• Title/Summary/Keyword: frequency control

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Lessons Learned from Energy Storage System Demonstrations for Primary Frequency Control

  • Yu, Kwang-myung;Choi, In-kyu;Woo, Joo-hee
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, ESS (Energy Storage System) has been widely used in various parts of a power system. Especially, due to its fast response time and high ramp rate, ESS is known to play an important role in regulating grid frequency and providing rotational inertia. As the number of installed and commercially operating ESSs increases, the reliability becomes an important issue. This paper introduces control schemes and presents its test method for grid-connected ESS for primary frequency regulation. The test method allows to verify the control operation in the individual operation mode and state. A validation of the method through actual ESS test in a electrical substation is presented in the case study section.

A Study on Functional Characteristics of Electrolarynx "Evada" Using Force Sensing Resistor(FSR) Sensor (Force Sensing Resistor(FSR) Sensor를 이용한 전기인공후두 "Evada"의 기능적 특성에 대한 연구)

  • 박용재;최홍식;이주형;이성민;김광문
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1998
  • Background and Objectives : Electrolarynx has been used as one of the methods of rehabilitation for the laryngectomees. Previous electrolarynx could not alter frequency and intensity simultaneously. This institute developed an electrolarynx named "Evada" using FSR(force sensing resistor) sensor, which can control the frequency(and/or intensity) simultaneously. This study was performed for the normal control and laryngectomees with three types of electrolarynx (Evada, Servox-inton, Nu-vois) to reveal functional characteristics of Evada Materials and Methods : five laryngectomees and five normal adults were made to express there sentences(discriptive sentence, "You stay here" ; question sentence, "You stay here?" ; exclamation sentence, "You!! stay here!"), using three types of electrolarynx. Frequency change and intensity change from first and last vowel was calculated in three sentences and analyzed statistically by paired T-test. Results : The frequency change in the question sentence and exclamation sentence was more prominent in Evada than in Servox-inton and Nu-vois. The intensity change in the question sentence and exclamation sentence was also more prominent in Evada than in Servox-inton and Nu-vois. Conclusions : Evada could control frequency and intensity simultaneously and control degree of frequency(and/or intensity) according to the pressing force into the button. Evada could adjust continuously frequency and intensity during conversation. So, Evada is better in producing intonation and contrastive stress than Nu-vois and Servox-inton.

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Low Frequency Current Ripple Mitigation of Two Stage Three-Phase PEMFC Generation Systems

  • Deng, Huiwen;Li, Qi;Liu, Zhixiang;Li, Lun;Chen, Weirong
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.2243-2257
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a two stage three-phase proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) generation system. When the system is connected to a three-phase load, it is very sensitive to the characteristics and type of the load. Especially unbalanced three-phase loads, which result in a pulsating power that is twice the output frequency at the inverter output, and cause the dc-link to generate low frequency ripples. This penetrates to the fuel cell side through the front-end dc-dc converter, which makes the fuel cell work in an unsafe condition and degrades its lifespan. In this paper, the generation and propagation mechanism of low frequency ripple is analyzed and its impact on fuel cells is presented based on the PEMFC output characteristics model. Then a novel method to evaluate low frequency current ripple control capability is investigated. Moreover, a control scheme with bandpass filter inserted into the current feed-forward path, and ripple duty ratio compensation based on current mode control with notch filter is also proposed to achieve low frequency ripple suppression and dynamic characteristics improvement during load transients. Finally, different control methods are verified and compared by simulation and experimental results.

Frequency Control of in Hybrid Wind Power System using Flywheel Energy Storage System

  • Lee, Jeong-Phil;Kim, Han-Guen
    • Journal of international Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a design problem of the flywheel energy storage system controller using genetic algorithm (GA) is investigated for a frequency control of the wind diesel hybrid power generation system in an isolated power system. In order to select parameters of the FESS controller, two performance indexes are used. We evaluated a frequency control effect for the wind diesel hybrid power system according to change of the weighted values of a performance index. To verify performance of the FESS controller according to the weighted value of the performance index, the frequency domain analysis using a singular value bode diagram and the dynamic simulations for various weighted values of performance index were performed. To verify control performance of the designed FESS controller, the eigenvalue analysis and the dynamic simulations were performed. The control characteristics with the two designed FESS controller were compared with that of the conventional pitch controller. The simulation results showed that the FESS controller provided better dynamic responses in comparison with the conventional controller.

Control and Implementation of Dual-Stator-Winding Induction Generator for Variable Frequency AC-Generating System

  • Bu, Feifei;Hu, Yuwen;Huang, Wenxin;Shi, Kai
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.798-805
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the control and implementation of the dual-stator-winding induction generator for variable frequency AC (VFAC) generating system. This generator has two sets of stator windings embedded into the stator slots. The power winding produces the VFAC power to feed the loads, and the control winding is connected to the static excitation controller to control the generator for output voltage regulation with speed and load variations. On the basis of the idea of power balance, an instantaneous slip frequency control (ISFC) strategy using the information of both the output voltage and the output power is used in this system. A series of experiments is carried out on a 15 kW prototype for verification. Results show that the system has good static and dynamic performance in a wide speed range, which demonstrates that the ISFC strategy is suitable for this system.

