• Title/Summary/Keyword: energy planing

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A study on the change of root surface irradiated by Er:YAG laser (Er:YAG laser를 조사한 치근면의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Young-Jun;Chung, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to evaluate the usability of Er:YAG laser for periodontal therapy. Forty dental root slabs ($5{\times}5{\times}2mm^3$) were prepared from human periodontally diseased extracted teeth and grouped into 4 groups: 1) control (root planing only), 2) root planing and irradiated with laser at 30mJ, 3) root planing and irradiated with laser at 60mJ, and 4) root planing and irradiated with laser at 100mJ. The root slabs were embedded in resin block before laser treatment. Er:YAG laser was irradiated under water irrigation with the tip held perpendicular to the root surface in contact mode. After Er:YAG laser irradiation or planing on the root surface, morphological changes have been observed under SEM, and the micro-hardness and Ca/P ratio were compared. 1. In the Control group, the root surface showed the directional change caused by root planing instrumentation, and the presence of smear layer, and no exposure of dentinal tubule was observed. Laser irradiated group showed surface changes with rough dentin surface of niche and depression and dentinal tubule exposure by the elimination of smear layer. 2. The micro-hardness of root surface in the laser irradiated group was higher than the control group. The higher energy output was applied, the higher micro-hardness on root surface was resulted. 3. The higher energy output was applied, the higher Ca/P ratio was observed. The higher Ca/P ratio in 60mJ group and 100mJ group was statistically significantly compared to the control group and the 30mJ group. These results suggest that Er:YAG laser irradiation on the periodontally diseased root surface could remove smear layer and increase the micro-hardness on root surface and Ca/P ratio which contribute to enhance the acid resistance of periodontally treated root surface.

An Experimental Study on the Improvement of Resistance Performance at Pre-planing Condition for G/T 100 ton Class Planing Hull Form (총톤수 100톤급 활주형선의 활주 전 저항성능 개선에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Kwi-Joo;Joa, Soon-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out at the CWC of Chosun university for the purpose of resistance performance improvement of planing hull, and the results of the tests were confirmed cooperatively with WJFEL. G/T 100 ton class planing hull form was selected, and the improvement of hull form including appendages were performed by using some model test techniques. The model test scope comprises resistance relative tests including wave profile observation, trim and sinkage measurement and flow visualization tests at full load and trial conditions for one bare hull and for two appended hulls. The final wedge and spray strip combined with improved hull form showed about 1.0 knot speed improvement at both of full and trial conditions, and outstanding improvement for fore wave phenomena.

Study on the check list composition at Sustainable building strategies and Design methods of Long-life housing (장수명 공동주택의 친환경 요소기술 및 계획기법 체크리스트 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Nam-Soo;Lee, Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2010
  • This Study is about the check-List composition for 'Low carbon green growth' of Long-life housing. That utilization for required the check-list composition at Sustainable building strategies and Design methods. That for long life housing, sustainable building strategies part of building construction and interior, the proper foundation for legislative system, maintenance methods with in building life cycle, sustainable and green architecture capability realization prepare for connection plan with 'Low carbon-green growth'. Extracting from elements of Architectural planing answer to basic concept of Low carbon-green growth and aimed at Low carbon scheme for energy saving, green growth scheme for environmental conservation as to each application purpose reconstitute by classify Check-list category about elements of Architectural planing. Through this architectural research deduce elements of architectural planing that can be research utilization with in Check-list composition.

A Study on Group Feeding for Institution (단체급식에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1973
  • I. This study on planing menu for group feeding is based on the following ; 1) Decision of nutritive value is based on age, sex, and energy consumption of the students. 2) Selection of food is based on their preference for food through questionaire. 3) Amount of food calorie for each meal is based on data on energy consumption of their daily life. 4) Three data for planing menu for group feeding were based on food rice of each season, favourite foods of girl students and length of their stay at the institution. II. The menu for group feeding was evaluated on nutritive value calorie and protein, 5 basic food groups and price ; 1) The amount of calorie and protein for each season was satisfactory. 2) Each menu was composed of 5 basic food groups but the third group was not satisfactory compared with the other groups. 3) Average price of per day turned out to be 193 won which is less than the standard price, 200 won.

