• Title/Summary/Keyword: exotic tree

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Effect of Mycorrhizal Treatment on Growth of Acacia spp. On Sandy BRIS Soils in Peninsular Malaysia

  • Lee, Su See;Mansor, Patahayah;Koter, Rosdi;Lee, Don Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.5
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    • pp.516-523
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    • 2006
  • Marginal soils such as BRlS (Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales) soils and ex-tin mining land make up approximately 0.5 million ha or about 2% of Malaysia's land area. In the coastal areas of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia impoverished sandy BRIS dominates the landscape with most lying idle as there is no national management plan for their utilization. A field study was carried out to see whether mycorrhizal application had any effect on the growth of three exotic Acacia spp., i.e. Acacia auriculiformis, A. mangium and Acacia hybrid (A. auriculiformis ${\times}$ A. mangium) on BRIS soils. Two types of mycorrhizal inoculum, namely, a commercially available arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum marketed as $MycoGold^{TM}$ and an indigenous ectomycorrhizal Tomentella sp. inoculum were tested. In the initial six months, height growth of all three tree species inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum was significantly improved compared to the ectomycorrhizal inoculated and uninoculated control plants. The mycorrhizal effect was not evident thereafter and repeated application of the arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum may be necessary for continued growth enhancement. Of the three species, A. mangium had the highest relative height growth rate over the 24 months on BRlS soils.

A Study on Evaluation Standard for Revegetation Method through Monitoring of Vegetation on the Slope of Expressway (고속도로 비탈면 식생 모니터링을 통한 녹화공법 평가기준 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Jeon, Gi-Seong;Hur, Young-Jin;Park, Jong-Chul;Joo, Baek;Kang, Dae-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2020
  • A study was conducted to present the criteria for evaluating the revegetation method of the slope of the expressway. The results of comparative analysis between 2019-2020 field survey and existing research data (2015-2016) are as follows. Soil is a very important factor at the beginning of revegetation work. However, after the plant has settled, the importance of the soil composition diminishes. Among the plants used, the number of plants sown at the beginning gradually decreases. And it changes as it competes with invading plants. Among the plants used for sowing, it was found to affect the vegetation composition in the order of exotic grass > native herb and wildflower > native tree. Plant coverage is continuously evaluated as an important factor regardless of the time. The vegetation structure on the slope will change continuously over time. New items need to be evaluated in situations where a lot of time has elapsed since the application of revegetation work. It is desirable to use the current evaluation standard only to perform the evaluation within 1 to 2 years. In the long run, it is necessary to establish a new evaluation standard that adjusts the weights of each item.

Ecological Investigations on the Managed Forests in Northwestern Europe and Tree Seed-Orchard System (북구(北歐)의 우량임분(優良林分)의 생태(生態) 및 채종원(採種園) 체계(體系)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 1982
  • The outlines of superior stands, including species mixed, age classes, canopies, and ecological conditions of the stands, were examined in the forests of west Germany, Sweden, and Netherland. The establishment schemes of tree seed orchards for the production of high genetic quality seed were also investigated in the present study. 1. The meteorological conditions, abundant in precipitation and high in relative humidity, prove it to be oceanic climate characteristics in the Scandinavia located in high latitude and north-western part of Europe. The photo periodical characteristics following to day-length and the frost times determine the patterns of tree growth and distribution as well as the tree adaptability due to bud-setting and bud-flushing in Sweden forest. 2. The European forests are generally characterized by dense multistoried forest type composed of upper stories of tall tree species such as Norway spruce, fir, Scots pine and beech, lower stories of shade tolerant poles and saplings of spruce, fir, beech, and floor vegetations covered with birch, oak and hornbeam etc. 3. The single tree selection method and group shelterwood method are commonly applied for silvicultural system but shelterwood method and clearcutting method practiced partially in limited area. Badischer Femelschlagbetrieb and Bayerischer Femelschlagbetrieb are popularized to the regeneration of Schwarzwald but selection method applied in part. 4. Tree cuttings are properly limited so as not to exceed annual increment volume for the sustained yield and the preservation of ecosystem in European forest management. Land preservation and recreation function are more interested with the promotion of wood production in the forest management. 5. Careful attentions are paid to the reforestation of the introduced exotic species, such as Douglas-fir, red oak, pines from America, Japanese larch, Italian poplar etc., with concern against the insect and pest damage, and the meteorological damage. 6. Some intensive studies on tree improvement, such as selection of plus tree, selection of plus stand for seed collection, provenance trial, progeny test of clone, hybrid seed orchard for clone complexing, are performed in the countries and the great part of the seed required for reforestation are supplied from the seed orchard established in Sweden and Netherland.

