• Title/Summary/Keyword: group singing

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Effect of Music Therapy as Intervention on Peripheral Neuropathic Pain and Anxiety of Gynecologic Cancer Patients Undergoing Paclitaxel Chemotherapy (음악치료가 Paclitaxel 항암화학요법을 받는 부인암 환자의 말초 신경병성 통증 및 불안에 미치는 효과)

  • Noh, Gie-Ok;Hwang, Moon-Sook;Cho, Keum-Sook;Lim, Joung-Ah;Kang, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Ji-Youn
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of music therapy as intervention on peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety of gynecologic cancer patients who were undergoing paclitaxel chemotherapy. Methods: Hospitalized 62 patients were assigned to an experimental group (n=30) and a control group (n=33) in this quasi-experimental study. The experimental group participated in music therapy that includes listening, singing and song writing during 1 hour. The peripheral neuropathic pain, anxiety and depression were examined as pre-intervention evaluation by using pain scale, anxiety scale (20 questions) and depression scale (20 questions) in both groups. There were no further treatments for the control group while the experimental group involved in music therapy. The peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety were evaluated in both groups as post-intervention evaluation. Results: Outcomes were verified through hypothesis testing. The level of peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety in the experimental group was decreased, compared to the control group. Conclusion: According to the study, music therapy is a beneficial intervention that reduces peripheral neuropathic pain and anxiety in gynecologic cancer patients. These findings are encouraging and suggest that music therapy can be applied as an effective intervention for minimizing chemotherapy related symptoms.

The Effect of Voice Disorders on Quality of Life(QOL) in the Korean (한국인의 음성질환이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • 송윤경;심현섭;권기환;이경철;이용배;진성민
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2000
  • Background and Objectives : Quality of life(QOL) is a construct representing physical, mental and social well-being. QOL has been used as a device for measuring the severity of health-related condition and treatment outcomes. As the social welfare system develops, the attention to QOL increases as well. The aims of this study was to examine whether the patients with voice disorder perceived significantly more the effects of voice disorder on QOL than nonpatient group did and if any, identify the sociodemographic risk factors influencing QOL of patients. Materials and Methods : This study asked 113 adults with voice disorders who were enrolled in Voice Clinic in the Department of Otolaryngology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital between lune 1998 and January 1999 and 111 nonpatients to complete a questionnaire designed to elicit information about the effete of voice disorders on quality of lift. The questionnaire included items concerning sociodemographic areas, voice symptoms, job, effects of voice disorders on QOL domains(work, social, psychological, physical, and communication areas), potential risk factors to exposures, familial and medical history of voice disorders. Results : The sociodemographic characteristics of the patient group are as follows : (1) 75.2% of total patient group were female and the rest were male. (2) Age of total patient group ranged from 20 to 65 years. Hoarseness was the most commonly reported complaints, followed by complaints of high note difficulties during singing and voice fatigue. The patient group perceived effects of voice disorders on the areas of work, social, psychological, physical and communication more adversely than the comparison group did (p<0.05). QOL impairments were evaluated as a function of age, gender, education, and income, controlling other independent effects. The results were that (1) age was significantly associated with work problems and (2) gender and income were significantly associated with psychological problems. Conclusions : The findings indicated that the patients with voice disorders would perceive markedly adverse effect on all QOL domains, that is, work, social, psychological, physical, communicational areas. Therefore, the results of study suggest that lurker investigations about the nature of voice disorders, the prevention, treatment, and coping strategies are needed in the future.

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The Usability of a Robot as an Educational Assistant in a Kindergarten and Young Children's Perceptions of their Relationship with the Robot (유아교육기관에서의 교사보조 로봇에 대한 유아의 경험과 인식)

  • Hyun, Eun-Ja;Park, Hyun-Kyung;Jang, Sie-Kyung;Yeon, Hye-Min
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.267-282
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the usability of a robot in kindergartens and the children's perceptions of that robot. In order to answer these questions, a field study, picture drawing and interviews were conducted over twelve days in a kindergarten located in Seoul. Our results indicated that children were likely to use the robot in a group and girls tended to use it more than boys. Children's affection towards the robot was positive and they perceived the robot mostly in terms of a friend. Finally, the picture drawing activity differed according to the usability level. Children who were in the high usability level grouping engaged more with educational content and storytelling while the low usability level grouping utilized the robot for singing in a large group.

