• Title/Summary/Keyword: ground water pollution

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파쇄 폐타이어를 이용한 반응벽체에 관한 연구: 폐타이어 내의 MTBE(Methyl tertiary Butyl Ether) 흡착 중심

  • 박상현;이재영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.176-179
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    • 2003
  • Fuel oxygenates, such as Methyl tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) is additive in gasoline used to reduce air pollution. Gasoline components and fuel additives can leak form underground storage tanks. MTBE is far more water soluble than gasoline hydrocarbons like BTEX then it travels at essentially the same velocity as groundwater. MTBE in drinking water causes taste and odor problems. Therefore, the purpose of the this study is to examine the ability of ground rubber to sorb MTBE form water. The study consisted of running both batch and column tests to determine the sorption capacity and the flow through utilization efficiency of ground rubber. The result of Column test indicate that ground tire rubber has on the 36% utilization rate. Finally, it is clear that ground rubber present an attractive and relatively inexpensive sorption medium for a MTBE. The Author thought that to determine the economic costs of ground rubber utilization, the cost to sorb a given mass of contaminant by ground rubber will have to be compared to currently accepted sorption media.

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Characteristics of Groundwater Contamination in Uncontrolled Landfill and Pollution Control Measures (불량 매립지에서의 지하수 오염특성과 환경오염 방지방안)

  • 구자중;윤석표
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.28-44
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    • 1993
  • Remediation actions in uncontrolled landfill site should be conducted after the investigation of contamination status and potential health risk or damage. Based on the above, proper control measures should be established and operated. Also continuous monitoring should be followed. In this study, the status of ground water contamination around Nanji Landfill Site was investigated. Monitoring wells were installed around the landfill and ground water was sampled once a month and analyzed. Water quality of each monitoring well was different depending on the horizontal and vertical distance from the landfill, and the seasonal leachate characteristics were not significantly changed because percolating water stayed long time in the deep waste layer. It was predicted that major multivalent cations were mainly precipitated as metal carbonate form, and chemical mass balances (CMBs) could be applied for the apportionment of leachate contamination to ground water quality of surrounding areas of Nanji Landfill. Parameters required to estimate pollutant flux to the receptor near landfill were listed and discussion to get these parameters was made. Finally, based on the above data, control measures of ground water contamination were suggested and discussed.

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A Brief histor of Pollution and the Present Situation of the environment measuring Certifiers in Japan (일본에 있어서의 공해의 역사와 환경 계획증명사업의 현황에 대하여)

  • Shinobu-Miyagine
    • Proceedings of the Korean Professional Engineer Association Conference
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    • 1983.12a
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    • pp.74-77
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    • 1983
  • To attain the rich and comfortable human living, much development and economic growth are needed. But the radical development destroys natural environments or resources, and also the life environments are destroyed. How to maintain the balance between development and environments forms an important problem. Since 1955, a great deal of damage has been done to human being by the pollution of air, water or noise in Japan, for example, Minamata-byo (1956), arsenical poisoning by mkil (1955), Cd-I taiitai-byo (1955), asthma by air pollution, etc. Now, there are over 100,000 sick persons suffering from pollution in Japan. To prevent the pollution, the first act was made 1967, the kind of which were defined as follow:air, water, soil, noise, vibration ground subsidence, and bad smell. Laws on these were established 1970∼1981, and the environments here ave gradually being improved. The mentioned above gituation necsesitates the measuring or chemical analysis of pollution data, but the many cost is necessary to obtain such data. The special environment measuring certifier was needed and the Measurement Law was amended 1974. Some comment will be given of the present condition of environmental measuring certifier.

