• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental science achievement

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Empowering Poor-Households Women on Productive Economy Businesses in Indonesia

  • SUMINAH, Suminah;ANANTANYU, Sapja
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.769-779
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    • 2020
  • Self-efficacy has been extensively evaluated, but no studies have investigated the effect of self-efficacy on the self-reliance of women in poor-households economic productivity. This study analyzes self-efficacy as a personal factor, learning processes, and social support as an environmental factor towards the achievement of self-reliance in women from poor-households in productive economy businesses. Despite the dominant logic of this scheme, there is a need for field-based data regarding whether the variable really supports the sustainable empowerment of poor-households women. This study used the quantitative method through the survey technique. The samples of this study included 250 people collected from five regencies in Indonesia by using a multiple-stage random sampling. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling. The results show that social support has a significant positive impact on the learning process; social support has a direct negative impact on self-efficacy. The learning process has a direct positive influence on self-efficacy, while social support has a non-significant impact on self-reliance. The learning process has a direct influence on self-reliance. Social support and the learning process both have significant positive impact on self-efficacy. Social support, learning process, and self-efficacy simultaneously have a positive impact on self-reliance in productive economic activities.

Local Participation, Festival Motivation, Satisfaction Level, and Support Level: Focusing on Yudalsan Mountain's Spring Festival (지역주민의 축제 참여동기와 만족도가 지지도에 미치는 영향: 유달산 봄꽃 축제를 중심으로)

  • Sun, Zhong-Yuan;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - There have been local government systems since June 1955. Many local governments have made use of festivals for regional public relations and the achievement of competitiveness. This study analyzes effective components of local festivals. There has been extensive research in relation to variables such as participation motivation, satisfaction level, recall intention, royalty, and recommend purpose. However, as a variable factor, attachment to the participation motivation of a festival has been overlooked along with support level to a festival. This study has added new variables named "attachment to local society" and "support level," which are dependent variables. We will study the relationship of these two variables. Research design, data, and methodology - This study has devised a cause-and-effect relationship model, which deduces that local residents' participation motivation for the festival will have positive influence on the festival support level and satisfaction level. We circulated questionnaires to local residents to get the data required to prove the hypothesis. To analysis the data, we used SPSS 21.0, and accomplished basic analysis through the analysis of frequency as well as descriptive statistical analysis. Further, we verified our measurement tools through reliability analysis, and examined the research hypothesis through multiple regression analysis. Results - With regard to the festival satisfaction level, the variables of local society attachment, festival attraction, escaping from the daily life, and family harmony have influence upon a positive effect (+) in this order. Among them, the variable of local society attachment has the greatest influence. However, in respect of support level for the festival, only the variables of local society attachment and escaping from the daily life have a valid influence on the positive effect (+), and local society attachment has relatively greater influence. In addition, not only does the festival satisfaction level affect the support level for the festival in terms of positive effect, the influence is also far-reaching, which verifies the mediating effect. Conclusions - The result shows that the local residents' satisfaction level with the Yudalsan Mountain Spring Flower Festival is comparatively high, which is due to the local society attachment. It also shows that it is difficult to create support without local residents' attachment with their area. Consequently, this study insists that the Yudalsan Mountain Spring Flower Festival should exceed its limitation as just a village-level party, in order to become a remarkable and outstanding festival, and suggests three operational implications: macro-environmental development, task environment development, and internal operational environmental development. From the macro-environmental perspective, the constant development of local culture and local business is proposed. In the task environment perspective, a new functional development for the festival is proposed. From the internal operational environmental perspective, improvements in festival operation methods are proposed. If these weak points are addressed and resolved through a more detailed approach, it will be very helpful for local government systems to operate the festival.

