• Title/Summary/Keyword: fundamental domains

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Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Novel Mouse Zinc Finger Protein Gene Znf313 Abundantly Expressed in Testis

  • Li, Na;Sun, Huaqin;Wu, Qiaqing;Tao, Dachang;Zhang, Sizhong;Ma, Yongxin
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.270-276
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    • 2007
  • We have cloned a novel mouse zinc finger protein gene Znf313 by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) according to the homologue of human ZNF313 gene. The cDNA is 2,163 base pairs (bp) in length and encodes a 229 amino acids (aa) protein with a $C_3HC_4$ ring finger domain and three $C_2H_2$ domains. 89% and 93% nucleotide (nt) and aa sequence identity is observed with its human homologue. Revealed by Northern blot and RT-PCR, full mRNA consists of 2.16 kb and widely expresses in tissues as a single transcript, most abundantly in heart, liver, kidney and testis. The expression of Znf313 in testis is detected in all development stages. Western blot analysis also reveals that Znf313 is expressed in the tissues. Immunohistochemical staining and subcellular localization demonstrate that Znf313 is expressed both in the cytoplasm and nucleus whereas predominantly localized in the nucleus. Present data suggests that Znf313 gene might play a fundamental role in gene transcription and regulation in organism and relates to spermatogenesis.

Data Analysis of Inertial Sensors for Train Positioning Detection System (열차위치검지 시스템을 위한 관성센서 데이터 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Seong Jin;Park, Sungsoo;Lee, Jae-Ho;Kang, Donghoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2015
  • Train positioning detection information is fundamental for high-speed railroad inspection, making it possible to simultaneously determine the status and evaluate the integrity of railroad equipment. This paper presents the results of measurements and an analysis of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) used as a positioning detection sensors. Acceleration and angular rate measurements from the IMU were analyzed in the amplitude and frequency domains, with a discussion on vibration and train motions. Using these results and GPS information, the positioning detection of a Korean tilting train express was performed from Naju station to Illo station on the Honam-line. The results of a synchronized analysis of sensor measurements and train motion can help in the design of a train location detection system and improve the positioning detection performance.

The Method of the Evaluation of Verbal Lexical-Semantic Network Using the Automatic Word Clustering System (단어클러스터링 시스템을 이용한 어휘의미망의 활용평가 방안)

  • Kim, Hae-Gyung;Song, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.12 no.3 s.18
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2006
  • For the recent several years, there has been much interest in lexical semantic network. However, it seems to be very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness and correctness of it and invent the methods for applying it into various problem domains. In order to offer the fundamental ideas about how to evaluate and utilize lexical semantic networks, we developed two automatic word clustering systems, which are called system A and system B respectively. 68,455,856 words were used to learn both systems. We compared the clustering results of system A to those of system B which is extended by the lexical-semantic network. The system B is extended by reconstructing the feature vectors which are used the elements of the lexical-semantic network of 3,656 '-ha' verbs. The target data is the 'multilingual Word Net-CoreNet'.When we compared the accuracy of the system A and system B, we found that system B showed the accuracy of 46.6% which is better than that of system A, 45.3%.

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Fifty Years of Innovation in Plastic Surgery

  • Kwasnicki, Richard M;Hughes-Hallett, Archie;Marcus, Hani J;Yang, Guang-Zhong;Darzi, Ara;Hettiaratchy, Shehan
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2016
  • Background Innovation has molded the current landscape of plastic surgery. However, documentation of this process only exists scattered throughout the literature as individual articles. The few attempts made to profile innovation in plastic surgery have been narrative, and therefore qualitative and inherently biased. Through the implementation of a novel innovation metric, this work aims to identify and characterise the most prevalent innovations in plastic surgery over the last 50 years. Methods Patents and publications related to plastic surgery (1960 to 2010) were retrieved from patent and MEDLINE databases, respectively. The most active patent codes were identified and grouped into technology areas, which were subsequently plotted graphically against publication data. Expert-derived technologies outside of the top performing patents areas were additionally explored. Results Between 1960 and 2010, 4,651 patents and 43,118 publications related to plastic surgery were identified. The most active patent codes were grouped under reconstructive prostheses, implants, instruments, non-invasive techniques, and tissue engineering. Of these areas and other expert-derived technologies, those currently undergoing growth include surgical instruments, implants, non-invasive practices, transplantation and breast surgery. Innovations related to microvascular surgery, liposuction, tissue engineering, lasers and prostheses have all plateaued. Conclusions The application of a novel metric for evaluating innovation quantitatively outlines the natural history of technologies fundamental to the evolution of plastic surgery. Analysis of current innovation trends provides some insight into which technology domains are the most active.

