• 제목/요약/키워드: ethical ideology

검색결과 25건 처리시간 0.023초

Consumers' Perceptions toward Immoral Shopping Behaviors in Apparel Retailing

  • Lee, Mi-Young
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the differences of consumers' perception toward immoral shopping behavior when they shop in apparel retail stores by consumer characteristics such as ethical ideology and gender. Forsyth's(1980) ethical ideology measuring idealism and relativism was used. Three hundred twenty-five college students enrolled at a large university located in a metropolitan area participated in the study. These students were divided into four groups on the basis of their ethical ideology: situationist, subjectivist, exceptionist, or absolutist. A series of factor analyses revealed three factors of immoral shopping behaviors: shoplifting, active immoral shopping behaviors, and passive immoral shopping behaviors. The four groups significantly differed in regard to their perceptions toward active immoral shopping behaviors and passive immoral shopping behaviors. T-tests revealed that females tended to perceive shoplifting and passive immoral shopping behavior factor worse than males. The results of this study would be used for developing consumer educational programs and retail training programs.

환경교육에서 과학적 지식과 윤리적 가치의 관계 (Thre Relationaship of Scientific Knowledge and Ethical Value in Environmental Education)

  • 김정호
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to review the meaning and problems of Scientific Knowledge and Ethical Value in Environmental Education. The ultimate goal of environmental education is shaping proenvironmental human behavior. The factors of human behavioral decision making are ideology, value, attitude and behavioral intentions. Ideology is a kind of belief system used by social groups to interpret their social world. The main elements of belief system are knowledge and value. The traditional thinking in education has been that we can change behavior by making human beings more knowledgeable and more valuable. In environmental education, the aim of scientific inquiry is to analysis cause-effect relation of human beings behavior and environmental phenomenon, and ethical education is to change the mind of human beings from zero-sum to positive-sum about the relations between human beings and natural environments. But, there are many problems of knowledge education and value education in environmental education. For example scientific knowledge without ethical value is dangerous to environment protection, and ethical value without scientific knowledge is vague. Therefore, we must recognize that the relationship of ethical value and scientific knowledge is not substitutional but complementary. The teaching-learning methods which can integrate knowledge and value in environmental education are rational decision making model. For this model, we can construct teaching contents with inquiry materials. To earn the benefits of specialization among several subjects in environmental education, social studies can focus on social science knowledge and decision making, science education can focus on pure natural science knowledge and scientific investigation, moral education can focus on problems of ethical value system, home economics can focus on practical action and environmental education(Environments in middle school, Ecology and Environments in high school) can integrate social-national science knowledge and ethical value in broad perspective about human beings and ecosystem. That is the method to protect from law of diminishing marginal utility of learning in environmental education.

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윤리교과교육의 학문적 정체성비판과 근본적 문제 (The Criticism of Scientific Identity of Moral Subject and It's Basic Problem)

  • 장영란
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제27호
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    • pp.387-415
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    • 2009
  • 한국 사회에서 도덕, 윤리 교육의 위기는 학문적 정체성을 명확히 확립하지 못한 데에서 출발한다. 일제시대에는 식민지 의식을 고취하기 위해 '수신'과목으로 출발하여, 미군정기 이후에는 '국민윤리'로서 개칭되면서 순수한 의미의 도덕교육과 일종의 반공교육과 정치 이데올로기 교육을 결합시켜 정체불명의 교과목을 만들어 정권 선전의 의도와 역할을 공공연히 담당하도록 만들었다. 그러나 윤리교육의 학적 근거는 윤리학이며, 윤리학은 철학의 분과 학문이다. 이러한 명확한 사실을 피하기 위해서 일부 학자들은 도덕, 윤리 교과의 학제적 성격은 말하지만, 이것이 오히려 기존의 도덕, 윤리 교과의 학적 근거를 다른 학문에 나눠주는 예상치 못한 결과를 초래하여 교육학에 교사 자격을 허용하게 만들고, 나아가 사회학에 교과가 통합될 위기에 처할 빌미를 제공해버리고 말았다. 윤리학의 모학문인 철학은 이미 고대로부터 학제적 성격이 아닌 통합학문의 이념을 가지고 있었으므로 다른 학문들에서 학적 근거를 찾을 필요가 없다. 이제 도덕, 윤리 교육은 다시 순수한 의미의 도덕, 윤리의 역할을 되찾을 필요가 있다. 과거의 체제수호적인 반공교육이나 사회과학적 정치 교육은 해당 과목에 귀속시키고 윤리교육의 본래적 목적을 구현하여 현행 도덕 교과서의 학습 목표에 따라 다양한 도덕 문제들을 "합리적으로 해결할 수 있는 판단능력"과 "삶의 이상과 원리를 체계화하여 실천할 수 있는 도덕적 성향을 길러" 주는데 역점을 두어야 할 것이다.

