• Title/Summary/Keyword: fashion & brand information

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Bodice Pattern Development of the Slim-fit Dress Shirt for Middle-aged Males Using 3D Body Scanning Data (3D Body Scanning Data를 활용한 중년 남성용 슬림 핏(Slim-fit) 드레스 셔츠 바디스 패턴개발연구)

  • Suh, Chuyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2016
  • The study performed a comparison analysis of market brand patterns for slim-fit dress shirts and analyzed the body surface development figure of men in their 40s using 3D body scan data and developed slim-fit dress shirt patterns suitable for middle-aged men. The sizes of slim-fit dress shirt patterns showed a slight difference depending on brand. The overlap map of slim-fit dress shirt patterns for brands demonstrates how difference of one-dimensional sizes reflect on two-dimensional patterns. This map provides useful information for pattern design and allows and easy recognition of pattern size differences. A try-on system evaluation through 3D-Simulation allows a grasp of the fitness of neckline and size tolerance of under the arms in front, the silhouette of side lines, and overall fitness in front that also allows analysis of the front/back balance of a shirt in side, the size tolerance proportion in front/back, and the fitness of the arm-hole line. Thus, we obtained try-on results that were equivalent to wearing actual clothing. According to the drafting size suggested in the developed final pattern, the total width was 'C/2+5.5cm', and the front was set at 1cm bigger in the size difference of the front and back. The width of the front neck and the back neck was set identically at 'C/12', while the width of the front neck was set to 'C/12+1.5cm'. For the armhole depth, we added 'C/4+2cm', and '0.5cm and 1.5cm' for the width of the front and back to anthropometry. The results of the try-on evaluation through 3D-Simulation indicated that the fitness of the final slim-fit dress shirt pattern was superior to available slim-fit dress shirt patterns on the market and evaluated as superior to the types for middle-aged men.

A Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Face (Chemyon) on Leisure Consumers' Consumption Behavior

  • KIM, Young-Doo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Despite the fact that face (i.e. Chemyon) is deeply-rooted in Korean culture and significantly affects the behavior of Korean people, the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior has only reported mixed findings, that is, significant and/or insignificant face effects have been reported. It is necessary to integrate prior research findings, and comprehensively examine the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect (i.e. effect size, and moderating variables) of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior through meta-analysis. Research design, data and methodology: Among 1,019 face-related academic studies, retrieved from the academic research information services (RISS), 34 studies and 300 cases examining the effect of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior were finally included for meta-analysis. Face measured as face sensitivity and/or a face sensitivity sub-component (shame-consciousness, formality-consciousness, and other-consciousness) were integrated in the meta-analysis. Leisure consumers' consumption behavior was classified as antecedents of purchase (overall conspicuous consumption tendency, overall symbolic consumption tendency, personality, high price, high quality, brand seeking, fashion seeking, enjoyment, other person (interpersonal) consideration, position, reference group, and attitude), purchase (purchase intention, unplanned purchase, purchase, and expenditure), and post-purchase (satisfaction, repurchase, and post-purchase). The data used in the meta-analysis was comprised of correlation coefficients, and the meta-analysis was performed using the R-program. Results: The overall mean effect size of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior was .248. It was found that the effect size was the largest in the order of shame-consciousness face, formality-consciousness face, and other-consciousness face. Among the types of leisure consumers' consumption behavior categorized as dependent variables, the effect size was found to be largest in the order of position, attitude, reference group, post-purchase behavior, brand seeking, personality, trend seeking, etc. In addition, it was found that the leisure types moderated the effect size of face on leisure consumers' consumption behavior. The effect size was found to be largest in the order of skin diving, baseball, various leisure participation, dance, gambling, golf, etc. Conclusions: Face moderately or significantly influence leisure consumers' consumption behavior.

A Study on the Corporate Image and Clothes Purchasing Behavior Depending on the Degree of Interest in Cultural Marketing - Focusing on Uniqlo Brand - (문화마케팅 관심도에 따른 기업이미지 및 의복구매행동에 관한 연구 - 유니클로 브랜드를 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Mi-Ae;Park, Ok-Ryun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzes empirically the effect of the degree of interest in cultural marketing on corporate image and how the corporate images affect on consumers' clothes purchasing behavior through the case of a fashion brand, 'Uniqlo'. For this, Chi-square test and independent sample T-test were used for the verification of differences in frequency and average by general characteristics of respondents. To observe the effects between ration scales, it carried out a multiple regression analysis, and also, using AMOS16.0, it verified the suitability of the route model and estimated the coefficients for each route. From the result of analysis, it was found that degree of consumer's interest in cultural marketing affects on corporate images such as corporate confidence and marketing and the corporate image again is closely related to consumer's clothes purchasing behavior and satisfaction. In other words, the consumers who have greater interest in corporations using cultural marketing or who had participated in various cultural events are more likely to think that 'Uniqlo' is a reliable corporation who actively uses cultural factors in marketing. Likely, it was observed that the positive corporate image of 'Uniqlo' has a large influence on purchase of their products and also, it makes consumers feel as if they are participating in mecenat, thus increasing consumer's satisfaction after purchase. This study has a limitation in generalization of study result because it focused on a case of particular brand. However, it is still helpful for the empirical study for growth and reinvigoration of the market for cultural marketing, and through a case of leading corporation, it provides implications to the corporations who use or do not use cultural marketing.

