• Title/Summary/Keyword: end-loaded

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FAST (floating absorber for safety at transient) for the improved safety of sodium-cooled burner fast reactors

  • Kim, Chihyung;Jang, Seongdong;Kim, Yonghee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.1747-1755
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents floating absorber for safety at transient (FAST) which is a passive safety device for sodium-cooled fast reactors with a positive coolant temperature coefficient. Working principle of the FAST makes it possible to insert negative reactivity passively in case of temperature rise or voiding of coolant. Behaviors of the FAST in conventional oxide fuel-loaded and metallic fuel-loaded SFRs are investigated assuming anticipated transients without scram (ATWS) scenarios. Unprotected loss of flow (ULOF), unprotected loss of heat sink (ULOHS), unprotected transient overpower (UTOP) and unprotected chilled inlet temperature (UCIT) scenarios are simulated at end of life (EOL) conditions of the oxide and the metallic SFR cores, and performance of the FAST to improve the reactor safety is analyzed in terms of reactivity feedback components, reactor power and maximum temperatures of fuel and coolant. It is shown that FAST is able to improve the safety margin of conventional burner-type SFRs during ULOF, ULOHS, UTOP and UCIT.

Multilayered viscoelastic beam loaded in torsion under strain-path control: A delamination analysis

  • Victor I. Rizov
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2024
  • This paper is focused on the delamination analysis of a multilayered beam structure loaded in torsion under strain-path control. The beam under consideration has a rectangular cross-section. The layers of the beam are made of different viscoelastic materials which exhibit continuous inhomogeneity in longitudinal direction. Since the delamination is located inside the beam structure, the torsion moments in the two crack arms are obtained by modeling the beam as an internally static undetermined structure. The strain energy stored in the beam is analyzed in order to derive the strain energy release rate (SERR). Since the delamination is located inside the beam, the delamination has two tips. Thus, solutions of the SERR are obtained for both tips. The solutions are verified by analyzing the beam compliance. Delamination analysis with bending-torsion coupling is also performed. The solutions derived are timedependent due to two factors. First, the beam has viscoelastic behavior and, second, the angle of twist of the beam-free end induced by the external torsion moment changes with time according to a law that is fixed in advance.

Experimental investigations on resilient beam-column end-plate connection with structural fuse

  • Arunkumar Chandrasekaran;Umamaheswari Nambiappan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.315-337
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    • 2023
  • The steel structure is an assembly of individual structural members joined together by connections. The connections are the focal point to transfer the forces which is susceptible to damage easily. It is challenging to replace the affected connection parts after an earthquake. Hence, steel plates are utilised as a structural fuse that absorbs connection forces and fails first. The objective of the present research is to develop a beam-column end plate connection with single and dual fuse and study the effect of single fuse, dual fuse and combined action of fuse and damper. In this research, seismic resilient beam-column end plate connection is developed in the form of structural fuse. The novel connection consists of one main fuse was placed horizontally and secondary fuse was placed vertically over main fuse. The specimens are fabricated with the variation in number of fuse (single and dual) and position of fuse (beam flange top and bottom). From the fabricated ten specimens five specimens were loaded monotonically and five cyclically. The experimental results are compared with Finite Element Analysis results of Arunkumar and Umamaheswari (2022). The results are critically assessed in the aspect of moment-rotation behaviour, strain in connection components, connection stiffness, energy dissipation characteristics and ductility. While comparing the performance of total five specimens, the connection with fuse exhibited superior performance than the conventional connection. An equation is proposed for the moment of resistance of end-plate connection without and with structural fuse.

Elastic buckling of end-loaded, tapered, cantilevered beams with initial curvature

  • Wilson, James F.;Strong, Daniel J.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 1997
  • The elastic deflections and Euler buckling loads are investigated for a class of tapered and initially curved cantilevered beams subjected to loading at the tip. The beam's width increases linearly and its depth decreases linearly with the distance from the fixed end to the tip. Unloaded, the beam forms a circular are perpendicular to the axis of bending. The beam's deflection responses, obtained by solving the differential equations in closed form, are presented in terms of four nondimensional system parameters: taper ratio ${\kappa}$, initial shape ratio ${\Delta}_0$, end load ratio f, and load angle ${\theta}$. Laboratory measurements of the Euler buckling loads for scale models of tapered initially straight, corrugated beams compared favorably with those computed from the present analysis. The results are applicable to future designs of the end structures of highway guardrails, which can be designed to give the appropriate balance between the capacity to deflect a nearly head-on vehicle back to its right-of-way and the capacity to buckle sufficiently that penetration of the vehicle may be averted.

Experimental Study on the End Bearing Capacity of the Pile in a Group Pile (무리말뚝을 구성하는 개별말뚝의 선단지지력에 대한 실험연구)

  • Na, Yong Soo;Lee, Sang Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2019
  • Bearing capacity of a pile in homogeneous soil is the sum of end bearing and skin resistance, and the skin resistance is more prominent in sandy soil. Bearing capacity of a pile in pile groups especially in sandy ground should be designed under the consideration of the influence by the adjacent piles. In this study, the end bearing capacity of a pile in pile groups was experimentally investigated. For this purpose, piles were installed in sandy ground in a circular test box, and end bearing - settlement behavior of the pile was measured while the pile was loaded. As the results, end bearing - settlement relation curves of the piles showed a distinct limit value. Limit value of the end bearing was little affected by skin friction and pile diameter, and it became a constant value as pile penetrates deeper. End bearing was not affected by the adjacent piles in a group of piles, when their clearance was larger than the pile diameter.

