• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow field characteristics

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Hyper-FET's Phase-Transition-Materials Design Guidelines for Ultra-Low Power Applications at 3 nm Technology Node

  • Hanggyo Jung;Jeesoo Chang;Changhyun Yoo;Jooyoung Oh;Sumin Choi;Juyeong Song;Jongwook Jeon
    • Nanomaterials
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    • v.12 no.22
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    • pp.4096-4107
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    • 2022
  • In this work, a hybrid-phase transition field-effects-transistor (hyper-FET) integrated with phase-transition materials (PTM) and a multi-nanosheet FET (mNS-FET) at the 3 nm technology node were analyzed at the device and circuit level. Through this, a benchmark was performed for presenting device design guidelines and for using ultra-low-power applications. We present an optimization flow considering hyper-FET characteristics at the device and circuit level, and analyze hyper-FET performance according to the phase transition time (TT) and baseline-FET off-leakage current (IOFF) variations of the PTM. As a result of inverter ring oscillator (INV RO) circuit analysis, the optimized hyper-FET increases speed by +8.74% and reduces power consumption by -16.55%, with IOFF = 5 nA of baseline-FET and PTM TT = 50 ps compared to the conventional mNS-FET in the ultra-low-power region. As a result of SRAM circuit analysis, the read static noise margin is improved by 43.9%, and static power is reduced by 58.6% in the near-threshold voltage region when the PTM is connected to the pull-down transistor source terminal of 6T SRAM for high density. This is achieved at 41% read current penalty.

Hydrodynamic Dispersion Characteristics of Multi-soil Layer from a Field Tracer Test and Laboratory Column Experiments (현장추적자시험과 실내주상실험을 이용한 복합토양층의 수리분산특성 연구)

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan;Yang, Sung-Il;Kim, Tae-Yeong;Kim, Sung-Soo;Chung, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2008
  • This study analyzed for hydrodynamic dispersion characteristics of multi-soil layer (Silt and clay, Find sand, Coarse sand), data of a field tracer test on the multi-soil layer and data of laboratory column experiments on the samples on each soil layers. Through the analysis of permeability and flow, MS (Silt and clay) and FS (Fine sand), which were low effective porosity, were higher average linear velocity while CS (Coarse sand), which was high effective porosity, was higher hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity function based on average soil particle diameter was assumed Y=$3.49{\times}10^{-8}e^{15320x}$ and coefficient of determination was 0.90. Average linear velocity function based on average soil particle diameter was assumed Y=$1.88{\times}10^{-7}e^{11459x}$ and coefficient of determination was 0.81. Longitudinal dispersivity function based on average soil particle diameter was Y = 0.00256$e^{5971x}$ and coefficient of determination was 0.98. According to the linear regression analysis of average linear velocity and longitudinal dispersivity, assumed function was Y = 21.7527x + 0.0063, and coefficient of determination was 0.9979. The ratio of field scale/laboratory scale was 54.09, it exhibited scale-dependent effect of hydrodynamic dispersion. Field longitudinal dispersivity (1.39m) was 7.47 times as higher than longitudinal dispersivity estimated by the methods of Xu and Eckstein (1995). Hydrodynamic dispersion on CS layer was occurred mainly by diffusion flow in the test aquifer.

Hydrogeological characteristics of the LILW disposal site (처분부지의 수리지질 특성)

  • Kim, Kyung-Su;Kim, Chun-Soo;Bae, Dae-Seok;Ji, Sung-Hoon;Yoon, Si-Tae
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2008
  • Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company(KHNP) conducted site investigations for a low and intermediate-level nuclear waste repository in the Gyeong Ju site. The site characterization work constitutes a description of the site, its regional setting and the current state of the geosphere and biosphere. The main objectives of hydogeological investigation aimed to understand the hydrogeological setting and conditions of the site, and to provide the input parameters for safety evaluation. The hydogeological characterization of the site was performed from the results of surface based investigations, i.e geological mapping and analysis, drilling works and hydraulic testing, and geophysical survey and interpretation. The hydro-structural model based on the hydrogeological characterization consists of one-Hydraulic Soil Domain, three-Hydraulic Rock Domains and five-Hydraulic Conductor Domains. The hydrogeological framework and the hydraulic values provided for each hydraulic unit over a relevant scale were used as the baseline for the conceptualization and interpretation of flow modeling. The current hydrogeological characteristics based on the surface based investigation include some uncertainties resulted from the basic assumption of investigation methods and field data. Therefore, the reassessment of hydrostructure model and hydraulic properties based on the field data obtained during the construction is necessitated for a final hydrogeological characterization.

