• Title/Summary/Keyword: energy resolution

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Transient Coordinator: a Collision Resolution Algorithm for Asynchronous MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Lee, Sang Hoon;Park, Byung Joon;Choi, Lynn
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.3152-3165
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    • 2012
  • Wireless sensor networks (WSN) often employ asynchronous MAC scheduling, which allows each sensor node to wake up independently without synchronizing with its neighbor nodes. However, this asynchronous scheduling may not deal with collisions due to hidden terminals effectively. Although most of the existing asynchronous protocols exploit a random back-off technique to resolve collisions, the random back-off cannot secure a receiver from potentially repetitive collisions and may lead to a substantial increase in the packet latency. In this paper, we propose a new collision resolution algorithm called Transient Coordinator (TC) for asynchronous WSN MAC protocols. TC resolves a collision on demand by ordering senders' transmissions when a receiver detects a collision. To coordinate the transmission sequence both the receiver and the collided senders perform handshaking to collect the information and to derive a collision-free transmission sequence, which enables each sender to exclusively access the channel. According to the simulation results, our scheme can improve the average per-node throughput by up to 19.4% while it also reduces unnecessary energy consumption due to repetitive collisions by as much as 91.1% compared to the conventional asynchronous MAC protocols. This demonstrates that TC is more efficient in terms of performance, resource utilization, and energy compared to the random back-off scheme in dealing with collisions for asynchronous WSN MAC scheduling.

Practical modeling and quantification of a single-top fire events probabilistic safety assessment model

  • Dae Il Kang;Yong Hun Jung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.2263-2275
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    • 2023
  • In general, an internal fire events probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) model is quantified by modifying the pre-existing internal event PSA model. Because many pieces of equipment or cables can be damaged by a fire, a single fire event can lead to multiple internal events PSA initiating events (IEs). Consequently, when the fire events PSA model is quantified, inappropriate minimal cut sets (MCSs), such as duplicate MCSs, may be generated. This paper shows that single quantification of a hypothetical single-top fire event PSA model may generate the following four types of inappropriate MCSs: duplicate MCSs, MCSs subsumed by other MCSs, nonsense MCSs, and MCSs with over-counted fire frequencies. Among the inappropriate MCSs, the nonsense MCSs should be addressed first because they can interfere with the right interpretation of the other MCSs and prevent the resolution of the issues related to the other inappropriate MCSs. In addition, we propose a resolution process for each of the issues caused by these inappropriate MCSs and suggest an overall procedure for resolving them. The results of this study will contribute to the understanding and resolution of the inappropriate MCSs that may appear in the quantification of fire events PSA models.

Energy Loss of Hydrogen Atom due to Charge Exchange in Neutral Particle Energy Analyzer (중성입자 에너지 분석장치에서 전하교환용 탄소박막에 의한 수소원자의 에너지 손실특성)

  • Kim, Kye-Ryung;Kim, Wan;Lee, Yong-Hyun;Kang, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 1998
  • A neutral particle energy analyzer, which has the carbon stripping foil and the $90^{\circ}$ cylindrical electrostatic deflection plate, was designed and constructed for measuring of ion temperature in plasma. The energy calibration and energy resolution were studied in detail for a hydrogen ion at the $0.5{\sim}3.0\;keV$ energy using a duoplasmatron ion source. An energy of hydrogen ion to the deflection plate voltage at the peak ion count rate could be fitted by the expression $E_{o}(keV)$=3.83V(kV). The measured energy resolution, which was about 2 % at the energy of 3.0 keV and 9 % at the energy of 0.5keV, was better for the increased hydrogen ion energy. For the charge exchanged hydrogen atom due to the carbon stripping foil, the energy calibration, energy loss and resolution were measured to the $0.5{\sim}2.0{\mu}g/cm^{2}$ thickness of the carbon stripping foil. An energy of the charge exchanged hydrogen atom as a function of the deflection plate voltage and carbon foil thickness could be fitted by the expression $E_{o}(keV)=(0.53d+4.4){\cdot}V(kV)$. The energy loss was $0.23{\sim}0.89\;keV $ to the $0.5{\sim}2.0{\mu}g/cm^{2}$ carbon foil thickness and the $0.5{\sim}3.0\;keV$ energy of the incident neutral hydrogen atom, it could be fitted by the expression ${\Delta}E=(0.12d+0.27){\cdot}{E_{o}}^{1/2}(keV)$. The measured energy resolution for the neutral hydrogen atom, which was between 7 % and 35 % in this experiment region, was increased for the increasing neutral hydrogen atom energy and the decreasing carbon stripping foil thickness.

