• Title/Summary/Keyword: ground water pollution

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Crop Growth and Nutrient leaching from Soil with Application of Urea and Compost in Volcanic Ash Soil (화산회토에서 퇴비 및 요소시용에 따른 토양중 $NO_3$-N, 양이온의 용탈)

  • 강봉균;송창길
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2001
  • Nitrogen applied as fertilizer for crop production is partly absorbed by plant , and the remaining nitrogen in soil might be leached out through complicated processes to the subsoil layer Especially, NO$_3$-N in leachate causes environmental pollution. The purpose of this study was focused on understanding of uptake of nutrients by plants, the behaviors of nutrients in soil and the possibility of leaching loss when nitrogen fertilizer and completely decomposed compost were applied. Lysimeters(Volume 0.15㎥, Diameter 62cm, Height 62.8cm) were installed for collecting leachate in the Jeju volcanic ash soils. Lysimeter study consisted of thirteen treatments : fallow, fallow with weeding, cropping without fertilizer and compost, three N fertilizer soil surface applications(16, 32, 64kg/10a), three N fertilizer and compost soil surface applications(16+800, 32+1600, 64+32kg/10a), two water dissolved N fertilizer applications(16, 32kg/10a), and low and high plant densities. N fertilizer was applied as urea. The growth of com(preceding crop) and potatoes(succeeding crop) and leaching loss were determined during the experimental period. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; With Increased N, pH of leachate tended to decrease and NO$_3$-N concentration of leachate increased. NO$_3$-N leaching loss was remarkably greater in soil from the bare plot without fertilization and the weed control than from plots with medium N rate and was least in the cropping plot without fertilization. NO$_3$-N concentration in leachates from the water dissolved N fertilizer application plots was 64% of that from the soil surface application plots. The concentration of Ca and K ions and the leaching loss of these ions were least from the cropping plot without fertilization and were greatest from bare plots(T1 and T2) without fertilization. The proportion of leaching and residual N in soil increased as N rate increased indicting that higher N rates increase the possibility of N leaching to subsoil layer The proportion of N leaching losses was lower at the low N rate and the high plant density. In future, fertilization prescription which can maximize fertilizer use efficiency and minimize the pollution of ground water will be needed for conserving the environments.

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Monitoring of Seasonal Water Quality Variations and Environmental Contamination in the Sambo Mine Creek, Korea (삼보광산 하류 수계의 계절별 수질변화와 오염도 평가)

  • Jung, Goo-Bok;Lee, Jong-Sik;Kim, Won-Il;Ryu, Jong-Su;Yun, Sun-Gang
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2008
  • Metal mining district drainage is a well recognized source of environmental contamination. Oxidation of metal sulfides produces acidic and metal-rich waters that contaminate local surface water and ground water in mines, mine dumps, and tailing impoundments. This monitoring study was carried out to investigate the stream water quality and pollution as affected by the Sambo mine drainage in relation to the relative distance from the mine. It obvious that pH values of the mine drainage ranged from 5.8 to 6.9, while the average concentrations of the dissolved chemical constituents for EC, $SO_4^{2-}$, $K^+$, $Ca^{2+}$, and $Mg^{2+}$ were $1.77\;dS\;m^{-1}$, 929, 14.6, 263.3, and 46.9 mg/L in mine drainage discharged from the main waste rock dumps (WRD), respectively. Furthermore, EC values and sulfate concentrations exceeded the critical toxicity levels in agricultural water for rice plant ($1.0\;dS\;m^{-1}$ for EC and 54.0 mg/L for $SO_4^{2-}$). Also, the average of dissolved cadmium concentrations ($0.016{\sim}0.021\;mg/L$) was higher than water quality standard (0.01 mg/L) for agricultural water in Korea, in addition to Zn, Fe and Mn were higher than trace metals maximum concentrations which recommended by FAO for irrigation water. The results indicate that mine drainage discharged from the Sambo mine affected stream water at least to distance of 1 km downstream of the mine water discharge point. EC values, $SO_4^{2-}$ and $Ca^{2+}$ concentrations in discharged water positively correlated with dissolved Cd, Zn, Al and Mn concentrations, while the pH values negatively correlated. In addition, EC values, $SO_4^{2-}$ and $Ca^{2+}$ concentrations were negatively correlated with pH values.

