• Title/Summary/Keyword: esophageal carcinoma

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External Beam Radiotherapy Alone in Advanced Esophageal Cancer (진행된 식도암의 방사선 단독치료 성적)

  • Ahn Sung Ja;Chung Woong Ki;Nah Byung Sik;Nam Taek Keun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2000
  • Purpose :We peformed the retrospective analysis to find the outcome of external beam radiotherapy alone in advanced esophageal cancer patients. Methods and Materials : One hundred and six Patients treated with external beam radiotherapy alone between July 1990 and December 1996 were analyzed retrospectively. We limited the site of the lesions to the thoracic esophagus and cell type to the squamous cell carcinoma. Follow-up was completed in 100 patients (94$\%$) and ranged from 1 month to 92 months (median; 6 months). Results :The median age was 62 years old and male to female ratio was 104 2. Fifty-three percent was the middle thorax lesion and curative radiotherapy was peformed in 83$\%$. Mean tumor dose delivered with curative aim was 58.6 Gy (55$\~$70.8 Gy) and median duration of the radiation therapy was 53 days. The median survival of all patients was 6 months and )-year and 2-year overall survival rate was 27$\%$ and 12$\%$, respectively, Improvement of dysphagia was obtained in most patients except for 7 patients who underwent feeding gastrostomy. The complete response rate immediately after radiation therapy was 32$\%$ (34/106). The median survival and 2-year survival rate of the complete responder was 14 months and 30$\%$ respectively, while those of the nonresponder was 4 months and 0$\%$ respectively (p=0.000). The median survival and 2-year survival rate of the patients who could tolerate regular diet was 9 months and 16$\%$ while those of the patients who could not tolerate regular diet was 3 months and 0$\%$, respectively (p=0.004). The survival difference between the patients with S cm or less tumor length and those with more than 5 cm tumor length was marginally statistically significant (u=0,06). However, the survival difference according to the periesophageal invasion or mediastinal tyrnphadenopathy in the chest CT imaging study was not statistically significant in this study. In a multivariate analysis, the statistically significant covariates to the survival were complete response to radiotherapy, tumor length, and initial degree of dysphagia in a decreasing order. The complication was observed in 10 patients (9$\%$). Conclusion :The survival outcome for advanced esophageal cancer patients treated by external beam radiotherapy alone was very poor. In the treatment of these patients, the brachytherapy and chemotherapy should be added to improve the treatment outcome.

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Results of Radiotherapy With and Without Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancers (식도암의 방사선치료 결과 고찰)

  • Kim Sang Bo;Yun Sangs Mo;Ryu Samuel;Park In Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 1991
  • This is a retrospective study of 62 patients with unresected squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus treated by radiotherapy alone (25 patients) or combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy (37 patients). Of these, 14 of 25 patients treated by radiation therapy alone and 25 of 37 patients treated by combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy completed radiotherapy consisting of 55 to 60 Gy in 5 to 6 weeks and were analyzed for local control rate and survival rate. Follow up ranged from 6 days to 58 months. Three ($8\%$) of 39 patients had a complete response, twenty-eight ($72\%$) a partial response and eight ($20\%$) minimal or no response. Overall median survival was 11 months for all stages. The 1 year and 2 year actuarial survival rates were $48.6\%$ and $13\%$ respectively. Age and stage had prognostic significances (p <0.05, p<0.05 respectively). The 1 year survival rate was $70.1\%$ for stage I, $47.6\%$ for stage II, and $28.4\%$ for stage III. The median survival was 19 months for stage I, 11 months for stage II, 6 months for stage III, and 5.5 months for stage III with distant metastases. The 1 year survival rate of patients 55 years and above was $69.6\%$, 54 years and below was $0\%$. There was no significant difference in survival rate between treatment modalities, locations of tumor, and responses of tumor.