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  • Lee, Sung-Min;Suh, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 1998
  • We investigate models for the IRAS LRS)Low Resolution Spectra) of OH/IR stars. OH/IR stars often show the silicate features at 9.7 ${mu}m$ and $18{mu}m$ in the spectra obtained by the IRAS LRS as well as remarkably red values in the IRAS photometric colors such as [60]-[25] and [25]-[12]. We compare the radiative transfer model results with observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the stars including IRAS PSC(Point Source Catalog), IRAS LRS and ground based observational data.

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Development and Performance of a Hand-Held CZT Detector for In-Situ Measurements at the Emergency Response

  • Ji, Young-Yong;Chung, Kun Ho;Kim, Chang-Jong;Yoon, Jin;Lee, Wanno;Choi, Geun-Sik;Kang, Mun Ja
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2016
  • Background: A hand-held detector for an emergency response was developed for nuclide identification and to estimate the information of the ambient dose rate in the scene of an accident as well as the radioactivity of the contaminants. Materials and Methods: To achieve this, the most suitable sensor was first selected as a cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) semiconductor and the signal processing unit from a sensor and the signal discrimination and storage unit were successfully manufactured on a printed circuit board. Results and Discussion: The performance of the developed signal processing unit was then evaluated to have an energy resolution of about 14 keV at 662 keV. The system control unit was also designed to operate the CZT detector, monitor the detector, battery, and interface status, and check and transmit the measured results of the ambient dose rate and radioactivity. In addition, a collimator, which can control the inner radius, and the airborne dust sampler, which consists of an air filter and charcoal filter, were developed and mounted to the developed CZT detector for the quick and efficient response of a nuclear accident. Conclusion: The hand-held CZT detector was developed to make the in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry and its performance was checked to have a good energy resolution. In addition, the collimator and the airborne dust sampler were developed and mounted to the developed CZT detector for a quick and efficient response to a nuclear accident.

Classification of Wind Sector in Pohang Region Using Similarity of Time-Series Wind Vectors (시계열 풍속벡터의 유사성을 이용한 포항지역 바람권역 분류)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Jinsol;Kang, Yong-Heack;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • The local wind systems in the Pohang region were categorized into wind sectors. Still, thorough knowledge of wind resource assessment, wind environment analysis, and atmospheric environmental impact assessment was required since the region has outstanding wind resources, it is located on the path of typhoon, and it has large-scale atmospheric pollution sources. To overcome the resolution limitation of meteorological dataset and problems of categorization criteria of the preceding studies, the high-resolution wind resource map of the Korea Institute of Energy Research was used as time-series meteorological data; the 2-step method of determining the clustering coefficient through hierarchical clustering analysis and subsequently categorizing the wind sectors through non-hierarchical K-means clustering analysis was adopted. The similarity of normalized time-series wind vector was proposed as the Euclidean distance. The meteor-statistical characteristics of the mean vector wind distribution and meteorological variables of each wind sector were compared. The comparison confirmed significant differences among wind sectors according to the terrain elevation, mean wind speed, Weibull shape parameter, etc.