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A Methodology of Databased Energy Demand Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks for a Urban Community (인공신경망을 이용한 데이터베이스 기반의 광역단지 에너지 수요예측 기법 개발)

  • Kong, Dong-Seok;Kwak, Young-Hun;Lee, Byung-Jeong;Huh, Jung-Ho
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.184-189
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    • 2009
  • In order to improve the operation of energy systems, it is necessary for the urban communities to have reliable optimization routines, both computerized and manual, implemented in their organizations. However, before a production plan for the energy system units can be constructed, a prediction of the energy systems first needs to be determined. So, several methodologies have been proposed for energy demand prediction, but due to uncertainties in urban community, many of them will fail in practice. The main topic of this paper has been the development of a method for energy demand prediction at urban community. Energy demand prediction is important input parameters to plan for the energy planing. This paper presents a energy demand prediction method which estimates heat and electricity for various building categories. The method has been based on artificial neural networks(ANN). The advantage of ANN with respect to the other method is their ability of modeling a multivariable problem given by the complex relationships between the variables. Also, the ANN can extract the relationships among these variables by means of learning with training data. In this paper, the ANN have been applied in oder to correlate weather conditions, calendar data, schedules, etc. Space heating, cooling, hot water and HVAC electricity can be predicted using this method. This method can produce 10% of errors hourly load profile from individual building to urban community.

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Analysis of City Gas Consumption by Borough and Usage in Busan (부산시 구별 용도별 도시가스 소비 특성 분석)

  • Park, Yool;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2011
  • Recently, central and local governments of Korea have established and implemented various energy policies such as making energy map of city level and establishment of environment friendly city plan to materialize low carbon green city. To implement effectively these policies, however, conditions of energy consumption by each administrative district and each usage have to be verified exactly. This study is aimed to suggest a basic data for planing energy policy and energy demand prediction of city level by analyzing energy consumption unit and conditions of city gas by borough and usage in Busan.

A Sutdy on the Apllicability of the Energy Pile System on Substation (변전소 구조물의 에너지파일 시스템 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Daesoo;Oh, Gidae;Lee, Kangyul
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.198-198
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    • 2011
  • Cooling and Heating system using Geothermal energy in the country has shown rapid development in the research and business field during about 10 years. However, like other renewable energy sources, high initial construction cost is acting as an obstacle to apply widely. Therefore Energy pile system(Heat Exchanger inserted inside the structure pile) that can save about 25 % initial construction cost has been studied in European countries and recently being studied in our country. Therefore, KPECO(Korea Electric Power Corporation) is also studying energy pile system to improve cooling & heating system in substation that install about 200 pile. KPECO is aimed to make energy pile design, construction and maintenance standards because substation has good applicability. In this study, we studied to make new grout material and design program to make optimized design & counstruction method of energy pile system. And planing to peform field test for energy pile system in a 154 kV substation to obtain long-term behavior and efficiency of the system.

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A Study on Air Resistance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of an Ocean Leisure Planning Boat (해양레저용 활주형선의 공기저항 및 온실 가스 배출에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Y.S.;Hwang, S.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2013
  • As incomes increase, interest in ocean leisure picks up. As a result, a lot of research and developments on hull form design and production of planing boats, mostly used for ocean leisure, are needed. Analysis in researches on resistance of planing boats shows that resistance characteristic of planing boats is different from resistance characteristic of general boats because the former is fast, and its wetted surface is very small. Using Savitsky formula widely used in the calculation of effective horse power in shipbuildingyards, and propulsion system and engine manufacturers, this study calculated total resistance of a research planing boat. Then it analyzed the flow characteristics of the planing boat through theoretical analysis and wind tunnel experiment, and computed air resistance and lift force by changes of speed and trim angle. It also compared and analyzed result of theoretical analysis and experiment of the ratio of air resistance to total resistance under variations of velocity and trim angle. When the study is used to estimate more accurate effective horse power, it is expected to remedy abuses of unnecessarily installing high-powered engine. As nature disasters due to abnormal changes of weather increase, interest in greenhouse gas grows. International Maritime Organization (IMO) legislated Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) to reduce ship greenhouse gas emissions. But this index will be applied to over 400 tons ships, small ships, emitting more greenhouse gases than larege ships per unit power, will dodge the regulations. Thus, this study indicated a problem by calculating greenhouse gas emissions of an ocean leisure planning boat (a small ship), and suggested the need for EEDI of small ships.

Study on Utilizing Resources in Environment-friendly City - Operation method of rain storage tank for using rainwater as multipurpose - (친환경 도시에서의 자원활용에 관한 연구 -빗물의 다목적 활용을 위한 빗물저장조의 운전방법 -)

  • 정용현
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.359-366
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    • 2003
  • Ecological society and energy conservative systems has become a subject of world wide attention. To examine the technologies of such systems as resource recycling society, this study is proposed for using rainwater as energy source and water resources in urban area. Useful informations for planning of utilizing rainfall as energy source, water resources, emergency water and controlling flood are discussed with model systems in urban area. It is calculated that the rate of utilizing rainwater, amounts of utilizing rainwater, substitution rate of supply water, amounts of overflow rainwater according to rain storage tank volume. By applying the past weather data, The optimum volume of rain water storage was calculated as 200m$^3$ which mean no benefits according to the increase of storage tank volumes. For optimum planing and control method at the model system, several running method of rainwater storage tank was calculated. The optimum operating method was the using weather data as 3hours weather forecast.