• Title/Summary/Keyword: family Characteristics

검색결과 3,966건 처리시간 0.038초

포항 칠인정원림(七印亭園林)의 조영특성과 '괴목(槐木)' 식재(植栽)의 문화변용(文化變容) (A Study on the Characteristics of Design and Acculturation of Planting of 'Guǐ(槐)' in Chirinjeong Wonlim of Pohang)

  • 노재현;한상엽;김정문;정푸름
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2017
  • 포항 칠인정원림의 건립취지, 조형의도 그리고 변천과정 등을 살펴봄으로써 조선조 누정 조영의 시대적 감각과 조영의장을 조명하고, 원림내 회화나무와 느티나무 식재의 문화변용 현상을 살펴 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 2주의 괴목(槐木) 식재로 인해 쌍괴정(雙槐亭)이라는 또 다른 이름을 얻은 칠인정(七印亭)은 고려말 관료 출신의 장표(張彪)가 태종9년(1409) 초곡리 사일마을에 건립한 은거형 정자이며, 칠인정원림은 쌍계구곡(雙溪九曲)의 제3곡인 초곡(草谷)의 핵심이기도 하다. 칠인정원림은 사일마을 비보숲 초입의 진입부(進入部)와 칠인정 및 느티나무와 회화나무로 이루어진 정자부(亭子部) 그리고 방지방도(方池方島)의 지당과 배롱나무로 이루어진 지당부(池塘部)로 구분된다. 칠인정 기문 내용이나 아들과 사위 7인의 인수(印綬)를 쌍괴수(雙槐樹)에 내건 것에서 기인된 당호(堂號)로 볼 때, 초건 시 식재한 괴목과 그 이후 보식(補植)한 수종 또한 삼공(三公)의 지위와 학자수(學者樹)를 상징하는 회화나무(홰)로 보는 것이 합당하다. 뿐만 아니라 영조21년(1745) 보식한 수종이 현재 칠인정에 존치하는 느티나무(괴)라고 알려져 있음에도 불구하고 칠인정 담장 밖의 회화나무가 당시 식재한 그 수목임을 배제할 수 없다. 요컨대 느티나무와 함께 칠인정원림에 심겨진 3주의 회화나무는 인동장씨 후손들이 회화나무(홰)와 느티나무(괴)의 차이점을 인식하였음을 알리는 최소한의 징표가 아닐 수 없다. 회화나무가 국내에 들어오면서 한편으로 회화나무로, 다른 한편으로 느티나무로 인식되었고 점차 구입용이성, 성장속도, 장수목으로의 성장가능성에서 회화나무와 비교우위에 있는 느티나무를 회화나무 대용(代用)으로 혼용한 자발적 문화변용 현상을 칠인정원림의 괴목 식재사례를 통해 목도(目睹)하게 된다.

<배가본드>에 나타난 캐릭터의 대척적 구조화 전략: MBTI 성격유형론의 심리기능에 근거하여 (Antipodal Structuralization Strategy of Character Appearing in : Based on Psychological Functions of MBTI Personality Types Theory)

