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A Study on the Development Direction of Medical Image Information System Using Big Data and AI (빅데이터와 AI를 활용한 의료영상 정보 시스템 발전 방향에 대한 연구)

  • Yoo, Se Jong;Han, Seong Soo;Jeon, Mi-Hyang;Han, Man Seok
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 2022
  • The rapid development of information technology is also bringing about many changes in the medical environment. In particular, it is leading the rapid change of medical image information systems using big data and artificial intelligence (AI). The prescription delivery system (OCS), which consists of an electronic medical record (EMR) and a medical image storage and transmission system (PACS), has rapidly changed the medical environment from analog to digital. When combined with multiple solutions, PACS represents a new direction for advancement in security, interoperability, efficiency and automation. Among them, the combination with artificial intelligence (AI) using big data that can improve the quality of images is actively progressing. In particular, AI PACS, a system that can assist in reading medical images using deep learning technology, was developed in cooperation with universities and industries and is being used in hospitals. As such, in line with the rapid changes in the medical image information system in the medical environment, structural changes in the medical market and changes in medical policies to cope with them are also necessary. On the other hand, medical image information is based on a digital medical image transmission device (DICOM) format method, and is divided into a tomographic volume image, a volume image, and a cross-sectional image, a two-dimensional image, according to a generation method. In addition, recently, many medical institutions are rushing to introduce the next-generation integrated medical information system by promoting smart hospital services. The next-generation integrated medical information system is built as a solution that integrates EMR, electronic consent, big data, AI, precision medicine, and interworking with external institutions. It aims to realize research. Korea's medical image information system is at a world-class level thanks to advanced IT technology and government policies. In particular, the PACS solution is the only field exporting medical information technology to the world. In this study, along with the analysis of the medical image information system using big data, the current trend was grasped based on the historical background of the introduction of the medical image information system in Korea, and the future development direction was predicted. In the future, based on DICOM big data accumulated over 20 years, we plan to conduct research that can increase the image read rate by using AI and deep learning algorithms.

A Study on the Passengers liability of the Carrier on the Montreal Convention (몬트리올협약상의 항공여객운송인의 책임(Air Carrier's Liability for Passenger on Montreal Convention 1999))

  • Kim, Jong-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 2008
  • Until Montreal Convention was established in 1999, the Warsaw System is undoubtedly accepted private international air law treaty and has played major role on the carrier's liability in international aviation transport industry. But the whole Warsaw System, though it was revised many times to meet the rapid developments of the aviation transport industry, is so complicated, tangled and outdated. This thesis, therefore, aim to introduce the Montreal Convention by interpreting it as a new legal instrument on the air carrier's liability, specially on the passenger's, and analyzing all the issues relating to it. The Montreal Convention markedly changed the rules governing international carriage by air. The Montreal Convention has modernized and consolidated the old Warsaw System of international instruments of private international air law into one legal instrument. One of the most significant features of the Montreal Convention is that it sifted its priority to the protection of the interest of the consumers from the protection of the carrier which originally the Warsaw Convention intended to protect the fledgling international air transport business. Two major features of the Montreal Convention adopts are the Two-tier Liability System and the Fifth Jurisdiction. In case of death or bodily injury to passengers, the Montreal Convention introduces a two-tier liability system. The first tier includes strict liability up to 100,000SDR, irrespective of carriers' fault. The second tier is based on presumption of fault of carrier and has no limit of liability. Regarding Jurisdiction, the Montreal Convention expands upon the four jurisdiction in which the carrier could be sued by adding a fifth jurisdiction, i.e., a passenger can bring suit in a country in which he or she has their permanent and principal residence and in which the carrier provides a services for the carriage of passengers by either its own aircraft or through a commercial agreement. Other features are introducing the advance payment, electronic ticketing, compulsory insurance and regulation on the contracting and actual carrier etc. As we see some major features of the Montreal Convention, the Convention heralds the single biggest change in the international aviation liability and there can be no doubt it will prevail the international aviation transport world in the future. Our government signed this Convention on 20th Sep. 2007 and it came into effect on 29th Dec. 2007 domestically. Thus, it was recognized that domestic carriers can adequately and independently manage the change of risks of liability. I, therefore, would like to suggest our country's aviation industry including newly-born low cost carrier prepare some countermeasures domestically that are necessary to the enforcement of the Convention.

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The KALION Automated Aerosol Type Classification and Mass Concentration Calculation Algorithm (한반도 에어로졸 라이다 네트워크(KALION)의 에어로졸 유형 구분 및 질량 농도 산출 알고리즘)

