• Title/Summary/Keyword: health behavior improvement

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The Study of Health Promotion Behavior of Nursing College Student by the Self-Esteem (간호대학생의 자아존중감에 따른 건강증진행위에 미치는 요인)

  • Yoon, Hee-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate the effects of improvement in health promotion behavior of nursing college students by the difference of self esteem. The students was divided two groups one is low level self esteem the other is high depending on median point of self esteem. The specific objectives were first, to find out the differences of health promotion behavior, self efficacy, health perception, fatigue level, depression, psychosocial wellbeing, second, to establish which factors determine their health promotion behavior between two groups. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were given to 262 students enrolled in a nursing college. between may and June 2008. The questionnaire items included age, sex, education level, self esteem, self efficacy, health perception, fatigue, depression,, psychosocial well being and health promotion behavior. For statistical analysis, frequency, t-test, regression used for determining the factors effecting health promotion behavior. Results: The influencing factors were self efficacy among low level and self efficacy, fatigue and stress among high level. Self efficacy strong positive impact on health promotion behavior among both groups. Stress and fatigue was only effective among high level group. Conclusion: Based on the study results, improvement of health promotion behavior among nursing students requires the development and application of programs to manage self efficacy and stress as a precondition for depending on self esteem level.

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Health Blief Model-based intervention to improve nutritional behavior among elderly women

  • Iranagh, Jamileh Amirzadeh;Rahman, Hejar Abdul;Motalebi, Seyedeh Ameneh
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.352-358
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Nutrition is a determinant factor of health in elderly people. Independent living in elderly people can be maintained or enhanced by improvement of nutritional behavior. Hence, the present study was conducted to determine the impact of Health Belief Model (HBM)-based intervention on the nutritional behavior of elderly women. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Cluster-random sampling was used to assess the sample of this clinical trial study. The participants of this study attended a 12-week nutrition education program consisting of two (2) sessions per week. There was also a follow-up for another three (3) months. Smart PLS 3.5 and SPSS 19 were used for structural equation modeling, determination of model fitness, and hypotheses testing. RESULTS: The findings indicate that intervention had a significant effect on knowledge improvement as well as the behavior of elderly women. The model explained 5 to 70% of the variance in nutritional behavior. In addition, nutritional behavior was positively affected by the HBM constructs comprised of perceived susceptibility, self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and barriers after the intervention program. CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that HBM-based educational intervention has a significant effect in improving nutritional knowledge and behavior among elderly women.

Effect of Antioxidant Improvement Program with Health Contract on Antioxidant Indicators and Body Composition in Female College Students (건강계약을 적용한 항산화 증진프로그램이 여대생의 식습관, 건강행위, 항산화지표 및 신체조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, So-Yean;Chae, Young-Ran
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study targeted female university students in their 20s and created an antioxidant improvement program with a health contract, one of the behavioral modification therapies, based on King's (1981) 'goal attainment theory.' The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of physiological indicators, eating habits, dietary attitudes, and health behaviors by conducting a walking exercise and anti-oxidation diet program with reinforcement therapy. Methods: This study had a nonequivalent control group pretestposttest design. There were a total of 50 participants, with 25 participants in the experimental group and 25 participants in the control group and the study period was 10 weeks. The antioxidant improvement program consisted of walking and antioxidant diet education with health contracts. Data analysis was statistically processed using the SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results: The program showed a high achievement rate by providing continuous motivation and positive reinforcement during the program, and it affected the eating habits, dietary attitudes, and health behavior. Besides, physiological variables, such as antioxidant indices and body composition showed positive changes. Conclusion: This study, based on the goal attainment theory, confirmed that antioxidant improvement program is an effective nursing intervention for continuous health promotion through interaction and exchange between healthy participants and researchers.