A Study on the Satisfaction degree for Clinical Practice of Radiotechnology Students (방사선과 학생의 임상실습 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hark-Sung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is to find out the factors affecting the satisfaction of the students at the department of radiotechnology of health college for their clinical practice and provide the basic data necessary for the better planning of the curriculum for the clinical practice. The questions were distributed to and collected from 227 junior college students in Seoul and Kyeonggido from January to february, 2004. All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS/PC+. The general characteristics of students and the current clinical practice conditions were presented in real numbers and percentages. The responding scores for the degree of satisfaction vary from 1 to 5, where is the worst score and 5 the best. The degree of satisfaction for clinical practice was presented as the average score and the standard deviation for each item shown. 1.The degree of satisfaction for the clinical practice was assessed in total eight aspects. and the overall average score was $3.64^{\circ}$. The degree of satisfaction for practice period was scored 3.69, which was higher than the average. Environmental aspect was scored 3.57, suggesting relatively low satisfaction. The degree of satisfaction for parts, evaluation method of clinical practice, education, practice contents, achievement after clinical practice, and personal relationship in practice were presented 3.64, 3.21, 3.37, 4.00, 3.88, and 3.72 respectively. The degree of evaluation method of clinical practice was the lowest among them. 2. The students favored the clinical practice course offered in the second semester of their third year and a total of 8 weeks for the period. 3. The major complaints of the students during the clinical practice were simple works, insufficient rest place and conflict with practice teachers. As mentioned above, the degree of satisfaction for the achievement after clinical practice and item necessary for clinical practice showed relatively high scores. It turns out that the students think of their clinical practice as very positive in answering the questionnaire.

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A Study of the Environmental Consciousness Influences on the Psychological Reaction of Forest Ecotourists (환경의식에 따른 산림생태관광객의 심리적 반응에 관한 연구)

  • Yan, Guang-Hao;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2012
  • With the slowdown in environmental issues and the change of environmental consciousness, ecotourism is being discussed in various social fields. Ecotourism is being popularized for environmental protection, and now it is becoming a mainstream product from one of mass tourism. Ecotourism's emphasis on sustainable development in the tourism destination's society, economy, and environment, through ecotourism study and education, enable people to understand the core value of the ecological environment. 2011 was nominated as "the Year of World Forest" by the UN. In the recent years, forests are becoming increasingly important with their own values and functions in environment, economy, society, and culture. In particular, the global environmental issues caused by climate change are becoming an international agenda. Forests are the only effective solution for the carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Moreover, forests constitute a major part of ecotourism, and are now most used by ecotourists. For example, Korea, wherein 60% of the land is forest, attracts ecotourists. With the increasing interests in environment, the number of tourists visiting the ecosystem forest, which is highly valued for its conservation, is increasing significantly every year and is receiving considerable attention from the government. However, poor facilities in the forest ecotourism sites and improper market strategies are the reasons for the poor running of these sites. Furthermore, tourists' environmental awareness affects ecology environmental pollution or the optimization of forest ecotourism. In order to verify the relationships among tourist attractiveness, environmental consciousness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after tours, we established some scales based on existing research achievement. Then, using these scales, the researcher completed the questionnaire survey. From December 20, 2010 to February 20, 2011, after conducting surveys for 12 weeks, we finally obtained 582 valid questionnaires, from a total of 700 questionnaires, that could be used in statistical analysis. First, for the method of research and analysis, the researcher initially applied the Cronbach's (Alpha) for verifying the reliability, and subsequently applied the Exploratory factor analysis for verifying the validity. Second, in order to analyze the demographics, the researcher makes use of the Frequency analysis for the AMOS, measurement model, structural equation model computing, and also utilizes construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity. Third, for the analysis of the ecotourists' environmental consciousness, impacts on tourist attractiveness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after the tour, the researcher uses AMOS 19, with the path analysis and equation of structure. After the research, researchers found that high awareness of natural protection lead to high tourist motivation and satisfaction and more positive attitude after the tour. Moreover, this research shows the psychological and behavioral reactions of the ecotourists to the ecotourist development. Accordingly, environmental consciousness does not affect the tourist attractiveness that has been interpreted as significant. Furthermore, people should focus on the change of natural protection consciousness and psychological reaction of ecotourists while ensuring the sustainable development of ecotourists and developing some ecotourist programs.

