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Radiation Therapy for Pituitary Adenoma -Changes in Endocrine Function after Treatment- (뇌하수체선종의 방사선치료후 혈중 호르몬치의 변화)

  • Yoon Sei Chul;Jang Hong Suck;Kim Song Hwan;Shinn Kyung Sub;Bahk Yong Whee;Son Ho Young;Kang Joon Ki
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 1991
  • Seventy four patients with pituitary adenoma received radiation therapy (RT) on the pituitary area using 6 MV linear accelerator during the past 7 years at the Division of Radiation Therapy, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College. Thirty nine were men and 35 were women. The age ranged from 7 to 65 years with the mean being 37 years. Sixty five ($88\%$) patients were treated postoperatively and 9 ($12\%$) primary RT, To evaluate the effects of RT, we analyzed the series of endocrinologic studies with prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), leuteinizing hormone (LH), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) etc after RT. All but one with Nelson's syndrome showed abnormal neuroradiologic changes in the sella turcica with invasive tumor mass around supra- and/or parasella area. The patients were classified as 23 ($29\%$) prolactinomas and 20 ($26\%$) growth hormone (GH) secreting tumors, and 6 ($8\%$ ACTH secreting ones consisting of 4 Cushing's disease and 2 Nelson's syndrome. Twentynine ($37\%$) had nonfunctioning tumor and four ($5\%$) of those secreting pituitary tumors were mixed PRL-GH secreting tumors. The hormonal level in 15 ($65\%$) of 23 PRL and 3 ($15\%$) of 20 GH secreting tumors returned to normal by 2 to 3 years after RT, but five PRL and five GH secreting tumors showed high hormonal level requiring bromocriptine medication. Endocrinologic insufficiency developed by 3 years after RT in 5 of 7 panhypopituitarisms, 4 of seven hypothyroidisms and one of two hypogonadisms, respectively. Fifteen ($20\%$) patients were lost to follow up after RT.

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Relationship between XRCC1 Polymorphism and Acute Complication of Chemoradiation Therapy in the Patients with Colorectal Cancer (대장, 직장암 환자에서 화학방사선치료의 급성 부작용과 XRCC1 유전자 다형성과의 상관관계)

  • Kim Woo-Chul;Hong Yun-Chul;Choi Sun-Keun;Woo Ze-Hong;Nam Jeong-Hyun;Choi Gwang-Seong;Lee Moon-Hee;Kim Soon-Ki;Song Sun-U.;Loh John-Jk
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: It is well known from clinical experience that acute complications of chemoradiation therapy vary from patients to patients. However, there are no known factors to predict these acute complications before treatment starts. The human XRCC1 gene is known as a DNA base excision repair gene. We investigated the possibilities of XRCC1 gene polymorphisms as a predictor for the acute complications of chemoradiation therapy in colorectal cancer patients. Materials and Methods: From July 1997 to June 2003, 86 colorectal cancer patients (71 rectal cancer, 13 sigmoid colon cancer and 2 colon cancer patients) were treated with chemoradiation therapy at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Inha University Hospital. Twenty-two patients were in stage B, 50 were in stage C, 8 were in stage D and 6 patients were unresectable cases. External radiation therapy was delivered with 10MV X-ray at a 1.8 Gy fraction per day for a total dose of radiation of $30.6{\sim}59.4 Gy$ (median: 54 Gy). All the patients received 5-FU based chemotherapy regimen. We analyzed the acute complications of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract based on the RTOG complication scale. The initial and lowest WBC and platelet count were recorded during both the RT period and the whole treatment period. Allelic variants of the XRCC1 gene at codons 194, 280 and 399 were analyzed in the lymphocyte DNA by performing PCR-RFLP. Statistical analyses were carried out with the SAS (version 6.12) statistical package. Results: When all the variables were assessed on the multivariate analysis, recurrent disease revealed the factors that significantly correlated with upper gastrointestinal acute complications. Arg399Gln polymorph isms of the XRCC1 gene, the radiation dose and the frequencies of chemotherapy during radiation therapy were significantly correlated with lower gastrointestinal complications. Arg399Gln polymorph isms also affected the decrease of the WBC and platelet count during radiation therapy. Conclusion: Although the present sample size was too small for fully evaluating this hypothesis, this study suggests that Arg399Gln polymorph isms of the XRCC1 genes may be used as one of the predictors for acute complications of chemoradiation therapy in colorectal cancer patients.