  • 양세혁;김대권
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권31호
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    • pp.117-152
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    • 2013
  • <배가본드>는 요시카와 에이지의 소설 <미야모토 무사시>를 원작으로 하는 만화이다. 1998년부터 연재를 시작한 이래 단행본으로는 현재 34권까지 출간되었으며 권 평균 170만부로 누적 판매량 5400만부 이상을 기록한 대작이다. <배가본드>는 '사람을 사람답게 그린다'는 작가의 원칙에 의하여, 캐릭터의 성격을 자연스럽게 따라가는 방식으로 서사를 진행하기 때문에 매우 독특한 캐릭터라이징 특징을 보인다. 본 연구는 <배가본드>의 수많은 캐릭터들이 강렬한 개성을 갖고 있음에도 불구하고, 대척 관계의 캐릭터 구도 설정을 통해 구조적 균형을 유지하고 있다는 것에 주목했다. 이러한 캐릭터의 관계를 분석하기위해 심리검사 도구인 MBTI 성격유형론을 분석틀로 활용하였다. 먼저 MBTI의 기질적 특성으로 성격유형을 추론하고, 가장 중요하다고 여겨지는 심리기능인 인식과 판단의 조합을 기준으로 대척적 캐릭터 구도를 분석하고자 했다. 이를 통해 캐릭터에 적용된 3가지 구조를 찾을 수 있었다. (1) 중심캐릭터 무사시와 거울캐릭터 코지로의 대척성이 작품의 중심을 이룬다는 점, (2) 그들의 양육자와 멘토 역할 캐릭터의 대척관계는 무사시와 코지로의 캐릭터성을 확장한다는 점, (3) 무사시와 코지로에게 영향을 주고받는 역할로서 요시오카 일문 역시 대척적 구도로 설정되었다는 점이다. 이와 같이 <배가본드>는 대비를 이루는 캐릭터들의 쌍이, 마치 변증법적 합을 이루듯이 설정되었다는 결론을 도출할 수 있었다. 이와 같이 <배가본드>에서 나타난 캐릭터 구도의 대척적 구조화 전략은, 개성 있는 수많은 캐릭터의 내면을 차별화하며 깊은 수준으로 묘사할 수 있게 했다고 여겨진다. 끝으로 비평과 흥행에서 성공한 만화와 애니메이션 분야의 작품들은 캐릭터 중심이라는 공통된 흐름을 읽을 수 있는데, 이는 소설이나 영화와는 구별되는 특성으로서 캐릭터에 대한 수요자의 관심이 상대적으로 높기 때문이라고 판단할 수 있다. 따라서 캐릭터라이징 분석 결과를 데이터베이스화하여 콘텐츠 생산 시 참고할 수 있기를 기대한다.

알레르기 질환 유무에 따른 식생활 습관과 식품섭취패턴의 비교 연구 (Comparison of Eating Habits and Dietary Intake Patterns between People with and without Allergy)

  • 양승혜;김은진;김영남;성기승;김성수;한찬규;이복희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.523-535
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 알레르기 유발에 영향을 미치는 요인과 식품 알레르기 빈도 및 그 원인 식품을 조사하기 위하여 다양한 연령의 알레르기 환자 62명과 정상인 69명을 대상으로 2008년 8$\sim$9월 2개월 동안 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문지의 조사항목으로는 일반사항, 알레르기 환자에 대한 일반사항, 생활습관, 식습관 및 식품 알레르기의 발생 빈도가 높은 식품에 대한 섭취 빈도에 대하여 분석하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 일반사항 조사 결과 알레르기 환자군이 정상군에 비해서 가정의 한 달 평균 수입이 높은 것으로 나타났고, 알레르기 환자군이 정상군에 비해 애완동물을 많이 보유하고 있었으며 (p < 0.05), 알레르기 환자군이 정상군보다 식물을 더 많이 키우고 있는 것으로 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 2) 알레르기 환자의 알레르기 질환양상에 대한 조사결과, 복합적인 증상과 두개 이상의 알레르기를 경험한 환자가 많았고, 알레르기 유발 요인으로는 집먼지 진드기와 식품의 비율이 높게 나타났으며, 계절과는 상관없이 알레르기 증상이 나타나는 환자가 많았다. 또한 알레르기 가족력이 있는 환자가 많았으며 (66.1%), 최선의 예방방법은 주위 환경을 깨끗이 하여야 한다고 생각하는 환자가 가장 많았다 (45.2%). 3) 생활습관 조사결과, 운동 빈도는 두 군간 차이가 없었으며 음주 빈도는 알레르기 환자군이 정상군에 비해 유의적으로 높게 나타났다 (p < 0.01). 4) 식습관은 알레르기 환자군이 정상군에 비해 결식의 비율이 높고, 간식을 많이 섭취하고 있는 것으로 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 5) 식품 알레르기의 발생 빈도가 높은 식품에 대한 섭취 빈도를 살펴보면, 알레르기 환자군이 정상군 보다 계란 (p < 0.05), 돼지고기 (p < 0.001), 호두 (p < 0.05), 양파 (p < 0.05), 참치 (p < 0.05), 조개류 (p < 0.05), 키위 (p < 0.05), 인스턴트식품 (p < 0.05)의 섭취빈도가 유의적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다.