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Feasibility Study on Small-scale A/R CDM Pilot Project in Mongolia (몽골 소규모 A/R CDM 시범사업 타당성 평가연구)

  • Cha, Junhee;Park, DongKyun;Lee, Jong-Hak;YOUN, Yeo-Chang;Choi, Jun-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.698-707
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    • 2011
  • Over the past 10 years, South Korea has implemented various plantation projects including the Pine Restoration Project in Tujiin Nars and the desertification prevention forestation in Lun soum. This study has evaluated the implementation feasibility on the small-scale A/R CDM projects in Mongolia through which carbon emission credits can be secured. Characteristics, pros and cons, economic feasibility, and project execution feasibility were compared among three possible sites, Khyalganat, Tujiin Nars, and Lun soum. Among the three evaluated sites, Tujiin Nars has the better condition in tree growth, economic feasibility, and the applicability of experience than the other two sites. A/R CDM project in Mongolia, which has a great environmental benefit of combating desertification, is expected to have some effectiveness such as lowering costs from credit benefit, sustainable management by villagers, contribution to communities, investor's contribution to society and achievement of green image, and strengthening forestry cooperation between Korea and Mongolia.

Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning

  • Viznyuk, Inessa;Rokosovyk, Nataliia;Vytrykhovska, Oksana;Paslawska, Alla;Bielikova, Olena;Radziievska, Iryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2022
  • The modern development of higher education in Ukraine is the result of two main factors. One of them - the factor of social progress - reflects the transformations inherent in modern Ukrainian society. These include, first of all, the processes of democratization and the development of civic responsibility. European the choice of Ukraine, the integration of our state into the European space determine accordingly, the second factor influencing the development of domestic higher education - the trends that guide the progress of the European Higher Education Area (European Higher Education Area (hereinafter - EHEA) and the European Research Area Research Area, hereinafter - ERA). The strategy of information support of the educational process (approved by the European Commission in 2010) recognizes the leading role of higher education as a driver of social progress, accordingly states the priority - the development of free economic education and identifies indicators of such progress - the achievement and international attractiveness of European free economic education. The information support of modernization challenges in higher education are aimed at the educational process, the leadership position of students, in particular through promotion and implementation of leading achievements and best practices in the context of globalization.

A Study on Predicting Installation Scale of Photovoltaic Panels and Hydrogen Fuel Storage Facilities to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions Exploiting Idle Sites of Military Bases (군부대 유휴부지를 활용한 탄소 순 배출량 제로 달성을 위한 태양광 패널 및 수소 연료 저장시설의 설치 규모 예측)

  • Donghak Moon;Jiyong Heo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the scale of renewable photovoltaic(PV) panels and hydrogen fuel storage facilities required to achieve "net zero carbon emissions" in military facilities were predicted based on actual electricity consumption. It was set up to expect the appropriate installation size of PV panel and hydrogen fuel storage facility for achieving carbon neutrality, limited to the electricity consumption in the public sector, including national defense and social security administration in Yeongcheon. The experimental results of this paper are largely composed of two parts. First, representative meteorological factors were considered to predict solar power generation in the Yeongcheon area, and solar power generation was estimated through a multiple regression model using deep learning techniques. Second, the size of solar power generation facilities and hydrogen storage facilities in military bases was estimated with the amount of solar power generation and electricity consumption. As a result of this analysis, it was calculated that a site of 155.76×104 m2 for PV panels was needed and a facility capable of storing 27,657 kg of hydrogen gas was required. Through these results, it is meaningful to demonstrated the prospect that military units can lead the achievement of "carbon net zero 2050" by using PV panels and hydrogen fuel storage facilities on idle sites of military bases.

Quality Control of Observed Temperature Time Series from the Korea Ocean Research Stations: Preliminary Application of Ocean Observation Initiative's Approach and Its Limitation (해양과학기지 시계열 관측 자료 품질관리 시스템 구축: 국제 관측자료 품질관리 방안 수온 관측 자료 시범적용과 문제점)