Results of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Low Rectal Cancer (하부 직장암의 수술 전 화학방사선요법 결과)

  • Yun Hyong-Geun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study explored the anal sphincter-saving rate and down-staging rate after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for treating lower rectal cancer. We also explored the prognosis of the patients who refused surgery after preoperative chemoradiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Thirty seven patients with histologically proven lower rectal cancer who underwent preoperative chemoradiotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. In each case, the tumor location was 0 to 5 em from the anal verge, and curative resection of the cancer with performing a sphincter-saving procedure was not feasible before chemoradiotherapy. In each case, the staging examinations, including biopsy, were done before starting radiotherapy and this was repeated at 1 month after radiation therapy. Results: After chemoradiotherapy, among the 37 included patients, 56.8% and 32.4% were downstaged to the T stage and N stage, respectively, when comparing the postradiotherapy stage with pre-radiotherapy stage. Twenty five patients underwent complete resection of cancer at 6 weeks after radiotherapy: eleven, eight and six patients underwent abdominoperineal resection, low anterior resection and local excision, respectively. The sphincter-saving rate among the 24 completely resected cases was 54.2%. Twelve patients refused surgery after radiotherapy. Among 6 patients who refused surgery with biopsy-proven complete remission after chemoradiotherapy, 5 patients were alive without disease at a median follow up period of 31 months, and only 1 patient had local failure. Conclusion: For lower rectal cancer, a high sphincter-saving rate was accomplished with preoperative chemoradiotherapy. The prognosis of the patients who refused surgery with biopsy proven complete remission after chemoradiotherapy was good and these patients need to be kept under close surveillance.

An Analysis of Prognostic Factors Affecting the Outcome of Radiation Therapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (비인강암의 방사선치료 곁과 및 생존율에 관한 예후인자 분석)

  • Jung, Young-Yeon;Kim, Ok-Bae;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This retrospective study was conduced to analyze the treatment results and to evaluate the prognostic factors affecting the survival of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Materials and Methods: From 1987 to 2002, we analyzed 43 patients who had nasopharyngeal carcinomas that were histologically confirmed and who had also completed the planned radiation therapy course at Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center According to the 6th edition of American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system, 12 patients ($27.9\%$) were at Stage 11, 13 ($30.2\%$) were at Stage III and 18 ($41.9\%$) were at Stage IV Histopathologically, there were 15 ($34.9\%$) squamous cell carcinomas, 8 ($18.5\%$) nonkeratinizing carcinomas, 17 ($39.5\%$) undifferentiated carcinomas, and 3 ($7.0\%$) lymphoepitheliomas. Among the total 43 patients, 31 patients ($72.1\%$) were treated with only radiation therapy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was peformed on 7 patients ($16.3\%$) and concurrent chemoradiotherapy was performed on S patients ($11.6\%$). Cisplatin and 5-Fluorouracil were administered to 11 patients for 4 cycles, and Cisplatin and Taxotere were administered to 1 patient for 6 cycles. The range of the total radiation dose delivered to the primary tumor was from 61.2 to 84 Gy (median 70.4 Gy), The follow-up period ranged from 2 to 197 months with median follow-up of 84 months. Results: The local control rate at 6 months after radiation therapy was $90.7\%$. The five year overall survival and disease free survival rates were $50.7\%$ and $48.9\%$, respectively. On the multivariate analysis, the age, T-stage ($T_{1-3}\;vs\;T_4$), N-stage and AJCC stage were the statistically significant prognostic factors affecting survival (p<0.05). The patterns of failure were as follows: local failure only in 3 patients ($7.0\%$), local and systemic failure in 1 patient ($2.3\%$), and distant metastasis only in 11 patients ($25.6\%$). Conclusion: The prognostic factors affecting the outcome of nasopharyngeal carcinoma were age, T-stage (7$T_{1-3}\;vs\;T_4$), N-stage and stage. Because systemic metastasis was the main failure pattern noted for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, systemic chemotherapy is needed to decrease the rate of distant metastasis for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In audition, research for more effective chemotherapeutical regimens and schedules is also needed.

