• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow field characteristics

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A Study on the Tidal Energy Yield Capability according to the Yaw Angle in Jangjuk Strait (장죽수도에서의 요각변화에 따른 조류에너지 생산량에 관한 연구)

  • Tran, Bao Ngoc;Choi, Min Seon;Yang, Changjo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.982-990
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    • 2019
  • The interest of researchers and governments in exploiting tidal energy resources is increasing. Jangjuk strait is a place with high tidal energy density potential and is therefore appropriate for the constructing of a tidal turbine farm. In this study, a numerical approach is presented to evaluate the current flow and power potential in Jangjuk strait with an ADCIRC model. Then, the tidal field characteristics are utilized as input parameters for tidal resource calculation with an in-house program. The 1 MW scale tidal energy converter devices are employed and arranged in 4 layouts to investigate the annual energy yield as well as flow deficit due to the wake ef ect at the surveyed area. The best-performed array generates an annual energy yield up to 12.96 GWh/year (without considering the wake effect); this value is reduced by 0.16 GWh/year when accounting for the energy loss caused by the flow deficit. Moreover, by altering the turbine yaw angle during the flood and ebb tides, the impacts of this factor on the energy extraction are analyzed. This indicates that the turbine array attains the maximum tidal power when the turbine yaw angle is at 346° and 164° (clockwise, to the North) for the spring and neap tide in turns.

A Study on Numerical Calculations of Hybrid Air Pollution Control System Coupled with SDR and Bag Filter(II) -Structural Improvement (반건식 반응기와 백필터를 결합한 하이브리드 대기오염제어 시스템의 수치해석적 연구(II) -구조개선을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Uk;Jung, Yu-Jin;Yoo, Jeong-Kun;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.985-992
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    • 2011
  • The 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was performed in relation to the internal fluid characteristics and flow distribution for the development of the most optimal model in the complex post-disposal device. As it is expected that a channeling (drift) would be made by the semi-dry reactor due to the large difference in the flow distribution by the compartment in the bag filter, a structural improvement should be urgently made for more uniformed flow distribution in the bag filter. Three types of modifications such as i) changing the plenum shape, ii) orifice install in the exit part of cleaned gas, iii) increasing the plenum number were established. From the results of computational fluid dynamics, it was revealed that the changing of plenum shape and orifice install in the exit part of cleaned gas was more reasonable than the increasing the plenum number because of the difficulties of retrofit. The complex post-disposal device, modified and supplemented with this analysis, integrated the semi-dry reactor and the bag filter in a single body, so it follows that the improvement can make the device compact, save the installation area, save the operation fee, and management more convenient.

Treatment Technology of N2O by using Bunsen Premixed Flame (분젠 예혼합 화염을 활용한 아산화질소 처리기술에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Si Young;Seo, Jaegeun;Kim, Heejae;Shin, Seung Hwan;Nam, Dong Hyun;Kim, Sung Min;Kim, Daehae;Yoon, Sung Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2021
  • Nitrous oxide is a global warming substance and is known as the main cause of the destruction of the ozone layer because its global warming effect is 310 times stronger than carbon dioxide, and it takes 120 years to decompose. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the characteristics of NOx emission from N2O reduction by thermal decomposition of N2O. Bunsen premixed flames were adopted as a heat source to form a high-temperature flow field, and the experimental variables were nozzle exit velocity, co-axial velocity, and N2O dilution rate. NO production rates increased with increasing N2O dilution rates, regardless of nozzle exit velocities and co-axial flow rates. For N2O, large quantities were emitted from a stable premixed flame with suppressed combustion instability (Kelvin Helmholtz instability) because the thermal decomposition time is not sufficient with the relatively short residence time of N2O near the flame surface. Thus, to improve the reduction efficiency of N2O, it is considered effective to increase the residence time of N2O by selecting the nozzle exit velocities, where K-H instability is generated and formed a flow structure of toroidal vortex near the flame surface.