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Species Identification of Wooden Elements Used for Daewungjeon Hall in the Bukjijangsa Temple, Daegu, Korea (대구 북지장사 대웅전 목부재의 수종 식별)

  • Yeon, Jung-A;Park, Won-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the species of 117 wooden elements which were used in the Daewungjeon Hall (National Treasure No. 805, constructed in A. D. 1659) of Bukjijangsa Temple, Daegu, Korea. Pillars were identified as 5 red pines (hard pines; most likely, Pinus densiflora S. et Z.), 2 Cerris section of subgenus Lepidobalanus (deciduous oaks) and 3 Tsuga spp. Hwalju columns were 3 Abies spp. and 1 red pine. Head-penetrating ties were 8 red pines and 1 Cerris sp.; Pyeongbang, 3 red pines and 6 Cerris spp. Purlins were identified as 17 red pines, 16 Cerris spp. and 1 Tsuga sp. Angle rafters were 3 red pines and 1 Cerris sp., and end angle rafters, 2 red pines, 1 Zelkova serrata and 1 exotic hard pine. All of brackets (31 woods), jangyeo (4) and deot-chunyeo (2) were identified as red pines. As a whole, red pines (70.1%) and Cerris (22.2%) were major species used in the Daewungjeon Hall of Bukjijangsa Temple. Tsuga, Abies and exotic hard pines seem imported woods used for recent repairs.

Study on the diagnosis of disturbed forest ecosystem in the Republic of Korea: in case of Daegwallyeong and Chupungryeong

  • Lee, Seon-Mi;Cha, Jae-Gyu;Moon, Ho-Gyung
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2017
  • Background: Baekdudaegan was designated in 2005 as a protected area to prevent destruction and conserve. However, there are many disturbed and destroyed areas. The total disturbed area amounts to $25.9km^2$ (0.94%), including $13.4km^2$ (0.49%) in the core area and $12.5km^2$ (0.45%) in the buffer area. This study aims to classify the vegetation types established in the disturbed areas and diagnose the current conditions for ecological restoration in the forest ecosystem. Methods: We surveyed the vegetation in the disturbed areas of Daegwallyeong and Chupungryeong and the surrounding natural areas. The survey conducted from July to September 2015 targeted a total of 54 quadrats by Braun-Blanquet method (Daegwallyeong, 22; Chupungryeong, 32). We also investigated the height and coverage of each layer. We classified the vegetation types based on the field data and analyzed the ratio of life form and the exotic plants, species richness, and vegetation index (Hcl). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated from rapideye satellite imagery in 2014 and 2015. Results: Vegetation types were classified into 11 groups according to the criteria that included successional sere or plantation at first, followed by developmental stage and origins. As a result of the analysis of the survey data, species richness, vegetation index (Hcl), ratio of tree plants, and the NDVI tended to increase, while the ratio of the exotic plants tended to decrease with the time since disturbance. These indicators had the classified values according to the vegetation types with time since the disturbance. Conclusions: These indicators can be effectively used to diagnose the conditions of the present vegetation in the disturbed area of the Baekdudaegan area. In addition, the NDVI might be effective for the diagnosis of the disturbed status instead of the human efforts based on the higher spatial resolution of satellite imagery. Appropriate diagnosis of the disturbed forests in the Baekdudaegan area considering the established vegetation types is essential for the elaboration of restoration plans. In addition, restoration target and level should be different according to the disturbed status of restoration site.