Environmental Factors Affecting the Start of the Dawn Chorus of Wild Birds and the Differences between Each Species (야생조류 새벽 지저귐 개시에 영향을 주는 환경요인과 종간 차이)

  • Ki, Kyong-Seok;Hong, Suk-Hwan;Gim, Ji-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to identify the difference in the starting time of the dawn chorus of different species of birds and related environmental conditions. For this study, the bird songs were recorded every 2 hours a day starting from 2 hours before sunrise for a whole spring season (from April to June, 2014) in Korea. The recorded sounds were analyzed to find the starting time of each species' song by sonogram pattern using a sound analyzing program (Adobe Audition CC). To analyze the relationship between the environmental conditions and the time of the birdsong of each species, we collected the data of environmental conditions: daily precipitation, Julian date, time of sunrise and moonrise, temperature data and twilight time from the Korea Meteorological Office. As a result of this study, it was found that there are several statistical correlation between the starting time of the birdsong and environmental conditions (every environmental condition except daily precipitation and time of moonrise). Also, the difference of the starting time among each species were identified. The species were divided into 3 groups (early, mid and late) by their wake-up time. Ring-necked pheasant and yellow-throated bunting were categorized as 'Early' group and all woodpeckers were categorized as'Late' group. This study is significant as it first presented a classification of wild birds in Korea by the starting time of their dawn chorus. However, further studies are required to identify why each species to do their dawn singing at different times.

Comparison of the Vocal Characteristics of Adults with and without Cerebral Palsy on Musical Speech Tasks (뇌성마비 성인과 일반 성인의 음악적 발화과제 시 음성 특성 비교)

  • Park, Han Na
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the vocal characteristics of 40 adults with and without cerebral palsy (CP), upon presentation of three speech tasks (i.e., reading, chanting, and singing). The Praat program was utilized to generate data on fundamental frequency, voice intensity, jitter, and shimmer. The results of the analysis revealed no significant differences on fundamental frequency and intensity. However, both groups showed significant decreases in jitter and shimmer when engaged in singing tasks. The analysis of group differences indicated that adults with CP showed significantly higher variation scores on jitter and shimmer than the group without CP, and the difference on jitter and shimmer became greater during rhythmic chanting. In terms of jitter variation, the interaction effects according to the groups and types of speech tasks were greater, demonstrating the differences between the two groups. This study can be utilized as a basic research, regarding changes in vocal characteristics of adults with CP according to different musical speech tasks.

Effects of Respiration and Oral Motor Training based on Musical Elements and Singing on Voice of Healthy Elderly (음악요소와 노래 부르기를 활용한 호흡 및 구강훈련이 정상노인의 음성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, Hee-Un;Kim, Soo-Ji
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2011
  • This study was to investigate the effects of music-combined respiration and oral motor training on the voice of healthy elderly. 27 women attending a senior center in Seoul participated and were randomly assigned to the experimental (n = 16) and the control group (n = 11). Subjects attended music program(25 minutes per session) once a week for 4 weeks. For both groups, Fundamental Frequency (F0), Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) and Sequential Motion Rates (SMR) were measured using the Praat speech analysis program before and after the training. The results showed statistical significance in scores of intensity, F0, MPT, and SMR in the experimental group while only intensity was statistically significant in the control group. Considering that, the increasing life expectancy and growing number of older adults, their quality of life has been important. So this study suggests that the respiration and oral motor training would be effectively incorporated into training and services for this population.

Acoustic Analysis of Singing Voice (성악도의 두성구와 흉성구 발성에 대한 음향학적 분석)

  • 진성민
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2002
  • The pitch range of the human voice is variable, extending from chest register to falsetto. Although numerous studies have investigated after laryngeal mechanism description of registers, systematic and objective studies were lack. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare head register with chest register of singers acoustically. Fifteen healthy tenor major students were selected. Fifteen healthy untrained adults were the control group for this study. Long term average(LTA) power spectrum using the Fast Fourier transform(FFT) algorithm and Linear predictive coding (LPC) filter response were made during /a/ sustained in both head(G4, 392Hz) md chest registers (C3, 131Hz). Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test. In the LTA power spectrum, head register of singer has increased level(energy gain) in the frequency band of 2.2-3.4kHz(p<0.01), and 7.5-8.4kHz(p<0.01, p<0.05). Chest register of singer has increased level in the frequency band of 2.2-3.1kHz(p<0.01), 7.8-8.4kHz(p<0.05) and around 9.6kHz(p<0.01). LTA power spectrum reveals a peak of acoustic energy around 2500Hz known as the singer's formant and another peak of acoustic energy around 8000Hz in singer's voice.