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Expression of CDX2 and Villin in Gastric Cardiac Intestinal Metaplasia and the Relation with Gastric Cardiac Carcinogenesis

  • Xiao, Zhong-Yue;Ru, Yi;Sun, Jiang-Tao;Gao, She-Gan;Wang, Yu-Feng;Wang, Li-Dong;Feng, Xiao-Shan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.247-250
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    • 2012
  • Objective: To determine whether CDX2 and villin protein expression are associated with intestinal metaplasia (IM) in gastric cardiac mucosa and to explore the relationship with evolution of gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma (GCA). Methods: We studied 143 gastric cardiac biopsy or resection specimens from Henan province China, including 25 cardiac gastritis specimens with IM, 65 dysplasia specimens with IM and 35 gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma specimens and stained them for CDX2 and villin by the immunohistochemical SP method. 15 normal gastric cardiac biopsy specimens were also collected as control. Results: (1) Normal gastric mucosa presented no CDX2 and villin expression. The positive rates of CDX2 protein in cardiac gastritis with IM, dysplasia with IM, and carcinoma tissues were 84.0% (21/25), 66.7% (32/48) and 36.4% (20/55), respectively. While the positive rates of villin protein in cardiac gastritis with IM, dysplasia with IM, and carcinoma tissues were 76.0% (19/25), 70.8% (34/48) and 45.5% (25/55), respectively. There were significant differences among the three groups for both CDX2 and villin (P<0.01). Spearman's rank correlation coefficient(rho) showed a close correlation between the two proteins (r=0.843, P<0.01) and both were positively related with tumor differentiation (both P<0.05), but not associated with age, sex, invasion and metastasis of lymph node (P>0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that ectopic expression of CDX2 and villin may be involved in early-stage IM and tumorigenesis in gastric cardia and the expression of villin may be regulated by CDX2.

Therapeutic Effect of Combined Radiotherapy and Hyperthermia in Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma (원발성 간암의 방사선치료및 온열요법의 병용치료 효과)

  • Kang Ki Mun;Choi Ihl Bohng;Kay Chul Seung;Choi Byung Ok;Chung Su Mi;Kim In Ah;Han Sung Tae;Sun Hee Sik;Chung Kyu Won;Shinn Keyong Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 1994
  • Purpose : This study was undertaken to show the clinical results of combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia in primary hepatoma Materials and Methods : Between December 1989 and March 1993, 50 patients with hepatomas were treated by combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia. Among them, we analyzed retrospectively 33 patients who received the complete course of treatment. The ages of the patients ranged from 36 to 75(mean age: 55.5 years). Twenty-six patients ($78.8\%$) were men, and 7 ($21.2\%$ were women. According to Child's classification, nine patients ($27.3{\%}$) were A group, 9 ($27.3\%$) were B group, 15 ($45.4\%$) were C group. Radiation therapy was done by a 6 MV and 15 MV linear accelerator. Patients were treated with daily fractions of 150-180 cCy to doses of 2550 cGy -4950 cGy (median : 3000 cGy). Local hyperthermia was done by 8 MHZ RF capacitive heating device (Cancermia. Green Cross Co., Korea), 50-60 min/session, 1-2 sessions/wk, and 8.5 sessions (median number)/patient. We analyzed the prognostic factors including age, sex, tumor type, Child's classification, $\alpha$-fetoprotein, liver cirrhosis, ascites, portal vein invasion, esophageal varix, number of hyperthermia, chemotherapy, total bilirubin level, Karnofsky perfomance status. Results : The overall 1-year survival was $24.2\%$, with a mean survival of 10months. Of 33 patients, tumor regression (PR+MR) was seen in $30.4\%$, no response was seen in $52.2\%,\;17.4\%$ patient was progressed. In patients who had tumor regression, the overall 1-year survival was $42.1\%$ with a mean survival of 14 months. Factors influencing the survival were sex (p=0.05), tumor type (p=0.0248), Child's classification (p=0.0001), liver cirrhosis (p=0.0108), ascites (p=0.0009), and Karnofsky perfomance status (p=0.0028). Complications developed in 28 patients, including 18 hot pain,5 fat necrosis, 3 transient fever, 2 nausea and vomiting. Conclusion : In this study, the results suggests that combined radiotherauy and hyperthermia may improve the survival rate of hepatoma.