가정용수의 용도별 사용량 조사 및 원단위 분석 (End-use analysis of household water by metering)

  • 김화수;이두진;김주환;김정현;정관수
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2008년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.869-877
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 전국 140여개 가구를 대상으로 조사된 가정용수의 각 용도별 사용량 자료를 바탕으로 가정용수의 용도별 사용량을 도출함으로써 상, 하수도시설설계에 활용할 수 있는 원단위를 제시하고, 또한 용도별 사용특성분석, 영향인자 평가 등을 통하여 가정용수의 변동특성을 이해하고 향후 사용경향을 예측할 수 있는 정보를 제공하고자 하였다. 가정용수의 총사용량 기준 원단위는 $165.8{\ell}pcd$였으며, 각 용도별 사용량은 세면용수 $15.4{\ell}pcd$(10%), 욕조용수 $24.7{\ell}pcd$(16%), 싱크대용수 $29.7{\ell}pcd$(19%), 세탁기용수 $30.8{\ell}pcd$(20%), 변기용수 $38.5{\ell}pcd$(25%), 기타용수 $13.5{\ell}pcd$(9%)로 나타났다. 가정용수 중에서 변기용수의 사용량이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 베란다, 정원용수 등이 포함된 기타용수의 경우 사용빈도가 일정하지 않고 사용량의 편차도 심하여 변동계수와 표준편차가 가장 크게 나타났다. 가정용수의 용도별 사용량을 미국, 영국 가정과 비교한 결과, 기타용수와 실외용수를 제외하고는 미국의 실내용수 사용량과 비율이 우리나라와 매우 유사한 특성을 보였다. 가정에서 물사용에 기초한 생활양식이 미국과 유사하게 변화되고 있음을 간접적으로 보여준 결과이다. 또한 1985년에 서울에서 조사된 용도별 사용량과 금번결과를 비교한 결과, 목욕, 변기, 세탁, 취사용수의 총량은 $23{\ell}$가 증가하였으며, 특히 세면과 욕조용수를 합산한 목욕용수가 $27{\ell}$에서 $40{\ell}$로 크게 늘어났고, 세탁용수도 $17{\ell}$나 늘어났다. 생활양식이 서구화되면서 가정에서의 목욕, 사워문화가 점차 확산되고 대용량 세탁기의 보급이 늘어난 것 등이 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 추측되었다.

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가정간호 기록지 분석 - 원주기독병원 가정간호 보건활동을 중심으로 - (An Analysis of Referrals, Nursing Diagnosis, and Nursing Interventions in Home Care - Wonju Christian Hospital Community Health Nursing Service -)