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Estimation of Storage Capacity using Topographical Shape of Sand-bar and High Resolution Image in Urban Stream (도시하천의 지형태 자료와 영상정보를 이용한 수체적 시험평가)

  • Lee, Hyun Seok;Lee, Geun Sang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.445-450
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    • 2008
  • Recently, environmental and ecological approaches is in progress in urban stream, especially the guarantee of instream flow becomes very important. In this paper, it is suggested that water volume estimation method utilizing the topographical shape data obtained by field investigation and satellite image to manage the urban stream efficiently. The data obtained at Gap River is the study area are analysed and those results are as belows. First, surveying to investigate topographic shape characteristics of urban stream is carried out. In details, the gradient characteristics from water surface to bottom in case of sand area and in case of grass area are 0.013 and 0.065 respectively. In conclusion, the gradient characteristic of grass area is five times bigger than that of sand area. Besides, IKONOS image is classified by spectrum analysis and Minimum Distance Method and the sand area extraction method by the generalization method as Median filter is suggested to calculate water volume. Finally, mapping process on the sand area extracted from the topographical shape field data in river and satellite images is carried out by the GIS spatial analysis. And on the assumption that the water level was 1m at that time when satellite image was taken, the water volume was $225,258m^3$. It is clarified that the effect of water volume improvement was about 10.5% in comparison with water volume that had no consideration on the gradient characteristics of sand-bar.

Application of QUAL2E Model to Water Quality Prediction of the Nam river (남강의 수질예측을 위한 QUAL2E 모델 적용)

  • Choi, Hyoung-Sub;Park, Tae-Ju;Heo, Jong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 1995
  • This research was conducted to apply the QUAL2E model to be adopted to the Nam river under current water quality conditions. The survey area of total 60 Km was divided into five reaches. Each reach was then subdivided into the uniform computational elements of 1.5 Km. Based on the stream characteristics, nine sampling stations consisting of six at main streams and three at tributaries were selected. The field data were obtained from the selected stations twice during October of 1991 and May of 1992, which represented the cold weather and low flow, also the warm weather and low flow conditions, respectively. As the results of sensitivity analysis of the model, the important parameters were the rates of BOD decay, Org-N oxidation, $NH_3-N$ oxidation, Org-P decay. The calibrated and verified results by QUAL2E model were correlation coefficient of $0.45{\sim}0.94$. The results displayed a good agreement between the variables of the field measurements and the model simulations, indicating a potential use of the QUAL2E model for the water quality assessment in the Nam River.

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Assessment of Runout Distance of Debris using the Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 사태물질 이동거리 산정)

  • Seo Yong-Seok;Chae Byung-Gon;Kim Won-Young;Song Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2005
  • This study conducted to develop an assessment method of runout distance of debris flow that is a major type of landslides in Korea. In order to accomplish the objectives, this study performed detailed field survey of runout distance and laboratory soil tests using 24 landslides over three pilot sites. Based on the data of the field survey and the laboratory tests, an assessment method of runout distance was suggested using the artificial neural network. The input data for the analysis of artificial neural network are change rate of slope angle, Permeability coefficient of in-situ soil, dry density, void ratio, volume of debris and the measured runout distance. The analyzed results using the artificial neural network show low error rate of inference distributing lower than $10\%$. Some cases have $5\%$ and $2\%$ of error rates of inferences. The results can be thought as excellent teaming rates. However, it is difficult to be accepted as excellent results if it is considered with the results derived using only 24 landslide data. Therefore, more landslide data should be surveyed and analyzed to increase the confidence in the assessment results.

A Study on the Estimation of Discharge in Unsteady Condition by Using the Entropy Concept (엔트로피 개념에 의한 부정류 유량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Choo, Tai Ho;Chae, Soo Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.6159-6166
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    • 2012
  • A discharge measurement is difficult in flood season which is especially important in the water resources field and the continuous discharge measurement for all rivers is impossible on the present system. So, the stage-discharge curve has been used for a long time to produce discharge data of rivers. However, there has been problems from a reliability angle due to the fact that this method uses only stage-discharge relationship, although the stage-discharge curve has the convenience. Therefore, a new mean velocity equation was derived by using Chiu's 2D velocity formula of the entropy concept in this paper. The derived equation reflected hydraulic characteristics such as the depth, gravity acceleration, hydraulic radius, energy slope, kinematic coefficient of viscosity, etc. and estimated also a maximum velocity. In addition, this method verified the relationship between a mean and maximum velocity and estimates an equilibrium state ${\phi}(M)$ well presenting properties of a river cross section as the results. The mean velocity was estimated by using the equilibrium state ${\phi}(M)$, and then the discharge was estimated. To prove this equation to be accurate, the comparison between the measured and estimated discharge is conducted by using the measured laboratory data in the unsteady condition flow showing loop state and the results are consistent. If this study is constantly carried out by using various laboratory and river data, this method will be widely utilized in water resources field.

