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Modeling and Simulation of Scheduling Medical Materials Using Graph Model for Complex Rescue

  • Lv, Ming;Zheng, Jingchen;Tong, Qingying;Chen, Jinhong;Liu, Haoting;Gao, Yun
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1243-1258
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    • 2017
  • A new medical materials scheduling system and its modeling method for the complex rescue are presented. Different from other similar system, first both the BeiDou Satellite Communication System (BSCS) and the Special Fiber-optic Communication Network (SFCN) are used to collect the rescue requirements and the location information of disaster areas. Then all these messages will be displayed in a special medical software terminal. After that the bipartite graph models are utilized to compute the optimal scheduling of medical materials. Finally, all these results will be transmitted back by the BSCS and the SFCN again to implement a fast guidance of medical rescue. The sole drug scheduling issue, the multiple drugs scheduling issue, and the backup-scheme selection issue are all utilized: the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm is used to realize the optimal matching of sole drug scheduling issue, the spectral clustering-based method is employed to calculate the optimal distribution of multiple drugs scheduling issue, and the similarity metric of neighboring matrix is utilized to realize the estimation of backup-scheme selection issue of medical materials. Many simulation analysis experiments and applications have proved the correctness of proposed technique and system.

The characteristics and optimal modeling of input source for optical device using thin film filter in optical telecommunication network (광통신용 박막필터형 광소자 분석을 위한 최적화 모델링과 특성분석)

  • 김명진;이승걸
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.306-311
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we modeled the incident beam in order to analyze and evaluate the optical thin film device for wavelength division multiplexing in optical telecommunication network. As applied ray tracing method to the optical path, we were compared the accuracy of coupling efficiency simulated by two modeling methods. In the results of sinulation, ceil modeling method was preferred to annual modeling method in micro-optic device because of accuracy for coupling efficiency and Gaussian intensity distribution. In the results of optimal simulation for optical device using thin film filter, the distance (d1) between optical fiber and GRIN lens, the distance (d2) between GRIN lens and thin film filter and the coupling efficiency were 0.24 mm, 0.25 mm and -0.11 ㏈ respectively. As d2 was displaced at 0.25 mm and d1 was varied in order to evaluate the optimal value, d1 and maximum coupling efficiency were 0.24 mm and -0.35㏈, respectively. Then the results of experiment were corresponded to that of optimal simulation by cell modeling and it was possible to analyze the performance for optical device using thin film filter by the simulation.

Visualization of Epidermis and Dermal Cells in ex vivo Human Skin Using the Confocal and Two-photon Microscopy

  • Choi, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Wi-Han;Lee, Yong-Joong;Lee, Ho;Lee, Weon-Ju;Yang, Jung-Dug;Shim, Jong-Won;Kim, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2011
  • The confocal laser scanning microscopy and two-photon microscopy was implemented based on a single laser source and an objective lens. We imaged and compared the morphology of identical sites of ex vivo human skin using both microscopes. The back-scattering emission from the sample provided the contrast for the confocal microscopy. The intrinsic autofluorescence and the second harmonic generation were used as the luminescence source for the two-photon microscopy. The wavelength of the Ti:Sapphire laser was tuned at 710 nm, which corresponds to the excitation peak of NADH and FAD in skin tissue. The various cell layers in the epidermis and the papillary dermis were clearly distinguished by both imaging modalities. The two-photon microscopy more clearly visualized the intercellular region and the nucleus of the cell compared to the confocal microscopy. The fibrous structures in the dermis were more clearly resolved by the confocal microscopy. Numerous cells in papillary dermal layer, as deep as 100μm, were observed in both CLSM and two-photon microscopy. While most previous studies focused on fibrous structure imaging (collagen and elastin fiber) in the dermis, we demonstrated that the combined imaging with the CLSM and two-photon microscopy can be applied for the non-invasive study of the population, distribution and metabolism of papillary dermal cells in skin.

The Effects of Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus on Osteoporosis and Muscle Dystrophy of Male Mice (수컷 생쥐의 골다공증과 근위축에 대한 익지인(益智仁)의 효과)