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Adolescents' Purchasing Behavior for Hair-care Products (청소년의 헤어제품 구매 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yean-Hwa;Oh, Kyung-Wha
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the relationship between the purchasing behavior for hair-care products and the attitude toward hair-care products by adolescents. A total of 412 middle and high school students located in Seoul and Gyunggi-do province participated in this research. SPSS 12.0 for Windows Program was utilized for statistical analysis. As a result, the hair concerns and the satisfaction of adolescents as well as their attitudes towards hair-care products were significantly affected by gender, school level, and educational experiences. Female high school students with some degree of educational experiences had a more rational and brand-oriented attitude. Students having a higher rational and brand-oriented attitude bought hair-care products in regards to the quality of the product and environmental impact. On the other hand, those having a conspicuous and fashion pursuit attitude showed an image and fashion concern purchasing behavior. Adolescents usually purchased styling and dyeing products at a cosmetic specialty store and hair-care cleaning products from a discount store. They obtained the information about hair-care products from relatives, personal experiences, and TV advertisements.

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A Study on the Purchasing Conditions of Infant's Wear (유아복(乳兒服) 구매실태(購買實態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jee-Yeon;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to provide for the basic data useful to the effective production and thereby, help them improve their apparel life. For this purpose, 180 Korean mothers who bring up from newborns to fouryear-old babies were sampled to survey their practices of purchasing the infant's wear and positively identify the factors affecting the practices. Data is processed by a computer(SAS) and analyzed by using frequency, percentage, $\chi^2$-test, Duncan's Multiple Range test. The main results of this study are as follows; 1. The mothers tend to gather the information from the items displayed(50.6%) in the stores. The criteria for purchasing considerably depends on the 2. The places of purchasing on which the mothers rely most for infant's wear are department stores(35.2%) and stores nearby their house(28.5%). The frequency of infant's wear depend on the change of season and necessity. 3. It had been disclosed that the brand favored most by the mothers is AGABANG(48.6%). The most influential factors for the popularity of brands are Design(53.1%). The most important reference affecting the mother's choice of infant's wear is size(51.1%) followed by functionality and price(26.7%). After the purchase, mothers are discontent with the high prices of infant's wear. In all, it has been found through this study that the behavior of number in purchasing infant's wear was influenced by many external factors. Therefore, manufacturers and retailers should manufcture and sell products that are of the highest quality. This must be their utmost concern for the satisfaction of their customers.

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Analysis of outdoor-wear research trends using topic modeling (토픽 모델링을 이용한 아웃도어웨어 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kihyang Han;Minsun Lee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to analyze research trends regarding outdoor wear. For this purpose, the data-collection period was limited to January 2002-October 2022, and the collection consisted of titles of papers, academic names, abstracts, and publication years from the Research Information Sharing Service (RISS). Frequency analysis was conducted on 227 papers in total to check academic journals and annual trends, and LDA topic-modeling analysis was conducted using 20,964 tokens. Data pre-processing was performed prior to topic-modeling analysis; after that, topic-modeling analysis, core topic derivation, and visualization were performed using a Python algorithm. A total of eight topics were obtained from the comprehensive analysis: experiential marketing and lifestyle, property and evaluation of outdoor wear, design and patterns of outdoor wear, outdoor-wear purchase behavior, color, designs and materials of outdoor wear, promotional strategies for outdoor wear, purchase intention and satisfaction depending on the brand image of outdoor wear, differences in outdoor wear preferences by consumer group. The results of topic-modeling analysis revealed that the topic, which includes a study on the design and material of outdoor wear and the pattern of jackets related to the overall shape, was the highest at 30.9% of the total topics. The next highest topic was also the design and color of outdoor wear, indicating that design-related research was the main research topic in outdoor wear research. It is hoped that analyzing outdoor wear research will help comprehend the research conducted thus far and reveal future directions.