Preliminary Diagnosis of Fishing Ground Environment for Establishing the Management System in Fisheries Resources Protection Area (수산자원보호구역 관리체제 구축을 위한 어장환경 예비진단)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Park, Dal-Soo;Jeon, Kyeong-Am;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Park, Jong-Soo;Kim, Gui-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2009
  • For preliminary diagnosis on current fishing ground environment and basic information for establishment of effective and rational management policy in fisheries resources protection area, water and sediment quality and changes of total area in the 10 marine protection areas designated for fisheries resources management in Korea were assessed. Results showed that environmental quality in these areas has been degraded by pollution sources, coastal utilization and development stress, etc. The pattern and degree of contamination differed by protection areas, suggesting that it is necessary for optimum environmental management plan considering the regional characteristics. The total designated area of protection areas in 2003 changed by $-22.9{\sim}2.4%$, on average -6.4%, compared with the first year of designation; Wando-Doam Bay showd the highest increase rate (2.4%), and Hansan Bay has the highest decrease rate (-22.9%) Decrease rate of land and sea in total area showd 6.1% and 6.6%. An integrated management of environmental data in protection areas is required for systematic assessment. Therefore, the suitable environmental and information management is needed specifically considering the environment characteristics such as development and utilization conditions of land and sea area Furthermore, bemuse urbanization and industrialization threats the junctions of the protection areas, authorized ministry (MIFAFF) should develope and establish monitoring and management procedures based on the related laws.

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Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research: A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2008 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향: 2008년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Kwon, Yong-Il;Choi, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.715-732
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    • 2009
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2008. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends in thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed in the categories of general fluid flow, fluid machinery and piping, new and renewable energy, and fire. Well-developed CFD technologies were widely applied in developing facilities and their systems. New research topics include fire, fuel cell, and solar energy. Research was mainly focused on flow distribution and optimization in the fields of fluid machinery and piping. Topics related to the development of fans and compressors had been popular, but were no longer investigated widely. Research papers on micro heat exchangers using nanofluids and micro pumps were also not presented during this period. There were some studies on thermal reliability and performance in the fields of new and renewable energy. Numerical simulations of smoke ventilation and the spread of fire were the main topics in the field of fire. (2) Research works on heat transfer presented in 2008 have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, industrial heat exchangers, and ground heat exchangers. Research on heat transfer characteristics included thermal transport in cryogenic vessels, dish solar collectors, radiative thermal reflectors, variable conductance heat pipes, and flow condensation and evaporation of refrigerants. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, examined are research on micro-channel plate heat exchangers, liquid cooled cold plates, fin-tube heat exchangers, and frost behavior of heat exchanger fins. Measurements on ground thermal conductivity and on the thermal diffusion characteristics of ground heat exchangers were reported. (3) In the field of refrigeration, many studies were presented on simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump systems. Switching between various operation modes and optimizing the refrigerant charge were considered in this research. Studies of heat pump systems using unutilized energy sources such as sewage water and river water were reported. Evaporative cooling was studied both theoretically and experimentally as a potential alternative to the conventional methods. (4) Research papers on building facilities have been reviewed and divided into studies on heat and cold sources, air conditioning and air cleaning, ventilation, automatic control of heat sources with piping systems, and sound reduction in hydraulic turbine dynamo rooms. In particular, considered were efficient and effective uses of energy resulting in reduced environmental pollution and operating costs. (5) In the field of building environments, many studies focused on health and comfort. Ventilation. system performance was considered to be important in improving indoor air conditions. Due to high oil prices, various tests were planned to examine building energy consumption and to cut life cycle costs.

Chemical Characteristics and Pollution of Groundwater in the Ponchon Area, Kwangju (광주, 본촌지역의 지하수의 수화학적 특성과 오염)

  • 양해근;김인수;최희철;김정우
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the contaminated status of groundwater under Ponchon Basin, Kwangju-city was analyzed by hydrogeological survey. Though the distribution of groundwater hydraulic head was similar with the ground elevation, the flow system of groundwater was changed due to overpumping in the industrial area. Paddy field and residential area which were located in the north part of the basin had relatively high concentrations of Cl, N $a^{+}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ in the groundwater. Southern part of the basin which most industrial area occupied had relatively high concentrations of HC $O_3$, $Ca^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$ and Zn. Groundwater was contaminated by C $l^{[-10]}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ due to the infiltration of domestic sewage and factory wastewater. In the Cl case, C $l^{[-10]}$ had a tendency of distribution over the water shed along with the contaminated source. The drawdown of groundwater due to overpumping caused more vertical movement of contaminant than lateral movement. If the overpumping continues in the industrial area, the groundwater flow system will be more affected and the groundwater will be lowered in the north part of basin. It is clear that contamination by C $l^{[-10]}$ and N $O_3$$^{[-10]}$ due to domestic sewage and factory wastewater will spread through the whole basin area.rea.

