• Title/Summary/Keyword: free sugar contents

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A Study on the Relation between the Contents of Tannin, Free Amino Acid, Reducing Sugar and Chlorophyll and Sensory Evaluation of the 7 Kinds of Wild Edible Grass by Cooking (조리에 의한 7종 야생호의 탄닌, 유리아미노산, 환원당, 엽록소량의 변화와 관능검사와의 관계)

  • 이혜정;박희옥
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 1995
  • The study was carried out to compare the factors of overall preference In the sensory test to the analyzation of some compositions in the 7 kinds of old grasses : An Evening Primerose, a Spiderworts, the flower of a Convolvulus, So Ru Jang Yl, Shoe Bl Rum.O Yi Pul, Jip Sean Na Mul. Results were summaries as follows. 1. The Tannin contents of fresh sample and cooked samples were determined as 0.27~2.4g%, 0.25~1.439% respectively. The largest amount of fresh samples was contained In a Shoe Bi Rum. The smallest amount of them was in an Evening Primerose. The highest level of cooked samples was found in a Shoe Bi Rm, and the lowest was in the O Yi Pul. These results were similar to sensory test. 2. The free amino acid contents of 2 kinds of samples were determined as 25.15~179.5mg%, 1.86~13. 6mg% respectively. The largest amount of sweet taste of them was 0 Yi Pul and So Ru Jaeng Yl respectively. But So Ru Jaeng Yi is not appeared sweety becase this have much tannin. The smallest amount of sweet taste was a Spiderwort. The highest level of bitter taste was So Ru Jaeng Yl the and lowest was Jip Sean Na Mul. Among of them Jlp Sean Na Mul is similar to organoleptic test but So Ru Jaeng Yi is not strong bitter taste in sensory evaluation. The highest level of sour taste of cooked samples was So Ru Jaeng Yi and the lowest of them was Shoe Bi Rum. The reducing sugar contents of fresh sample and cooked samples were determined as 1.80~ 4.9g%, 1.84 ~3.579% respectively. The largest of fresh samples were So Ru Jaeng Yl and the lowest was Shoe Bi Rum. The highest of cooked samples were an Evening Primerose and the lowest was a Convolvulus. Among of these results an Evening Primerose was not similar to sensory test because it has much other components. The level of chlorophyll of fresh samples and cooked samples were determined as 11.7~39mg%, 11.3~40.3mg% respectively. The highest of fresh samples was Shoe Bl Rum and the lowest was J ip Sean Na Mul. The largest of cooked samples was So Ru Jaeng Yi and the lowest was a Jlp Seu Na Mul.

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Extraction Characteristics and Antioxidative Activity of Cassia tora L. Extracts (결명자 추출물의 추출특성 및 항산화 효과)

  • Na, Gyung-Min;Han, Ho-Suk;Ye, Su-Hyang;Kim, Hyun-Ku
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.499-505
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    • 2004
  • The present study was conducted to investigate extraction characteristics and antioxidative activity of Cassia tora L. extracts. Cassia tora L. was extracted by reflux extraction under different extraction conditions including solvent. The solid yield, turbidity, color value, titratable acidity, free sugar contents, electron donating ability and superoxide dismutase-like ability of Cassia tora L. extracts were determined. The highest solid yield value was obtained with water of 10 fold. No significant difference in turbidity and color value were found among the extracts prepared with various extraction solvents, 75% ethanol, 50% ethanol and water. The highest titratable acidity was obtained with 50% ethanol of Cassia tora L.. The free sugar contents of Cassia tora L. extracted with water showed the highest value. Cassia tora L. extracts with water included higher contents of free sugar compared with then of the other solvent extracts, 50% ethanol and 75% ethanol extracts. The total polyphenol compound content of Cassia tora L. extracted with 50% ethanol showed the highest value. Cassia tora L. extracts with 50% ethanol included higher contents of total polyphenol compound compared with those of the other solvent extracts, water and 75% ethanol extracts.