Unit-load Method for the Estimation of Non-point Pollution Loads by Subcategorizing the Land-use Category Reflected in the National Land Register Data : A Case Study of Kyeongan Watershed in South korea (경안천 유역 지적공부에 나타난 특정지목의 토지이용 특성 세분화를 통한 비점오염 부하량 산정 개선방안)

  • Lee, Bum-Yeon;Lee, Chang-Hee;Ha, Do;Lee, Su-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.598-607
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    • 2010
  • One of constraints in the application of unit-load method to estimate non-point pollution loads in the total water pollutant load management system (TWPLMS) is the limited numbers of applicable unit-loads. Since only 7 unit-loads are currently available for total 28 land-use categories in the national land register data, each unit-loads inevitably have to represent several land-use categories regardless of their actual land coverage characteristics. As a way to minimize the problem, this study suggested a nested application of the available unit-loads based on the analysis of high resolution aerial images taken in the Kyeongan watershed. Statistical analysis of three selected land-use categories such as school, apartment complex, and golf course showed that there exit significant (95% confidence level) relationships between the registered land-uses and actual land coverages. The school and apartment complex currently considered as 100% ground have only 65% and 80% of ground characteristics, respectively. Golf course, which is considered as 100% pasture, has about 5% of ground area. This indicates that the unit-load method using in TWPLMS can give over estimated non-point pollutant loads for the school and apartment complex (19.8~54.4%) but under estimation for the golf course (80.9%).

Electrical Characteristics against Frequency and Concentration of Contaminated Soils by Mercury and Arsenic (수은과 비소로 오염된 시료의 측정주파수와 농도 변화에 따른 전기적 특성)

  • Son, Young-Hwan;Bong, Tae-Ho;Chang, Pyoung-Wuck
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2008
  • In general, ground pollution can be classified with soil pollution and underground water pollution. And ground pollution contaminates the land with garbage dumps and other harmful waste products as heavy metals that can also eventually enter our water supply. This study was conducted to define a characteristics of the electrical resistivity and the permittivity of weathered soil that was contaminated with heavy metals as Mercury and Arsenic. It is not easy whether contamination of soil as subsurface contamination is decided or not and at an early stage especially do that. Therefore the electrical resistivity and the permittivity were used to make up for this defects. These methods are more economical and more effective than the existing methods. And variation of the electrical resistivity and the permittivity values were found against the change of concentration of Mercury and Arsenic aqueous solutions and measuring frequency. These analyzed results indicate that the electrical resistivity and the permittivity tend to decrease against increasing measuring frequency. The electrical resistivity and the permittivity are also found to show the function of frequency.

Analysis of mine tailings, soils, stream sediments and ground water around Imcheon disused mine (임천광산 광미와 주변 토양 및 지하수의 오염조사)

  • 김선태;윤양희;박제안;심의섭;박경수
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 1998
  • Mine tailings, soils, stream sediments, and ground water around Imcheon disused mine were analyzed in order to investigate their pollution levels of heavy metals and cyanide. The average contents of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn, and CN ̄ in mine tailings were 366, 28.8, 202, 15.2, 1.97$\times$$10^3$, 3.85$\times$$10^3$, 90.6mg/kg respectively, The pollution indices that calculated by the tolerance level of Kloke were 8~19 and the pH values were acidic in mine tailngs. In the field and paddy soils of Imcheon disused mine area except for soils nearby mine tailngs, concentraitons of the heavy metals were less than standards of soil pollution of agricultral area in the environmental protection law. The nitrate contents In the ground water for drink were more than tolerance level of the drinking water of Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

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Analysis of NPS Pollution Loads over Rainfall-Runoff Events from the Silica Mine Site (규사광산 지역의 강우시 비점오염원의 유출분석)

  • Choi, Yong-hun;Won, Chul-hee;Seo, Ji-yeon;Shin, Min-Hwan;Yang, Hee-Jeong;Choi, Joong-dae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.413-419
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    • 2010
  • A silica mine monitoring was conducted from March to December in 2008 to measure rainfall, runoff amounts and pollution loads. A total of 13 rainfall-runoff events were measured and analyzed with respect to runoff ratio, pollutant concentration and load, and initial flush. Over rainfall-runoff events, 95% confidence range of SS concentration was 942.5~2,056.2 mg/L. Other measured water quality indices also showed relatively large variation. This wide concentration variation was thought to be caused by the bare working ground of the mine that was used to store, process and transport the mined silica. Total pollution load of the 13 rainfall-runoff events was SS 17,901 kg/ha, $COD_{Cr}$ 160.9 kg/ha, $COD_{Mn}$ 111.24 kg/ha, BOD 79.6 kg/ha, T-N 13.8 kg/ha, T-P 3.5 kg/ha, and TOC 39.3 kg/ha. Initial flush was not well observed except SS. Very high SS concentration and load was occurred when rainfall was large. Therefore, it was recommended to manage the bare ground not to discharge excessive pollutants during wet days by covering the ground or constructing runoff treatment systems such as a sediment basin.