A Study of Strategy According to the Analysis of Present State in Korea Medicine Information (한의학정보화 현황분석과 이에 따른 미래전략 연구)

  • Song, Mi-Young;Kim, Chul
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2 s.17
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2006
  • This research is intended to analyze the necessity of the integrated organization for the performance in order to the extension of scale and the systematic promotion concerning to the Korean medicine informational project, and to research the promotional method of Korean Medicine information through the constitution of organization for preparing the informational basic. There are three main important subjects to be done in this research project. The initial issue is to devise a comprehensive and systematic plan of Korean medicine information according to the Korean Medicine Rearing Raw('03. 8). Furthermore, it is necessary to reinforce the integrated informational ability of Organizations concerning to the Korean Medicine. Finally, with the above works accomplished, the overall standard of Korean Medicine Information should be settled. Initially, we compose an advisory committee of the Korean Medicine Information in the first year. The members of the committee include the informational coordinates of related government agencies, the experts in Korean Medicine Information, and specialists in the domains of computer science and information. In the next phase, we derive the promotional strategy for 'Center for Korean Medicine Information'. In other words, by means of analyzing the current issues and outstanding problems of on-going research projects and environments, the ultimate directions of the whole activities are established. Also, we build the medium and long-range road map of Korean Medicine Information Research by setting strategy for the policy projects related to the area. With the various research activities in this project, we can achieve the following practical strategic benefits. Firstly, we can lay a foundation for the Korean Medicine Information by establishing the fundamental plan for 'Korean Medicine Information Center'. Secondly, information strategic projects about 'Korean Medicine Information Center'. Secondly information strategic projects about 'Korean Medicine Information Development' can be performed in more systematic fashion and promoted by stages. Finally, by confirming the contents of the Korean Medicine of KMS system, we invent an opportunity of new project in the field of the Korean Medicine Information by means of practicing and managing the 'korean Medicine Information Custom Service'.

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An Investigation of a Way of Career Education: How is the Dream of the Best Field Experts Achieved? (진로 교육 방안 모색: 분야 최고 전문가의 꿈은 어떻게 이루어지는가?)

  • Song, Kwang-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.405-418
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    • 2018
  • This paper was carried out to provide basic data for career search of the free school system. Putting the goal of career education into cultivating expertise, the review was made on the results of the previous studies on the requirements of professional practice. However, As the controversy over the requirements of professional practice has not been solved, so the core elements related to expert performance were examined as a whole through a fundamental cognitive mechanism from which diverse human cognitive characteristics appear. The results show that expert domains consists of content and representation that can exist in an integrated to a great variety of combinations between the two or independent manner, and each domain or field expert performance require different levels of the elements such as intelligence, internal thinking, curiosity (motivation), and obsession (task commitment); and the birth of 1% experts in a domain or field is determined by the obsession. Based on the results, this paper discusses issues related to professionalism and provides a concrete approach to career search during the free semester.

A Study on the Strategy to Develop Human Resources in the Green Health Industry (녹색건강산업의 인력양성 발전방안에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jin-Young;Choi, Eun-Mi;Ji, Ke-Yung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.297-308
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    • 2012
  • This study is intended to estimate the demand for the green health industry market, to seek for the strategies to develop human resources and to provide fundamental data for development of local green health industry specialization programs in the manner of investigating the intentions to participate in and opinions about the green health industry. Data were collected from 190 and surveyed from 5 to 19 in November 2010. Based upon the priority survey and factor analyses of educational contents for development of human resources specializing in the green health industry, there is some difference in the classification of all domains between the two groups, however the results concerning the cognition of the language education of educational contents and the priority of medical tourism marketing are similar between the two groups. As one of the biggest problems with medical tourism is the difficulty of communication during medical examination and treatment, it is desirable to develop professional human resources with global competitiveness based on customized education as well as excellent language skills by the specialized fields of green health industry.