  • Kim, Hyeong-jun;Ahn, Sang-hyun;Park, Sun-young
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • Objective: To investigate the effect of Alpiniae oxyphyllae fructus (AOF) on the alleviation of musculoskeletal disorders caused by aging, we conducted experiments on osteoporosis and muscle atrophy. Methods: The experimental group was classified into a control group, aging-elicited (AE) group and AOF group. The control group comprised 8-week-old Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice. The AE and AOF groups were ICR mice at 50 weeks of age. For the AE group, 10 mL of distilled water was administered once a day for 180 days without any treatment. An AOF extract (0.54 g/kg) was dissolved in distilled water and administered to the mice in the AOF group once a day for 180 days. Results: In the experiment on the alleviation of osteoporosis, the distribution of glucosaminoglycan in the bone matrix of the femoral bone was increased in the AOF group; moreover, the osteocalcin (OCN) positive reaction was increased and 8-OHdG positivity was decreased. In addition, AOF positively decreased RANKL, positively increased OPG, and positively decreased MMP-3. Muscle fiber loss in the endomysium following muscle degeneration of the quadriceps was reduced more in the AOF group compared with the AE group, and caspase-3 positive responses were also decreased. In addition, the 8-OHdG and p-lkB positivity in the AOF group decreased compared with the AE group, and the Myo-D positivity increased. Conclusion: We found that increasing bone formation alleviates osteoporosis, and that reducing bone loss alleviates muscle atrophy by reducing muscle loss and increasing muscle development.

Atypical triggers in trigeminal neuralgia: the role of A-delta sensory afferents in food and weather triggers

  • Koh, Wenjun;Lim, Huili;Chen, Xuanxuan
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2021
  • Background: Trigeminal neuralgia is a debilitating craniofacial pain syndrome that is characterized by paroxysms of intense, short-lived electric shock-like pains in the trigeminal nerve distribution. Recently, the presence of triggers has become one of the key diagnostic criteria in the 3rd edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders. Light touch is the most common trigger, however other non-mechanical triggers, such as cold weather and certain foods, have been thought to provoke trigeminal neuralgia anecdotally. We aimed to characterize the prevalence and characteristics of these atypical triggers. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, cross-sectional study of atypical triggers in trigeminal neuralgia patients seen in a tertiary pain clinic in Singapore. Patients were recruited via clinic records, and study data were identified from physician documentation. Results: A total of 60 patients met the inclusion criteria. Weather triggers were observed in 12 patients (20%), of which five patients (8%) reported strong winds, 4 patients (7%) reported cold temperatures, and 3 patients (5%) reported cold winds as triggers. Fifteen patients (25%) had a specific food trigger, of which 10 patients (17%) reported hard or tough food, 5 patients (8%) reported hot/cold food, 4 patients (7%) reported spicy food, and 2 patients (3%) reported sweet food as triggers. Conclusions: Although trigeminal neuralgia is most commonly triggered by mechanical stimuli, atypical triggers such as cold temperatures and certain foods are seen in a significant proportion of patients. These atypical triggers may share a common pathway of sensory afferent Aδ fiber activation.

Vibration analysis of damaged core laminated curved panels with functionally graded sheets and finite length

  • Zhao, Li-Cai;Chen, Shi-Shuenn;Xu, Yi-Peng;Tahouneh, Vahid
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.477-496
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    • 2021
  • The main objective of this paper is to study vibration of sandwich open cylindrical panel with damaged core and FG face sheets based on three-dimensional theory of elasticity. The structures are made of a damaged isotropic core and two external face sheets. These skins are strengthened at the nanoscale level by randomly oriented Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and are reinforced at the microscale stage by oriented straight fibers. These reinforcing phases are included in a polymer matrix and a three-phase approach based on the Eshelby-Mori-Tanaka scheme and on the Halpin-Tsai approach, which is developed to compute the overall mechanical properties of the composite material. Three complicated equations of motion for the panel under consideration are semi-analytically solved by using 2-D differential quadrature method. Several parametric analyses are carried out to investigate the mechanical behavior of these multi-layered structures depending on the damage features, through-the-thickness distribution and boundary conditions. It is seen that for the large amount of power-law index "P", increasing this parameter does not have significant effect on the non-dimensional natural frequency parameters of the FG sandwich curved panel. Results indicate that by increasing the value of isotropic damage parameter "D" up to the unity (fully damaged core) the frequency would tend to become zero. One can dictate the fiber variation profile through the radial direction of the sandwich panel via the amount of "P", "b" and "c" parameters. It should be noticed that with increase of volume fraction of fibers, the frequency parameter of the panels does not increase necessarily, so by considering suitable amounts of power-law index "P" and the parameters "b" and "c", one can get dynamic characteristics similar or better than the isotropic limit case for laminated FG curved panels.

Characterization of LLDPE/CaCO3 Composite Drawn Film (연신된 LLDPE/CaCO3 composite film의 특성분석)

  • Lee, Jungeon;Park, Jae Min;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Tae Young;Han, Myung Dong;Seo, Jang Min;Seo, Min Jeong;Yang, Seong Baek;Yeum, Jeong Hyun
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2022
  • The breathable film refers to a high-functional film that allows gas and water vapor to pass through very fine and sophisticated pores but not liquid. In this research, the breathable film was prepared based on linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and CaCO3 particles by extrude method. The LLDPE composite film containing CaCO3 particles had excellent mechanical properties and functionalties. The drawing is a technologically simple and excellent method for improving the mechanical properties of composite films. In this work, the effects of draw ratio on morphology, crystallinity, pore size distribution, mechanical properties, and water vapor permeability of the films were examined. The results revealed that both surface morphology and breathability were affected by the influence of chain orientation and crystal growth with increasing the draw ratio. The mechanical properties were improved with increasing the draw ratio.