Determinants for the Social Acceptance of New Emerging Science and Technology: The Case of Genetically Modified Foods

  • Kim, Seoyong
    • STI Policy Review
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.136-158
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    • 2013
  • This study identifies the structural determinants of the social acceptance of genetically modified (GM) foods across European countries. Toward this end, we suggest an integrated theoretical model to explain the social acceptance of GM foods by including both perception factors (perceived benefit, perceived risk, feelings, trust, and knowledge) and value factors (ethical concerns, science optimism, religiosity, and ideology). This model is then tested by analyzing survey data collected from 18,634 Europeans in 32 countries. The results indicate that first, not only perception factors but also value factors significantly contribute to explaining the acceptance of GM foods. Second, perceived benefits, perceived risk, feelings, and ethical concerns tend to be the four biggest determinants for acceptance. Third, this two-factor model could be generalized even with variation across countries. Finally, ethical concerns and scientific optimism play a moderating role between predictors and outcomes in the acceptance of GM foods.

황윤석 시조의 교술적 성격과 작가 의식 (A study of the didactic character of Huang Yunseok's sijo and it's implications for his poetic intentions)

  • 전재강
    • 한국시조학회지:시조학논총
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.207-234
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    • 2003
  • 이 논문에서는 조선 후기 사대부 시조에서 중요한 위치를 차지하는 황윤석 시조의 성격과 그 작품에 나타난 작가 의식을 논의했다. 사실을 제시하거나 교훈을 내리는 내용을 표현함으로써 황윤석 시조는 교술적 성격을 가지게 되었다. 사실의 중심 내용은 군주의 격려, 군주의 생일과 기일, 벼슬 제수 등 군은 관련 사항과 선산의 풍수적 빼어남, 선조의 훌륭한 행적, 가문의 아름다운 전통, 작가의 출생지, 태몽 등 집안 관련 사항들로 되어 있다. 교훈의 중심 내용은 유교 학문의 목적, 성선설의 입장, 인간 심성의 특성, 심성 수양의 방법 등 심성 수양 관련 사항과 오륜, 부부유별, 남녀유별 등 유교 실천 윤리 관련 사항들로 되어 있다. 황윤석은 시조에서 정치, 경제적으로 상승하려는 의식과 이념을 지향하는 의식을 표현했다. 정치적 참여의 기회를 부여한 군주에 대한 절대적 충성을 보이거나 치국이나 평천하의 준비를 갖춘 가문에 대한 자랑을 하는 과정에서 상승 지향적 의식을 드러냈고, 주로 유교 윤리의 철저한 실천이나 전통 성리학의 고수, 인물성동논의 주장으로 현실적 문제를 극복하고자 한데서 이념 지향 의식을 드러냈다. 정치ㆍ경제적 상승과 이념 지향적 작자 의식의 작용으로 작품은 교술적 성격을 상당 부분 가지게 되었고, 사실의 전달과 가르침의 제시라는 교술적 효과를 높이려는 과정에서 직설적 표현의 방법을 선택했다.

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후기 라깡이론에서 실재에 관한 연구 (Study of the Real in the Post-Lacanian Theory)

  • 박수진
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.60-80
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    • 2004
  • This study aims at the observation of the Real in the Post-Lacanian theory. It is focused on two questions as ideology and fantasy. On this basis Slavoj $\v{Z}i\v{z}ek$ has rearticulated the theory of ideology by reexamining Althusser's version of it critically. The ideology is the logic of fantasy based on the foreclosure. And the ethical act of identifying with the symptom is absolutely called for in order to radically rearticulate it. The really key element in the concept is now found to be Lacanian object a, the symptom as jouissance. In additional, the two part of the study, far from belonging to two different domains, that of political analysis and artistic analysis, relate to each other like the two surfaces of a Moebius band. Finally, the role of the Lacanian real is radically ambiguous: true, it erupts in, the form of a traumatic return, derailing the balance of the Order, but it serves at the same time as a support of this very balance. The real functions here not as something that resists symbolization, as a meaningless leftover that can not be integrated into the symbolic universe, but on the contrary, as its last support.