Physical Geography of Munkyung (문경의 자연지리)

  • Bak, Byeong-Su;Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1998
  • Physical geography is the discipline which deals with the relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore, it should be studied as the organized unity. In this paper I recognize the drainage basin as a framework outlining physical geography, describe the difference of inhabitant's life style due to the difference of natural environment in the drainage basin, and consider the meaning of drainage basin as a unit of life(and unit of regional geography). Munkyung is divided into three regions(intermontane basin region, middle mountainous region, marginal hilly region of the great basin) owing to the topographic characteristics. Subdivision in these regions is related closely to drainage network distribution, specially in intermontane basin region. And small regions have developed with the confluence point of $3{\sim}4$ order streams as the central figure. Intermontane basin region is the valley floor of Sinbuk-Soya-Kauun-Nongam stream located in the limestone region which is exposed according to Munkyung fault at its northern part. Small streams are affected strongly by the influence of the NNE-SSE or WNW-ESE tectolineament. Thus Kaeripryungro(鷄立嶺路), Saejaegil(새재길), Ewharyungro(伊火嶺路) and so on are constructed through the tectolineament. In the valley floors of small streams which flow into the intermontane basin, there are large floodplains. Floodplain in Sinbuk, Joryung, and Yangsan stream is used to paddy field or orchard, and in Nongam stream is used to paddy field or vegetable field. Hills are distributed largely in the periphery of intermontane basin. Limestone hills in Kauun and Masung basin are not continuous to the present low and flat floodplain, and most of those are used to forest land and field. On the other side. granite hills in Koyori are continuous to be used to the present floodplain, and they are used to residential area and field. In the middle mountainous region are there hilly mountains constructed in the geology of Palaeozoic Pyeongan System in northern area and Chosun System's Limestone Series in southern area, and banded gneiss and schist among Sobaeksan Gneiss Complex. In Palaeozoic Pyeongan System region are there relatively rugged mountains and ingrown meanders developed along tectolineaments. Chosun System's Limestone Series region builds up a geomorphic surface, develops various karst landforms. Mountainous area is used to field. On the other hand, especially in case of Hogye, valley bottom is wide, long, and discontinuous to slope, is used to paddy field dominantly. And schist region in Youngnam Block of Pre-Cambrian is rugged mountainous. Marginal hilly region of the great basin is hilly zone located in the margin of erosional basin(Bonghwa-Youngju-Yechon-Hamchang-Sangju). This region is lower geomorphic surface which is consisted of hills of $50{\sim}100$m height. Hills are used to field or orchard, and dissected gentle depression is used to paddy field.

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An Experimental Study on Infiltration Characteristics of Facilities for Reducing Runoff Considering Surface Materials According to Housing Lot Developments (택지개발에 따른 표면재료를 고려한 우수유출저감시설의 침투 특성에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Im, Janghyuk;Song, Jaiwoo;Park, Sungsik;Park, Hosang
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2007
  • The increment of impermeable land area due to widespread land development caused the adverse impact on urban disaster prevention because it could decrease the peak rate of runoff as well as increase the runoff and peak flow during rainy period. To date, little research has been conducted on the infiltration characteristics and quantitative analysis because of their highly dependence on construction method, paving material, surface permeability, and field condition. Hence, this study was performed to investigate the infiltration characteristics of runoff-reducing facilities according to the type of paving material, which were examined using experimental apparatus with varying paving material and rainfall intensity, and thus to provide fundamental research data for runoff-reducing infiltration facilities. In this study, the infiltration characteristics were examined under the rainfall intensity of 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 200 mm/hr for a variety type of paving materials such as concrete, asphalt, sand, grassland, and permeable paving material. The infiltration rate for permeable paving material was observed to be more than 93% under the condition of less than 200 mm/hr of rainfall intensity. For the compacted earth and grassland, the ultimate infiltration rate was estimated to be about 13% to 67%. The permeable paving material was concluded to be the most appropriate one for the runoff-reducing infiltration facilities because it has more favorable advantages than others in the light of infiltration volume, disaster prevention, and river training.