  • Yeo, Huidong;Kim, Sang-Woo;Lee, Chulkyu;Kim, Dukhyeon;Kim, Byung-Gon;Kim, Sewon;Nam, Hyoung-Gu;Noh, Young Min;Park, Soojin;Park, Chan Bong;Seo, Kwangsuk;Choi, Jin-Young;Lee, Myong-In;Lee, Eun hye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2016
  • Descriptions are provided of the automated aerosol-type classification and mass concentration calculation algorithm for real-time data processing and aerosol products in Korea Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (KALION, http://www.kalion.kr). The KALION algorithm provides aerosol-cloud classification and three aerosol types (clean continental, dust, and polluted continental/urban pollution aerosols). It also generates vertically resolved distributions of aerosol extinction coefficient and mass concentration. An extinction-to-backscatter ratio (lidar ratio) of 63.31 sr and aerosol mass extinction efficiency of 3.36m2g1 (1.39m2g1 for dust), determined from co-located sky radiometer and PM10 mass concentration measurements in Seoul from June 2006 to December 2015, are deployed in the algorithm. To assess the robustness of the algorithm, we investigate the pollution and dust events in Seoul on 28-30 March, 2015. The aerosol-type identification, especially for dust particles, is agreed with the official Asian dust report by Korean Meteorological Administration. The lidar-derived mass concentrations also well match with PM10 mass concentrations. Mean bias difference between PM10 and lidar-derived mass concentrations estimated from June 2006 to December 2015 in Seoul is about 3μgm3. Lidar ratio and aerosol mass extinction efficiency for each aerosol types will be developed and implemented into the KALION algorithm. More products, such as ice and water-droplet cloud discrimination, cloud base height, and boundary layer height will be produced by the KALION algorithm.

Sexuality, Contraception, and Induced Abortion among Adolescents and Young Adults in the Export Processing Zones of Korea (미혼여성의 성, 피임, 그리고 인공유산 - 수출공단지역의 사례연구)

  • 조성남
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.93-122
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    • 1996
  • This is a study of the determinants of sexual, contraceptive, and abortion behavior among unmarried female adolescents and young adults, which has emerged as a growing and serious health problem in Korea. As part of a larger project, data were gathered in three export zones: Kuro (Seoul), Kumi (Kyngbuk) Masan Changwon (Kyongnam) ; and the study samples are regrouped into three categories: 1) factory workers, i.e. , the reference group serving as program participants, 2) entertainment workers, and 3) ob-gyn patients. This study indicates that entertainment workers are at highest risk of experiencing premarital sex, STDs, contraceptive failure, unwanted pregnancies, and induced abortion. Of them, 20 percent had STDs as a result of first sexual experience: and about seven tenths had two or more pregnancies due to the adoption of low-efficacy methods. The proportion of those who had ever been pregnant was 60 percent for the group as a whole: 36 percent for the program participants: 64 percent for the entertainment workers ; and 91 percent four the ob-gyn patients. These proportions are exactly the same for abortion in each group, which means that all pregnancies ended in induced abortion. Of the respondents who said that they were sexually active at the time of survey, abortions were very high: 1.6 for the program participants, 2.3 for the entertainment workers, and 1.9 for the ob-gyn patients. About 80 percent of the women had abortions during the first trimester, and two thirds of the first abortions took place between the ages of 20 and 23. About one fourth experienced post-abortion complication, which was highest among the program participants (39 percent). Sixty percent of those with complications visited a hospital or took medicine to treat the problem. Even after the experience of induced abortion, the use of contraception was very low, except among the entertainment workers, whose level of use reached 53 percent. The most obvious recommendation, arising from this research, is that 'good-quality' counselling and family planning services be established under the auspices of both national and local government, particularly targeted for the entertainment workers as well as the factory workers in various textile, electronic, manufacturing, and other industrial sectors. We believe that entertainment sectors should be restructured radically so that young women who work for amusement bars and other entertainment sectors obtain protection from the risk of having unwanted pregnancies, STDs, and induced abortion.

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A Review on Solution Plans for Preventing Environmental Contamination as the Trend Changes of Cryptocurrency (암호화폐의 트랜드 변화에 따른 환경오염 방지 해결방안에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jeong-hun;Song, Sae-hee;Ko, Lim-hwan;Nam, Hak-hyun;Jang, Jae-hyuck;Jung, Hoi-yun;Choi, Hyuck-jae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2022
  • Cryptocurrency, stood out the sharp cost rising of Bitcoin has been spotlighted by means of the solution for stagflation because it is decentralized with an existing currency differently. Especially getting into 4th industrial revolution, technologies using block chain and internet of things have been used in the many fields, and the power of influence is also widespread. Nevertheless like a remark of Elon Musk of Tesla CEO, the problems of environmental contamination for cryptocurrency have been pointed out continuously and the most representative of them is an enormous electric usage as the use of fossil fuels. Also the amount generated of carbon dioxide result in the acceleration of global warming mainly based on the climate changes of earth if the existing mining method is continued. On the other hand, review researches have been conducted restrictively as the connection with environmental contamination as the mining of cryptocurrency. In this study, it intended to review problems for environmental contamination as the diversification of ecological system of cryptocurrency concretely. Upon investigation existing prior documents on the putting recent data first, the mining of cryptocurrency has affected on the environmental contamination conflicting with carbon neutrality as increasement of the electric usage and electronic wastes. And POS method without the mining process appeared, but it had a demerit collapsing a decentralization and then we met turning point on appearing various environmental-friendly cryptocurrency. Finally the appearance of cryptocurrency using new renewable energy acted on the opportunity of the usage maximization of energy storage apparatus and the birth of national government intervention. Based on these results, we mention clearly that hereafter cryptocurrency will regress if not go abreast the value of currency as well as environmental approach.