Extraction Characteristics and Antioxidative Activity of Schiznadra chinensis Extracts (오미자 추출물의 추출특성 및 항산화 효과)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ku;Na, Gyung-Min;Ye, Su-Hyang;Han, Ho-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 2004
  • The present study was conducted to investigate extraction characteristics and antioxidative activity of Schiznadra chinensis extracts. Schiznadra chinensis was extracted by reflux extraction(RE) under different extraction conditions including solvent. The solid yield, turbidity, color value, titratable acidity, free sugar contents, electron donating ability(EDA) and superoxide dismutase(SOD)-like ability of Schiznadra chinensis extracts were determined. The highest solid yield value was obtained with water of 10 fold. No significant difference in turbidity and color value were found among the extracts prepared with various extraction solvents, 75% ethanol, 50% ethanol and water. The highest titratable acidity was obtained with water extracts of Schiznadra chinensis. The free sugar contents of Schiznadra chinensis extracted with water showed the highest value. Schiznadra chinensis extracts with water included higher contents of free sugar compared with those of the other solvent extracts,50% ethanol and 75% ethanol extracts. The total polyphenol compound content of Schiznadra chinensis extracted with 50% ethanol showed the highest value. Schiznadra chinensis extracts with 50% ethanol included higher contents of total polyphenol compound compared with those of the other solvent extracts, water and 75% ethanol extracts. The electron donating ability of extracts were 60.87% in water, 57.24% in 50% ethanol, and 55.61% in 75% ethanol.

Analysis of Component Factors Concerned in Taste of Korean Hot Pepper by Sensory Evaluation (관능평가를 이용한 고추의 맛에 관여하는 성분 요인 분석)

  • Soh, Jae-Woo;Choi, Ki-Young;Lee, Yong-Beom;Nam, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.297-303
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    • 2011
  • The contents of capsaicinoid, free sugars and organic acids of six varieties of Korean hot pepper, Supermanita, Dokyacheongcheong, Shinseokyeoi, Wangdaebak, Hanbando, and Chungyang, were measured. The sensory evaluations of its extracts were compared in order to investigate the indirect effect or reaction of the composition of taste components on sensory acceptability of Korean hot pepper. The contents of capsaicinoid were considerably from $37.8mg{\cdot}100g^{-1}$ to $164.1mg{\cdot}100g^{-1}$, and the contents of free sugars were from 9.3% to 18.2%, and the contents of organic acids were from 8.1% to 14.7% in Korean hot peppers. Although the pungent sensory evaluation of water extract of pepper powder was completely accordant with instrumental analysis result of capsaicinoid contents, they did not show a significant relationship to the sensory of taste. Multiple regression with capsaicinoid (CAP), total sugars (TS) and total organic acid (TOA) contents increased the correlation coefficient for sensory of taste to r = 0.927 and the coefficient of determination for them to $R^2=0.906$. However, we suggest the more efficient function for it which is composed of two independent variables only. As the result, a regression equation of Y = 0.69 X + 0.11 with $R^2=0.884$ was obtained for quantitative analysis of sensory evaluation of pepper taste by two factors between capsaicinoid and total free sugar.

The Comparison of Food Constituent in Different Parts of Pumpkin (늙은 호박의 부위별 성분 비교)

  • Jang, Sang-Moon;Park, Nan-Young;Lee, Joo-Baek;Ahn, Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1038-1040
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to investigate the constituents of pumpkin, to develop of health food using pumpkin. Crude protein contents of skin (19.82%) and fiber (16.43%) were higher than that of flesh. Crude lipids contents of skin (2.84% ) was higher than those of flesh and fiber. Major free sugars in pumpkin were sucrose, fructose and glucose. Total sugar contents in the flesh was higher than that of fiber. This tendency was opposite to reducing sugar contents. Also, free sugar contents in pumpkin were flesh (30.19 mg/100 g), fiber (22.99 mg/100 g) and skin (15.67 mg/100 g), respectively. The total Phenol and carotenoid contents in 100 g of fiber revealed 379.8$\pm$9.76 mg and 43.71$\pm$1.46 mg, corresponding to 47% and 62% of the total phenol and carotenoid contents of pumpkin. Total flavonoid content in 100 g of skin revealed 81.5$\pm$3.56 mg.

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Relationships between the Taste Components and Sensory Preference of Korean Red Peppers (한국산 고추의 맛 성분함량과 관능적 선호도와의 상관관계)

