• Title/Summary/Keyword: frequency of visit

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The Impact of Recognition for Local Food on the Frequency of Visiting for Local Food Restaurants - Focusing on Residents in Kyungsangdo Areas - (향토음식에 대한 인식이 향토음식전문점 방문빈도에 미치는 영향 연구 - 경상도지역 주민을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.6 s.96
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    • pp.840-848
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    • 2006
  • To analyse the impact of recognition for local food on frequency of visiting for local food restaurants, we surveyed 333 residents in the Kyungsangdo areas. The findings are summarized as follows. On interest of native foods, 'much' scored 40.6% and 'taste' scored 32.9%, in requirement of development. The criteria of selection of local foods was 62.3% in 'taste'. 'Institute(municipal government)' scored 31.3% as the main responsible body for the succession of local foods. The most significant criterion for tourism product of local foods was 'taste'(34.5%). The most effective way to popularize the local foods was to 'hold various kinds of cultural events'(27.5%). The necessity score on tourism product of local foods was 3.55 points. The highest recognition on native local foods was 'succession to next generation'(3.96 points). The most influential variable affecting the visit frequency toward local food restaurants was 'health factor'.

Dental IQ and Oral Health Care Status of Elementary School Students (초등학생의 Dental IQ 수준과 구강보건 관리실태)

  • 김광덕;전진호
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: Oral health care program for the elementary school children (ESOHCP) should be met the first priority because dental caries are highly sensitive and prevalent among them. This study was performed to enhance the efficiency of ESOHCP, and their oral health promotion. Methods: The Subjects were 346 students (3rd grade 163, 6th grade 185) of one elementary school in Busan. Dental IQ and actual oral health status; the decayed, mixing and filling teeth were checked through questionnaire and oral health examination from April to June 2002. Dental IQ was presented out of one hundred, and data analysis was done using SAS (ver 8.1) program. Results: The students' cognitive level about the causative and preventive factor of dental caries was relatively high. However, the practical aspects of preventive behavior - tooth brushing; three times per day (20%), three minutes per time (22%), oral health examination; one time per three months (10%) left much to be desired. And, only 27% of the subjects had experienced in school oral health education. The mean level of dental IQ was 79 out of 100, and 51 % and 42% of them had the decayed and teeth with filling, respectively, with the rate of DMFT 82%, DT 43%, FT 57%. The level of dental IQ was higher in case of having his (her) own tooth brush (p=0.072), standard tooth brushing (p<0.001) three times per day, post meal, three minutes per time, present experience of oral health examination (p<0.001) and dental clinic visit (p<0.001). The grade of caries was more serious in case of 6th grade (p=0.059), an absence of his (her) own tooth brush (p= 0.090), present experience of oral health examination (p=0.021), and an absence of regular dental clinic visit (p=0.003). The frequency of oral health examination (γ= 0.620), tooth brushing; times per day (γ=0.445), post meal (γ=0.355), expending times per brushing (γ=0.352), right cognition to the treatment of caries (γ=0.401), positive attitude to dental treatment (γ=0.387), the frequency of dental clinic visit for the past one year (γ=0.152) showed significant correlation with dental IQ. In the multivariate analysis, dental IQ was influenced by the frequency of oral health examination, right cognition to the cause of caries, times of teeth brushing per day, right cognition to the treatment of caries, etc., with adjusted R2=0.857. Conclusion: Though the students' cognitive level about the causative and preventive factor of dental caries was high, the practical aspects of preventive behavior left much to be desired. Ant the current ESOHCP considered to be still inefficient. However, frequent dental visits had apparent correlation with hish level of dental IQ. The specialized and practical program should be needed for the efficient ESOHCP. Harmonized effort from educational, health and dental society is essential.

Pollination study of Euphorbia helioscopia (Euphorbiaceae) (대극과 등대풀의 수분연구)

  • Kim, Deog-Il;Park, Ki-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2014
  • The present study was conducted to understand the growth pattern, pollinators and their frequency of visits of Euphorbia helioscopia population which is located at Tongyoung areas in Korea. The vegetative parts of the species grow early in March, and flowering begins in the middle of the month, and pollination was completed at the mid of April. As a typical form of early spring type, the fruits of E. helioscopia were matured between early in April and May, and the upper parts of plants were disappeared between May and June. During the blooming season about 11 insects species which belong to Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Heteroptera were the most common groups found on this plants. Among them the species of Diptera are the most dominant pollinators for E. helioscopia which is concordant to previous reports in Euphorbia species. Despite of significant numbers of insect visitors in Euphorbia species being reported, E. helioscopia attracts only 11 insect species in study areas, and the paucity of species probably associates with the insect fauna in Tongyoung areas or typical patterns of early spring bloomer of Euphorbias. We observed majority of Diptera species to visit in the morning, and the frequency of visit decreased in the afternoon. Thus, it suggests that the visiting activity of Diptera species is not associated with the temperature increase which was reported in Euphorbia species. However, the number of the cyathium during the blooming season is likely to be related to the frequency of visit of pollinators in E. helioscopia.