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Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Measuring Purine Derivatives in Urine and Estimation of Microbial Protein Synthesis in the Rumen for Sheep

  • Atanassova, Stefka;Iancheva, Nana;Tsenkova, Roumiana
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1273-1273
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    • 2001
  • The efficiency of the luminal fermentation process influences overall efficiency of luminal production, animal health and reproduction. Ruminant production systems have a significant impact on the global environment, as well. Animal wastes contribute to pollution of the environment as ammonia volatilized to the air and nitrate leached to ground water. Microbial protein synthesis in the rumen satisfies a large proportion of the protein requirements of animals. Quantifying the microbial synthesis is possible by using markers for lumen bacteria and protozoa such as nucleic acids, purine bases, some specific amino acids, or by isotopic $^{15}N,^{32}P,\;and\;^{35}S$ labelled feeds. All those methods require cannulated animals, they are time-consuming and some methods are very expensive as well. Many attempts have been made to find an alternative method for indirect measurement of microbial synthesis in intact animals. The present investigations aimed to assess possibilities of NIRS for prediction of purine nitrogen excretion and ruminal microbial nitrogen synthesis by NIR spectra of urine. Urine samples were collected from 12 growing sheep,6 of them male, and 6- female. The sheep were included in feeding experiment. The ration consisted of sorghum silage and protein supplements -70:30 on dry matter basis. The protein supplements were chosen to differ in protein degradability. The urine samples were collected daily in a vessel containing $60m{\ell}$ 10% sulphuric acid to reduce pH below 3 and diluted with tap water to 4 liters. Samples were stored in plastic bottles and frozen at $-20^{\circ}C$ until chemical and NIRS analysis. The urine samples were analyzed for purine derivates - allantoin, uric acid, xantine and hypoxantine content. Microbial nitrogen synthesis in the lumen was calculated according to Chen and Gomes, 1995. Transmittance urine spectra with sample thickness 1mm were obtained by NIR System 6500 spectrophotometer in the spectral range 1100-2500nm. The calibration was performed using ISI software and PLS regression, respectively. The following statistical results of NIRS calibration for prediction of purine derivatives and microbial protein synthesis were obtained.(Table Omitted). The result of estimation of purine nitrogen excretion and microbial protein synthesis by NIR spectra of urine showed accuracy, adequate for rapid evaluation of microbial protein synthesis for a large number of animals and different diets. The results indicate that the advantages of the NIRS technology can be extended into animal physiological studies. The fast and low cost NIRS analyses could be used with no significant loss of accuracy when microbial protein synthesis in the lumen and the microbial protein flow in the duodenum are to be assessed by NIRS.

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A Study on the Durability and Environmentally Friendly of Inorganic Grouting Material (무기질계 지반주입재의 내구성 및 친환경적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Byungsik;Park, Dukhyum;Kang, Hyoungnam;Do, Jongnam
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2008
  • Inorganic injection material, which is one of the ground improvement materials, consists of cement accelerator and inorganic micro particle. The inorganic injection material is known to overcome the major limitations of water glass type improvement materials, which are leaching and accompanying strength loss. The inorganic injection material is superior in durability and strength, and environmentally friendly since leaching is prevented. In this study, the effectiveness and environment-friendliness of the MIS(Micro Injection-process System) using the inorganic injection material is compared to SGR, which uses the water glass. The performed tests were unconfined compression test, chemical resistance test, and fish poison test. The unconfined compression tests showed that the MIS results in 1.7 times higher 28 day strength compared to the SGR. In addition, the strength continually increased with time for the MIS, while it decreased for the SGR. The chemical resistance tests indicated that the rate of change in length using the MIS is 10~25 times smaller than when using the SGR. The fish poison test proved that MIS was more environmentally friendly. The analysis of chemical ingredients of leached showed that the amount of $Cr^{6+}$, Pb and Si leached from the MIS is less compared to the SGR. Accordingly, the MIS grout is more high-strength than existing SGR grout. It is excellent in shortening of construction period, structural stability of foundation and environmentally friendly. So, it is considered that it has not little the problem about groundwater pollution.

