• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow reactor

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Thermal Product Distribution of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons with Pyrolytic Reaction Conditions (열분해 반응조건에 따른 염화탄화수소 생성물 분포 특성)

  • Kim, Yong-Je;Won, Yang-Soo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.198-205
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    • 2010
  • Two sets of thermal reaction experiment for chlorinated hydrocarbons were performed using an isothermal tubular-flow reactor in order to investigate thermal decomposition, including product distribution of chlorinated hydrocarbons. The effects of $H_2$ or Ar as the reaction atmosphere on the thermal decomposition and product distribution for dichloromethane($CH_2Cl_2$) was examined. The experimental results showed that higher conversion of $CH_2Cl_2$ was obtained under $H_2$ atmosphere than under Ar atmosphere. This phenomenon indicates that reactive-gas $H_2$ reaction atmosphere was found to accelerate $CH_2Cl_2$ decomposition. The $H_2$ plays a key role in acceleration of $CH_2Cl_2$ decomposition and formation of dechlorinated light hydrocarbons, while reducing PAH and soot formation through hydrodechlorination process. It was also observed that $CH_3Cl,\;CH_4,\;C_2H_6,\;C_2H_4$ and HCl in $CH_2Cl_2/H_2$ reaction system were the major products with some minor products including chloroethylenes. The $CH_2Cl_2$/Ar reaction system gives poor carbon material balance above reaction temperature of $750^{\circ}C$. Chloroethylenes and soot were found to be the major products and small amounts of $CH_3Cl$ and $C_2H_2$ were formed above $750^{\circ}C$ in $CH_2Cl_2$/Ar. The thermal decomposition reactions of chloroform($CHCl_3$) with argon reaction atmosphere in the absence or the presence of $CH_4$ were carried out using the same tubular flow reactor. The slower $CH_3Cl$ decay occurred when $CH_4$ was added to $CH_3Cl$/Ar reaction system. This is because :$CCl_2$ diradicals that had been produced from $CHCl_3$ unimolecular dissociation reacted with $CH_4$. It appears that the added $CH_4$ worked as the :$CCl_2$ scavenger in the $CHCl_3$ decomposition process. The product distributions for $CHCl_3$ pyrolysis under argon bath gas were distinctly different for the two cases: one with $CH_4$ and the other without $CH_4$. The important pyrolytic reaction pathways to describe the important features of reagent decay and intermediate product distributions, based upon thermochemistry and kinetic principles, were proposed in this study.

An Assessment on the Behavior of Nitrogenous Materials during the First High-rate Phase in Composting Process (퇴비화 공정의 1차 발효단계에서 질소성 물질의 거동 평가)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Koo;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2000
  • Composting of N-rich wastes such as food waste and wastewater sludges can be associated loss of with substantial gaseous N, which means loss of an essential plant nutrient but may also lead to environmental pollution. We investigated the behavior of nitrogenous materials during the first high-rate phase in composting of food waste. Air dried food waste was mixed with shredded waste paper or wood chip and reacted in a bench scale composting reactor. Samples were analyzed for pH, ammonia, oxidized nitrogen and organic nitrogen. The volatilized ammonia nitrogen was also analyzed using sulfuric acid as an absorbent solution. Initial progress of composting reaction greatly influenced the ammonification of organic nitrogen. A well-balanced composting reaction with an addition of active compost as an inoculum resulted in the promoted mineralization of organic nitrogen and volatilization of ammonia. The prolongation of initial low pH period delayed the production of ammonia. It was also found that nitrogen loss was highly dependent on the air flow supplied. With an increase in input air flow, the loss of nitrogen as an ammonia also increased, resulted in substantial reduction of ammonia content in compost. The conversion ratio of initial nitrogen into ammonia was in the range of 28 to 38% and about 77~94% of the ammonia produced was escaped as a gas. Material balance on the nitrogenous materials was demonstrated to provide an information of importance on the behavior of nitrogen in composting reaction.

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Separation of Hydrocarbon Mixture Using (O/W)/O Emulsion Liquid Membrane ((O/W)/O 에멀젼형 액막을 이용한 탄화수소 혼합물의 분리)

  • Jeong, M.C.;Park, H.Y.;Oh, J.T.;Kim, J.K.;Shin, M.H.;Kim, W.S.
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.763-770
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    • 1997
  • The separation of benzene-cyclohexane mixture using (O/W)/O emulsion liquid membrane was studied. The operating parameters which can affect the selectivity, benzene yield, and emulsion size distribution were examined and determined by the batch type operation. The unsteady state and steady state extraction behavior in continuous pulse stirred reactor(CPSR) were verified. The optimum conditions for benzene selectivity and yield in batch operation were as follows; emulsion mixing intensity 4000 rpm, Tween 80 concentration 0.4%, volume ratio of membrane phase to internal phase 0.75, volume ratio of dispersed phase to continuous phase 0.5, and permeation time 10 minutes, As impeller speed increased and the microdrop holdup decreased, the Sauter mean diameter decreased. Turbulence damping parameter of modified Calabrease correlation considering microdrop holdup was 2.28. The optimum conditions of continuous operation were as follows; agitation speed 300 rpm, pulse frequence 2 times/sec, flow rate of continuous phase 30ml/min, and flow rate of emulsion phase 12.0ml/min.