A Study on Identification Keys of Araliae Continentalis Radix and its Adulterants : Focused on External·Internal Morphology and Pattern Analysis (독활(獨活)과 그 위품의 감별기준 연구 : 외·내부형태 및 이화학패턴을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Jee-Hyun;Ju, Young-Sung
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Araliae Continentalis Radix(AC) is a medicinal herb belonging to the drug efficacy group treating musculoskeletal disorders(MSD) with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic action. However, due to morphologic and onomastic similarity, adulterants(Angelicae Pubescentis Radix: AP, Gypsophilae Oldhamianae Radix: GO, Levistici Officinalis Radix: LO) have been included or replaced the standard. Methods : Multilateral methods were carried out on the identification of AC and its adulterants. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics were observed by using stereoscope and microscope. For the comparison of chromatogram pattern, standard compounds were analyzed simultaneously using high performance liquid chromatography. Results : 1. The macroscopic identification of original plants was determined by the phyllotaxis type, the inflorescence type, the leaf margin and the color of flowers. The macroscopic identification of herbal materials was examined by oil spots, the cambium, heteromorphic vascular bundles, and the pholem. 2. For the microscopic identification, the fact whether its xylem ray is proliferated or not was first determined. Then medicinal herbs were secondly divided by cellular inclusions, fiber bundles, the distribution of secretary canals and the shape of cambium. 3. AC and its adulterants showed different chromatographic fingerprints. AC was containing continentalic acid and kaurenoic acid. AP was containing osthole and columbianadin. LO was containing osthole and falcarindiol. None of the compounds were found in GO. Conclusions : This recent identification keys of might be helpful to discriminate the pharmacopoeia standard and its adulterants for the right usage in clinics.

Evaluation of Service life for a Filament Wound Composite Pressure Vessel (필라멘트 와인딩 복합재 압력용기의 구조 수명 평가)

  • Hwang, Tae-Kyung;Park, Jae-Byum;Kim, Hyoung-Geun;Doh, Young-Dae
    • Composites Research
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the effect of the natural aging on the strength distribution and structural service life of a Filament Wound (FW) composite pressure vessel was studied. The fiber failure strain, which is varied significantly, was considered as the design random variable and the strength analysis was carried out by probabilistic numerical approach. The progressive failure analysis technique and the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) were embedded in this numerical model. As the calculation results, the probability of failure was obtained for each aging time steps and it is found that the strength degradation in FW composite pressure vessel, due to the natural aging, appears within 10 year-aging-time. As an example of the life prediction under natural aging using arbitrary laminated model, the service lifetime of 13 years was predicted based on the probability of failure of 2.5% and the design pressure of 3,250 psi.

Mechanical behaviour between adjacent cracks in CFRP plate reinforced RC slabs

  • Yuan, Xin;Bai, Hongyu;Sun, Chen;Li, Qinqing;Song, Yanfeng
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.84 no.3
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    • pp.375-391
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    • 2022
  • This paper discussed and analyzed the interfacial stress distribution characteristic of adjacent cracks in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) plate strengthened concrete slabs. One un-strengthened concrete test beam and four CFRP plate-strengthened concrete test beams were designed to carry out four-point flexural tests. The test data shows that the interfacial shear stress between the interface of CFRP plate and concrete can effectively reduce the crack shrinkage of the tensile concrete and reduces the width of crack. The maximum main crack flexural height in pure bending section of the strengthened specimen is smaller than that of the un-strengthened specimen, the CFRP plate improves the rigidity of specimens without brittle failure. The average ultimate bearing capacity of the CFRP-strengthened specimens was increased by 64.3% compared to that without CFRP-strengthen. This indicites that CFRP enhancement measures can effectively improve the ultimate bearing capacity and delay the occurrence of debonding damage. Based on the derivation of mechanical analysis model, the calculation formula of interfacial shear stress between adjacent cracks is proposed. The distributions characteristics of interfacial shear stress between certain crack widths were given. In the intermediate cracking region of pure bending sections, the length of the interfacial softening near the mid-span cracking position gradually increases as the load increases. The CFRP-concrete interface debonding capacity with the larger adjacent crack spacing is lower than that with the smaller adjacent crack spacing. The theoretical calculation results of interfacial bonding shear stress between adjacent cracks have good agreement with the experimental results. The interfacial debonding failure between adjacent cracks in the intermediate cracking region was mainly caused by the root of the main crack. The larger the spacing between adjacent cracks exists, the easier the interfacial debonding failure occurs.