Radiation Therapy for Superior Vena Cava Syndrome (상대정맥증후군의 방사선치료)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The studied the effect of such variables as the symptom improvement rate, survival and prognostic factors on the treatment results of radiation therapy for Superior Vena Cava Syndrome (SVCS). Materials and Methods: From 1988 to 2003, seventy two patients with SVCS were treated with radiation therapy at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center. The patients' ages ranged from 10 to 83 years old with the median age being 61, and sixty four patients were male. For the causes of the SVCS, 64 patients had lung cancer, four had metastatic lung cancer, two had malignant lymphoma and two had thymoma. The radiotherapy was delivered with 6-MV X-rays and all patients received above 900 cGy up to 6,600 cGy, with the median dose being 4,000 cGy The follow-up periods were from 1 to 180 months with a median of 5.6 months. Results: The main clinical manifestations were dyspnea ($84.7\%$), facial edema ($81.9\%$), arm edema ($22.2\%$), neck vein distension ($25\%$), hoarseness ($12.5\%$) and facial plethora ($5.6\%$). Eighty percent of patients achieved excellent to good symptom improvement and $19.4\%$ experienced minimal improvement. The median survival period was 5.1 months, and overall survival rates were $17.7\%$ at 2 years (2YOS) and $14.8\%$ at five years (5YOS) for all the patients. The median survival period, the two and five year disease free survival rates were 4.3 months, $16.7\%$ and $13.4\%$ for the lung cancer patients, respectively. The total tumor dose was a statistically significant survival factor on the univariate analysis for the patients with lung cancer (2YSR; > 30 Gy, $25.6\%$, $\leq$ 30 Gy $6.7\%$, p<0.01). On the multivariated analysis, a higher total tumor dose (p<0.01) and younger age (p<0.05) were statistically significant factors of survival for the lung cancer patients. Patients with NSCLC showed better survival than did the patients with SCLC, but this was not statistically significant (p > 0.05), Conclusion: Radiation therapy for the patients with SVCS due to malignancy could be an effective treatment. We considered that radiation therapy above 30 Gy of the total tumor dose may improve survival for SVCS due to lung cancer.

Effects of Preoperative Radiotherapy for $T_2,\;T_3$ Distal Rectal Cancer ($T_2,\;T_3$ 하부직장암의 수술 전 방사선치료 효과)

  • Kang Ki Mun;Choi Byung Ock;Jang Hong Seok;Kang Young Nam;Chai Gyu Young;Choi Ihl Bohng
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Preoperative radiotherapy has been used to induce tumor regression and allow complete resection of rectal cancer with a sphincter preservation surgery. This study was performed to determine the effectiveness of preoperative radiotherapy for $T_2,\;T_3$ distal rectal carcinoma. Materials and Methods : From November 1995 to June 1997, fifteen patients with invasive distal rectal cancer were treated with preoperative radiotherapy followed by sphincter preservation surgery. Classification by preoperative T stage consisted of 7 $T_2$ and 8 $T_3$ tumors. Radiation therapy was delivered with 6 MV and 15 MV linear accelerator, at 1.8 Gy fractions for 5 days per week. Total radiation doses were 45 Gy to 50.4 Gy (median : 50.4 Gy). Sphincter preservation surgery was peformed $4\~6$ weeks after the completion of radiotherapy. Median follow-up was 22 months (range : $16\~37\;months$). Results : One patient $(6.7\%)$ had a complete pathologic response. Comparing the stage at the diagnostic workup with the pathologic stage, tumor downstaging of T stages occurred in 11 of 15 patients $(73.3\%)$ and $N_1$ stages occurred in 2 of 5 patients $(40\%)$. No patient developed progressive disease undergoing treatment. Two patients suffered local recurrence at 7 and 20 months, and one a distant metastasis at 30 months. No grade 3 or 4 toxicity was observed. Conclusion : Our experience suggests that preoperative radiotherapy followed by sphincter preservation surgery is well tolerated, and can significantly reduce the tumor burden for $T_2\;T_3$ distal rectal cancer.