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직업이데올로기로서의 한국 언론윤리의 형성과정 (The Process of Construction of Korean Journalism Ethics as Job Ideology)

  • 남재일
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제50권
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구는 언론윤리를 기자집단의 직업이데올로기로 보고 한국 언론윤리가 형성되는 역사적 과정에 나타나는 특수한 조건들을 언론윤리의 형성에 개입하는 사회적 관계들의 변화를 중심으로 분석함으로써 한국 언론윤리의 성격을 해석하고자 했다. 이를 통해 한국 언론윤리의 정립을 위한 언론현장의 실천 전략과 언론윤리 논의의 바람직한 방향을 제안하고자 했다. 그래서 한국 기자들의 직업적 위치 변화 추이와 언론윤리 담론의 전개양상을 분석했다. 분석결과 한국의 언론윤리 담론은 윤리의 전제가 되는 직업적 자율성이 확보되지 않은 상태에서 외부의 압력에 대응하는 도구적이고 수사적인 방편으로 이용되었음이 밝혀졌다. 그 결과 한국 언론윤리의 성격은 언론윤리 강령의 수사적 성격, 구조화된 인식과 실천의 괴리, 책임과 윤리의 개념적 혼동 등의 특징을 나타내고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 따라서 직업이데올로기로서 언론윤리의 정립을 위해서는 윤리에 접근하는 기자집단 내부의 방식이나 사회적 논의의 양상이 기자의 직업적 현실에 충실해야 한다는 것이 이 연구의 결론이다.

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영화 <5일의 마중>으로 본 현대 중국 비극 영화의 특성 연구 (A Study on the Characteristics in Chinese Contemporary Tragic Films - Focused on the film -)

  • 우잉저
    • 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 영화 <5일의 마중>의 줄거리와 결말 설정에서의 구체적인 표현을 분석하며, 정치적 환경에 직면하여 감독의 문화적 화합의 비극적인 서사 전략을 분석하여 현대 중국 비극 영화의 비극 특성을 살펴보도록 한다. 이를 통하여 중국 전통 윤리 사상을 중심으로 하는 중국식 비극 특성을 소개하는데 목적이 있다. 영화 <5일의 마중>은 문화대혁명 배경으로 한 현대 비극 영화이다. 영화에서는 남자 주인공이 시대에 대한 타협과 사랑에 대한 남다른 수호를 통하여 중국식 비극 특성을 표현하였다. 이 영화는 현대 중국 비극 영화의 대표작이다. 영화의 줄거리는 숙명론, 낙천지명(樂天知命) 등 중국 전통 윤리사상을 묘사하며, 또한 남자 주인공의 사상 변화 묘사를 통하여 중국의 전통 윤리 사상 중의 고유한 비극 특성을 해석하였다. 결말 설정 측면에서는 영화가 중국의 전통적인 비극 중의 해피엔딩의 패턴을 돌파하며, 끝까지 슬퍼하는 열린 결말을 선택하여 현대 중국 비극 영화의 시대적 특징을 더욱 살렸다. <5일의 마중>은 비극 영화로 하여 독특한 완곡함과 온정이 드러났다. 이는 중국 강권 정치 문화와의 타협 때문만이 아니라 중국식 비극의 미학에 대한 감독의 이해와 관련이 된다. 동양의 감정 표현 구조와전통 유가의 윤리적 표현에서 비롯된 이러한 이성은 영화의 서사 구조에서 지대한 장력을 형성하였다. 영화 언어의 상징 기호를 사용함으로써 비극적 미적 감각에 영화 서사의 함축적 특징을 형성하였는데, 이러한 함축성 또한 현대 중국 비극 영화만 고유한 것이다. 또한 장이머우 감독은 이 영화를 통해 자신의 비극적 의식을 표현하고, 문화적 화해를 통해 비극적 서사 전략을 구사하며 정치적 탄압 속에서 예술적 돌파를 추구하는 자신의 창작 지혜를 보여주었다.

