• Title/Summary/Keyword: flight jacket

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Development and Evaluation of the Korean Army's Ergonomic Flight Jacket (인간공학적 육군 비행재킷의 개발 및 평가)

  • Choi, Hee Eun;Choi, Kueng-mi
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.118-128
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    • 2021
  • This study used a preliminary survey to help develop an ergonomic flight jacket that is suitable for the working environment and mission performance. The results are as follows. The ergonomic sleeve pattern was designed with a forward 165° incline that considers a shoulder joint direction suitable for the motion; in addition, a closely design opening provided warmth and safety from fire. As a result of the dimensional suitability, pilots evaluated that sleeve length and total length of the developed flight jacket were a little long (p<.01), while flight engineers and crew evaluated that those of the developed flight jacket were appropriate (p<.01). Pilots evaluated that chest circumference and waist circumference were large (p<.05), while flight engineers and crews evaluated that those of the developed flight jacket were appropriate. The evaluation of the motion suitability indicated that pilots, flight engineers and crew found the developed flight jacket more comfortable than the current flight jacket (p<.05, p<.01, p<.001). The evaluation of the usability of pockets and penholders indicated that pilots, flight engineers and crew found the developed jacket easier to use (p<.01). The flight engineers and crew evaluated that the appearance of the developed flight jacket was better than the current flight jacket (p<.05). The results of this study show that the difference of environment and mission performance has a significant influence on evaluation; therefore, it is necessary to develop separate military uniforms that included a winter flight jacket to reflect the needs of each group.

A Comparative Study on Preference of the Korean Army's Flight Jacket According to Working Environment (근무 환경에 따른 육군 비행재킷의 선호도 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Hee Eun;Choi, Kueng-mi
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.844-852
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    • 2020
  • This study is to understand the preferences of pilots, flight engineers and crew who work in the same aircraft but are exposed to different working environments and perform different mission operations in order to develop an ergonomic flight jacket. Based on a preliminary investigation, a survey of 107 pilots and 36 flight engineers and crew was conducted. The results are as follows; Pilots can control the temperature inside the cockpit, so they are less exposed to the cold when working, while flight engineers and crew are exposed to the cold more because they have many external tasks. The reason for the problem of the current flight jacket was a difference in ranking between two groups, but the highest ranking was poor dimensional suitability due to the habit of wearing layers of clothing. As a result of preferred design, there were significant differences between groups in the item of overall style. Pilots preferred a bomber jacket style(P:68.2%, E&C:44.4%), on the other hand, flight engineers and crew preferred a field jacket style(P:26.2%, E&C:55.6%)(p<.01). They preferred a stand collar(P:71.0%, E&C:86.1%), a fastener slider for a front fastening(P:62.6%, E&C:61.1%), fastener tape cuffs(P:54.2%, E&C:47.2%), a jacket with a softshell(P:86.9%, E&C:83.3%), fleece as softshell material(P:88.8%, E&C:69.4%), and fastener sliders as a attaching method(P:69.2%, E&C:61.1%). A hem fastening will be selected differently according to the overall style of outshell. Additionally, they preferred more than 5ea pockets(P:51.4%, E&C:44.4%), fastener sliders as pocket's fastenings(P:48.6%, E&C:61.1%), armpit ventilations(P:62.9%, E&C:58.5%). The results of above will be considered to design an ergonomic flight jacket.

Comparative analysis on uniform designs of female flight attendant among low cost carriers in South Korea and Asian region (한국과 아시아 지역 저가 항공사 여승무원의 유니폼 디자인 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Sun Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.176-192
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    • 2015
  • This work aims at analyzing the comparative feature about female flight attendant uniform designs of Korean and Asian region low cost carriers and providing some basic materials for development of these airline companies. As a research method, examinations were carried out on attendant's uniform both theoretically and empirically. Comparison of uniforms was made among the five Korean carriers and ten typical Asian carriers for empirical research. Results showed the followings. First, all Korean low cost carriers were characterized as formal style except Jin Air. Unlike this, Asian low cost carriers appeared as diverse including formal, semi formal, and casual styles with a uniquely differentiated image. Second, all carriers applied their own symbolic color to their uniform. Third, logo or symbol was adopted as a pattern on scarf in the two Korean companies but it didn't take effect practically. For those Asian carriers, embroidery was used on jacket, jumper and collar. They utilized even a merchandising character to put emphasis on airline image. Fourth, diverse petty items with a decorative effect were used in the case of Korean low cost carriers. In the changing period of uniform, nothing much was changed and remained almost the same as before. Those in the Asian region were characterized with the smallest number of items and the preclusion of decorative add-ons on uniform.