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Erogonomic assessment of "Noraebang" noise and potential hearing-loss and hearing protection strategies (노래방 소음 및 난청가능성의 인간공학적 평가와 청각보호방안)

  • 박민용
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 1996
  • A research project was conducted to assess the levels of noise exposed to "Noraebang" users and potential hazards to noise-induced hearing loss due to commercial Noraebang noise. A two-way, mixed-factors factorial design was employed for the experiment using independent variables of "noise source" (no- singer, 1-singer, and 2-singer conditions) and "music type" (Trot, Ballad, and Rock music) with 18 normal hearing subjects. Each singer group sang 5 popular songs of each music type in each signing condition, whereas background music was just played for the no-singer condition. For each music played/sung, equivalent continuous sound pressure levels and maximum sound pressure levels were measured for data analysis purposes. Pure-tone audiometry was applied for measuring subjects' hearing threshold levels before and after exposure to Noraebgang noise. The statistical analyses indicate that average continuous noise levels due to Noraebang leisure environment were very serious, especially when two people were singing (higher than 95 dBA). Furthermore, maximum noise levels often exceeded the OSHA's non-premissible 115 dBA level. Worse yet, hearing loss assessment implies that Noraebang facilities may pose a serious threat to noise-induced hearing loss, based on 6-8 dB loss at 125 Hz and 8 dB loss at 4000 Hz after about 1-hour Noraebang noise exposure.

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Does the Bush Warbler (Cettia diphone) Defend Its Territory through a Particular Song Mode or a Mode Sequence? (텃새권 방어와 관련된 휘파람새의 Song Mode와 Mode Sequence의 이용)

  • 박대식;박시룡
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.282-291
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    • 1996
  • The song of the bush warbler, Cettia diphone, consists of an introdudory whisde portion and a complex ending syllable portion. In bush warbiers, a song with two or fewer notes in the whistle portion is classified as an a song mode, while a song with three or more notes in the whistle portion as a $\beta$ song mode. Although some variations occur in mode seledion by individuals and populations, the proportion of a mode songs to total songs is 55% (range 51.6-58.7%) on average. The a mode has a higher dominant frequency in the whistle portion than does the $\beta$ mode, but the number of syllables m the complex ending syllable portion is fewer. Bush warbler mode sequences are defined as $\alpha$$\alpha$, $\alpha$$\beta$, $\beta$$\alpha$ and $\beta$$\beta$ mode sequences. In order to test the hypothesis that song modes and mode sequences play a role in the defence of territory in Jeju and Wando populations in the south-coastal geographic song variation group, playback experiments were executed. Mode sequences differed between naturally produced songs and songs produced in response to playback for two populations. In particular, for birds in the Wando populations our results indicate that the use of song modes may be affeded by habitat, singing site and type of territory, and further propose that particular mode sequences may play a more important role than song mode in vocal interadions.

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Characteristics of Phonatory and Respiratory Control on Pitch, Loudness, Register Change in Untrained and Trained Singers (성악가와 훈련 받지 않은 일반인의 음도, 강도, 성구 변화 시 발성 및 호흡조절 특성)

  • Choi, Seong-Hee;Nam, Do-Hyun;Kim, Deak-Won;Kim, Young-Ho;Choi, Hong-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2006
  • Background and Objectives : Training of breath support and laryngeal muscles control are important components in the development of the singing voice. The purpose of this study is to compare characteristics of respiratory and phonatory control on pitch, loudness, register change with untrained males and trained male singers. Materials and Methods : The 11 untrained males and 11 trained male singers participated. Closed Quotient(CQ), fundamental frequency (fo) and relative volume contribution of the rib cage (in percentage rib cage, % RC) and relative volume contribution of abdomen (in percentage abdomen, % AB) were measured during various pitch, loudness, register tasks using /a/ vowel phonation : Legato, staccato with C3-D3-E3-F3-G3 notes and crescendo and decrescendo with C3 note as well as modal register with C3 and falsetto register with C4 note using an integrated analysis system of Respiration, EGG and Voice. Results : (1) When pitch increased with legato task, loudness also increased in untrained male group but maintained in trained male singers. CQ was also increased both untrained and trained male singers but it was not significantly different ($p>.05$). The abdomen contribution to lung volume were significantly predominant both in inhalation and exhalation in trained males singers ($p<.05$). (2) When pitch increased with staccato task, CQ was not significantly different in untrained but significantly different in trained male singers. The respiratory function of male singers were characterized by significantly predominant abdomen contribution to lung volume in exhalation except for inhalation ($p<.05$) (3) When loudness increased with crescendo, fo was significantly increased with increasing CQ in untrained males but fo was relatively consistent with increasing CQ in trained male singers. The respiratory function of male singers were characterized by significantly predominant abdomen contribution to lung volume in exhalation except for inhalation ($p<.05$). (4) Most male singers were able to change register from modal to falsetto register, but untrained males were not. Thus, CQ was significantly different between modal and falsetto register in trained male singers ($p<.05$). The respiratory function of male singers were characterized by significantly predominant abdomen contribution to lung volume in exhalation except for inhalation ($p<.05$). Conclusion : Male singers were superior to untrained males in coordination of respiratory and phonatory control on pitch, loudness, register change. Implication are offered regarding how the results might be applied to the voice therapy as well as singing training.

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