Adaptation Test of Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Korea -Thirty-six-year-old Growth Performance of Twenty-two Provenances- (구주소나무 적응성검정 시험 -22개 산지 36년생 결과-)

  • Ryu, Keun Ok;Han, Mu Seok;Kim, In Sik;Lee, Ju Hwan;Lee, Jae Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to select superior provenances of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) well adapted to Korean environment for timber production. In 1976, twenty-two provenances of Scots pine were introduced from Sweden and the seeds were sown in seed beds in March. After one year, the seedlings were transplanted to nursery beds. The resulting 1-1 seedlings of 22 provenances were planted at Whaseong in 1978. Randomized complete block design with 3 replications were used for test plantation. Each provenance was planted with 20-tree row plot in each block and at a spacing of $1.8{\times}1.8m$. The growth performance of each provenance was monitored up to 33-years after planting. There were significant differences among provenances in volume growth. F3001 provenance showed the best volume growth of 33-years after planting ($0.160m^3$), which was 2.2 times greater than that of the lowest provenance W2027 ($0.072m^3$). The ranking of provenances was stabilized after 14 years. Comparing to reference tree species, Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora), all Scots pine provenances showed poor growth performance. In other words, volume growth of Japanese red pine at age 28 and 33 were 2.1 and 3.3 times greater than that of Scots pine, respectively. Moreover, survival rate of Scots pine was lower than that of Japanese red pine. Based on these results, it was suggested that Scots pine was not suitable to Korean environments. The cause of maladaptation of Scots pine and the implications of introduction breeding were discussed.


  • Lee, Phil Woo;Park, Meung Gue
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.33-36
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    • 1966
  • 한국산(韓國産) 목재(木材)의 해부학적성질(解剖學的性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)는 일정시수원고등농림학교(日政時水原高等農林學校)(현(現) 서울대학교(大學校)의 전신(前身)) 교수(敎授)인 일본인(日本人) 산림진씨(山林進氏)에 의(依)하여 이미 수백종(數百種)이 연구보고(硏究報告)된바 있다. 그러나 현재(現在)에는 도입(導入)된 외래수종(外來樹種)이 많고 또 이들 외래수종(外來樹種)으로 부터 생산(生産)되는 국산재(國産材)가 점차(漸次) 경제적(經濟的)으로 중요성(重要性)을 가증(加增)함에 따라 이들 목재(木材)에 관(關)한 기초적(基礎的)인 성질연구(性質硏究)가 시급(時急)하다고 생각(生覺)한다. 그러므로 이 시험(試驗)에서는 한국산외래수종(韓國産外來樹種)의 목재성질(木材性質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)의 일부분(一部分)으로 수십년전(數十年前)에 도입(導入)되어 비교적(比較的) 중요(重要)하다고 인정(認定)되는 일본원산(日本原産) 외래수종(外來樹種)의 목재(木材)에 관(關)한 현미경적성질(顯微鏡的性質)을 조사(調査)하여 보고(報告)하고져 한다. 이 시험(試驗)에서 사용(使用)된 공시재(供試材)는 경기도(京畿道) 수원(水原) 연습림(演習林)과 전라남도(全羅南道) 광양연습림(光陽演習林)에 생장(生長)하고 있는 35~48년생(年生)의 소나무, 곰솔, 일본잎갈나무, 일본젓나무, 편백, 삼나무, 및 일본목련 등 7개(個) 수종(樹種)에서 건전(健全)한 15개체(個體)가 선정시험(選定試驗)되었으며 결과(結果)는 중요(重要)한것들만 수종별(樹種別)로 종합(綜合)되었고 원문(原文)과 같이 간략(簡略)하게 기재(記載)되었다.