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Cervical Esophagogastric Anastomosis with Endo Stapler (흉강경용 봉합기를 이용한 경부 식도위 문합술)

  • 김광택;손호성
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1003-1009
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    • 1996
  • Although esophagogastric (EG) anastomosis with a circular surgical stapler (EEA or ILS) is a safe find convenient proc dure with less anastomotic leakage, a concern for the anastomotic stricture still remains, especially in patients with small esophagus. We modified cervical EG anastomotic technique using straight thoracoscopic endostapler to prevent EG anastomotic stricture. Prospective clinical study was performed to determine the feasibility of our modification using Endo-GIA (US Surgical Corp., Worwalk), during the period from October, 1994 to July, 1995, in thirteen patients with carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus. A stomach tube was reanastomosed to the cervical esophagus utilizing a 30 mm Endo-GIA after esophagectomy and node dissection. There was one early mortality due to respiratory failure and pulmonary tuberculosis. Anastomotic leakage with resultant stricture was noticed in one patient, and it was re- lated to ischemic necrosis of the stomach tube. The overall incidence of stricture was 7.6 % (1113). During the 8 month follow-up period, the remaining 11 patients did not show any clinica evidence of stricture such as dysphagia. All patients were on a regular diet. We conclude that our new technique for cervical EG anastomosis with GIA-Endo stapler is a safe and convenient procedure in preventing anastomotic stricture.

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The Role of Radiotherapy in Esophageal Cancer (식도암에 있어서 방사선치료의 역할)

  • Choi, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Jung-Soo;Park, Charn-Il
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1985
  • A retrospective analysis was undertaken of 46 patients who were referred with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus during the period of March 1979 through October 1982, and who were treated by curative radiotherapy in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology Seoul National University Hospital. The overall two-year actuarial survival rate was $20\%$ Survival was analyzed with respect to the site of the cancer, its size, radiation dose, and degree of response. Patients with the best two-year survival rate are the ones who had the tumor no of more than 5cm in length $(39.3\%)$ or confined to the upper third of the esophagus $(29.5\%)$. An optimum radiation dose ranged from 1600 to 1700 rets. Patients to complete response had $42.4\%$ of two-year actuarial survival, but those to no response had $0\%$ of survival.

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Second primary cancer in reconstructed neopharynx: a case report (재건된 새 인두의 이차암에 대한 증례 보고서)

  • Kang, Karam;Han, Hye Min;Kim, Hyunjung;Baek, Seung-Kuk;Jung, Kwang Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2017
  • Background. Ever since the first report of deltopectoral flap in pharyngo-esophageal reconstruction in 1965, various methods of flap reconstruction have been introduced, allowing surgical eradication of tumors that were once thought to be inoperable. Despite these advancement, many literatures emphasize distant metastasis and second primary malignancies as the most important factors that contribute to the low 5-year survival rate of the patients. Specific consensus about defining second primary cancer is still debatable, due to small number of reports regarding second primary tumors arising in flaps used for reconstruction of defects in the head and neck region. Case. We report a case of a 72-year-old male patient who, under the diagnosis of hypopharyngeal cancer, underwent total laryngectomy with partial pharyngectomy, extended right radical neck dissection with extended left lateral neck dissection, right hemithyroidectomy and radial forearm free flap reconstruction on June 16, 2003. After 37 cycles of radiation therapy, the patient exhibited no sign of recurrence. The patient revisited our department on June 14, 2016 with chief complaint of dysphagia that started two months before the visit. Radiologic studies and histology revealed squamous cell carcinoma in neopharynx, one that had been reconstructed with forearm free flap. Conclusion. Until now, only a handful of reports regarding patients with second primary cancer in reconstructed flaps have been described. Despite its rarity, diagnostic criteria for second primary cancer should always kept in consideration for patients with recurred tumor.

Evaluation of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Gastric Carcinoma using a Tissue Microarray

  • Rakhshani, Nasser;Kalantari, Elham;Bakhti, Hadi;Sohrabi, Masoud Reza;Mehrazma, Mitra
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.18
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    • pp.7597-7602
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    • 2014
  • Background: Amplification and overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/neu) oncogene has considerable prognostic value in breast and gastric cancers. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency, overexpression pattern, clinical significance, and concordance between the results for protein expression and gene amplification of HER-2/neu in gastric and gastro-esophageal junction carcinomas. Materials and Methods: In this study, 101 gastric tissue samples which were included in tissue microarray were immunohistochemically examined for overexpression of HER2/neu. Chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) was used for HER-2/neu amplification. The correlation of HER2/neu amplification with clinicopathological parameters was also assessed. In addition, concordance between CISH and IHC was detected. Results: This study demonstrated a significant difference in the overexpression of HER2/neu in gastric tumors. The overexpression of HER2/neu was significantly higher in intestinal type, poorly differentiated grade, large size ($5cm{\leq}$) and positive nodal involvement tumors (p-value=0.041, 0.015, 0.038 and 0.071, respectively). Also, amplification of HER2/neu according to CISH test, had a significant positive correlation with tumor size and tumor type (p-value=0.018 and 0.058, respectively).Concordance between CISH and IHC was 76.9% in 101 evaluable samples. Conclusions: IHC/CISH differences were attributed to basolateral membranous immunoreactivity of glandular cells resulting in incomplete membranous reactivity and/or a higher rate of tumor heterogeneity in gastric cancers compared to breast cancers. Therefore, this can be a potential marker for targeted therapy of malignant gastric tumors.

