• 제목/요약/키워드: domestic journals

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The Abstracting Services in Korea: The Present State, Problems and Some Suggestions for Action in the Future (우리나라의 초록시스템 - 현황, 문제 및 개선방안)

  • Choi, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.133-160
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    • 1984
  • The main purpose of the present study is to survey the major abstracting bulletins of national nature in Korea, to define such problem areas as lacunae, duplicates and limitation in coverage in the abstracting services currently available in Korea, and to make some suggestions for action for improving the abstracting services in the light of general principles and the tradition and situations unique to Korea. The major conclusions reached at this study are summarised as follows: (A) A new abstracting bulletin of general nature covering the whole field needs to be created in each of the following fields where no established abstracting service is available for the outcome of research and development activities in Korea. (1) Language (2) Religion (3) Art (4) Language (5) Literature (6) History (B) A new specialised abstracting bulletin needs to be created in each of the following fields of science where abstracting services limited in coverage are partially available. (a) Statistics (b) Sociology (c) political science (d) Public administration (e) Law (f) Folk lore (g) Military science (2) Pure sciences (a) Mathematics (b) Chemistry (c) Astronomy (d) Geology (e) Mineralogy (f) Life sciences (g) Botany (h) Zoology (3) Applied sciences (a) Agriculture (b) Architectural engineering (c) Mechanical engineering (d) Electrical engineering (e) Chemical engineering (f) Manufacturing industry (g) Domestic science (C) Publication of the abstracting bulletins suggested in (A) and (B) above may be ideally carried on by a qualified learned society established in the respective field. and should be financially supported by the public fund under the provisions of Art. 27 of the Research Promotion Act of 1979. (D) The current practice of adding the author's abstract and keywords to each of the records of the "Doctoral Theses in Humanities and Social Sciences" part of the" Catalogue of Doctoral and Master's Theses Submitted to the Universities in Korea" published by the National Assembly Library should be applied to all the other parts, i. e. to the parts of the "Master's Theses in Humanities and Social Sciences" and of the "Doctoral and Master's Theses in Natural Sciences': which will not only increase the Catalogue's use value but also discourage appearance of various theses abstracts of individual academic institutions such as the" Abstracts of the Doctoral and Master's Theses Submitted to Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology" which will in turn reduce inefficiency involved in the abstracting services at national level. (E) A general abstracting bulletin covering most part of the outcome of research and development activities in Korea other than that covered by the existing abstracts needs to be created to be temporarily. used till the abstracting journals suggested in this study will be fully available. A realistic way of having such a bulletin may be to expand the present coverage of "The Abstracts of the Reports of the Government-sponsored Projects" currently published by Korean Research Foundation.

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A Proposal for Promotion of Research Activities by Analysis of KOSEF's Basic Research Supports in Animal Resources Science Field (한국과학재단의 동물자원과학 분야의 기초연구지원 추이분석을 통한 연구활동지원 활성화 제언)

  • Min, T.S.;Park, S.H.;Kim, S.Y.;Kim, Y.Y.;Lee, H.T.;Han, In-K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.115-132
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    • 2005
  • This research was conducted to make suggestions for the promotion of research activities in the field of animal resources sciences, and we evaluated the research funding trend and the present status of research funding offered by KOSEF in this field. Comparative portion of the number of research projects and grants in this field to other fields has a tendency to be decreased year by year except recent few years. Researchers in this field have received more research funding from the group-based program than from the individual-based program. Also, they have received less money(per project) than did researchers in the fields of general agricultural sciences and other science and technology. Researchers in this field ranges from 43 to 51 years of age and showed 48 years of average age. It was found that researchers who has been funded in the field of animal resources sciences have showed tendency of publication of more articles to SCI journals in recent 5 years. The strong points of the animal resources of agricultural sciences field in South Korea include: lots of researchers, the establishment of research infra-structure, the excellence in research competitiveness and technology level. However, its weaknesses are: a lack of leadership in relevant societies and institutes, a predicted shortfall of researchers in the next generation and insufficient research productivity. The opportunities include: increasing the importance of the biotechnology industry, activating international cooperation researches and exploring the multitude of possible research areas to be studied. However, some concerns still exist, such as threats from developed countries for the government to open the agricultural market, the reduction of the number of full-time farms and intensification of needs for economic and social effects. The diverse actions and systems based upon the strongpoint, weakness, opportunity and threats above-mentioned are required to encourage research activities in the field of animal resources of agricultural sciences in Korea In addition, researchers in this fields would make an effort to keep pace with international society as well as domestic demands.