Radiotherapy Results of Uterine Cervix Cancer Stape IIB : Overall Survival, Prognostic factors, Patterns of Failure and Late Complications (자궁경부암 병기 IIB에서의 방사선 치료 성적: 생존율 및 예후인자, 치료 후 실패양상, 만성 합병증)

  • Kim Eun-Seog;Choi Doo-Ho;Huh Seung-Jae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Treatment of choice for uterine cervix cancer stage IIB is radiotherapy. We analyzed survivals, Prognostic factors, patterns of failure and complications. Materials and Methods : This is a retrospective analysis of 167 patients with stage IIB carcinoma of uterine cervix treated with curative external pelvic and high dose rate intracavitary radiotherapy at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Hospital from August 1985 to August 1994. All the patients followed up from 3 to 141 months(mean 60 months) and age of patients ranged from 31 to 78 years at presentation(mean : 55 years). Results : Overall complete response rate was $84\%$. The response rate for squamous cell carcimoma and adenocarcinoma were $86\%$ and $60\%$, respectively. Overall 5-years survival rate and disease free survival rate was 62 and $59\%$, respectively Mass size and treatment response were significant Prognostic factors for survival Pathologic type and parametrial involvement were marginally significants Prognostic factors. Local failure was 43 cases, distant metastasis was 14 cases and local failure plus distant metastasis was 3 cases, and most of local failures occurred within 24 months, distant metastasis within 12 months after treatment Twenty eight($16.8\%$) patients developed late rectal and urinary complications There were tendency to increasing severity and frequency according to increased fractional dose and total(rectal and bladder) dose. Conclusions : Survival rate was significantly related to tumor size and radiotherapy response. Tumor size should be considered in the clinical s1aging. To increased survival and local control, clinical trials such as decreasing duration of radiotherapy or addition of chemotherapy is needed. To detect early recurrence, regular follow up after RT is important. Because total rectal and bladder dose affected late complications. meticulous vaginal packing is needed to optimize dose of normal tissues and to decrease late complications.

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Comparative Study of Cyclioxygenase-2 Expression and HER-2/neu Amplification in Korean and Caucasian Women with Early-Onset Breast Carcinoma (한국인과 백인 젊은 여성 유방암 환자에서 Cyclooxygenase-2 발현과 HER-2/neu 증폭의 비교 연구)

  • Choi, Doo-Ho;Kim, Eun-Seog;Kim, Yong-Ho;Jin, So-Young;Lee, Dong-Wha;Haffty, Bruce G.
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this work was to study the differences of cyclooxygenase (COX-2) expression between Korean and Caucasian patients with early-onset breast carcinoma by immunohistochemistry. The test were analyzed to find a correlation between COX-2 and other biomarkers including HER-2/neu amplification, because we previously reported that a significant difference had been found in the expression of HER-2/neu between the two races. Furthermore, we investigated prognostic significance of COX-2 in korean patients. Materials and Methods: Sixty Korean women who were diagnosed breast carcinoma at 45 years old or younger and 60 Caucasian women with breast carcinoma were selected for this study. The median age of both groups was 37 years and tumor sizes were distributed evenly between the two group. Paraffin embedded blocks of primary tumor were processed for immunohistochemical staining of COX-2. The COX-2 expression was evaluated according to the percentage of positive cells and the intensity of staining. And the results were compared with the data of the previous studies to find correlation between COX-2 and other parameters and survival data. Results: Proportion of the COX-2 expression in total patients was $27.6\%$. The percentage of tumors that stained positive for COX-2 in korean and Caucasian women with early-onset breast carcinoma were $37.9\%$ and $20.8\%$, respectively. The difference was statistically not significant(p=0.090). Expression of COX-2 was not associated with several clinicopathologic parameters including HER-2/neu overexpression, but negative estrogen receptor status was correlated with significance (p=0.046). The 5 year disease free survival rate for patients with COX-2 expression was $67.9\%$, compared to $81.9\%$ of the COX-2 negative patients and the result was statistically not significant. Conclusions : A significant difference was not found in the expression of COX-2 between the two groups of patients with early-onset breast carcinoma. And correlation between COX-2 and other parameters was not observed except estrogen receptor negativity. Large scaled further research including radiotherapy factors will be needed to identify COX-2 as a prognostic role in patients with early-onset breast carcinoma.

