• Title/Summary/Keyword: ground water pollution

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Properties of Non-Sintered Cement Mortar using Alkali and Sulfate Mixed Stimulants Accroding to Curing Method (양생방법에 따른 알칼리 및 황산염 복합자극제를 사용한 비소성 시멘트 모르타르의 특성)

  • Park, Sung-Joon;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Hyung, Won-Gil
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2015
  • Entering the 20th century since the industrial revolution, the cement has been widely used in the field of construction and civil engineering due to the remarkable development of construction industry. However, result from that development, each kind of industrial by-products and waste and the carbon dioxide generated in the process of cement production cause air pollution and environmental damage so earth is getting sick now slowly. Therefore, we have to recognize importance about this. It means that the time taking specific and long-term measures have come. In this research paper, as substitution of the cement generating environmental pollution, we investigate the hydration reaction of non-Sintered Cement mortar mixed with GBFS, active stimulant of alkaline and sulphate series by using SEM and XRD, mechanical and chemical properties according to the curing method. As a result of this experiment, NSC realized outstanding strength for water curing and steam curing. It means that it has a good possibility as substitution of cement. From now on, it can be used for structure satisfying specific standard. We expect to find a substitution of outstanding cement by progressing continuous research making the best use of pros and cons according to the curing method.

Landuse oriented Water Balance Analysis Method by the Hydrological Model BAGLUVA based on Soil and Vegetation (토양-식생기반의 수문모델 BAGLUVA를 적용한 토지이용별 물수지 분석 방법론)

  • Kwon, Kyung Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.98-111
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    • 2015
  • Urban environmental problems such as flooding, depletion of ground water, pollution of urban streams and the heat island effect caused by urban development and climate change can be mitigated by the improvement of the urban water cycle. For the effective planning of water cycle management it is necessary to establish aerial Hydrotope Maps, with which we can estimate the status and change of the water allowance for any site. The structure of the German water balance model BAGLUVA, which is based on soil and vegetation, was analyzed and the input data and boundary condition of the model was compared with Korean data and research results. The BAGLUVA Model consists of 5 Input categories (climate, land use, topography, soil hydrology and irrigation). The structure and interconnection of these categories are analyzed and new concepts and implementation methods of topographic factor, maximum evapotranspiration ratio, effective rooting depth and Bagrov n parameter was compared and analyzed. The relation of real evapotranspiration (ETa)-maximum evapotranspiration (ETmax) - precipitation (P) was via Bagrov n factor represented. The aerial and land use oriented Hydrotope Map can help us to investigate the water balance of small catchment areas and to set goals for volume of rainwater management and LID facilities effectively in the city. Further, this map is a useful tool for implementing water resource management within landscape and urban planning.

Performance Evaluation of Water Circulation Facilities with Infiltration and Retention Functions (침투 및 저류 기능을 가진 물 순환 시설의 효과 평가)

  • Hong, Jung Sun;Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla C.;Kim, Ree Ho;Lee, Seon Ha;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.305-310
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    • 2015
  • In 2014, the city of Seoul revised the ordinance regarding water-cycle restoration in the Seoul Metropolitan areas by incorporating the 'Low Impact Development (LID)' policy. The new ordinance plan will utilize 630 mm or almost 45 to 50% of annual rainfall until 2050 by means of providing a rainwater management system consisting of infiltration, retention and vegetation. The LID is believed to be the key to achieving the target requirements, specifically in development projects. This research was performed to evaluate the stormwater runoff and pollutant reduction performance of three different LID facilities (water circulation facilities) including an infiltration inlet, bioretention swale, and permeable pavement constructed in Seoul City. Results show that among the water circulation facilities, the permeable pavement achieved the highest runoff reduction as it was able to entirely capture and infiltrate the runoff to the ground. However, in order to attain a long-term performance it is necessary to manage the accumulated sediment and trapped pollutants in the landscape areas through other water circulation techniques such as through soil erosion control. In terms of pollutant reduction capability, the infiltration inlet performed well since it was applied in highly polluted areas. The bioretention facility integrating the physico-chemical and biological mechanisms of soil, microorganisms and plants were able to also achieve a high runoff and pollutant reduction. The water circulation facilities provided not only benefits for water circulation but also various other benefits such as pollutant reduction, ecological restoration, and aesthetic functions.

Determination of Amitrole in Water Samples by Evaporation and GC/MS (증발법과 GC/MS를 이용한 수질 시료 중의 Amitrole의 분석법 연구)

  • Yoon, So Hee;Hong, Ji Eun;Pyo, Hee Soo;Park, Song Ja
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.483-487
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    • 2003
  • Amitrole is well-known as a non-selective herbicide and it is able to cause contamination of driking water as well as pollution of ground water and surface water. However, it is difficult to extract from water because it has a high solubility for water whereas a low solubility for general organic solvents. This method is described for the determination of amitrole in water samples by GC/MS. After evaporation of 10 mL water sample by a vacuum evaporator, amitrole was derivatized with isobutyl chloroformate (iso-BCF) on room temperature for 15~20 min. As a result, the sensitivity for GCfMS was improved as N-isobutoxycarbonyl amitrole derivative was formed. The linearity of the calibration curve showed good as 0.997. The recoveries were obtained more than 94.9% and relative standard deviations were less than 2.8% at 1.0μg/L, 10.0μg/L and 100.0μg/L. The limit of detection showed 0.1μg/L with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3.