Assessing the impact of urbanization on runoff and non-point source pollution using the GIS L-THIA (GIS L-THIA를 이용한 도시화에 따른 유출과 비점원오염 영향 평가)

  • Yun, La-Young;Kim, Dong-Hui;Gwon, Hyeok-Hyeon;Sin, Seung-Cheol;Son, Kwang-Ik
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1802-1806
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    • 2006
  • It is important to consider the effects of land-use changes on surface runoff, stream flow, and groundwater recharge. Expansion of urban areas significantly impacts the environment in terms of ground water recharge, water pollution, and storm water drainage. Increase of impervious area due to urbanization leads to an increase in surface runoff volume, contributes to downstream flooding and a net loss in groundwater recharge. Assessment of the hydrologic impacts or urban land-use change traditionally includes models that evaluate how land use change alters peak runoff rates, and these results are then used in the design of drainage systems. Such methods however do not address the long-term hydrologic impacts of urban land use change and often do not consider how pollutants that wash off from different land uses affect water quality. L-THIA (Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment) is an analysis tool that provides site-specific estimates of changes in runoff, recharge and non point source pollution resulting from past or proposed land-use changes. It gives long-term average annual runoff for a land use configuration, based on climate data for that area. In this study, the environmental and hydrological impact from the urbanized basin had been examined with GIS L-THIA in Korea.

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JV Rock Driving Method (JV 공법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Il;Inoue Hajimu;Toshio Teraoka;Yeo, Byung-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.41.1-44
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    • 1995
  • The JV method is an epochal civil engineering style that boasts of significant pile driving power through low-vibration works by ideally combining the high pressure water injected from the water jet cutter and the vibrations combining from the vibratory pile driver extractors. As a result, you are ensured stable and safe pile driving and extraction in bedrocks that were previously impossible with conventional machines and methods. The other advantage is its high performance and a low-pollution characteristis that is ensured by suppressing ground vibrations. This is a very important factor since it often becomes an issue upon civil engineering in the city. With the addition of this method. the range of steel pipe pile, steel sheet pile and other steel pile use has been drastically expanded. Other advantages of this method incldes accurate works, shortening of the construction period and improved work performance. Since the minimun amount of high pressure water is used to drill the ground, it not only loosens the ground, but also cuts the ground at the tip of the pile to improve driving works.

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Construction of Three Dimensional Soil Cadmium Pollution Map Using Geotechnical Information DB System (국토지반정보시스템을 이용한 3차원 토양오염지도 구축)

  • Hwang, Dae Young;Kang, In Joon;Jang, Yong Gu;Kim, Soo Kyum
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2016
  • This study presented the build-up of three-dimensional soil pollution map for precise analysis. To do this, survey on the existing pollutant region on Dongnae-gu, Busan that is the study subject, showed that it tended to produce 0.72 clusters. So, this study suggested to investigate center of $1km{\times}1km $ grid and, as the results of comparing the pollution map that input pollution figure values based on the actually investigation point showed precise results. And, it divided the standard of pollution into 5 levels in surface and underground space and the map was built up using IDW interpolation against the amount of polluted substance. The pollution of ground surface, flow of polluted substance, coefficient of permeability and ground water level that are 504 geotechnical informations were selected as the influential parameters in pollution analysis of underground space, and it calculated that to 0~20 points by dividing the characteristics. It enables the build-up of pollution map of ground surface-underground with depth that considers the characteristics of soil layers and it is considered that it is possible to analyze the general infiltration. And, it was considered that it enables more accurate forecast about influential analysis per depth and pollution of underground water.