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Characteristics of Carbon Dioxide Reduction in the Gliding Arc Plasma Discharge (글라이딩 아크 플라즈마 방전에 의한 이산화탄소 저감 특성)

  • Lim, Mun Sup;Kim, Seung Ho;Chun, Young Nam
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 2015
  • CCU (Carbon Capture & Utilization) has a potential technology for the reduction and usage of carbon dioxide which is greenhouse gas emitting from a fossil fuel buring. To decompose the carbon dioxide, a three phase gliding arc plasma-catalytic reactor was designed and manufactured. Experiments of carbon dioxide reduction was performed by varying the gas flow rate with feeding the $CO_2$ only as well as the input power, the catalyst type and steam supply with respect to the injection of the mixture of $CO_2$ and $CH_4$. The $CO_2$ decomposition rate was 7.9% and the energy efficiency was $0.0013L/min{\cdot}W$ at a $CO_2$ flow rate of 12 L/min only. Carbon monoxide and oxygen was generated in accordance with the destruction of carbon dioxide. When the injection ratio of $CH_4/CO_2$ reached 1.29, the $CO_2$ destruction and $CH_4$ conversion rates were 37.8% and 56.6% respectively at a power supply of 0.76 kW. During the installation of $NiO/Al_2O_3$ catalyst bed, the $CO_2$ destruction and $CH_4$ conversion rates were 11.5% and 9.9% respectively. The steam supply parameter do not have any significant effects on the carbon dioxide decomposition.

Development of Electrokinetic-Flushing Equipment for a Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Radionuclides (방사성오염토양 제염을 위한 동전기세정장치 개발)

  • Kim, Gye-Nam;Jung, Yun-Ho;Lee, Jung-Joon;Moon, Jei-Kwon;Jung, Chong-Hun;Chung, Un-Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • This study examined the effect of an electrokinetic-flushing remediation for a soil of a high permeability. The soil was sampled from the site around a research atomic reactor which had high hydro-conductivities due to a high content of sand in the soil. The flow rate of the washing reagent was fast at the beginning but it was reduced as time lapsed. In the case of using citric acid as a washing reagent, the flow rate was fastest, 78.7 ml/day. The removal efficiencies of $Co^{2+}$ and $Cs^+$ from a soil cell with acetic acid were the highest, which were 95.2% and 84.2% respectively. The soil waste-solution volume generated from the electrokinetic remediation was reduced to about 1/20 of that from the soil washing remediation. Meanwhile, the electrokinetic-flushing method enhanced the removal efficiencies of $Co^{2+}$ and $Cs^+$ from the soil by about 6% and 2% respectively, compared to those by the electrokinetic method. Consequently, it was found that the electrokinetic-flushing method was more effective for the remediation of a soil with a high permeability.

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Decolorization of Azo Dyeing Wastewater Using Underwater Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma (수중 유전체장벽방전 플라즈마를 이용한 아조 염색폐수 색도제거)

  • Jo, Jin Oh;Lee, Sang Baek;Mok, Young Sun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.544-550
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    • 2013
  • This work investigated the environmental application of an underwater dielectric barrier discharge plasma reactor consisting of a porous hydrophobic ceramic tube to the decolorization of an azo dyeing wastewater. The reactive species generated by the plasma are mostly short-lived, which also need to be transferred to the wastewater right after the formation. Moreover, the gas-liquid interfacial area should be as large as possible to increase the decolorization rate. The arrangement of the present wastewater treatment system capable of immediately dispersing the plasmatic gas as tiny bubbles makes it possible to effectively decolorize the dyeing wastewater alongside consuming less amount of electrical energy. The effect of discharge power, gas flow rate, dissolved anion and initial dye concentration on the decolorization was examined with dry air for the creation of plasma and amaranth as an azo dye. At a gas flow rate of $1.5Lmin^{-1}$, the good contact between the plasmatic gas and the wastewater was achieved, resulting in rapid decolorization. For an initial dye concentration of $40.2{\mu}molL^{-1}$ (volume : 0.8 L; discharge power : 3.37 W), it took about 25 min to attain a decolorization efficiency of above 99%. Besides, the decolorization rate increased with decreasing the initial dye concentration or increasing the discharge power. The presence of chlorine anion appeared to slightly enhance the decolorization rate, whereas the effect of dissolved nitrate anion was negligible.

