• Title/Summary/Keyword: essential oil yields

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Composition of Essential Oil of Tagetes minuta L. (만수국아재비의 정유성분 조성)

  • Hong, Chul-Un;Kim, Cheol-Sang;Kim, Nam-Gyun;Kim, Young-Hoi
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2001
  • The essential oils from the aerial parts of Tagetes minuta L. from two different locations in Korea were obtained by hydrodistillation in 0.52%(Goheung, Chonnam) and 0.48% yields(Puan, Chonbuk) as a dry weight base, respectively. A total of 69 components, accounting in 94.7% and 92.1% of the oil, respectively were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis and comparison of retention indices with those of authentic compounds. The main components in both samples(Goheung, Chonnam and Puan, Chonbuk) were limonene(5.83% and 6.41%, respectively), $cis-{\beta}-ocimene$ (4.87% and 47.73%), dihydrotagetone(14.78% and 52.83%), trans-tagetone(0.64% and 2.99%), cis-tagetone(1.13% and 2.50%), trans-tagetenone(1.15% and 11.45%) and cis-tagetenone(0.69% and 1.41 %). Although these components were present in both samples, the results showed large differences in the percentage composition of these components.

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The Comparison of Chemical Compounds in Korean and Chinese Sesame Seeds" (한국산 및 중국산 참깨의 화학성분 비교)

  • 권영주;이정일;등개야;성창근;오만진
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.194-199
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    • 1999
  • Sesame samples used in this study were Korean variety cultivated in Chochiwon City of Korea (KvKc), Chinese variety cultivated in Jilin Province of China(CvCc), Chinese variety cultivated in Chochiwon city of Korea(CvKc) and Korean variety cultivated in Jilin Province of China(KvCc). The extraction yields of sesame oils from KvKc, CvCc, CvKc and KvCc were 47.8%, 48.1%, 48.6% and 49.3% respectively. The color value (L value) of sesame oil from KvKc was lower than that of CvCc and KvKc sesame oil showed dark brown color. The composition of neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid of free lipids from KvKc and U sesame oils were 93.1%, 6.6%, 0.2% and 94.7%, 4.6%, 0.8% respectively. Major fatty acids of KvKc and CvCc sesame were usaturated fatty acids, such as oleic and linoleic acid. Total composition of the two major fatty acids of KvKc was 84.6% which was almost same with that of CvCc. However the composition of oleic and linoleic acid of KvKc were 47.1% and 37.5%, while the composition of CvCc were 40.5% and 44.3%. When cross-cultivated, the composition of oleic and linoleic acid of CvKc were 41.0% and 43.5%, while the composition of KvCc were 42.0% and 43.7%. The contents of total amino acids and essential amino acids of KvKc were 713 mg% and 309 mg%, which were much higher than those of CvCc. When cross-cultivated, the content of total amino acids of KvCc was 44% lower than that of KvKc while the content of total amino acids of CvKc was 36% higher than that of CvCc.

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Effect of Ultrafiltration on the Components of Sesame Protein Concentrates (한외여과가 참깨박 농축단백질의 성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Jeong-Ryae;Park, Jyung-Rewng;Kim, Jin;Yoon, See-Hye
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 1995
  • Defatted sesame flour is the by-products obtained after oil extracting process. Although this flour has high quality and quantity of protein its use is limited only for animal feed and fertilization. Sesame seeds contain antinutrients such as oxalate, phytate and phenol compounds and these compounds lower their nutritive value. recently, ultrafiltration(UF) has been used to concentrate protein from various food sources. This study was carried out to examine the effects of UF with different membrane pore size on the components of sesame protein concentrates including antinutrients and to compare with that of conventional acid-precipitated sesame protein isolate. The protein contents of sesame protein concentrates prepared by JF using 10K, 30K, 100K were 84.2%, 82.7%, 76.4% and the protein yields were 36.44%, 34.69, 31.43% and the protein contents was 88.7% Alkali extraction process at pH 9.0 followed by UF technique reduced oxalate and phytate content. There were 85% and 94% reduction of oxalate and phytate content by UF with membrane pore size of 100K daltons, respectively. However, the content of total phenol compounds was not reduced by this method. About 99% of calcium and 50% of zinc were removed by UF with membrane of 100K daltons. total essential amino acid contents of sesame protein concentrates prepared by UF were decreased slightly when compared with acid-precipitated sesame protein concentrate.

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