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Climatological Study of 1994's Summer Droughts in Korea (한국에 있어서 1994년 하계한발의 기후학적 연구)

  • Yang, Jin-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 1996
  • The Korean Peninsula is located on the east coast of monsoon Asia of the midlatitude, where the Pacific polar front moves. As a result variations of spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation occur. A great variation of precipitation during the summer months created frequent droughts and floods. The purpose of this study is to identify distributional characteristics and to analyze synopic characteristics of summer droughts in Korea. The research methods used are ; (1) to identify droughts based on the anomaly of monthly precipitation during summer of 1994. (2) to analyze correlations between drought and weather systems by using the calender of rain days. (3) to compare a synoptic mechanism of summer droughts with that of typical normal summer. The characteristics of summer droughts of 1994 may be summarized as follows ; 1) While most regions were affected by the droughts some regions displayed specific characteristics. The southern part of the Korean Peninsula was severely affected during the month of June. August droughts severely affected east part of the Sobek Mountains, thus showing that the droughts of June and August are highly localized. 2) In the pressure anomaly of surface field. the positive anomaly appears in June around Korean Peninsula, but in July when all parts of the South Korea were under severe droughts, the anomaly changes and becomes negative. 3) Extracyclones occurred less frequently in the summer of 1994. Those that did occur were located in areas far off the Korean Peninsula having little consequences on the drought patterns. 4) The trough of westerly wave at 500hPa height patterns in June is located far from the eastern sea of Korean Peninsula, but in July and August Korean Peninsula belongs to ridge of westerly wave. 5) In June the positive height anomaly at 500hPa surface appears zonally from Siberia to the western Parts of North Pacific Ocean, and in July and August, the strong positive anomaly appears around Korean Peninsula. As a result the zonal index of westerlies at during each month of summer in Korean sector has a large value, which in turn implies that drought will prevails when zonal flow is strong.

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Characteristics of Packed-bed Plasma Reactor with Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Treating (에틸렌 처리를 위한 충진층 유전체배리어방전 플라즈마 반응기의 특성)

  • Sudhakaran, M.S.P.;Jo, Jin Oh;Trinh, Quang Hung;Mok, Young Sun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.495-504
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    • 2015
  • This work investigated the characteristics of a packed-bed plasma reactor system and the performances of the plasma reactors connected in series or in parallel for the decomposition of ethylene. Before the discharge ignition, the effective capacitance of the ${\gamma}$-alumina packed-bed plasma reactor was larger than that of the reactor without any packing, but after the ignition the effective capacitance was similar to each other, regardless of the packing. The energy of electrons created by plasma depends mainly on the electric field intensity, and was not significantly affected by the gas composition in the range of 0~20% (v/v) oxygen (nitrogen : 80~100% (v/v)). Among the various reactive species generated by plasma, ground-state atomic oxygen and ozone are understood to be primarily involved in oxidation reactions, and as the electric field intensity increases, the amount of ground-state atomic oxygen relatively decreases while that of nitrogen atom increases. Even though there are many parameters affecting the performance of the plasma reactor such as a voltage, discharge power, gas flow rate and residence time, all parameters can be integrated into a single parameter, namely, specific input energy (SIE). It was experimentally confirmed that the performances of the plasma reactors connected in series or in parallel could be treated as a function of SIE alone, which simplifies the scale-up design procedure. Besides, the ethylene decomposition results can be predicted by the calculation using the rate constant expressed as a function of SIE.