  • 서미혜;허혜경
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제3권
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1996
  • Home Health Care is one part of the total health care system. It includes health care services that link the hospital to the community. While it is important for early discharge patients, home care is also important for people with chronic illnesses or handicapping conditions. In 1989 the Korean government passed a law that opened the way for formal development of home health care services beginning with education programs to certify nurses for home care, and then demonstration home care services. Part of the mandate of the demonstration projects was evaluation of home care services. This study was done in order to provide basic data that would contribute to the development of records that could be used for evaluation through a retrospective audit and to examine the care that had been given in Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital over a twenty year period from 1974 to 1994. The purposes of the study were : to identify to characteristics of the clients who had received home care, to identify the reasons for client referrals, to identify the nursing problems of these clients, to identify the nursing care provided to these clients, and to identify differences in these areas over the twenty year period. The study was a descriptive study involving a retrospective audit of the client records. Demographic data on all clients were included : 4,171 clients from 2,564 families. Data on referrals, nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions were from even numbered records which had a patient problem list included in the record, 2,801 clients, Frequencies and ANOVA were used in the analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of the clients were from Wonju city /county. There were more women than men related to the high number of postpartum clients(1,300). The high number of postparttum clients and newborns was also evident in the age distribution. An the number of maternal-child clients decreased over the 20 years, the mean age of the clients increased significantly. Other factors also contributed to this change ; as increasing number of clients with brain injuries or with cancer, and fewer children with burns, osteomyelitis and tuberculosis. There was a decrease in the mean number of visits and mean length of coverage, reflecting a movement towards a short term acute care model. The number of new clents dropped sharply after 1985. The reasons for this are : the development of other treatment alternatives for clients, the establishment of an active wellbaby clinic, many more options plus a decreasing number of new cases of Hansen's Disase, and insurance that allows people with burns to be kept in hospital until skin grafts are healed. Socioeconomic changes have resulted in an increase in the number of cases of cancer, stroke, head injuries following car accidents, and of diabetes. Of the 2,801 client records, 2,541(60.9%) contained a written referral but for 1,802 it contained only the medical diagnosis. The number of records with a referral requesting specific nursing care was 739(29.1%). Many family members who were identified as in need of nursing care had no written referral. Analysis of the patient problem list showed that 41.9% of the enteries were nursing diagnoses. Others incuded medical diagnosis, symptoms, and plans. The most frequently used diagnoses were alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements(115 entries), alteration in skin integrity(114), knowledge deficit(111), pain(78), self-care deficit(66), and alteration in pattern of urinary elimination(50). These are reflected in the NANDA categories for which the highest number of diagnosis was in the Exchanging pattern(446), followed by Moving(178), Feeling(136) and Knowing (115). Analysis of the frequency of interventions showed that exercise and teaching about exercise was the most frequent intervention, followed by teaching concering the need for follow-up care, checking vital signs, managing nutritional problems, managing catheters, giving emotional support, changing dressings, teaching about medication, teaching (subject not specified), teaching about diet, IM and IV medications or fluid, and skin care, in that order. Recommendations included: development of a record that would allow for efficient recording of frequently used nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions: expansion of the catchment area for Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital ; expansion of the service to provide complication prevention, rehabilitation services, and support to increase the health maintenance /health promotion of the people being served as well as providing client dentered care ; and development of a clinical record that will allow efficient data collection from records, even though the recording is done by a variety of health care providers.

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한국문화에 따른 간호정립을 위한 기초조사연구 III -의료관을 중심으로- (A Study of the Construction of Nursing Theory in Korean Culture - View of Medicine-)