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Damage Conditions and Assessment for Cut Slope Structures due to Acid Rock Drainage (산성암반배수에 의한 절취사면 구조물의 피해 현황과 평가)

  • Lee Gyoo Ho;Kim Jae Gon;Park Sam-Gyu;Lee Jin-Soo;Chon Chul-Min;Kim Tack Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study was to investigate damage conditions of cut slope structures due to acid rock drainage (ARB) and to assess the acid production potential of various rocks. Acid rock drainage is produced by the oxidation of sulfide minerals contained in coal mine zone and mineralization belt of Pyeongan supergroup and Ogcheon group, pyrite-bearing andesite, and Tertiary acid sulfate soils in Korea. Most of cut slopes producing ARB have been treated with shotcrete to reduce ARD. According to the field observations, ARD had an adverse effect on slope structures. The corrosion of shotcrete, anchors and rock bolts and the bad germination and growth diseases of covering plants due to ARD were observed in the field. The concentration of heavy metals and pH of ARD from cut slope exceeded the environmental standard, indicating a high potential of environmental pollution of surrounding soil, surface water and ground water by the ARD. According to acid base accounting (ABA) of the studied samples, hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks, tuffs, coaly shales, tailings of metallic mine had a relatively high potential of acid production but gneiss and granite had no or less acid production potential. It is expected that the number of cut slopes will increase hereafter considering the present construction trend. In order to reduce the adverse effect of ARD in construction sites, we need to secure the data base for potential ARD producing area and to develop the ARD reduction technologies suitable.

21세기 광물자원과 우리의 환경

  • O Min Su
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2002
  • As in the past, we are concerned today with the magnitudes of mineral resources and the adequacy of these resources to meet future needs. In looking at global resource issues, we should consider the need for the resource, its supply, and the environmental consequences of using it. The need for a resource can become a resource dependency, especially as the global population expands and each of us becomes increasingly dependent upon hundreds of natural materials. Therefore, our great mineral consumption makes the human population a true 'Geologic Force', which will be even more significant in the future when the global population is projected to reach alarming proportions. Although our supplies of mineral resources probably will be sufficient for the 21s1 century, the uneven distribution of minerals in the Earth's crust almost certainly will continue to be a major problem The most likely result will be major shifts in both prices and sources of supply of many mineral resources. As for energy resources, we must avoid an obsessive dependency on one fuel and expand instead to thor energy resources. Finally, because the use of resources affects the environment, we need to focus on resource exploitation and global pollution, particularly in regard to ground water and arable land. We must manage our resources so as to be in balance with our environment. And the accelerated industrialization of South Korean economy over the last three decades has resulted in the mass consumption of nuneral commodities. South Korea has around 50 useful mineral commodities for the mineral industry, among 330 kinds of minerals described. The component ratio of the mining industry sector of the gross national production(GNP) in South Korea dropped from $1.2\%\;in\;1971\;to\;0.34\%$ in 1997 due to the rapid growth of other industries In the countxy. During the period from 1971 to 1997, the average growth rate of mineral consumption in South Korea was $9.13\%$ yearly and that of GNP per capita was $14.97\%$. The mineral consumptions per capita showed a continual Increase during the last 30 years as follows(parenthesis. GNP per capita): 0.99 metric tons in 1971($\$289$), 3.83 metric tons in 1989($\$5,210$), 6.11 metric tons in 1995 ($\$10,037$), and 6.66 metric tons in 1997($9,511). The total amount of mineral consumption in South Korea was 33 million tons of 32 mineral commodities in 1971, and 306 million metric tons of 47 mineral commodities In 1997.

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The Effect of Column Process on the Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste Leachate (Column 장치를 이용한 도시쓰레기 침출수의 처리효과)

  • Han, Mun-Gyu;Cho, Ju-Sik;Lee, Hong-Jae;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 1992
  • Municipal landfill leachate, a major source of soil contamination and ground water pollution, causes serious environmental problems. To investigate the removal efficiency of pollutants in the leachate by sand, briquet ash, fly ash, and activated carbon columns, COD and some pollutants in the leachate passed through each column for 8 weeks were examined. Average COD removal efficiency for 8 weeks was 83%, 45%, and 43% by activated carbon, briquet ash and fly ash columns, respectively. COD was not effectively reduced by sand column. Average ${NH_4}\;^+$ removal efficiency for 8 weeks was more than 60% by ail columns. Hardness was effectively removed for 8 weeks by fly ash and activated carbon columns. Anoins including $PO_4\;^{3-}$, $CI^-$ and $SO_4^{2-}$ were not removed by all columns.

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