박근형 연극에 나타난 가족 이데올로기에 대한 비판적 인식 (A Study on Critical Understanding of Family Ideologies in Geun Hyung Park's Plays)

  • 김숙경
    • 한국연극학
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    • 제48호
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    • pp.85-125
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    • 2012
  • Geun Hyung Park is one of the playwrights who consistently pursues his unique world of play. One of the characteristics that is constantly discovered in Park's plays is the motif of 'family.' Park chooses family as the motif in most of his work. Park particularly emphasizes 'family life' rather than 'individual life' to focus on the internal problems of families. Therefore, the motif of family in Park's plays takes a very important position in the content and theme. The Korean society imposes unique value on families and possesses a strictly obstinate family ideology. Park observes distorted family relations or individuals who cannot be happy within their families to identify the problems related to the family ideology that is deeply rooted in the Korean society. This is one of the important backgrounds for which Park is constantly dealing with 'family life.' This study selected five of Park's most famous plays to specifically examine Park's critical understanding of family ideology. First, his criticizes extreme family egoism by depicting a family that cannibalizes people to keep the family full. Park chooses 'absurd time and space' and the extreme subject of 'human flesh' to warn his audiences about the awful consequences of family egoism. His , which is the only piece that deals with family history among the five pieces selected, criticizes Korea's unique family-centered ideology by humorously depicting the history of the Cho family that is all about maintaining and worshipping the its clan. He reveals the unethical and hypocritical attitudes of the Cho family for the audiences to reconsider the family-centered ideology of the Korean society. In , he talks about the son and the father who lose his ethical authority and fail to perform his paternal responsibilities to criticize the traditional family ideology of patriarchism and suggests the pessimistic future of patriarchism. contrasts a blood-related family with an irresponsible father and a quasi-family to criticize the identity of blood-related families. In , Park depicts a 'smelly house' of a family in agonizing relations to deny the family myth and the maternal myth. He clearly shows how the ideals of family myth and maternal myth are distant from the reality. In result of this study, Park's criticism of family ideology appears in various forms. He comprehensively criticizes both the general family problems and the unique family issues of Korea. The family ideology of Korea is currently undergoing a radical change. It has been long since the traditional family ideologies have exposed problems to show the signs of crisis. Also, there have emerged various forms of families, including single-parent families, one-person families, adoption families, and multi-cultural families. In this respect, Park's critical understanding of family ideologies allows you to see the obvious family forms from a new perspective and greatly contributes to awakening the essential questions about families. Park's work is noticeable among the various artistic and literature pieces that deal with family issues because of his extraordinary skills to capture the key issues inherent in the problems of family ideologies.

해롤드 핀터의 『길 떠나기 전 한잔』에 나타난 폭력과 윤리적 주체 (Violence and an Ethical Figure in Harold Pinter's One for the Road)

  • 이선현
    • 영미문화
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.103-137
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    • 2018
  • Harold Pinter's One for the Road(1984) is a play about violence. Nicholas, who appears to be the manager of a place, interrogates Victor, Nicky, and Victor's wife Gila in a room for one day from morning to night. There is no direct physical violence in this play. But hints about the atrocities that took place outside the stage make the audience guess the violence and cruelty. Violence, which is not seen as such, is the central theme of the play. One for the road is worth reading as a resistance to breaking the mirror of global ideology, not as it deals with violent events confined to Turkey. The problem which Pinter had in mind, in particular, is that the United States plays a leading role in producing world-class ideologies, and that Britain is involved in collusion with the United States in cultivating such ideological fantasies, both abroad and at home. This thesis analyzes the contrasting reactions of each character in the play based on this social context. In particular, the conflicting reactions of the characters on the system are the most important conflict in the drama. Nicolas is a manager who moves on the system without seeing the truth. Victor and his family, on the other hand, do not move within the same ideology as Nicholas. This paper will take a look at what their strategies of resistance is and how they are revealed in the work. In fact, Nicholas appears split. Nicholas seemingly reacted decisively to the interpellation of the system. He expresses his belief and respect for the legitimacy of his actions. However, he has repeatedly sought the respect and love of Victor. Nicholas is now swaying. The theme that Nicholas presents consciously by grabbing at his own sway is 'Patriotism.' But this fantasy splits through Victor's silence and death demands. Therefore, the questions to be answered are: So why does Nicolas appear to be torn apart in a system that directs violence? But why is he forced to assimilate into the system? What other figures imply? To answer these questions, this thesis will take Slavoj Zizek's view of ideology. On the other hand, there are previous studies that read the system of violence in One for the road from the Althusser's perspective. Surely, this play explores the role of Ideological State Apparatus. However, from the point of view of Althusser, it is not possible to read Nicholas's division and the point of resistance seen by Victor's family. Pinter does not limit the scope of the ideological system as a closed one that regenerates ideologies, but secures the domain of main body resistance and struggle. On the other hand, there are already several domestic theses that read Pinter's work in Zizek's perspective. But these theses are mainly focused on analysis of Mountain Language. What this thesis would suggest is that there is a potential for an ethical figure of Zizek to be considered in One for the Road.