  • 박정숙;오윤정
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.143-162
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    • 1998
  • This is a study for the construction of nursing care based upon the Korean attitude toward medicine. Factors which were investigated include the source of nursing care, the reason for choosing care, the type of heath care chosen, the accessability of caregivers, and the desired location of death. The population examined in this study consisted of 517 adults distributed in six large cities and 191 adults from five rural communities. Data was analyzed using frequency, percent, Cronbach alpha, $X^2$ - test, t - test, F - test and scheffe post hoc contrast with an SAS program. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Among sources of nursing care used, first rank rated-pharmacy(54.4), private hospital(18.2), general hospital(8.4), folk remedies in house (5.0), chinese hospital(2.8), prayer(2.8) and others(8.4), and the reasons for choosing nursing care rated 'the easiest method' (63.6), 'the best method'(15.7), 'reliable'(10.8) and 'lower cost burden'(4.6) in order of preference. 2. The type of nursing care chosen rated western medicine(6.80), chinese medicine(6.15), folk remedies(5.46), faith remedies(3.51) and divination remedies (1.41). There were significant differences in the effect recognition degree to various kinds of medicine. 3. The difference of the type of nursing care chosen according to general characteristics showed that urban residents were higher than rural community residents(t=2.15, p=0.0320) in western medicine, and urban residents, women, and singles were higher than rural community residents(t=2.04, p=0.0414), men (t= -2.89, p=0.0039), and married(t=2.50, p= 0.0126) on folk remedies. With repect to age and education those 21-30, under 20 and 31-40, graduated from college and graduate school were higher than above 51, above 61 (F = 7.76, p = 0.0001), graduated from elementary school(F=4.39, p=0.0006) on folk remedies. In other categories, rural community residents, women, younger people. Christians were higher than urban residents ( t = -2.73, p=0.0305), men(t= -4.15, p=0.0001), older people (F=2.48, p=0.0307), Catholic, Buddhist, or atheist (F= 70.18, p=0.0001) on faith remedies. Those graduated from high school and Buddhist were higher than unschooled, graduated from middle school(F=3.18, p= 0.0075), atheist, Catholic or Christian(F=18.32, p=0.0001) on divination redemies. There were significant differences concerning age and education level. 4. The accessibility of caregivers rated 'caregivers should be nearby if the patients need them' (50.0), 'caregivers must be there all day (24 hours)' (39.6), 'caregivers must be there at night only'(5.0), 'caregivers must be there during the day only'(2.6), 'caregivers always should visit during visiting hours' 0.4), 'caregivers don't need to be there at all' (1.2). The frist rank of suitable caregivers were rated as spouse(66.6), mother(24.2), daughter (3.6), daughter-in-law(1.9), and the reasons of thinking thus were rated as 'the most comfortable' (81.5), 'people should correctly with regards to family they'(7.1), 'the easiest' (5.4), 'take good care of the patient' (5.1) and 'lower cost burden' (0.4). 5. The desired location of death rated as the following: his/her house (91. 6) to the hospital(8. 4). A person going to encounter death in the hospital wanted his house(78.5) over the hospital(21.5), and a person dieing in the hospital prefered his house(52.9) over the hospital(47.1) as a funeral ceremony place. The following suggestions are made based on the above results. 1. A sampling method that enhances the re presentativeness should be used in regional and/or national related research and replicated to confirm the result of this study. 2. This study should be used to understand the Korean view of medical centers and to meet the expectations of patients in Korean nursing. 3. Research on the Korean traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick, health and illness, and health behavior, the perception of dying, the decision to heal, and the view of general medicine should continue to be conducted continuosly so that Korean nursing theory can be advanced on these concepts.

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다변량 프로빗 모형을 이용한 가전제품 구매의 상관관계 분석 (Correlation among Ownership of Home Appliances Using Multivariate Probit Model)