Removal of Hydrogen Fluoride from Waterjet Plasma Wastewater by Electrocoagulation (전해응집법에 의한 불화수소 함유 워터젯 플라즈마 폐수처리)

  • Lee, Chae Hong;Chun, Young Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.702-708
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    • 2012
  • Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) has been used as etching and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) gases for semiconductor manufacturing processes. These gases need to be removed efficiently because of their strong absorption of infrared radiation and long atmospheric lifetimes which cause the global warming effect. Also, the wastewater including the fluorine is caused by of the ground water pollution. Long-term consumption of water containing excessive fluoride can lead to fluorosis of the teeth and bones. The wastewater including the fluorine among the by-product which is generated by using the waterjet plasma after destroying CF4 by HF is generated. The system which can remove the hydrogen fluoride among the wastewater by using the electrocoagulation using this wastewater the aluminum electrode was developed. The operating condition such as initial pH, electrocoagulation time, wastewater flow rate, current density were investigated experimentally using a electrocoagulation. Through the parametric studies, the highest hydrogen fluoride destruction of 85% was achieved at 3.5 initial pH, 10 min electrocoagulation time, 10 mL/min wastewater flow rate and 159A/m2 current density.

A Study on the Waste Incinerator Location Problem in Seoul (서울시 쓰레기 소각장 입지에 관한 연구)

  • 이금숙;이희연
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 1998
  • Waste disposal problem is one of the most important social welfare indicators in urban area, because the volume of waste generated from urban area is remarkable. So far most waste of Seoul has been disposed at landfills. However, this landifill disposal method is confronted with several difficulties in recent. As public concern on environmental problem increases and autonomy system is settled down, local community people of the landfills refuse to receive the waste produced other places any more. It brought reginal confliction problem between waste sending and receiving by refusing to accept waste from certain region. Furthermore, it is difficult to find another place to fill up the waste, while the existing landfiis is reached at the limit in the near future. In terms of environmental aspects landfill method is not the best way to dispose waste. It contaminates the soil and ground/underground water by leaking water containing many serious pollutants as well as offensive oder. In terms of equity, this waste disposal method is not fair. Environmental pollution causes damage to residence near to the landfills, while the waste produced other places. In order to satisfy the equity aspect, the waste generated a region should be disposed within the region. Incineration of Waste has been provided as the alternative. Government plans to construct waste incinerator in every anatomy, so the waste produced by local community is disposed within their local autonomous area. However, the location decision is not easy, since waste incinerator is one of the facilities to the community people. We can not apply the existing location models for this problem, because they show strong NIMBY phenomenon for the location. The location of waste incinerator should be determined very carefully with consideration of various location factors and criteria. This study proposes a methodology for determining the location of the waste incinerators by utilizing GIS, which is a power research tool for location decision where various geographical factors related. We drive the location factors which should be considered in the determination of waste incinerators. They involve environmental, socio-economic, and institutional factors. In first, we eliminate the area which is located within the environmental location criteria such as slope, fault line, distance to river, and then eliminate ares which is conflict with the social and institutional criteria.

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The Characteristic of Long Term Variation of the Water Quality from Hansan-Geoje bay, Korea (한산거제만 해역의 수질 장기변동 특성)

  • Kwon, Jung-No;Park, Young-Chul;Eom, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 2013
  • To study characteristics of the water quality in the Hansan-Geoje bay, we analyzed the long term monitoring data collected at the two sites during the period of 1987~2010. The trophic state of the waters in Hansan-Geoje bay was the mesotrophic level by the classification of Wasmud et al.[2001]. The water nutrients increased steadily from a wet season (Aug.), it reached the maximum concentration peak in a dry season (Nov.), and then decreased steadily to the winter, it reached at the minimum value in May in the next year. The result of factor analysis divided the waters of Hansan-Geoje bay into the five factors (nutrient, season, inflow land water, pollution, internal production) and the factors represented the 76.82% on the status of the waters. According to time series analysis, temperature, DO and bottom DIP were increased, and pH and COD were decreased during the period of 1987~2010. In particular, the fluctuation trend of DIN has been turned from oversupply to shortage by the N/P ratio since before and after 1990's. The water quality of the Hansan-Geoje bay has been recovered except DIP since 1987, despite of its geographical characteristic which is a general semi-closesd bay and a massive aqua-culture ground. To preserve the waters in Hansan-Geoje bay, we need to know on the cause of the increase or accumulation of DIP, and we should continue to study on the interrelation between the aqua-culture and water environment.