Convergence factors of subjective oral health awareness perception on oral health improvement behavior in some university students (일부 대학생의 주관적 구강건강 인지지각이 구강건강증진행위에 미치는 융합적 요인)

  • Lim, Sun-A
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the convergence factors affecting behavior of oral health improvement perceived by the subjective oral health awareness perception factors in some college students. The questionnaire was conducted from April 10, 2017 to April 30, 2013 for 300 students at S university and the and the 290 final data were used. Oral health knowledge, oral health importance measured by 5-point, oral health status and oral health interest are 11.46, 1.71, 2.78, 2.52 respectively. Significant differences from experience of oral health education for oral health knowledge, oral health importance, oral health interest have been observed. The convergence factors influencing acts of oral health promotion were oral health status(${\beta}=-0.188$) and oral health interest(${\beta}=-0.265$) the higer the oral health status and oral health interest, the better acts of oral health promotion. Therefore, effective oral health education programs should be developed to increase oral health knowledge and interest in oral health and to change behavior and attitude.

The effect of university students' approach to health information on improvement of health behavior (대학생들의 건강정보 접근이 건강행태 개선에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seung-Dae;Kim, Myung-gwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.3268-3275
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    • 2015
  • The goals of this study are understanding the state of improvement of university students' health behavior who are about to graduate and have to consider their health for getting a job according to the way of access and achieving health information and suggesting effective way to improve health behavior. 224 people who responded to the survey which was conducted at some universities in Kyungpook area are selected as a subject of final analysis. The analysis result of internet searching was more meaningful than the analysis result of TV programs or books regarding health. And the older grade(B=.103, p=.007), the more access to health information(B=.137, p=.008) and the higher score of existing health behavior(B=.431, p=.000) the score of improvement of health behavior was increased. Internet searching for health information is the most popular thing because information can be easily get after searching what you want immediately. TV program regarding health has better quality than the information on the internet because of the appearance of health professionals giving health information on TV but it is difficult to watch TV program whenever you want. However the separation between books, TV program and internet is obscured in that the books and TV program can be turned into replay and e-book on internet.

Comparison of practice of dietary guidelines and health beliefs according to stage of weight loss behavior change among male workers (성인 남성근로자의 체중감소행동 변화단계에 따른 식생활 지침 실천 양상 및 건강신념 비교)

  • Song, Su Jeong;Ahn, HongSeok;Khil, Jinmo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.276-284
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    • 2013
  • This study compared levels of health and dietary behavior practices and health beliefs according to the stage of weight loss behavior change of Korean male workers. A self-administered survey questionnaire was collected from 411 male adult workers residing in Seoul, Kyeonggi, Chungcheong region. Practices of health related behavior, including smoking, drinking, exercise, work related physical activity, and dietary behavior according to dietary guidelines were evaluated. In addition, the levels of perceived benefit, perceived barrier, perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, and perceived cue to action from the health belief model were measured according to the stages of weight loss behavior change. Significant differences in BMI, level of daily exercise, and practices of dietary behavior according to dietary guidelines were observed among stages of weight loss behavior change. Subjects who were in action/maintenance stage showed a more desirable level of health behavior and health belief model variables, except perceived barrier. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that subjects with different stages of behavior change need an appropriate specific nutrition education method and material for improvement of nutrition education efficacy.

The Effect of Subjective Oral Health Knowledge and Oral Health Behavior on Personal Oral Hygiene Management Ability (주관적 구강보건지식과 구강건강행태가 개인구강위생관리능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jung-Mi;Lee, Eun-Ju;Kwon, Su-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to improve oral health knowledge through oral health education by investigating and analyzing the effect of subjective oral health knowledge and oral health behavior on personal oral hygiene management ability targeted for adults who visited a dental hygiene laboratory at B University in Busan for comprehensive dental hygiene management and procedure from September 23, 2013 to December 12, 2013, and provide basic data to improve adults' personal oral hygiene management ability by inducing behavior on oral health. Results derived from the research are as follows. Oral health education is a prerequisite to improve personal oral hygiene management ability through improvement in oral health knowledge and oral health behavior, which leads to improved personal oral health and furthermore promotion of national oral health through not just simply transmitting oral health knowledge, but desirable change in oral health behavior based on oral health knowledge.