  • 김창섭;신정우;이미숙;이종수
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2009
  • As the lifestyle of consumers changes and the need for various products increases, new products are being developed in the market. Each household owns various home appliances which are purchased through the choice of a decision maker. These appliances include not only large-sized products such as TV, refrigerator, and washing machine, but also small-sized products such as microwave oven and air cleaner. There exists latent correlation among possession of home appliances, even though they are purchased independently. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of demographic factors on the purchase and possession of each home appliances, and to derive some relationships among various appliances. To achieve this purpose, the present status on the possession of each home appliances are investigated through consumer survey data on the electric and energy product. And a multivariate probit(MVP) model is applied for the empirical analysis. From the estimation results, some appliances show a substitutive or complementary pattern as expected, while others which look apparently unrelated have correlation by co-incidence. This research has several advantages compared to previous literatures on home appliances. First, this research focuses on the various products which are purchased by each household, while previous researches such as Matsukawa and Ito(1998) and Yoon(2007) focus just on a particular product. Second, the methodology of this research can consider a choice process of each product and correlation among products simultaneously. Lastly, this research can analyze not only a substitutive or complementary relationship in the same category, but also the correlation among products in the different categories. As the data on the possession of home appliances in each household has a characteristic of multiple choice, not a single choice, a MVP model are used for the empirical analysis. A MVP model is derived from a random utility model, and has an advantage compared to a multinomial logit model in that correlation among error terms can be derive(Manchanda et al., 1999; Edwards and Allenby, 2003). It is assumed that the error term has a normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix ${\Omega}$. Hence, the sign and value of correlation coefficients means the relationship between two alternatives(Manchanda et al., 1999). This research uses the data of 'TEMEP Household ICT/Energy Survey (THIES) 2008' which is conducted by Technology Management, Economics and Policy Program in Seoul National University. The empirical analysis of this research is accomplished in two steps. First, a MVP model with demographic variables is estimated to analyze the effect of the characteristics of household on the purchase of each home appliances. In this research, some variables such as education level, region, size of family, average income, type of house are considered. Second, a MVP model excluding demographic variables is estimated to analyze the correlation among each home appliances. According to the estimation results of variance-covariance matrix, each households tend to own some appliances such as washing machine-refrigerator-cleaner-microwave oven, and air conditioner-dish washer-washing machine and so on. On the other hand, several products such as analog braun tube TV-digital braun tube TV and desktop PC-portable PC show a substitutive pattern. Lastly, the correlation map of home appliances are derived using multi-dimensional scaling(MDS) method based on the result of variance-covariance matrix. This research can provide significant implications for the firm's marketing strategies such as bundling, pricing, display and so on. In addition, this research can provide significant information for the development of convergence products and related technologies. A convergence product can decrease its market uncertainty, if two products which consumers tend to purchase together are integrated into it. The results of this research are more meaningful because it is based on the possession status of each household through the survey data.

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농촌 일차 보건사업에 있어서 마을건강원 업무량 및 업적에 관한 연구 (A Study on Performance and Achievement of Village Health Workers in Rural Primary Health Care Program)

  • 허달영;이명숙;염용태;김순덕
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.36-53
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    • 1987
  • It is utmostly important to establish the efficient fitable way of peoples' active participation in primary health care especially in the areas where the public or governmental service input for the basic health care is insufficient like as in rural areas of Korea. In light of above reason, this study focused mainly on the evaluation of roles and activities of village health workers (VHWs) who were selected from grass- root level of village people in order to derive further motivation for active participation. This is believed to be a sort of feedback mechanisms. Actually, the authors collected the activity reports of VHWs who had been devoting themselves in the primary health care services of Jeomdong Area, of Yeoju Gun one of Korea University Community Health Action Programmes and survey record on the VHWs activity from correspondent people. 1 hose data were analyzed through computer programmed package. The activities performed by VHWs were limited to the performance in 1985 for conveniance. The summarized results were as follows; 1) General characteristics of VHWs. Among a total of 28 VHWs in the area, about 39.3g of them have been replaced up to the date since the implementation in 1983, because of moving out, occupational employment and of others. The age of majority (75.0%) lied between the range of 30-50, and educational background of 67.9% belonged to category of primary school graduation, about 50% of them experienced to be or were also entiled "chief of women club" of corresponding villages. 2) Work-load of VHWs. Each VHW was assigned for tasks of health care for average 55 households of 248 persons. They shared approximately 6 days a month for the activity in average and it covered 17 cases of basic health care in a month. A half of the VHWs performed home visits irregularly without solidified schedule. 3) Work performance analysis. Informations collected through VHWs were compared with data from official vital registration at local administration center "Myon Office" in 1985. VHWs collected 100.8 of new born, 116.2 of death, 58.3 of move in and 74.8 of move out in comparison with 100.0 of official registration each. Pregnant women of 79.8% of mothers among the total pregnancy of 94 which were confirmed as normally delivered or aborted cases by all means afterwards had been detected by VHWs as being pregnant and all of them received some of antenatal cares by VHWs. All(100%) of delivered women were detected by VHWs through home visits and they were cared postnatally. Whereas, according to the records of birth registration, the places of delivery were clinic in 33.7%, and mother's home in 66.3%, VHWs reported them to be clinic in 48.9%, midwifery in 20.2%. It was cleared that most of misinformation was caused by uncautious filling of birth registration at notification. Among the total of 717 eligible women under age 44 years, family planning status of 92.6% was reported by VHWs confirming practice of control to be 70.8% of reported fertile women. 4) Attitude of VHW on the roles and functions. Although 92.0% of VHWs expressed VHWs to be worthwhile, only 52.0% of them had dignity and satisfaction in their activity and 44.0% of them had passive attitude of working saying they followed direction regardlessly. Concerning difficulties in performance as a VHW, 60.7% of them pointed out lacking of medical and health related knowledge by themselves. Still, 64.0% of them thought visiting unfamilier house to be awful and 40.0% complained forms of activity to be difficult and hard. It was also revealed that 56.6% confessed lack of interest on community health service itself. Most of VHWs needed more educational training especially on clinical fields such as cares of gynecological diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic diseaes of the aged. Regular on-the-job basic trainings were said to be needed twice a year.