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Microbe Hunting: A Curious Case of Cryptococcus

  • Bartlett Karen H.;Kidd Sarah;Duncan Colleen;Chow Yat;Bach Paxton;Mak Sunny;MacDougall Laura;Fyfe Murray
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2005
  • C. neoformans-associated cryptococcosis is primarily a disease of immunocompromised persons, has a world-wide distribution, and is often spread by pigeons in the urban environment. In contrast, C. gattii causes infection in normal hosts, has only been described in tropical and semi-tropical areas of the world, and has a unique niche in river gum Eucalyptus trees. Cryptococcosis is acquired through inhalation of the yeast propagules from the environment. C. gattii has been identified as the cause of an emerging infectious disease centered on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. No cases of C. gattii-disease were diagnosed prior to 1999; the current incidence rate is 36 cases per million population. A search was initiated in 2001 to find the ecological niche of this basidiomycetous yeast. C. gattii was found in the environment in treed areas of Vancouver Island. The highest percentage of colonized-tree clusters were found around central Vancouver Island, with decreasing rates of colonization to the north and south. Climate, soil and vegetation cover of this area, called the Coastal Douglas fir biogeoclimatic zone, is unique to British Columbia and Canada. The concentration of airborne C. gattii was highest in the dry summer months, and lowest during late fall, winter, and early spring, months which have heavy rainfall. The study of the emerging colonization of this organism and subsequent cases of environmentally acquired disease will be informative in planning public health management of new routes of exposure to exotic agents in areas impacted by changing climate and land use patterns.

Natural Regeneration in the Plantations of Pinus koraiensis and Larix kaempferi in Yangyang-Gun, South Korea

  • Park, YeongDae;Lee, DonKoo;Choi, SeonDeok;Kwon, SoonDuk
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2011
  • The forest of Korea had been severely degraded since early 1900s until 1950s. Korean Government has successfully accomplished the reforestation works since 1960s. However, some plantations showed poor survival and growth caused by ignoring site characteristics in selecting plantation species and lack of tending works such as thinning. The natural regeneration of indigenous species, such as Quercus species and Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc., were examined in the plantations of Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc. and Larix kaempferi Fortune ex Gordon. Quercus species regenerated mainly by sprouting while P. densiflora regenerated naturally from a few mother trees that remained in the plantations. P. koraiensis showed poor survival ($IVI{\leq}25%$) and suppressed growth (height ${\leq}3m$ and $DBH{\leq}3cm$ at 20 year-old) by Quercus species or P. densiflora in the plantation areas, however had high survival ($IVI{\geq}70%$) and growth (8 m height and 14.1 cm DBH at 20 year-old) in areas where silvicultural practices were conducted. L. kaempferi showed good survival ($IVI{\geq}40%$) and growth (17.2 m height and 16.3 cm DBH at 30 year-old) mostly in valley areas, while it was nearly dead ($IVI{\leq}10%$) in ridge or ridge-slope areas and was replaced by indigenous species such as Quercus species ($IVI{\geq}25{\sim}55%$) or P. densiflora ($IVI{\geq}18{\sim}50%$).

Transferability of EST SSR-Markers from Foxtail Millet to Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa esculenta)

  • Myung Chul Lee;Yu-Mi Choi;Myoung-Jae Shin;Hyemyeong Yoon;Seong-Hoon Kim
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2020
  • A large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in public databases have provided an opportunity for the systematic development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. EST-SSRs derived from conserved coding sequences show considerable cross-species transferability in related species. In the present study, we assessed the utility of foxtail millet EST-SSRs in barnyard millet. A total of 312 EST-SSRs of foxtail millet were tested using 84 Echinochloa crus-galli germplasm accessions; a high rate of transferability (62%) and 46 primer sets (13%) were shown the polymorphism in barnyard millet. The 13% of functional EST-SSRs) was demonstrated between cereals and barnyard millet. SSR marker profile data were scored for the computation of pairwise distances as well as a Neighbor Joining (NJ) tree of all the genotypes. The averaged values of gene diversity (HE) and polymorphism information content (PIC) were 0.213 and 0.179 within populations, respectively. The 84 barnyard millet germplasm accessions were divided into five different groups, which agreed well with their geographical origins. The exotic 12 accessions of India type barnyard millet (E. frumentacea) were all separated form Korean local collection genotype. The present results provide evidence of divergence between cultured and wild type barnyard, as a millet and grass. The polymorphic SSR markers indicated in this study were of great value in analysis of genetic diversity that can be further used for crop improvement through breeding.

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