Study on the Academic Achievements, Satisfaction, and Educational Demands of Nursing Students at a College of Nursing (일개 대학 간호대학생의 학업성취도, 만족도와 교육요구도)

  • Kim, Jinhyun;Kim, Sungjae;Bang, Kyung-Sook;Koh, Chin-Kang;Lee, Nam-Ju;Yu, Juyoun
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the academic achievements, satisfaction and educational demands of nursing students at a college of nursing. Methods: The study subjects consisted of 134 senior nursing students who completed their clinical practicums. The students were asked to complete the evaluation survey for the curriculum. The evaluation survey for the curriculum consisted of three parts: 1) academic achievements of educational objectives, care of subjects, and skills; 2) satisfaction with the curriculum, clinical practice environment, and educational environment; 3) demands on the curriculum and clinical practicum. Results: The mean scores on the achievement levels of educational objectives, care of subjects and skills of the students were $3.68{\pm}0.53$, $3.69{\pm}0.59$, and $3.77{\pm}0.56$, respectively. The low rated domains were 'understanding and delivering culturally competent nursing' and 'competence in fundamental nursing skills' in their levels of achievements. Overall, students were satisfied with the nursing curriculum and educational environment. However, their satisfaction scores for the hours and arrangements of the clinical practicum, and the ratios and arrangements of lectures and clinical practicum were relatively low. Conclusion: The findings of this study are important to redesign nursing curriculum in order to prepare graduates for rapidly changing health care environments. We need to try various strategies to improve the clinical competencies of students by designing a curriculum based on social change and student needs.

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Incidence of Medical Services and Needs for Hospital-based Home Care Nursing in Elder Care Institutions (노인요양시설 내 의료서비스 발생빈도와 병원중심 가정간호 요구도 조사)

  • Kim, Jae-Seung;Lee, Joo-Young;Song, Chong-Rye;Lee, Mi-Gyeong;Hwang, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the needs for hospital-based home care nursing medical services in elder care institutions by analyzing the details and frequency of medical services provided by, and the needs for, hospital based home care nursing in select institutions in Korea. Methods: Seventy-seven staffs at elderly care institutions located throughout the country completed self-report questionnaires between February 1 and May 31, 2009. SPSS ver. 14.0 was used for data analysis regarding frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results: Forty-eight hospital-based home care nursing medical services in eight domains were identified as being needed in elderly care institutions. The most commonly used medical services were providing instruction in oral drug administration, checking drug beneficial/adverse effects, and administering blood glucose test, while the most needed medical services requiring hospital based home care nursing were complex pressure ulcer care, followed by diabetic foot ulcer management and nutrient injection. Conclusion: The present results should provide fundamental data for better healthcare services with hospital based home care nursing at elderly care institutions as part of a 'win-win' strategy through which medical expenses are reduced, insurance costs are kept stable, and safe and high-quality medical services are provided for residents of elder care institutions. Political decisions intended to promote visits by hospital based home care nurses to elder care institutions would be a prudent course.

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Factors affecting to the Physical Fatigues in Middl and High School Students (일부 도시지역 중학생과 고등학생의 피로도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • 송인순;조영채
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.121-133
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to set up the basic model to monitor the health status of the middle and high school students in the adolescent period, as well as to provide the fundamental data which might serve as the new standards for their better health maintenance and promotion. The collected data comprised the characteristics of the subjects in the three different fields of life such as school, family and everyday, which could affect their physical fatigues, and they were analyzed to determine the factors of significant influence upon their physical fatigues and to reveal their relativity. A total of 5,954 students at 6 boys' and girls' middle and high schools in Taejon City completed self-administered questionnaires(to measure Health Practice Index and others) asking about each of three life domains during the period March through June, 2000. The key study results were as follows; 1. The middle school students showed more subjective symptoms of fatigue which may be a marker reflecting physical health status, than the high school students. The higher scores were associated, based on school life, with the groups who were boys, who were in lower school grades, who achieved better academic performances and had better relationship with friends. 2. As for family life, the higher scores were in the groups whose financial conditions were better, whose parents showed more interest to their children, whose sense of satisfaction with family life was higher, and whose health status was better. 3. As for life styles, the individuals showed the higher scores in the groups who had breakfasts daily, who didn't have inter-meal snacks, who took regular exercises, who didn't smoke and drink than, their counterparts. 4. The higher level of fatigue was associated with the groups whose health conditions were good, who are satisfied with school life, who were boys rather than girls, who are satisfied with family life, who didn't have inter-meal snacks, who were in good relationship with friends, who achieved greater academic performances, who took regular exercises, who didn't smoke, and whose parents showed more interest in their children.