Impact of Lifestyle on Sportswear Benefit Pursuit among Participants in Badminton (배드민턴 참여자들의 라이프스타일이 스포츠웨어 추구혜택에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.2483-2490
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to offer information on the more effective sports wear to club members, who are participating in badminton, by closely examining influence in lifestyle of participants in badminton upon the sportswear benefit sought. The subjects of this study were selected male and female adults, who are joining now by subscribing to badminton club in Gangwondo Province, as the population. It sampled totally 206 people by convenience sampling, and carried out frequency analysis, reliability & factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS/PC+ 11.0 Version. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, it was indicated that there is correlation between lifestyle and sportswear benefit sought of participants in badminton. Second, it was indicated to have influence upon the ideal benefit sought, which is the sportswear benefit sought, in order of the fashion sought bandwagon and the social orientation, which are sub-factors of lifestyle. Third, it was indicated to have influence upon the fashion & brand benefit sought, which is the sportswear benefit sought, in order of the material sought, the fashion sought bandwagon, and the satisfaction with reality, which are sub-factors of lifestyle. Fourth, it was indicated to have influence upon the convenience benefit sought, which is the sportswear benefit sought, in order of the self-loyalty, the social orientation, the health sought, and the satisfaction with reality, which are sub-factors of lifestyle. Fifth, lifestyle was indicated to have influence upon the youth & individuality benefit sought in order of the fashion sought bandwagon, the material sought, and the social orientation. The sportswear product in the better quality will be able to be expected for sports activity, by which the subjects of participating in sports activity correctly grasp the sportswear benefit sought, based on these results.

Clothing Shopping Orientations and Purchasing Practices for Dress Shirts of Male Office Workers (사무직 남성의 의복쇼핑성향과 드레스셔츠 구매실태)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Cho, Kyeong-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.683-692
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    • 2005
  • This study was intended to analyze the clothing shopping orientations and purchasing practices for men's dress shirts. It was conducted by means of convenience sampling survey with male office workers who usually wear dress shirts at work and who also live in Seoul, Geonggi, and Chungcheong area. The data collected were analyzed by frequency analysis, cross-tabulation analysis, factor analysis, t-test, and ANOVA using SPSS. The results are as follows: 1) Clothing shopping orientations were classified into six factors: brand oriented; planned; enjoying; expediency oriented; negative shopping; and low price oriented. There were partially significant differences in clothing shopping orientations according to the surveyees' age. 2) The surveyees prioritized low price and expediency in clothing shopping, but they also showed low interest in brands. 3) The criteria for purchasing were in the order of size, color, comfort, and design. There were also partially significant differences in the estimation criteria for dress shirts according to marital status and age. 4) Most respondents tended to purchase 3 or 4 pieces of dress shirts a year, paying 30,000 to 50,000 won for a piece, usually at department stores. 5) When they purchase a dress shirt, they always considers its size. In the case of married men, however, it is the laundry tag that they do care about.

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Diagnosticity of Product Names and Product Evaluations in M-Shopping

  • Lee, Eun-Jung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2020
  • With the limited product information available in the m-shopping context, product-naming strategies affect consumer choices by expressing the key product features or the brand's images. Given the increasing dominance of the mobile commerce in consumption across various product categories, few studies have examined the role of product naming in consumer choices in the m-shopping. In filling the research gap, this study empirically analyzes the influence of the perceived diagnosticity of product names in m-shopping on consumer attitude towards the product. Moreover, the study tests the moderating influences of the individual characteristics of consumers (i.e., age, gender, and m-shopping experience) in the dynamics of the perceived diagnosticity impacting the product evaluations. The results of the study using an online survey reveal that the perceived diagnosticity of the product names significantly increases consumer attitude towards the product. Additionally, the moderating effects of gender, age, and m-shopping experience are all found significant: (1) The positive influence of the perceived diagnosticity of the product names is greater for males than for females. (2) The older the respondent, the more statistically significant the positive influence on diagnosticity. (3) The more respondents having m-shopping experience, the more positive the impact of the diagnosticity. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.

A Study on Clothing Purchasing Motives and Evaluation Criteria of Product according to Women-Teachers' Shopping Orientation (직장여성의 쇼핑성향에 따른 의복구매동기와 제품평가기준에 관한 연구)

  • 이영미;이옥희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.193-207
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the demographics and general clothing buying behavior according to clothing shopping orientation of female workers. A questionnaire was developed to measure clothing shopping orientation, fashion information sources, stores selection criteria, clothing purchasing frequency of a year, purchasing expenditure of clothing, the demographics. The questionnaire was administered to 775 female teacher in Chonnam. The data was analyzed using percentage, frequency, mean, factor analysis, Cluster Analysis, x 1_test and ANOVA, Duncan test. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The female teachers were classified into four groups by the cluster analysis; indifferent shopping group, rational shopping group, conspicuous shopping group, recreational shopping group. 2. In the case of purchasing motives, significant differences were found according to shopping orientation subdivision in four factors. 3. The evaluation criteria of product were significantly different depending on shopping orientation subdivision in practical attribute, socio-psychological attribute, and aesthetic attribute. 4. The significant differences were found according to shopping orientation subdivision in general clothing purchasing behavior(purchasing price range of clothing, clothing purchasing frequency of a year, method of payment, number of stores visited, experience of buying in the import brand)

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