Drying Characteristics of High Moisture Low Rank Coal using a Steam Fluidized-bed Dryer (스팀 유동층 건조기를 이용한 고수분 저등급 석탄의 건조 특성)

  • Kim, Gi Yeong;Rhee, Young-Woo;Park, Jae Hyeok;Shun, Dowon;Bae, Dal-Hee;Shin, Jong-Seon;Ryu, Ho-Jung;Park, Jaehyeon
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2014
  • In this study, Indonesia low rank coal, which has moisture content of around 26%, is dried less than 5% by using a laboratory-scale (batch type) steam fluidized-bed dryer in order to produce the low-moisture, high rank coal. Normally, CCS (carbon capture and storage) process discharges $CO_2$ and steam mixture gas around $100-150^{\circ}C$ of temperature after regeneration reactor. The final purpose of this research is to dry low rank coal by using the outlet gas of CCS process. At this stage, steam is used as heat source for drying through the heat exchanger and $CO_2$ is used as fluidizing gas to the dryer. The experimental variables were the steam flow rate ranging from 0.3 to 1.1 kg/hr, steam temperature ranging from 100 to $130^{\circ}C$, and bed height ranging from 9 to 25 cm. The characteristics of the coal, before and after drying, were analyzed by a proximate analysis, the heating value analysis and particle size analysis. In summary, the drying rate of low rank coal was increased as steam flow rate and steam temperature increased and increased as bed height decreased.

A Preliminary Study on Measuring Void Fraction in a Fuel Rod Assembly by using an X-ray Imaging System (X선 영상 장치를 이용한 핵연료 집합체 내 기포율 측정을 위한 선행 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Young;Oh, Oh-Sung;Lee, Se-Ho;Lee, Seung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.571-578
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    • 2017
  • Bubbles are generated by the boiling of the cooling water when an accident occurs in the reactor and then in order to measure the void fraction, the Optical Fiber Probe(OFP) and optical camera are used in thermal hydraulic safety research. However, such an optical method is not suitable for measuring the void fraction in a $17{\times}17$ array of fuel rods due to the geometrical limitations. This study was conducted as a preliminary study using x-ray system and various phantoms before applying to rod bundles. Through radiographic and tomographic experiments, the tube voltage of the x-ray generator was 130 kVp and the tube current was 1 mA. In addition, it is possible to measure the hole of 1mm in size visually through the bubble resolution phantom, and it is confirmed that the contrast is relatively decreased in the inside of the freon in the case of the contrast evaluation using the road phantom. However, we could obtain good image without distortion when reconstructing the image. Bubble generation phantom experiments were used to confirm the flow direction of the bubbles and to acquire tomography images. The image J tool was used to measure the void fraction of 18 % for a single tomography image. This study has carried out previous researches for the measurement of the bubble rate around the nuclear fuel and could be used as a basic research for continuous research.

A Study on Water Level Control of PWR Steam Generator at Low Power Operation and Transient States (저출력 및 과도상태시 원전 증기발생기 수위제어에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Nan-Ju;Kwon, Kee-Choon;Bien, Zeungnam
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.18-35
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    • 1993
  • The water level control system of the steam generator in a pressurized water reactor and its control problems are analysed. In this work the stable control strategy during the low power operation and transient states is studied. To solve the problem, a fuzzy logic control method is applied as a basic algorithm of the controller. The control algorithm is based on the operator's knowledges and the experiences of manual operation for water level control at the compact nuclear simulator set up in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. From a viewpoint of the system realization, the control variables and rules are established considering simpler tuning and the input-output relation. The control strategy includes the dynamic tuning method and employs a substitutional information using the bypass valve opening instead of incorrectly measured signal at the low flow rate as the fuzzy variable of the flow rate during the pressure control mode of the steam generator. It also involves the switching algorithm between the control valves to suppress the perturbation of water level. The simulation results show that both of the fine control action at the small level error and the quick response at the large level error can be obtained and that the performance of the controller is improved.

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$CO_2$ Fixation by Chlorella HA-1 Cultured in Bubble Columns. (기포탑 반응기에서 Chlorella HA-1의 $CO_2$ 고정화 특성)

  • 성기돈;이진석;신철승;김미선;박순철;김승욱
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1998
  • The characteristics of $CO_2$ fixation by Chlorella HA-1 cultured in bubble columns were studied to achieve high photosynthetic rates per basal area. The influence of experimental conditions such as the diameter of a bubble column and gas flow rate, on photosynthesis of Chlorella HA-1 was investigated. The maximum productivity and the overall $CO_2$ fixation rate obtained in a 0.15 L bubble column was 1.09 g dry biomassa-day and 1048 g CO$_2/\m^2$-day, respectively. Light limitation has been observed in the bubble columns having a diameter larger than 3.5 cm.. As the reactor volume increased, the decrease of the $CO_2$ fixation rate was remarkable. High gas flow rate was helpful to mitigate the light limitation problem.

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