• Title/Summary/Keyword: geomorphological features

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A Study on source areas of stone-built cultural properties in the Gyeongju area (경주지역 석조문화재의 석재공급지에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ki-Man
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.440-452
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    • 2005
  • The granites in the Gyeongju area are represented by the Namsan granites and the Tohamsan granodiorites. In this study I examined the geomorphological and geological characteristics of the granite landforms in the Gyeongju area. Joint, tor and corestones are most identifiable geomorphological and geological structure in the study areas. Tor in the Namsan granites is well developed and mainly composed of cubic corestones. Petrographical features of the stones used for the stone-built cultural properties are compared with those of the granites cropped out nearby. Additionally radiogenic element contents (K, Th, U) were acquired for comparison by gamma-ray spectrometer analysis. Most stones from the stone-built cultural properties in the Bulguksa Temple are very similar to the Namsan granites in terms of petrography, radiogenic elements. On the contrary almost all stones from the Seokguram Grotto share common petrographical, physical and chemical characteristics with the Tohamsan granodiorites. Therefore it can be suggested that the stones in the Bulguksa Temple were supplied from Namsan, and that the stones in the Seokgurarn Grotto were collected at nearby Tohamsan.

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Topographic Tourism Resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si: Analysis and Valuation (동해 무릉계곡의 지형관광자원 분석과 평가)

  • Kwon, Dong Hi
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated and analyzed the topographic landscape resources of Mureung Valley in Donghae-si from the viewpoint of geotourism in order to suggest the tourism contents and tour course. A total of 29 topographic landscapes were observed; these are broadly divided into 4 features including weathering landform, mountainous landform, fluvial landform, and structural landform. Major topographies are fluvial landform (13) and weathering landform (12). At least 19 topographies (14 sites, 19 topographic landscapes) are currently used as tourism resources, with 10 topographies having potential to be developed as new tourism resources. The 10 topographic landscapes are as follows: (1) Jamryong Bawi (Hidden Dragon Rock), (2) Janggipan Bawi (Korean Chessboard Rock), (3) Nurungji Bawi (Parched Rice Rock), (4) Damjang Bawi (Fence Rock), (5) Gyedan Bawi (Stairs Rock), (6) Heundeul Bawi (Rocking Rock), (7) Jeopsi Bawi (Dish Rock), (8) Dol Umul (Stone Well), (9) Jogak Bawi (Carved Rock), and (10) Dubu Bawi (Topu Rock). The topographic tour course can be divided into 3 routes considering accessibility and time. Route 1 is a basic one that anyone can easily use; Route 2 and 3 can be used by visitors who have more time to spare or who are more active.

Morpho-climatic Milieu and Morphogenetic Succession of Coastal Terrace in Suncheon Bay (순천만 일대 해안단구의 형성 및 기후지형환경)

  • YANG, Jae-Hyuk;KEE, Keun-Doh;KIM, Young-Rae
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2013
  • Coastal terrace was developed at 8.3m height near Waon village in Suncheon-si. Due to the sandgravel layer deposited in a different today's environments, rounded gravel(4.3m, 5.8m, 6.3m) sequentially in a cross-section of coastal terrace, so it provides a good example which understand Holocene sea level changes to determine the effect on the various climatic-environments traits. For the purpose of identifying the morphogenetic process, Profile description, Grain size, XRD, Thin section analysis was attempted. As a result, coastal terrace are more likely to have been formed by the more recent period rather than the last interglacial(MIS 5 period), and at that time, various pedological features are considered to be formed.

Long-term Changes of Shoreline at the East Coast in South Korea 2 - South East Coast (우리나라 동해안 해안선의 장기적 변화 2 -남부 동해안)

  • Kim, Dae Sik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2013
  • This study grasped long-term changing tendency of shoreline during lately about 30 years in five region of South East coast, and analyzed long-term changing tendency of East coast shoreline and the factors that synthesized studies of Central and South East coast. As a result of calculating of shoreline variations using DSAS, each shoreline of Mangyangjeong and Josa region regressed mean 28.9m and 6.4m, but each shoreline of Goraebul, Daejin and Bonggil region progressed mean 25.0m, 10.6m and 18.8m. Synthesizing changing tendency of East coast shoreline, 1) progressive and regressive zones of shoreline in all regions seem to repeat. 2) looking at shoreline of south zone adjacent to lately constructed or extended breakwater progressed, because it is thought due to effect of a longshore current flowing north. 3) zones using beach relatively tends to regress shorelines. 4) progress and regress of shoreline in zones including estuary of stream are various features as change of deposit supply from a upstream region.

A review and new view on the study on minor erosional forms in bedrock channels in Korea (한국의 기반암 하상 침식 지형 연구)

  • KIM, Jong Yeon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2011
  • Minor erosional forms in the bedrock river, like potholes, are not just research subject for the professional geomorphologis. In addition, these features attract general public and make them understand the social contribution and importance of geomorphologic research activities. In this paper, the studies on bedrock minor forms in Korea was reviewed. For further researches, some of major erosional processes and minor forms in bedrock rivers were discussed in detail. Cavitation, plucking, hydro-wedging, and abrasion by passing sediment particles are the major processes to create the longitudinal or transverse minor forms like pothole, furrows, flutes, and runnels. Especially the definition of furrows and runnels are explained to prevent the confusion with pothole, weathering pits and grooves. To make a progress in research on bedrock minor forms the quantitative relationship between the variables should be studied. New techniques for scientific estimation of erosion rates and exposure ages of bedrock surfaces should be used in this field.