Optimal Control of Dynamic Positioned Vessel Using Kalman Filtering Techniques (칼만필터를 이용한 부유체운동의 최적제어)

  • Lee, Pan-Muk;Lee, Sang-Mu;Hong, Sa-Yeong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1988
  • A dynamically positioned vessel must be capable of maintaining a specified position and direction by controlling the thruster devices. The motions of a vessel are often assuned to tne sum of low frequency(LF)motions and high frequency(HF)motions. The former is mainly due to wind, current and second order wave forces, while the latter is mainly due to first order wave forces. In order to avoid the high frequency thruser modulation, the control system must include filters to estimate the low frequency motions from the measured motion signals, This paper presents a control system based on Kalman filtering technique and optimal control tyeory. Using the combined kalmam filter, LF motion estimates and HF ones are achieved from the motion measurement of the vessel. The estimated low frequency motions are used as inputs to the dynamic positioning system. The thruster modulation is minimized using the optimal control theory; Linear Quadratic Gaussian(LQG)controller. The performances of the Kalman filter and the dynamic positioned vessel are investigated by computer simulation.

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Complex Vector Modeling and Series Decoupling Current Control Strategy of High-Power L/LCL Type Grid-Connected Converter Under Low Switching Frequency

  • Wang, Yingjie;Jiao, Lanyi;Yang, Bo;Wang, Wenchao;Liu, Haiyuan
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1879-1888
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    • 2018
  • With power level of grid-connected converters rising, the switching frequency of the switching devices is commonly greatly reduced to improve its power capacity. However, this results in serious couplings of the dq current components, which leads to degradation of the static and dynamic performances of grid-connected converters and fluctuations of the reactive power in dynamic processes. In this paper, complex vector models under low switching frequency are established for an L/LCL grid-connected converter, and the relationship between the switching frequency and the coupling degree is analyzed. In addition, a series decoupling current control strategy is put forward. It is shown that the proposed control strategy can eliminate the couplings, improve the performances and have good robustness to parameter variations through static and dynamic characteristics analyses and a sensitivity analysis. Experimental and simulation results also verify the correctness of the theoretical analyses and the superiority of the proposed control strategy.

Stabilization Analysis of Piezo-electric Converter for PFM and PWM Control (압전 변압기의 제어 방식에 따른 모델링 및 안정화분석)

  • Yun, Seok-Teak;Park, Seong-Woo;Won, Young-Jin;Lee, Jin-Ho;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.401-401
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    • 2009
  • Recently, demands for the development of compact, lightweight power supplies with higher power density and higher efficiency have been increased. Since Piezoelectric Transformer (PT) was emerged in device and material industry, it has been suggested as a viable alternative to the magnetic transformer in some applications. PT has some advantages such as low profile and mechanical energy transfer with little electromagnetic interface (EMI). Also, PT can provide high voltage stepping ratio with good isolation and requires no copper windings saving copper usage especially for large voltage conversion differences. Conventional control of PT converter has mainly two-way. One is the pulse frequency modulation (PFM) control method and the other is the pulse width modulation (PWM) control with frequency fixed method. It is known that the maximum PT efficiency can be obtained when it operates near the resonant frequency of the PT. And, also PT's resonant frequency moves according to the load condition. Therefore, selection of PT converter control method is very difficult. This paper analyzes general piezo-electric converter modeling and proposes a guide-line to selection of control method and stabilization control.

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A New Approach to Adaptive Damping Control for Statistic VAR Compensators Based on Fuzzy Logic

  • Sedaghati, Alireza
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.825-829
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an approach for designing a fuzzy logic-based adaptive SVC damping In controller for damping low frequency power oscillations. Power systems are often subject to low Frequency electro-mechanical oscillations resulting from electrical disturbances. Generally, power system stabilizers are designed to provide damping against this kind of oscillations. Another means to achieve damping is to design supplementary damping controllers that are equipped with SVC. Various approaches are available for designing such controllers, many of which are based on the concepts of damping torque and others which treat the damping controller design as a generic control problem and apply various control theories on it. In our proposed approach, linear optimal controllers are designed and then a fuzzy logic tuning mechanism is constructed to generate a single control signal. The controller uses the system operating condition and a fuzzy logic signal tuner to blend the control signals generated by two linear controllers, which are designed using an optimal control method. First, we design damping controllers for the two extreme conditions; the control action for intermediate conditions is determined by the fuzzy logic tuner. The more the operating condition belongs to one of the two fuzzy sets, the stronger the contribution of the control signal from that set in the output signal. Simulation studies done on a one-machine infinite-bus and a four-machine two-area test system, show that the proposed fuzzy adaptive damping SVC controller effectively enhances the damping of low frequency oscillations.

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A near control technology using high frequencies in audible frequency between smart devices

  • Chung, Myoungbeom
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2015
  • The existing methods for control between smart devices in near used Bluetooth, WiFi-Direct, or socket communication using Wi-Fi. However, those have a problem that can not use when operating system of each smart devices is different or when socket server is not working. In this paper, we proposed a new near control technology using High frequencies in audible frequency between smart devices to supplement the problem of existing methods. High frequencies use micro-phone and speaker of smart device and are a control signals that is combined high frequencies within 18kHz ~ 22kHz among audible frequency range. The proposed technology using High frequencies do not need any extra communication modules or socket servers and can use the most smart devices without operating system of devices. To evaluate the performance of the proposed technology, we developed a music play and music control application applied the proposed technology and tested a control experiment using the developed applications. The control success rate was 97% and recognition rate of surrounding people about using high frequencies was under 5%. Therefore, the proposed technology will be the useful technology to control between smart devices in near.