Hydrochemical Characteristics of Spring Water in Cheju Island (제주도 용천수의 수리화학적 특성)

  • 윤정수;박상운
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 1998
  • This study purposes to elucidate the characteristics of local water quality and the evolutional process of the spring water have been studied with the samples from 55 selected springs, from the coast region to the Baegrogdam, a caldera lake of Halla mountain in Cheju Island. Results of hydrochemical analyses in the 55 spring water show that Gwaneumsa is pollued with high hydrogen concentration, and spring waters from Yusuarmchun, Jangsumul, Dukjisemmul, Sinch'onk'nmul, Youngchunsa, Woonyangchun, Harwontongmul, Dongheamul, Seakdalsengsu, Andukkyekok, Dotimul, Kinmul, Harkangmul and Jungkeummul are polluted by the pollution sources from the surface surrounding ground. Spring waters of Samyang3suwon, Meungbusa, Sernurungmul, Tosanmul, Jungkeummul, Kwakgimul, Aewolharmul, Konemul and Nokgomul are also polluted from the sea water intrusion. The electrical conductivity, pH and the concentration of nitrate nitrogen and bicarbonate increase when the precipitation increases, but the concentration of sodium, chloride and sulphate decrease when the precipitation increases. The concentrations of potassium, magnessium and calcium are nearly independent of the precipitaion. Quality characteristics of spring water show complicated group of spring water through piper's trilinear diagram. The high mountain region consists of groups of sodium or potassium type and bicarbonate type; the middle mountain region consists of groups of sodium or potassium type and no dominant type; the low mountain consists of groups of no dominant type and sulfate or nitrate type; the coast region consists of groups of sodium or potassium type and chloride type or no dominant type. These characteristics indicate that the spring waters are changed from bicarbonate type in the high and middle mountain regions into non-bicarbonate type in the coastal region, as the precipitated waters flow downslope.

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Engineering Properties of Sewage Sludge Landfill Ground in Nanji-Do (난지도 하수슬러지 매립지반의 공학적 특성)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Yun, Jung-Mann
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.1 s.50
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2007
  • The environmental and geotechnical properties are investigated to the 8th landfill area made of only sewage sludge in Nanji-Do. To do this, the soils are sampled in this area, and leaching tests, heavy metal content tests, and so on are performed to research the environmental properties. As the result of heavy metal content tests, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Cr were leached from the sewage sludge. Because the leaching concentration of Cu is more than the standard value of California state, Cu content have to bring down during the recycling of the sewage sludge. Meanwhile, a series of tests concerning specific gravity, liquid and plastic limits, compaction, permeability and shear strength is performed to research the geotechnical properties. The sewage sludge is consisted of sand, silt and clay, and is classified into non-organic silt or organic clay with 42.3% of plastic index. As the result of compaction test, it is expected that the compaction effect according to variation of water contents is low relatively because the dry unit weight is low and the curve of compaction forms flatness. Also, as the result of direct shear tests, the cohesion is 0.058kg/cm2, and the internal friction angle is 14. Taking everything into consideration, the various problems are happening in case of recycling the sludge like the cover layer of landfill and so on because the compaction is bad, and the shear strength is low. Also, it is expected that the ground water pollution caused by leaching the heavy metal into the sludge. To do recycling the sewage sludge in this site, supplementary and treatment programs should be prepared.

Distribution Pattern of Macrozoobenthos at the Farming Ground in the Western Part of Chinhae Bay, Korea (진해만 양식장 밀집해역의 저서동물 분포)

  • LIM Hyun-Sig;CHOI Jin-Woo;JE Jong-Geel;LEE Jae-Hac
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.115-132
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    • 1992
  • This study was conducted to clarify the distribution pattern of macrobenthic soft-bottom dwelling animals near the shellfish farming ground in Chinhae Bay, Korea Sampling was seasonally performed with van Veen grab(0.1m2) from October 1990 to July 1991. Benthic animals collected during the study comprised 107 species which amounted to 6,978 individuals: 52 species from polychaetes(48.6%), 34 species from crustaceans(31.8%), 14 species from molluscs(13.1%) and 7 species from other faunal groups(6.5%). The dominant species were four polychaetes and one amphipod: Lumbrineis longifolia, Capitella capitate, Mediomastus sp., Sigambra tentaculata and Erictonius pugnax. The study area could be divided into 3 regions based on the faunal similarity which was closely related to the content of organic matter in the surface sediment. The benthic community located near the shellfish farming ground showed large spatial and seasonal variations in species diversity and evenness in contrast to the stable values off the farming area. The oxygen deficient water mass below 2 ml/l In thi bottom layer during the summer stressed and depauperated the benthic community in the autumn of 1990. However, the benthic community did recover during the winter. It is postulated that the cyclic phenomenon of summer mortality followed by winter recovery may be a common characteristic in benthic communities subjected to a high level of organic pollution.

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