A Review of Domestic Research for the Brain-science Based Learning According to Age and Comparison and Consideration of Learning Methodology of Korean Medicine According to Age (뇌과학에 기반한 연령별 학습법과 연령별 한의학적 학습방법론 비교고찰)

  • Cho, A-Ram;Park, So-Im;Kang, Da-Hyun;Sue, Joo-Hee
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.333-350
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to research learning based on brain science and the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age. Through this, the study aimed to provide a guideline to related Korean Medicine treatments as well as the common nurturing/educational institutions. Methods: All journals and dissertations on brain science based learning methods studied in Korea to date that could be found in the National Assembly Library and the RISS were implemented in the analysis. The terminology used for search was as follows: 1st search, 'Brain'; 2nd search, 'Learning', 'Education'; 3rd search, 'Baby, 'Infant', 'Child'. For the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age, the related contents were extracted from Donguibogam and Liuyi, Sasang constitutional medicine. Results: A total of 30 studies, were collected as data. In the baby stage, the development and myelination of brain neurons are accelerated by experience and learning, highly influenced by social, cognitive and emotional movement. In infancy, the frontal lobe actively develops, so education for development of the prefrontal cortex is suggested. The brain of the infant at this stage can be developed by arts and physical education. In the child stage, the parietal and temporal lobe develop actively. Thus, programs to stimulate brain activity including brain respiration would be helpful in enhancing learning ability, concentration, etc. As evidence for learning and nurturing methodology according to disparity of age from Korean Medicine prospective, the following are listed: Location and time for sexual intercourse before pregnancy, stabilization during pregnancy, baby nurturing methods for nurturing from Donguibogam. Also Liuyi and Sasanag constitutional medicine can be the learning methodology according to disparity of age. And there are acupuncture points on each head section according to age in Donguibogam. Conclusions: Studies on 'brain-science based learning' are continuously being conducted. Based on these studies, diverse new brain-science based learning will be developed in the future. There is also a need to develop the learning methodology of Korean Medicine according to disparity of age in a more systematic and diverse way.

A Suggestive Study on the Development of Dance Content for ICT-based Health Promotion of the Elderly (ICT기반 노인건강 증진을 위한 무용 콘텐츠 개발에 대한 제언적 연구)

  • Baek, Ju-Mi;Kim, Hwa-Rye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2017
  • The rapid progress of aging society gives rise to a variety of problems of the aged. In particular, the health issue among the elderly poses a socio-economic burden on our society. In a bid to promote the health of the elderly, development and application of various contents linked with the ICT technology to our daily life and ways to facilitate their use among the elderly should be sought. Korea has provided a variety of contents designed to promote or maintain health of people of various ages through the wide spread and use of smart phones since 2010 but there has been a severe lack in contents for the elderly in terms of their quantity and quality. Against this backdrop, this study aims to utilize dance characterized by physical movements and bodily expressions as part of developing ICT-based contents for health promotion of the elderly. This study has adopted a number of research methodologies, including analysis of preceding researches into elderly welfare based on the research topics and periods of from domestic academic journals and academic theses (master's, doctoral), ICT-based preceding researches into elderly affairs, preceding researches into dance programs for the elderly, based on which I intend to present a proposal on the development and use of dance contents.