A Study on the Morphological Characteristics of the River Mouth in the East Coast and Analysis of It's Causes (동해안 하구 형태의 특성과 그 요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 이원환;송재우
    • Water for future
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 1975
  • The east coast seems to have remarkably different features from the west and south coast in the geographical, geomorphological, and oceanographical senses. In this paper the auther wishes to introduce some results of investigation morphological characteristics of the river mouth in the east coast an of analysis of it's causes. There are various closing form in river mouth by many causes, but the east coast hs the same closing form(the ratio of closing; roughly 0.18), as well known, by the sand spit, and has not hydrological but littoral drift background. The river of the east coast is proved mature age from hypsometric analysis. The wave and longshore current must be principal factor to be considered, in the analysis of the closing phenomenon owing to littoral drift. The research of the blown sand is considered valuable for the next study of this subject.

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Analysis of Spatial Variability of Local Slope by Means of Geographic Information System (지리정보체계를 이용한 국부경사의 공간적 변동성 해석)

  • Kim, Joo-Cheol;Choi, Yong-Joon;Yoon, Yeo-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2012
  • Slope is the geographic factor reflecting the 3-dimensional features of basin and it can be considered as the important geomorphological factor which governs the morphology of basin and the dynamics of water movement. In this study the approach to the 3-dimensional structures of basin is attempted with statistical analysis of local slope which can be defined and measured in easy and objective manner by means of DEM. As a result local slope is confirmed to be a highly variable spatial factor in basin. And distribution map of local slope based on spatial autocorrelation length in this study would be a useful tool in the further research of hydrology and geomorphology.

Geomorphology and Geology of Gatbawi, Mokpo, Korea (목포 갓바위의 지형 및 지질 특성과 활용)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Moon, Byoung-Chan;Koh, Yeong-Koo;Youn, Seok-Tai;Oh, Kang-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2012
  • To consider geomorphological and geological characteristics to Gatbawi(the 500th natural monument), it was investigated with the aspect of scale, form, mineralogy, chemistry and weathered state. Showing typically erosional features, micro-terrains as sea cliffs, sea notches, marine plateaus and tafoni developed well on coastal areas near the monument. Sea cliffs are vertical and form sea notches in their bases. Coastal terraces are 3.5m in width and 20m in trace. Tafoni are honey combed. The monument is mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase, microcline, biotite, sericite in mineral and corresponded to crystalline tuff dominated in quartz and plagioclase. It has 23.60~28.27 wt.% of $Al_2O_3$, 3.27~5.80 wt.% of $Na_2O$, and 0.11~0.20 wt.% of Cl in chemical contents, leveling higher than those of earth crust standards. It is considerably weathered on the basis of CAI(77.42~83.93%). The monument is very useful for natural perspective tourism and education. Therefore, it is necessary that several ideas as guide plates, observing telescope, explaining guider, education programs connected with related services, touring goods, picture for books on utilization on the monument must establish.

A Prediction and Characterization of the Spatial Distribution of Red Soils in Korea Using Terrain Analyses (지형분석을 통한 한국의 적색토 분포 예측 및 해석)

  • PARK, Soo Jin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2012
  • This research aims 1) to analyse the spatial occurrence of red soils, in Korea 2) to predict their spatial distribution using terrain analyses, and 3) to interpret results from the perspective of pedogeomorphological processes. Red soils (often called red-yellow soils) in Korea are frequently found on welldrained plains and gently sloping areas. These soils are widely believed paleo-soils that were formed under hot and humid climatic conditions in the past. The spatial distribution of red soils was derived from the soil map of Korea, and a DEM based soil prediction was developed, based on a continuity equation to depict water and material flows over the landscape. About 64.5% of the red soil occurrence can be explained by the prediction. Close examinations between surveyed and predicted red soil maps show few distinctive spatial features. Granitic erosional plains at the inland of Korea show comparatively low occurrence of red soils, which might indicate active geomorphological processes within the basins. The occurrence of red soils at limestone areas is more abundant than that of the predicted, indicating the influence of parent materials on the formation of red soils. At and around lava plateau at Cheulwon and Youncheon, the occurrence of red soils is underestimated, which might partly be explained by the existence of loess-like surface deposits. There are also distinctive difference of prediction results between northern and southern parts of Korea (divided by a line between Seosan and Pohang). The results of this research calls for more detailed field-based investigations to understand forming processes of red soils, focusing on the spatial heterogeneity of pedological processes, the influence of parent materials, and difference in uplift patterns of the Korean peninsula.

Geotourism in Korea (한국의 지오투어리즘)

  • JEON, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2010
  • The researcher has examined about the infrastructure of geotourism industry as well as domestic and foreign literatures in order to see the future and present status of geotourism in our country. The researcher have concluded the followings after participating in the interpretive program of Taean haean(coastal) National Park, etc. which is thought to as having relatively well-prepared contents and education in addition to the active progress of the program especially. First, although the domestic infrastructure of geotourism is thought as relatively well-established, one needs to make up for the weak point that there are not enough editions of explanations related to land formation process and geological aspects. Second, the interpretive program operated by The Korea National Service Park needs to specialize what the program is all about, how it is operated, who is operating, and so on in order to bring subjects' characteristics into relief. Third, one needs to train the persons required to explain geomorphic landscape and geological features by establishing the new division of education of geomorphic landscape and geological features. Furthermore, one needs to set up a unit to take charge of geotourism within the central and local governments. Fourth, one needs to build the cooperative system of private-public-academic circles among private companies, government, and universities to promote the quality of interpretive program by close connections with related studies of geography and geology. Fifth, the vitalization of geotouriusm can make an enormous contribution to promote the nation's brand value and image by advertizing domestic beautiful landscapes of the nature in addition to creating new job markets. Thus, the financial support in the government level should be made. Sixth, one needs to dig out global resources of geotourism unique to us by developing the stories connecting with local cultures and histories.