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일부 노인의 건강행동이 건강상태에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effects of Health Behavior upon Health Status in Some Old People)

  • 김정원;김초강
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.73-95
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    • 1997
  • Elderly problem from being aging society, especially health related problem of the elderly is very serious in many parts of this country. The reason is that most of geriatric disease are chronic and debilitating. The cause of chronic and debilitating disease are bad lifestyle and wrong health habit. Health is affected by a result of interaction of environment and human being. Because of difference of lifestyle between a city and a farm village, health behavior and health status of urban elderly and rural elderly may be dissimilar. Thus the purpose of this study was to grasp health behavior and health status, to identify the factors that effect on health status of the elderly. The subfects for this study, 488 persons aged 60 and over who live in Seoul or Cheonbuk Province. The preliminary survey was carried out from Aug. 19, to Aug. 22, 1996. With complement of questions, main survey was carried out from Sep. 29, to Oco. 10, 1996. The data was analysed by using in SPSS/PC+ program. The results were as follows. 1. General Characteristics 1) In the individual characteritics of the respondents, Seoulites aged 80 and over were 24.7%, the average age was 73.14 years old and rural residents aged 60-69 were 63.7%, the average age was 68.90 years old. In Seoul, 142 men and 101 women were respondents. In Cheonbuk Province, 101 men and 144 women were answered. In Seoul, those who graduated form elementary school were 35.4%, in farming region, illiteracy persons were 44.9%. In Seoul, 47.7% of respondents had spouse and in farming village, 66.1% of respondents had spouse. 39.0% of respondents who's imcome type was independent were Seoulite, and 66.1% of respondents who's income type was independent were rural residents. Employed persons in Seoul and in rural region were 16.9% and 62.0%. 2. Health Behavior 1) For the health behavior total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant. But the score of individual item was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.001) showed better health behavior and for the farming village residents, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.01), independent income type(p〈0.05), employed person(p〈0.05) showed better health behavior. 3. Health Status 1) For the self-rated health status total score, the difference by region was statistically significant and individual item score was different and statistically significant. For ADL and IADL total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant, but individual item score was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.00l), independent income type(p〈0.05) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For rural residents, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.01), independent Income type(p〈0.001) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For the Seoul residents, younger person(p〈0.001), employed(p〈0.05) showed higher score in ADL and IADL, and for the farm area residents, younger person(p〈0.001), higher education(p〈0.01), having spouse(p〈0.001), family type(p〈0.01) showed higher score In ADL and IADL. 3) For the Seoulites, drinking(p〈0.05), breakfast(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the rural residents, drinking(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.01), washing hands before meal(p〈0.01) showed higher score In self-rated health status. For the Seoulites, deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the farm village residents, fruit(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.001) showed higher score in ADL and IADL. We carried out this study to analyze the effectiveness through health education program in short term which was performed to use the special subject activities. This study was conducted on 63 students who were first grade in S Junior High School from Dec. 1995 to Feb. 1996. To analyze the effectiveness, we performed the Pretest, 1st Posttest, and 2nd Posttest for learned health knowledge. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the students(69.8%) responded that their health were good, and they got the information for health through Mass Com.. The students who had experience of health education were 15.9%, and the 77.8% of the respondents needed the health education. 2. The means of health knowledge on tests were 18.2(Pretest), 21.5(1st Posttest), and 21.4(2nd Posttest). Increase of health knowledge between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 10.9%. 3. The mean of differences between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 3.26, it was significant(p〈0.01). And the mean of differences between Pretest and 2nd Posttest was 3.19, it was significant(p〈0.01);however, the mean of differences between 1st Posttest and 2nd Posttest was not significant(p=0.2514). 4. The significant main contents were Health Facilities(d=0.42), Pregnancy and Labor(d=0.39), Hygiene(d=0.35), Safety Education(d=0.66), and Drug Abuse(d=0.60)(p〈0.01).