  • Lee, Hyun-Duck;Kim, Mi-Hee;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 1992
  • The contents of capsaicinoids, free sugars and organic acids of 10 Korean varieties of red pepper power were measured and the sensory properties of their water extracts were compared in order to investigate the influence of the composition of taste components on sensory acceptability of Korean red pepper. The composition of taste components in red pepper powder varied widely depending on the varieties; total capsaicinoid content varied from 0.029 to 0.296%, free sugar $8.45{\sim}15.21%$ and organic acid $4.58{\sim}17.54%$. Capsaicinoid contents, especially dihydrocapsaicin content, were highly correlated with the pungent taste of the water extract of red pepper powder (r=0.870), but did not show significant relationship to the overall sensory acceptability. The sensory overall acceptability was highly influenced by the contents of total sugar (r=+0.815), reducing sugar (r=+0.805), glucose (r=+0.814) and fructose (r=+0.787). Multiple regression with total sugar $(X_1)$, total capsaicin $(X_2)$ and total organic acid contents $(X_3)$ increased the correlation coefficient for sensory acceptability(Y) to R=0.9008. From the result, a regression equation of $Y=0.9808X_1-10.7526X_2-0.1664X_3-4.1147$ was obtained.

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Properties of jeonbyeong prepared with Artemisia annua L. powder (개똥쑥 분말을 첨가한 전병의 특성)

  • Moon, Eun Woo;Park, Hun Jo;Park, Jung Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.644-649
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of addition of Artemisia annua L. powder in jeonbyeong. Contents of crude ash increased as the amount of Artemisia annua L. powder increased, whereas crude fat contents decreased. According to increasing contents of Artemisia annua L. powder, total amino acid contents significantly increased. Hunter's L value increased as contents of Artemisia annua L. powder increased, whereas total free sugar contents decreased. Addition of Artemisia annua L. powder to jeonbyeong increased dietary fiber contents. The sensory score of jeonbyeong containing 100 g of Artemisia annua L. powder was the highest of all jeonbyeong tested. According to the results, addition of Artemisia annua L. powder could improve the quality and sensory characteristics of jeonbyeong.

Studies on the Free Sugars Composition of Squid Extracts by Extract Condition (추출조건에 따른 오징어추출물의 유리당조성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Young-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 1989
  • The extracts of the fresh and dried squid(Sepiella manidroni) were prepared with water and 70% ethanol at different extraction time and temperature, and the major free sugars in the squid extracts and the effects of extract condition on the composition of free sugars were investigated. Major free sugars in the extracts were glucose, fructose and ribose, and these components was above 80% of total free sugars. Amount of free sugar in the extracts of fresh squid extracted with water were higher than that of extracted with 70% ethanol, but 70% ethanol, in the dried squid, was more effective than extracted with water. The free sugar contents in the extracts incensed until 2 to 3 hours of extrction at below $100^{\circ}C$ and then decreased slowly, but in the high temperature as $120^{\circ}C$, showed a remarkably decrease after 1 hour of extraction.

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The Taste Components Composition in Various Mushrooms-Added Korean Soybean Paste (Doenjang) (버섯첨가된장의 맛성분 조성)

  • 이경임;권선진;문란주
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sensory characteristics and the taste components of Korean soybean paste (doenjang) with mushrooms such as Lentinus edodes, Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus Lentinus. edodes doenjang turned out to have a good taste, odor and color, but Ganoderma lucidum and Phellinus liteus doenjang were worse than control doenjang in the taste, odor and color as well as in sensory evaluation. The contents of amino type nitrogen were higher in Lentinus edodes and Phellinus liteus doenjang than in control doenjang. Of organic acids, succinic acid was the most abundant and Ganoderma lucidum doenjang had a little higher acetic, butyric and propionic acid. Fructose and glucose were detected as free sugar of mushroom doenjang, of which glucose was considerably contained in Ganoderma lucidum doenjang, Total contents of free amino acid were 2.247 ∼ 2.833mg/100g in doenjangs added mushrooms. Glutamic acid and alanine were dominant in mushroom doenjangs.

General Components and Sensory Evaluation of Hot Water Extract from Liriopis Tuber (맥문동 열수 추출물의 일반성분과 관능평가)

  • 김순동;구연수;이인자;김일두;윤광섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.20-24
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to analyze the general components and to investigate sensory evaluation of hot water extract prepared by boiling at 10$0^{\circ}C$ for 3 hr with 4-fold water. The contents of total soluble soild, non-reducing sugar, total saponin, ash and total protein were 15.95%, 6.54%, 1.735, 0.33% and 0.40%, respectively. The contents of succinic, malic and acetic acid in the extracts were 111.48 mg%, 23.67mg% and 18.36mg%, respectively. The major free amino acids and minerlas of the extract were hydroxyproline 1,290.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$%, glutamic acid 456.2$\mu\textrm{g}$% and potassium 151.35 mg%, respectively. Bitter taste in the extract was not observed, whereas sweet, sour and astringent taste were observed.

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