A Study on the Trend Analysis for the Activation of Relationship Addiction Research : From 2005 to 2019 (관계중독 연구 활성화 위한 동향 분석 : 2005년부터 2019년까지)

  • Hwang, Myong-Gu;Song, Hyun-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.98-111
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    • 2019
  • This study suggests a proper studying direction of research on relationship addiction problem. And it presents fundamental research data by analysing domestic research trends of relationship addiction among various crises of people have addiction problem. For analysis of trends on relationship addiction, I searched almost all master's and doctoral dissertations and academic journals which were studied on "addiction", "relationship addiction", "addiction relationship" from 2005 to 2019 in Korea. Also I have surveyed various publications in the data base of Research Information Sharing Service, academic research data base, the National Assembly Library and the National Central Library in Korea. And for the reasonable results, I have studied the research according to 4 steps such as "collecting data and analyzing precedent research", "building analysis criterion", "cording and analysis", "making conclusion and suggesting the development direction" The results of this study are like these. The total number of researches on relationship addiction is 67. The object of those studies were limited adult's or undergraduate students's relationship addiction. So it is necessary that the fields of relationship addiction research are expanding gradually. And the research shows that the relationship addiction problem is directly related with sexual prostitution. Therefore, there are enough needs to study more in diverse, different point of view. Also it is suggested that the proper analyses methodology of relationship addiction shoud be used and new analysis criterions should be developed. In this study, the necessity of further more study is proposed in various ways of methodology about the relation of social problem and relationship addiction. And from this study, it is proved that expending the objects and fields of the study on relationship addiction, the factors analysis on addiction, study models of addiction must be necessary to be studied.

Safety Risk Management Policy of United States small unmanned aerial system (미 소형 무인비행체계의 안전성 위험관리 정책)

  • Hong, Jin-Keun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to review the small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) safety policy promoted by the United States(US) government. Therefore, in this paper, along with sUAS risk factors, the risk factors of sUAS that the US government is interested in are described. In addition, the risk factors were classified into physical and non-physical factors, and provisions mentioned in the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) Relicensing Act were reviewed. Other risk scenarios were analyzed focusing on target scenario items that the FAA is interested in, such as flight operation disruption, infrastructure damage, and facility trespassing. Of course, we looked at the risk management principles promoted by the US FAA. In this paper, as a research method, the direction and contents of the FAA's sUAS policy were studied and reviewed from the analysis of major foreign journals and policy. In the research result of this paper, by analyzing the FAA sUAS safety risk management policy, the integrated operation and safety policy, physical risk management policy, operation and safety regulation, and sUAS policy and technology direction necessary for establishing the sUAS safety risk management guide in Korea are presented. The contribution of this study is to identify the leading US sUAS safety policy direction, and it can be used as basic data for deriving future domestic policy directions from this. Based on the research results presented in the future, policy studies are needed to derive detailed implementation plans.

Threat Diagnostic Checklists of Security Service in 5G Communication Network Virtualization Environment (5G 통신 네트워크 가상화 환경에서 보안 서비스의 위협 진단 체크리스트)

  • Hong, Jin-Keun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this paper is to review the direction of the slicing security policy, which is a major consideration in the context of standardization in 5G communication network security, to derive security vulnerability diagnosis items, and to present about analyzing and presenting the issues of discussion for 5G communication network virtualization. As for the research method, the direction of virtualization security policy of 5G communication network of ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity), a European core security research institute, and research contents such as virtualization security policy and vulnerability analysis of 5G communication network from related journals were used for analysis. In the research result of this paper, the security structure in virtualization security of 5G communication network is arranged, and security threats and risk management factors are derived. In addition, vulnerability diagnosis items were derived for each security service in the risk management area. The contribution of this study is to summarize the security threat items in 5G communication network virtualization security that is still being discussed, to be able to gain insights of the direction of European 5G communication network cybersecurity, and to derive vulnerabilities diagnosis items to be considered for virtualization security of 5G communication network. In addition, the results of this study can be used as basic data to develop vulnerability diagnosis items for virtualization security of domestic 5G communication networks. In the future, it is necessary to study the detailed diagnosis process for the vulnerability diagnosis items of 5G communication network virtualization security.

Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II Appraisal of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Traffic Injuries (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II를 이용한 교통사고 상해증후군의 국내·외 기개발 임상진료지침의 평가)

  • Park, Kyeong-Won;Lee, Jun-Seok;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Park, Sun-Young;Heo, In;Shin, Byung-Cheul
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2021
  • Objectives This study was aimed to evaluate clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) of traffic injuries, which has already been developed at domestic or outside of country, and to explore the Korean medical treatments included in the CPGs. Methods Twelve electronic databases (PubMed, Cochrane library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure [CNKI {Chinese Academic Journals, CAJ}], Research Information Sharing Service [RISS], Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System [OASIS], KoreaMed, Korean Medical Guideline Information [KoMGI), National Guideline Clearinghouse [AHRQ], Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials Initiative Website [COMET], Turning Research into Practice [TRIP], The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [NICE], and Medical Research Information Center [MedRIC]) up to July 2021 were searched. Only systematically developed CPGs for traffic injuries were selected and appraised. The appraisal was conducted by using Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II tool. Results Six CPGs were included and evaluated. All CPGs were appraised as highly recommended because they exceeded 60% in more than 4 among 6 domains of AGREE II, including domain of 'rigor of development', and 30% in the rest. Recommendations related to Korean medicine treatments such as on manual therapy related to Chuna were given in 6 CPGs, 4 for acupuncture, 1 for Qigong and 1 for Taping. Conclusions The 6 CPGs were developed up to now through a systematic development methodology and there were many recommendations for Korean medical treatments related to manual (Chuna) treatment, acupuncture and Qigong. However, the evidence for the side effects and risk factors of Korean medical treatments was scantly reflected in CPGs. Therefore, it is considered that balanced CPG with benefits and risks should be developed, covering Korean medical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

Meta-Analysis on Factors Influencing Work-Life Balance(WLB) (Work-Life Balance(WLB) 영향요인에 관한 메타 분석)

  • Kim, Jhong Yun;Park, Seon Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.214-223
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    • 2019
  • This study is a meta-analysis based on results of empirical studies related to work-life balance(WLB), and the relationships between WLB and other variables. In order to achieve this objective, articles published in domestic journals prior to December 2018 were collected. Data was collected using an online database provided by the Korea Educational and Scientific Information Service, and a total of 27 studies and 126 sub data were coded. Data was analyzed using CMA (comprehensive meta-analysis) 3.0 program. Results of this study are as follows. First, the overall mean effect size of WLB was 0.365, indicating a small effect size. Second, the effect sizes of dependent variables influenced by WLB included immersion, innovation, and performance in order. Third, the effect size of organizational focus variables was more than twice as big as that of individual focus variables. Fourth, the negative theoretical background dependent variables of WLB, such as sacrifice, job stress, and turnover showed -0.254 effect size, and the positive theoretical background dependent variables, such as job satisfaction and emotional commitment have mid-size effect (0.576). Fifth, the effect size of independent variables were in the order of work-development balance, work-home balance, and work-leisure balance.

Current Research Trends in Hospice-Related Domestic Nursing Research Theses (1998~2017) (호스피스 관련 국내 간호연구 논문 동향(1998~2017))

  • Kim, Won Soon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: In this study, the hospice nursing research trend in 1998~2017 was investigated by analyzing research articles on hospice nursing. Methods: Literature search was performed with keywords of 'nursing' and 'hospice on an academic research information service. Also reviewed were all articles published in the Korean Journal of Nursing Science and its 8 subcategory journals, the Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care and the Korean Hospice Association from 1998 through 2017, except thesis papers. Results: In 2013~2017, 79 articles (31.0%) were relevant, up over 7% from 61 articles (23.9%) in 2008~2012. The most studied field was psychology (92 papers, 36.2%) in the Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. Enrolled in most papers were patients with end-stage cancer (75, 29.5%), which is overwhelmingly high. Most studies used quantitative methods (183, 72.0%). Recognition was the most studied theme (62, 24.4%), and 16 of them focused on recognition of death (6.3%). Intervention studies totaled 34 (13.4%), and most of them (7, 2.8%) were conducted for palliative education. Conclusion: Most hospice nursing studies were quantitative studies, conducted with patients, and hospice nursing intervention programs were similar to each other. Thus, more studies with hospice patients and their families are needed. And more experimental and qualitative studies are needed to build an evidence-based nursing study environment. Considering how most studies examined psychological factors, physiological factors such as pain, a major issue in hospice care, should be analyzed in experimental studies to construct a pain intervention program for hospice patients.