Comparison and Analysis of Field Hydraulic Tests to Evaluate Hydraulic Characteristics in Deep Granite Rockmass (심부 화강암반의 수리특성 평가를 위한 현장수리시험 비교 및 해석 연구)

  • Dae-Sung Cheon;Heejun Suk;Seong Kon Lee;Tae-Hee Kim;Ki Seog Kim;Seong-Chun Jun;SeongHo Bae
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.393-412
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    • 2024
  • In selecting a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste, the hydrogeological research of the site is very important, and the hydraulic conductivity and the storage coefficient are key parameters. In this study, the hydraulic conductivity obtained by two different types of field hydraulic test equipment and methods was compared and analyzed for the deep granite rockmass in the Wonju area to understand the hydraulic characteristics of the deep granite rockmass. One was to perform the lugeon test, constant pressure injection test, and slug test at a maximum depth of 602.0 m by using the auto pressure/flow injection system, and the calculated hydraulic conductivity ranged from 1.26E-9 to 4.16E-8 m/s. In the overall depth, the maximum and minimum differences of the hydraulic conductivity were found to be about 33 times, and in the same test section, the difference by test method or analysis method was 1.13 to 8.25 times. In the other, the hydraulic conductivity calculated by performing a constant pressure injection test and a pulse test at a maximum depth of 705.1 m using the deep borehole hydraulic testing system was found to be 1.60E-10 to 2.05E-8 m/s, and the maximum and minimum differences were found to be about 130 times. In the constant pressure injection test, the difference depending on the analysis method was found to be 1.02 to 2.8 times. The hydraulic conductivity calculated by the two test equipment and methods generally showed similar ranges as E-9 and E-8 m/s, and no clear trend was observed according to depth. It was found that the granite rockmass in the Wonju area where the field hydraulic test was conducted showed low or very low rockmass permeability, and although there are differences in the range of hydraulic conductivity and the depth of application that can be measured depending on the applied test equipment and test method, it is generally believed that reliable results were presented.

Development of Cut-in Lane Changing Model Based on Observed Driver's Behavior in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow (연속교통류에서의 끼어들기 행태 분석 및 모형 개발)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Chang, Myung-Soon;Kim, Jin-Tae;Kim, Eung-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2004
  • Microscopic freeway simulation models project the uncertain values of performance measures for subject traffic conditions by explaining drivers' driving behavior with lane changing and car-following models. However, the existing lane changing models are limited to gap acceptance oriented passive behavior of drivers and not able to capture more-or-less aggressive driving behavior(e.g. cut-in lane changing) ordinarily obseved in field. This paper suggests the definition of cut-inlane changing and presents its characteristics based on the findings from two different freeway on- and off-ramp sections. In addition, this paper proposes a new lane changing model capable of handling both passive and active drivers' driving behavior for better performance of simulations. The proposed lane changing model was tested with Hanyang Simulatin (HYTSIM), a microscopic freeway simulation program developed for this study. The HYTSIM simulation results reflecting the performance of the proposed lane changing model were compared against the field data. The test results showed that the distribution of gaps collected when vehicles change lanes were statistically identical to the field data at 95% confidence level.

Basic Characteristics and Field Demonstration Test of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag using CO2 Fixed Desulfurized Gypsum (CO2 고정 탈황석고를 사용한 고로슬래그 미분말의 특성 및 현장실증)

  • Chang-Woo Lee;Hoon-Guk Choi;Sung-Kwan Seo;Jong-Ho Park
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2024
  • In this study, CO2-immobilized desulfurized gypsum(CFDG) was applied to ground granulated blast furnace slag to examine the basic properties of mortar and concrete, and to evaluate its responsiveness through field demonstration test. CFDG had a relatively circular composition compared to desulfurized gypsum(DG), and its main components were CaO 47.6 % and SO3 22.1 %. As a result of mortar and concrete tests, the flow tended to increase and the compressive strength was at the same level. In addition, the target properties of concrete for application to farm roads, which were a slump of 120±25 mm and a compressive strength of 24 MPa, were satisfied with a slump of 135 mm and a compressive strength of 42.1 MPa at 28 days. In February 2024, an on-site demonstration of a farm road was conducted in Seongmun-myeon, Dangjin-si, and as a result of reviewing the compressive strength according to curing conditions, the physical properties and durability of unhardened concrete, the target results were satisfied, expanding the use of CFDG by applying fine powder of blast furnace slag and carbon reduction can be expected.