The Homotopy Perturbation Method for free vibration analysis of beam on elastic foundation

  • Ozturk, Baki;Coskun, Safa Bozkurt
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) is applied to free vibration analysis of beam on elastic foundation. This numerical method is applied on three different axially loaded cases, namely: 1) one end fixed, the other end simply supported; 2) both ends fixed and 3) both ends simply supported cases. Analytical solutions and frequency factors are evaluated for different ratios of axial load N acting on the beam to Euler buckling load, $N_r$. The application of HPM for the particular problem in this study gives results which are in excellent agreement with both analytical solutions and the variational iteration method (VIM) solutions for all the cases considered in this study and the differential transform method (DTM) results available in the literature for the fixed-pinned case.

A Study on the Effect of Molding Pressure on the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness (층간파괴인성치에 미치는 성형압력의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 김형진;김재동;고성위
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.1140-1147
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes the effect of various molding pressure for Mode I. Mode II interlaminar fracture toughness of carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites by using double cantilever beam(DCB), end notched flexure(ENF) and end loaded split(ELS) Specimen. The value of $G_{IC}$, $G_{IIC}$ as a function of various molding pressure is almost same at 307, 431, 585 kPa, however it shows highest value under 307kPa molding pressure, The SEM photographs show good fiber distribution and interfacial bonding of composites when the molding pressure is the 307kPa.

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Analysis of magnetic forces for dynamic characteristics of electrodynamic Maglcv Systcm (반발식 자기부상열차의 동특성해석을 위한 전자력계산)

  • 홍순흠;한송엽;차귀수
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 1994
  • This paper deals with the magnetic forces of the combined levitation and guidance EDS(Electrodynamic Suspension) maglev system when the car bogie is tilted by the roll, pitch and yaw. The end effect on the magnetic forces are considered by calculating the air-gap flux without the assumptions for its pattern. Induced voltages and currents of the ground coils are given as results. The restoring torque due to roll, pitch and yaw of the bogie body are also examined. It has been shown that the end effect of the concentrically loaded vehicle are not negligible and the combined EDS is stable maglev system against disturbing forces.

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Plastic collapse of tapered, tip-loaded cantilevered beams

  • Wilson, James F.;El-Esnawy, Nayer A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.569-588
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    • 2000
  • The plastic collapse loads and their locations are predicted for a class of tapered, initially curved, and transversely corrugated cantilevered beams subjected to static tip loading. Results of both closed form and finite element solutions for several rigid perfectly plastic and elastic perfectly plastic beam models are evaluated. The governing equations are cast in nondimensional form for efficient studies of collapse load as it varies with beam geometry and the angle of the tip load. Static experiments for laboratory-scale configurations whose taper flared toward the tip, complemented the theory in that collapse occurred at points about 40% of the beams length from the fixed end. Experiments for low speed impact loading of these configurations showed that collapse occurred further from the fixed end, between the 61% and 71% points. The results may be applied to the design of safer highway guardrail terminal systems that collapse by design under vehicle impact.

Differential transform method and numerical assembly technique for free vibration analysis of the axial-loaded Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying a number of intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias

  • Yesilce, Yusuf
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.537-573
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    • 2015
  • Multiple-step beams carrying intermediate lumped masses with/without rotary inertias are widely used in engineering applications, but in the literature for free vibration analysis of such structural systems; Bernoulli-Euler Beam Theory (BEBT) without axial force effect is used. The literature regarding the free vibration analysis of Bernoulli-Euler single-span beams carrying a number of spring-mass systems, Bernoulli-Euler multiple-step and multi-span beams carrying multiple spring-mass systems and multiple point masses are plenty, but that of Timoshenko multiple-step beams carrying intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias with axial force effect is fewer. The purpose of this paper is to utilize Numerical Assembly Technique (NAT) and Differential Transform Method (DTM) to determine the exact natural frequencies and mode shapes of the axial-loaded Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying a number of intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias. The model allows analyzing the influence of the shear and axial force effects, intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias on the free vibration analysis of the multiple-step beams by using Timoshenko Beam Theory (TBT). At first, the coefficient matrices for the intermediate lumped mass with rotary inertia, the step change in cross-section, left-end support and right-end support of the multiple-step Timoshenko beam are derived from the analytical solution. After the derivation of the coefficient matrices, NAT is used to establish the overall coefficient matrix for the whole vibrating system. Finally, equating the overall coefficient matrix to zero one determines the natural frequencies of the vibrating system and substituting the corresponding values of integration constants into the related eigenfunctions one determines the associated mode shapes. After the analytical solution, an efficient and easy mathematical technique called DTM is used to solve the differential equations of the motion. The calculated natural frequencies of Timoshenko multiple-step beam carrying intermediate lumped masses and/or rotary inertias for the different values of axial force are given in tables. The first five mode shapes are presented in graphs. The effects of axial force, intermediate lumped masses and rotary inertias on the free vibration analysis of Timoshenko multiple-step beam are investigated.