Numerical Study based on Three-Dimensional Potential Flow in Time-Domain for Effect of Wave Field Change due to Coastal Structure on Hydrodynamic Performance of OWC Wave Energy Converter (연안 구조물로 인한 파동장의 변화가 진동수주 파력발전장치 유체성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 시간영역 포텐셜 유동 기반의 수치 연구)

  • Kim, J.S.;Nam, B.W.;Park, S.;Kim, K.H.;Shin, S.H.;Hong, K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.150-152
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effects of the wave field changes due to the coastal structure on the hydrodynamic performance of the OWC wave energy, converter are analyzed using a three-dimensional numerical wave tank technique (NWT). The OWC device is simulated numerically by introducing a linear pressure drop model, considering the coupling effect between the turbine and the OWC chamber in the time domain. The flow distribution around the chamber is different due to the change of reflection characteristics depending on the consideration of the breakwater model. The wave energy captured from the breakwater is spatially distributed on the plane of the front of the breakwater, and the converted pneumatic power increased when concentrated in front of the chamber. The change of the standing wave distribution is repeated according to the relationship between the incident wavelength and the length of the breakwater, and the difference in energy conversion performance of the OWC was confirmed.

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Radionuclides Transport from the Hypothetical Disposal Facility in the KURT Field Condition on the Time Domain (KURT 부지 환경에 위치한 가상의 처분 시설에서 누출되는 방사성 핵종의 이동을 Time Domain에서 해석하는 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Youngtaek;Ko, Nak-Youl;Choi, Jong Won;Jo, Seong-Seock
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2012
  • Based on the data observed and analyzed on a groundwater flow system in the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site, the transport of radionuclides, which were assumed to be released at the supposed position, was calculated on the time-domain. A groundwater pathway from the release position to the surface was identified by simulating the groundwater flow model with the hydrogeological characteristics measured from the field tests in the KURT site. The elapsed time when the radionuclides moved through the pathway is evaluated using TDRW (Time Domain Random Walk) method for simulating the transport on the time-domain. Some retention mechanisms, such as radioactive decay, equilibrium sorption, and matrix diffusion, as well as the advection-dispersion were selected as the factors to influence on the elapsed time. From the simulation results, the effects of the sorption and matrix diffusion, determined by the properties of the radionuclides and underground media, on the transport of the radionuclides were analyzed and a decay chain of the radionuclides was also examined. The radionuclide ratio of the mass discharge into the surface environment to the mass released from the supposed repository did not exceed $10^{-3}$, and it decreased when the matrix diffusion were considered. The method used in this study could be used in preparing the data on radionuclide transport for a safety assessment of a geological disposal facility because the method could evaluate the travel time of the radionuclides considering the transport retention mechanism.

Analysis of Sedimentation Around Jetties in the West Coast: based on field measurement and hydrodynamic modeling (서해연안 돌제구조물 주위의 침퇴적 해석: 실측 및 수동역학 모델에 의한 초기추정)

  • Suh, Seung-Won;Yoo, Gyeong-Sun;Lee, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2007
  • A sedimentation analysis has been attempted to figure out sedimentation environment due to construction of coastal jetties, such as fish harbor dike, flow guided dike and jetty in shallow Kusipo area, in which tidal range marks up to 6.6 meters in spring tide. As an initial approach of understanding field measurement were done on several stations along reference lines with total station and photo analysis taken by remote controlled small air craft far one and half years. Also numerical tests were done by 2-D ADCIRC model considering dry-wet treatment to evaluate flow and bottom shear stress variations. According to direct measurement, deposition seems to be dominant on Kusipo beach. Model results show bottom shear stress lessens to $0.10{\sim}0.15\;N/m^2$ on most shadow zone of jetties and the inner zone is suffering sedimentation as a result of dike construction. However this is the first approach with limited analysis, thus it should be dealt further considering physical characteristics of bottom sediments in a complete sediment model on upcoming study.