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중년 여성의 식이보충제 섭취 수준에 따른 식습관 및 갱년기 증상에 관한 연구 (Dietary Habits and Climacteric Symptoms according to the Level of Food Supplement Use of Middle-aged Women)

  • 김미정;이경혜
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제42권7호
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    • pp.1054-1064
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    • 2013
  • 폐경을 전후한 중년 여성(45~60세) 745명을 대상으로 식이보충제 섭취 수준에 따라 식습관, 갱년기 증상 및 일반적 건강 특성에 차이가 있는지 살펴보았다. 식이보충제 섭취 수준은 '전혀 섭취하지 않음(None)', '한 가지를 섭취함(Single)', '두 가지 이상을 섭취함(Multi)'으로 구분하였다. 전체 대상자 중 None, Single, Multi에 속하는 비율은 각각 33.56, 33.29, 33.15%로 나타났다. 식이보충제 사용자(Single 및 Multi)는 비사용자(None)에 비하여 식이보충제에 대한 관심이 월등히 높았으며, 식이보충제가 건강증진과 갱년기증상을 완화시킨다는 신념이 유의하게 높았다(P<0.0001). 주관적인 건강상태는 Multi가 None에 비하여 유의하게 낮게 나타났다(P<0.05). 식습관(20 문항)에 대한 요인분석 결과 '식사의 규칙성', '식사의 다양성', '건강에 해로운 식품의 절제'의 세 요인이 추출되었다. 식이보충제의 섭취수준이 증가할수록 '식사의 다양성'도 상승하였으며 Multi는 None에 비하여 유의하게 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 갱년기 증상 25 문항으로부터 네 개의 요인(심리적, 신체적, 정신신체적, 홍조)이 추출되었다. 정신신체적 증상 및 홍조는 식이보충제 이용자가 비이용자에 비하여 유의하게 높았으며(P<0.001), 심리적 증상은 Single이 None에 비하여 높았다. 식이보충제의 섭취 수준과 폐경 단계는 유의한 관련성이 존재하였으며(P<0.01) Single이 폐경 중과 폐경 후 여성의 최상위 비율을 차지하였다. 종합적으로 볼 때, 폐경을 전후한 중년 여성이 인지하는 갱년기 증상이 심할수록 식사의 다양성을 유지하려 하고 식이보충제에 대한 의존도도 클 것으로 여겨진다. 본 연구는 중년 여성의 식이보충제 이용은 이들이 경험하는 갱년기 증상과 식습관과 관련성이 높음을 입증한 연구로서, 중년 여성의 건강증진을 위한 정책 수립 및 식생활 교육을 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.