Surgical Results of Esophageal Cancer (식도암의 외과적 요법에대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 김기봉
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1530-1536
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    • 1992
  • From January 1984 to December 1991, One hundred sixty five patients with carcinomoa of the esophagus were treated surgically at the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital. Among them, hospital records were available in 121 patients and were included in this study. There were 115 men and 6 women, with ages ranging from 40 years to 79 years[mean age of 59.2 years]. The most frequent preoperative symptoms included dysphagia[72.7%], weight loss[60.3%], chest pain or discomfort[14.9%], general malaise[13.2%]. All were treated surgically: 100 patients were managed by curative or palliative resection with reconstruction, and 6 by palliative bypass surgery. In 15 patients, explorative thoracotomy or laparotomy was only done due to unresectability. [operability: 87.6%, resectability: 82.6%] All specimens[those from resectable 100 cases] were sent to pathology, and histopathologic examinations were done; squamous cell carcinomas were found in 95 cases, adenocarcinoma in l. Adenosquamous carcinomas were found in 3, and malignant melanoma in l. Postoperative complications occurred in 34 cases; anastomotic site leakage[10], which was followed by empyema in 9 of them, wound problem[7], hepatic failure[6], pneumonia [3], post-operative bleeding[3], chylothorax[2], post-operative stricture[2], sepsis[1], and tracheobronchial fistula[1]. Hospital deaths were in 6 cases[Hospital mortality: 5.0%]. During the follow up period, 26 patients were proven to be recurrence of cancer locally or distantly. The one, two, and five-year actuarial survival raf.es were 71.3$\pm$4.5%, 57.4$\pm$5.6%, 34.7$\pm$8.9%, respectively. The data from this study suggested that esophagectomy with reconstruction of gastrointestinal tract could be performed with a low operative mortality and a few serious postoperative complications and achieved reasonable long term palliation for carcinoma of the esophagus.

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Current Status of General Thoracic Surgery in Korea (한국의 일반 흉부수술 현황)

  • 전영진
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.504-510
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    • 1992
  • Overall 25,095 cases of general thoracic surgery were analysed, which were performed by 48 institutes in Korea during recent 6 years[242 hospital-years]. The proportions of tumorous disease and infectious disease to be operated were 6,864 cases[27.4%] and 6,775 cases [27.0%], The most common organ involved for operation was lung-bronchus 16,542 cases [69.5%], and remainders were pleura 2,500 [10.0%], esophagus 2,433[9.7%], mediastinum 1,902[7.6%], chest wall 1,297 [5.2%], and diaphragm 421 [1.7%] in order. Among 6,864 cases of tumorous diseases, the most common causes for operation were lung-bronchus tumor 3132 cases [45.6%] and most of them were lung cancer 2,731 cases [88.7%]. In the 2,019 cases of primary lung cancer with known cell type, squamous cell carcinoma 1,296 cases [64.2%] and adenocarcinoma 460 cases [22.8%] were the most. The common types in the 1,207 cases of mediastinal tumor with known cell type were neurogenic tumor 348 cases [28.8%], thymoma 311 [25.8%], and teratoma 252[20.9%]. The annual cases of operation for tumorous disease including malignant tumor were increased steadily. Operation for infectious lung diseases [including bronchiectasis and tuberculosis] were about twice common than infectious pleural disease [i.e. empyema], and operations for tuberculous disease occupied about half cases of infectious lung disease. In 11,456 cases of other disease entities, excluding tumorous and infectious disease, there were bullous lung disease 9,074 cases[79.2%], benign esophageal disease 484[4.2%], myasthenia gravis 356[3.1%], chest wall deformity 483[4.2%], and diaphragmatic lesion 421[3. 7%] in order. We propose that above results for inquiry can be used as the basic data of general thoracic surgery in Korea.

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