  • Min, Yongchim;Jeong, Jin-Yong;Jang, Chan Joo;Lee, Jaeik;Jeong, Jongmin;Min, In-Ki;Shim, Jae-Seol;Kim, Yong Sun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.195-210
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    • 2020
  • The observed time series from the Korea Ocean Research Stations (KORS) in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) have various sources of noise, including bio-fouling on the underwater sensors, intermittent depletion of power, cable leakage, and interference between the sensors' signals. Besides these technical issues, intricate waves associated with background tidal currents tend to result in substantial oscillations in oceanic time series. Such technical and environmental issues require a regionally optimized automatic quality control (QC) procedure. Before the achievement of this ultimate goal, we examined the approach of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)'s standard QC to investigate whether this procedure is pertinent to the KORS. The OOI QC consists of three categorized tests of global/local range of data, temporal variation including spike and gradient, and sensor-related issues associated with its stuck and drift. These OOI QC algorithms have been applied to the water temperature time series from the Ieodo station, one of the KORS. Obvious outliers are flagged successfully by the global/local range checks and the spike check. Both stuck and drift checks barely detected sensor-related errors, owing to frequent sensor cleaning and maintenance. The gradient check, however, fails to flag the remained outliers that tend to stick together closely, as well as often tend to mark probably good data as wrong data, especially data characterized by considerable fluctuations near the thermocline. These results suggest that the gradient check might not be relevant to observations involving considerable natural fluctuations as well as technical issues. Our study highlights the necessity of a new algorithm such as a standard deviation-based outlier check using multiple moving windows to replace the gradient check and an additional algorithm of an inter-consistency check with a related variable to build a standard QC procedure for the KORS.

A Study on Human Resources Management for Hotel Kitchen (호텔 인적 자원 효율적 관리 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 엄영호;이재련
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2004
  • Nevertherless, a structural depression with high expense of costs-low degree of efficiency and high price of commodities-low degree of growth during the last few years. And hotel companys were doing endeavor for conquer this depression with reshuffle of the personnal system and that systematizing an enterprise and production control. Hotel has more increase personnel expenses percents than increase sold price percents so that hotel reducing cook and as result, hotel has a problem from production selling of food service because that is insufficient of cook man power. On studying this research, an importancy of cusine department in inquire hotel and an efficiency man power control of cusine department influence on hotel marketing were made use of analysis for hotel kitchen management. The result of this study is like that. First, the quality of a hotel employee is directly related to that of hotel service, which is functioned as a principle factor on which success or failure of the hotel very largely depends. Second, fair evaluation of merits. Third, cognition for job as expert. Fourth, the roles and competences of the employees were affected much by the inner or outer environmental changes surrounding the hotel enterprises. Fifth, do not underestimate an intelligent ability and will power of employee, and hotel company have to manage that the employees consult themselves about their things of department and improve with the master sense for job. Sixth, pay increase and intensive system. This system can raise the will to achievement for employee's job, and company can get many benefits from government. Seventh, the employees should be encouraged to have memberships of academic organizations, to actively participate in academic meetings, workshops, conferences, and forums in the area of job performance.

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Reuses Of Wash Water Effluents Of The Ion-Exchanger Units Of Water Demineralization Plant For Economic And Environmental Benefits

  • Miah, Raisuddin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.799-806
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    • 1995
  • In industrial field, a large volume of regenerants (acid and caustic soda) and their washing effluents are regularly disposed off from the water demineralization plant during regeneration of the ion-exchanger units. Of these waste effluents, a part of the wash water discharged from the single bed Anion and Mixed Bed units can be utilized at a certain stage of their washing cycles when its conductivity is fallen down and becomes considerably less than that of the input raw water. The main aim of this specific waste effluent utilization is to dilute the TDS concentration of the input raw water (fed into the single bed ion-exchanger units) by blending. The achievement is the increase of the longevity of the production cycles of the I.E. units along with the improvement of the production quality and decrease of the regeneration frequencies. As a result, regenerant consumption would be saved because of the reduction of ionic load in feed water which will ultimately reduce the water purification cost. At the same time, the environment pollution will also be protected to a considerable extent. This operational measure is quite effective and useful specially where high TDS water is demineralized only by single bed ion-exchangers. In such case, the water treatment plant is very often found to suffer from both production quality and quantity in addition to carrying out of random and restless regenerations. Proper reuses of the aforesaid wash water effluents of the Anion and MB units excellently minimizes the difficulties experienced in practice. This paper contains the utilities and techniques of reuses of the different kinds of waste effluents of the industrial water treatment plant in addition to the specific reuses of the post-regeneration wash waters of the Anion and MB ion-exchanger units.

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