The study on the Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior of Industrial Workers at Ulsan Province (울산지역 사업장 근로자의 구강보건지식과 행태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youn-Hwa
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2009
  • A survey using a questionnaire was conducted among industrial employees in Ulsan Total surveyed persons was 244. The purpose of this study was to analysis the relation and behavior of oral health promotion. Also, This study was to provide educational data of oral health. The obtained were analysed by SPSS program 12.0. The findings were as below: 1. Dental visit for prevention Y/N(%) was higher 50 years than 20 years(p < .001). Oral hygiene devices Y/N(%) for oral hygiene showed University graduates higher than Middle school graduates respectively(p < .05). 2. The knowledge of oral health was higher High school graduates than Middle school graduates respectively(p < .05). The rate of brushing teeth 3~5 times per day was higher females than males(p < .01) and better College graduates than Middle school graduates respectively(p < .001). 3. Oral health conditions of respondents were better 20years and 30years than 50years respectively(p < .001). Self-evaluation of Oral health sensitive was better College graduates than Middle school graduates respectively(p < .05). 4. Correlation between of Tooth brushing Frequency per Day by Oral health knowledge, dental clinic Visit, Extraction number had an effect on the significant dental clinic visit for prevention and the knowledge of Oral health had even a positive effect relationship(r = .233, p = .001). The knowledge of Oral health and the frequency of tooth brushing had even a positive effect relationship(r = .161, p = .05). The frequency of tooth brushing and the number of extraction of teeth had a negative effect relationship(r = -.145, p = .05).

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A Study on the Effect of Media Education in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

  • Min Chang;Jeong-Seung Kwon;Seong-Taek Kim;Jong-Hoon Choi;Hyung-Joon Ahn
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.198-205
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The first-line treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) should include self-management and education. Self-management techniques include moist heat application, stretching, diet control, and mandibular rest position adjustment. Although the effectiveness of video educational resources has been studied in multiple sectors, their application in TMD management has not yet been explored. This study seeks to assess how effective media education was at motivating TMD patients to self-management and improve symptoms. Methods: Data were obtained from the hospital records of TMD patients who visited the Department of Oral Medicine, Yonsei University Dental Hospital, between May 2020 and December 2021. First, without any differences between groups, a significance analysis was conducted between the degree of self-management and symptom improvement over time. At the second visit, one group received media education (n=31) linked to TMD management, while the other received written-oriented education (n=45). At the third visit, the number of precautions taken by the patients was determined and contrasted to that recorded in the previous visit between the groups. Generalized estimated equation multivariate models were applied for statistical analysis. Results: In the media education group, the frequency of stretching and the number of patients on pain-free diets increased substantially. Taking precautions improved daily pain intensity, maximum mouth opening, and pain intensity during the maximum unassisted opening. Conclusions: Media education could be beneficial for TMD patients because it allows them to take self-management precautions. The symptoms of the media education group improved, with no considerable distinction between both groups.

A Study on Coffee Shop Use and the Influence of Physical Environment of Coffee Shop on Customer Behavioral Intention - focused on college students in Seoul, Gyeonggi province (커피전문점 이용 실태 및 커피전문점의 물리적 환경이 고객 행동 의도에 미치는 영향 - 서울.경기 지역 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Min-Sun;Jo, Mi-Na
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.825-838
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    • 2011
  • The main purposes of this study were to assess coffee shop use and to identify the influence of physical environment of a coffee chop on customer behavioral intention. The survey was administered from April to May 2011, targeting twenties college students in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province. A total of 174 copies of the questionnaire were collected for the data analyses such as frequency test, descriptive analysis, chi-square analysis, reliability test, factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 17.0 program. The main results of this study were as follows: The number of visits was once or twice a week. Students went with their friends to the coffee shop. Most of the students answered that they visit the coffee shop at any time. The main purpose of visit was to have time to relax. The main source in choosing a coffee shop was recommendation from others. The main criterion for the selection of the coffee shop was atmosphere. Americano was a favorite drink. Coffee was drunk with a cake. Expenditure per visit was 3,000~5,000 won. The choice of the coffee shop was selected by the student. The factor analysis identified seven underlying dimensions of coffee shop physical environment perceptions (seating comfort, attractiveness, cleanliness, harmony, ambient condition, congestion, amenity) and one dimension of customer behavioral intention. Through multiple regression analyses, four determinants (attractiveness, cleanliness, amenity, ambient condition) were found to have the greatest impact on customer behavioral intention.