Effect of Oral Health Education on Oral Health Knowledge, Oral Health Behavior and Oral Hygiene Status in Children from North Korea (북한이탈 학령기 아동에 대한 구강건강교육 효과)

  • Han, Jieun;Park, Horan
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.440-448
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of oral health education on oral health knowledge, oral health behavior, and oral hygiene status of children from North Korea. Methods: Participants were 32 North Korean children defectors (15 in the education group, 17 in the control group). The oral health education program, including theoretical training and toothbrush training, was done once a week for 4 weeks. Effects of the education program were assessed for oral health knowledge, oral health behavior, and oral hygiene status at pretest, 0, and 4 weeks after the intervention. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANCOVA with the SAS program. Results: Children in the education group showed increased oral health knowledge and behavior over time compared to the control group and an improvement in oral hygiene status including significantly decreased S-PHP and Snyder test for oral micro-organism. Conclusion: Results indicate that oral health education is effective in improving oral health knowledge, oral health behavior and oral hygiene status. These improvements could lead to a better quality of life for North Korean children defectors.

A Comparison of Oral Health Behavior and Oral Health Outcomes between Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Groups following Implementation of an Oral Health Care Program (치위생 과정에 근거한 구강예방프로그램 적용 후 협조군과 비협조군 간 구강건강상태 및 행동 비교)

  • Kim, Yu-Rin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to reveal analyze the relationship between status of participation in an oral health care program and oral health outcomes among patients in Korea, and to evaluate the results to provide evidence regarding the feasibility of widespread implementation of the program. Patients were designated as either cooperative or non-cooperative with the oral health care program and were assigned to each group accordingly. Modified dental hygiene process (M-DHP) of the oral healthcare program was modified to form the dental hygiene process. The study included 48 patients at a dental clinic in Busan, Korea. Questionnaires were used to collect information on oral health behavior (OHB), clinical examination was used to record bleeding on probing (BOP) and O'Leary index, and phase microscopy was used to identify microorganisms. Differences between groups were evaluated using repeated measures ANOVA. Our results showed that the group cooperative with the oral health care program showed greater improvement in OHB, BOP, and O'Leary index than the non-cooperative group. Second, patient satisfaction with the M-DHP was very high, particularly for content and the friendly nature of the staff. The cooperative group showed greater improvement in oral health than the non-cooperative group for all metrics. Our results suggest that this low-coste program, if implemented, would be actively accepted and utilized in dental clinics.

Effects of Health Management Program on Body composition, Self-efficacy and Health Promotion Behavior in Middle-Aged Women (중년여성의 건강관리 프로그램이 신체조성, 자기효능감 및 건강증진행위에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Hyung-Sook;Sung, Mi-Hae;Lee, Yun-Mi
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of a health management program on body composition(body weight, body fat mass, body fat ratio, lean body mass, abdominal fat ratio), self-efficacy and health promotion behavior in middle-aged women. This 6-week long program containing exercise and health education was developed by researchers. The study design was one group pretest-posttest design. Data for the study was collected from August 1 to September 15, 2002. The participants consisted of 15 middle - aged women living in the community. The collected data was analyzed using Wilcoxon Matched - Signed - Ranks Test by SPSS/WIN program The results are as follows : 1. There was a significant difference in body composition at week 6 compared to week 1. The body weight, body fat mass and body fat ratio significantly decreased(Z= -2.533, p=. 011 ; Z= -2.023, p= .043; Z= -2.023, p= .043). But the lean body mass significantly increased(Z= -2.226, p= .026). 2.There was a significant improvement in self-efficacy at week 6 compared to week 1(Z= -3.434, p= .001). 3.There was a significant improvement in health promotion behavior at week 6 compared to week 1(Z = -3.305, p= .001). In conclusion, health management program promoting self - efficacy for middle-aged women was effective in improving health promotion behavior. Further study with a longer follow up period is necessary in order to test the long term effect of the program.

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