The Pathological and Clinical Effects of Preoperative Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer (직장암의 수술 전 항암화학방사선치료 후 병리학 및 임상적 효과 분석)

  • Song, Jin-Ho;Jang, Hong-Seok;Kim, Yeon-Sil;Chung, Su-Mi;Son, Seok-Hyun;Kang, Jin-Hyeong;Youk, Eui-Gon;Lee, Doo-Seok;Lee, Suk-Hi;Yoon, Sei-Chul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: To evaluate the pathological and clinical effects of preoperative chemoradiation (CCRT) in cases of locally advanced rectal cancer and to determine the predictive factors for tumor downstaging. Materials and Methods: From March 2004 to August 2008, 33 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer were treated with preoperative CCRT. Twenty-eight patients (84.8%) were treated using a concomitant boost technique while five (15.2%) patients were treated using a cone down boost technique. All patients received 50.4 Gy of irradiation and concurrent chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil. The median follow-up duration was 24.2 months (range, 9.8 to 64.7 months). Results: Thirty-one (93.9%) patients underwent surgery. Twenty-four patients (72.7%) underwent anal sphincter-preserving surgery. The 3-year disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival rates were 63.4% and 78.8%, respectively. Post-operative factors were more important for DFS. Pathologic N stage, margin status, and pathologic differentiation were significant prognostic factors (p=0.001, 0.029, 0.030). Tumor size and lymphovascular invasion were also associated with marginal significance (p=0.081, 0.073). However, only pre-treatment T stage was a significant pre-operative factor (p=0.018). The complete pathological response rate was 9.1 %. T-downstaging was observed in ten (30.3%) patients, whereas N-downstaging was found in 24 (72.7%) patients. Pre-treatment T stage and the interval between CCRT and operation were the predictive factors for downstaging in a univariate analysis (p=0.029, 0.027). Pre-treatment carcinoembryogenic antigen was also associated with marginal significance (p=0.068). Conclusion: The survival of rectal cancer patients can be better determined based on post-operative findings. Therefore, pre-operative CCRT for downstaging of the tumor seems to be important. Pre-treatment T stage and the interval between CCRT and operation can be used to predict downstaging.

Treatment by Injection-Acupuncture with Apitoxin and Apitoxin Combined by Chinese Herbal Medicine in Patients with Canine Bind Limb Paralysis : Case Report (후지마비견(後肢痲痺犬)에 대한 봉독(蜂毒) 약침(藥鍼) 및 봉독(蜂毒) 약침(藥鍼)과 한약제(漢藥劑)의 병용치료(倂用治療) : 증례보고(症例報告))

  • Jun, Hyung-Kyou;Park, Se-Kun;Kim, Duck-Hwan;Kim, Mun-Ho;Hsu, Chin-Yuan;Hsu, Chin-Ling;Liao, Jim-Cai;Chueh, Hao-Jen;Cheng, Han-Wen
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.225-228
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    • 2007
  • The therapy by injection-acupuncture (AP) with bee-venom (apitoxin) and injection-AP with apitoxin combined by administration of Chinese herbal medicine was applied in 2 cases with canine intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Case 1 was diagnosed as thoraco-lumbar IVDD (T11-T12, T12-T13, L3-L4 and L4-L5) and case 2 was diagnosed as IVDD at T10-T11 and T12-T13, respectively Injection-AP with apitoxin($Apitoxinc{(R)}$, total $200{\mu}g$ of apitoxin, 0.1 ml/acupoint) plus physical exercise (walking with gocart, TID/day) and aquatherapy (swimming treatment, BID/week) were given to each patient. The used acupoints were GV20 (Bai Hui), GB30 (Huan Tiao), ST36 (Zu San Li), GB34 (Yang Ling Quan), ST40 (Feng Long), ST41 (Jie Xi) and BL40 (Wei Zhong), the lesions, and trigger points. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine (Koda Pharmaceutical Co., Taiwan) including Zheng Gu Zi Jin Dan (正骨紫金丹 : 1 g), Shiuh Duann(續斷 : 0.2 g), Du Zhong(杜仲 : 0.2 g), Mo Yao(沒藥 : 0.2 g), Ru Xian(乳香 : 0.2 g) and Pyrite(自然銅 : 0.2 g) were orallly mdeicated BID for 0\9days in case 2. Walking was possible after session 11 for 4 weeks in case 1 and after session 6 for 2 weeks in case 2, respectively.