;Lee, Hyo Jong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.656-658
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of infrared and visible image fusion is to integrate images of different modes with different details into a result image with rich information, which is convenient for high-level computer vision task. Considering many deep networks only work in a single scale, this paper proposes a novel image fusion based on three-scale dense network to preserve the content and key target features from the input images in the fused image. It comprises an encoder, a three-scale block, a fused strategy and a decoder, which can capture incredibly rich background details and prominent target details. The encoder is used to extract three-scale dense features from the source images for the initial image fusion. Then, a fusion strategy called l1-norm to fuse features of different scales. Finally, the fused image is reconstructed by decoding network. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed method can achieve state-of-the-art fusion performance in subjective observation.

High Dynamic Range Compression using 3D Mesh Processing (삼차원 메쉬 처리를 이용한 고명암 대비 압축)

  • Im, Jong-Guk;Lee, Yun-Jin;Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2002
  • Recently, high dynamic range (HDR) compression has attracted much attention due to the wide availability of HDR images. In this paper, we present an HDR compression method using a progressive image, which is a multi-level image representation based on a progressive mesh. An HDR image can be decomposed into a base image and a sequence of details by conversion into a progressive image. This decomposition provides a good structure to highly compress the dynamic range while preserving image details. The base image and larger details are considerably scaled down but smaller details are slightly scaled down. Experimental results show that our method successfully generates HDR compressed images without halo artifacts by controlling two intuitive parameters.

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