Perforated Choledochal Cyst: Its Clinical Implications in Pediatric Patient

  • Kim, Soo-Hong;Cho, Yong-Hoon;Kim, Hae-Young
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Perforation of choledochal cyst (CC) is a relatively rare clinical presentation in pediatric populations and difficult to predict preoperatively. We assess the clinical implications by comparing clinical parameters based on a single-center experience between perforated and nonperforated CC to facilitate the appropriate management for future interventions. Methods: A total of 92 cases of CC in pediatric patients (aged <18 years) who received surgical management between January 2003 and December 2018 at a Pusan National University Children's Hospital were reviewed. After screening the clinical features of perforated cases, we compared the demographic findings, clinical characteristics, and some laboratory results between the perforated and nonperforated groups. Results: Perforated CC was identified in 8 patients (8.7%), and nonperforated CC in 84 patients (91.3%). Perforation can be classified into three categories: free perforation of cyst (3 cases), pinpoint perforation of cyst (2 cases), and necrotic change of cyst (3 cases). CC perforation occurred significantly more commonly in patients aged <24 months. Clinically, the perforated group showed significantly higher frequency of fever and higher C-reactive protein (CRP) level during the initial visit. Conclusion: Perforation is more likely to be suspected in patients aged <24 months presenting together with fever and high CRP level in the initial visit. It is also necessary to keep in mind that it indicates not only a possibility of complicated disease status regardless of its association with stones but also a difficulty of applying a minimal invasive procedure and relatively increased length of hospital stay.

User Needs and Uses of Mobile Services in Academic Libraries (대학도서관 모바일 서비스 이용자의 요구와 이용 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 2013
  • Academic libraries are trying to develop fully mobile web sites and mobile applications so that users can access to their services even using mobile devices. As the mobilization trends of library services increase in quantity, we need to more focus on what mobile services users want, ultimately for the growth with quality. This study seeks to explore users' needs and uses of mobile library services and then suggests solutions for improving the mobile services in academic libraries. This study conducted on and off-line surveys with 608 students from two universities, which have provided active mobile services with both a mobile web site and an application. The questionnaire was designed to elicit information on respondents' frequency of mobile library visit, the purpose of visit, the reason to use/not use, how to access to the services, the preferred types of the services, satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors, and urgently needed improvements. Based on the findings, this study discussed strategies to improve the quality of mobile services and to increase in users' visit.

Economic Evaluation of Visitng Nurse Services for the Low.;.income Elderly with Long-term Care Needs (도시 저소득층 만성질환노인을 위한 보건소 방문간호서비스의 경제성 분석)

  • 이태화
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate economic viability of public health center visiting nurse services for the low-income elderly with long-term care needs. Method: The sample consisted of 252 community dwelling elderly who enrolled in public health center visiting nurse services for three months or more. Data was collected on physical (ADL and IADL) and cognitive impairments of the elderly, contents and frequency of visiting nurse services, cost per visit, and costs of alternative services for long-term care. Result: The mean score of ADL and IADL levels of the elderly was 2.80.4904, which indicated these patients were mostly independent. Eighty four percent of the elderly subjects were cognitively intact. Among visiting nurse services supplied, providing assessment was 34%, followed by education and counseling 26%, medication 22%, and referral. The mean cost per visit was 17,824.1 won, which transformed into a total cost per person per year of 161,130.2 won. Comparing the cost of a visiting nurse service with those of other long-term care alternatives, the visiting nurse service was the least costly alternative, followed by an outpatient clinic, hospital based home care, and nursing home. Conclusion: Overall, the results of the study provide evidence of the economic viability of visiting nurse services for the low-income elderly among long-term care alternatives.

A study on the recognition of oral health care: high school students in Ulsan city (울산지역 일부 고등학생의 구강보건관리에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Lee, Ga-Ryeong;Kim, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2005
  • To prepare basic data for oral health promotion of high school students through the survey of the recognition of oral health care, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 268 students. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS 11.5 with ${\chi}^2$-test, fisher's exact test, t-test and logistic regression. The obtained results were as follows 1. The average of the high school student's oral health knowledge was $13.12{\pm}2.06$. Statistically school girls were higher(pE0.05) than school boy's oral health knowledge(male: 12.91, female: 13.35), tooth brushing frequency(male: 4times or more-15.4%, female: 4times or more-29.8%), and preventive dental visit(male: 8.1%, female: 17.5%). 2. More than 70% of high school students was concerned about oral health. According to the self-judgement of oral health, more than 50% of them was answered that they wasn't sure of oral health. 3. Only 13% of high school students received oral health education and 80% of them recognized oral health manpower's education needs. 4. The logistic regression analysis illustrated that high school student's preventive dental visit was independently associated with the self-judgement of oral health. The odds ratio was 3.0 and statistically significant.

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