Spatiotemporal Resolution Enhancement of PM10 Concentration Data Using Satellite Image and Sensor Data in Deep Learning (위성 영상과 관측 센서 데이터를 이용한 PM10농도 데이터의 시공간 해상도 향상 딥러닝 모델 설계)

  • Baek, Chang-Sun;Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.517-523
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    • 2019
  • PM10 concentration is a spatiotemporal phenomenta and capturing data for such continuous phenomena is a difficult task. This study designed a model that enhances spatiotemporal resolution of PM10 concentration levels using satellite imagery, atmospheric and meteorological sensor data, and multiple deep learning models. The designed deep learning model was trained using input data whose factors may affect concentration of PM10 such as meteorological conditions and land-use. Using this model, PM10 images having 15 minute temporal resolution and 30m×30m spatial resolution were produced with only atmospheric and meteorological data.

Study of evaluation wind resource detailed area with complex terrain using combined MM5/CALMET system (고해상도 바람지도 구축 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hwa-Woon;Kim, Dong-Hyeuk;Kim, Min-Jung;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Park, Soon-Young;Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.274-277
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    • 2008
  • To evaluate high-resolution wind resources for local and coastal area with complex terrain was attemped to combine the prognostic MM5 mesoscale model with CALMET diagnostic modeling this study. Firstly, MM5 was simulated for 1km resolution, nested fine domain, with FDDA using QuikSCAT seawinds data was employed to improve initial meteorological fields. Wind field and other meteorological variables from MM5 with all vertical levels used as initial guess field for CALMET. And 5 surface and 1 radio sonde observation data is performed objective analysis whole domain cells. Initial and boundary condition are given by 3 hourly RDAPS data of KMA in prognostic MM5 simulation. Geophysical data was used high-resolution terrain elevation and land cover(30 seconds) data from USGS with MM5 simulation. On the other hand SRTM 90m resolution and EGIS 30m landuse was adopted for CALMET diagnostic simulation. The simulation was performed on whole year for 2007. Vertical wind field a hour from CALMET and latest results of MM5 simulation was comparison with wind profiler(KEOP-2007 campaign) data at HAENAM site.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution in Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Settlement at the World Intellectual Property Arbitration and Mediation Center

  • Kwak, Choong Mok
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2019
  • The growing importance of biological resources as sovereign rights to healthcare, energy, and food has sparked international discussions on Genetic Resources (GRs) and Traditional Knowledge (TK). As the bio-industry continues to grow, research and development utilizing patented biological resources are advocated. Currently, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is actively discussing GRs and TK, and an effective response to national interest has been sought. Of late, there have been growing disputes over issues like ownership, control, and access and benefit-sharing between indigenous peoples and users of GRs and TK resources. Resolution of disputes concerning GRs and TK are thus becoming critical not only to stakeholders such as the indigenous peoples and corporations, but also to third-party users. Due to the weakness of the current IP and court system however, such disputes are not addressed adequately. This paper will address the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), which is an out-of-court dispute resolution system, on conflicting issues regarding GRs and TK. It will consider the WIPO as a forum for ADR and ADR for GRs and TK disputes and it will seek both parties in the dispute to benefit from the use of the ADR process.

Graph neural network based multiple accident diagnosis in nuclear power plants: Data optimization to represent the system configuration

  • Chae, Young Ho;Lee, Chanyoung;Han, Sang Min;Seong, Poong Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.2859-2870
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    • 2022
  • Because nuclear power plants (NPPs) are safety-critical infrastructure, it is essential to increase their safety and minimize risk. To reduce human error and support decision-making by operators, several artificial-intelligence-based diagnosis methods have been proposed. However, because of the nature of data-driven methods, conventional artificial intelligence requires large amount of measurement values to train and achieve enough diagnosis resolution. We propose a graph neural network (GNN) based accident diagnosis algorithm to achieve high diagnosis resolution with limited measurements. The proposed algorithm is trained with both the knowledge about physical correlation between components and measurement values. To validate the proposed methodology has a sufficiently high diagnostic resolution with limited measurement values, the diagnosis of multiple accidents was performed with limited measurement values and also, the performance was compared with convolution neural network (CNN). In case of the experiment that requires low diagnostic resolution, both CNN and GNN showed good results. However, for the tests that requires high diagnostic resolution, GNN greatly outperformed the CNN.