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Fractionated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Intracranial Benign Tumor : Preliminary Results of Clinical Application (양성 뇌종양의 분할정위 방사선치료 : 임상적 응용의 예비적 결과)

  • Kim Dae Yong;Ahn Yong Chan;Huh Seung Jae;Choi Dong Rak;Nam Jong Hyun;Lee Jung Il;Park Kwan;Nam Do-Hyun;Kim Moon Kyung
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : With the development of stereotactic immobilization systems capable of reliable serial repositioning, fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy (FSRT) offers the Potential for an improved treatment outcome by excellent dose delivery, and dose distribution characteristics with the favorable radiobiological properties of fractionated irradiation. We describe our initial experience using FSRT for the treatment of intracranial benign tumor. Materials and Methods : Between August 1995 and December 1996. 15 patients(7 males and 8 females aged 6-70 years) were treated with FSRT. The patients had the following diagnosis pituitary adenoma(10) including one patient who previously had received radiotherapy, craniopharyngioma (2), acoustic neurinoma (1), meningioma (2). Using the Gill-Thomas-Cosman relocatable head frame and multiple non-coplanar therapy, the daily dose of 2Gy was irradiated at 90% to 100% isodose surface of the isocenter The collimator sizes ranged from 26mm to 70mm. Results : In all patients except one follow-up lost, disease was well-controlled. Acute complication was negligible and no patient experienced cranial nerve neuropathies and radiation necrosis. In overall patient setup with scalp measurements, reproducibility was found to have mean of $1.1{\pm}0.6mm$ from the baseline reading. Conclusion : Relocatable stereotactic system for FSRT is highly reproducible and comfortable. Although the follow-up period was relatively short. FSRT is considered to be a safe and effective radiation technique as the treatment of intracranial tumor. But the fractionation schedule(fraction size, overall treatment time and total dose) still remains to be solved by further clinical trials.

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Combined Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization and Local Radiotherapy for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma (절제불가능 원발성 간암에서 경간동맥 항암 색전술과 국소 방사선의 병용요법)

  • Seong Jinsil;Keum Ki Chang;Han Kwang Hyub;Lee Do Yun;Lee Jong Tae;Chon Chae Yoon;Moon Young Myoung;Kim Gwi Eon;Suh Chang Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : The best prognosis for hepatocellular carcinoma can be achieved with surgical resection. However, the number of resected cases is limited due to the advanced lesion or associated liver disease. A trial of combined transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE) and local radiotherapy(RT) for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) was prospectively conducted and its efficacy and toxicity were investigated. Materials and Methods : From 1992 to 1994, 30 Patients with unresectable HCC due either to advanced lesion or to associated cirrhosis were entered in the study Exclusion criteria included the presence of extrahepatic metastasis, liver cirrhosis of Child's class C, tumors occupying more than two-thirds of the whole liver, and an ECOG scale of more than 3. Patient cHaracteristics were : mean tumor size $8.95\pm3.4cm$, serum AFP+ in all patients, portal vein thrombosis in all patients, liver cirrhosis in 22 patients, and UICC stage III and IVA in 10 and 20 patients, respectively. TACE was performed with the mixture of Lipiodol(5ml) and Adriamycin(50mg) and Gelfoam embolizatin. RT(mean dose $44.0\pm9.3Gy$) 10 days with conventional fractionation. Results : An objective response was observed in 19 patients($63.3\%$). Survival rates at 1 2, and 3 years were $67\%,\;33.3\%$ and $22.2\%$, respectively. Median survival was 17 months. There were 6 patients surviving more than 3 years. Distant metastasis occurred in 10 patients, with 8 in the lung only and 2 in both lung and bone, Toxicity included transient elevation of liver function test in all patients, fever in 20, thrombocytopenia in 4, and nausea and vomiting in 1. There was no treatment-related death. Conclusion : Combined TACE and RT appear to produce a favorable response and survival results with minimal toxicity.

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Sequential Chemoradiotherapy for Stage I/II Nasal Natural Killer/T Cell Lymphoma (I/II 병기 비강 Natural Killer/T Cell 림프종에 대한 순차적 항암화학요법과 방사선치료)

  • Noh Young Joo;Ahn Yong Chan;Kim Won Seog;Ko Young Hyeh
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Authors would report the results of sequential CHOP chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone) and involved field radiotherapy (IFRT) for early stage nasal natural killer/T-cell Iymphoma (NKTCL). Materials and Methods: Fourteen among 17 patients, who were registered at the Samsung Medical Center tumor registry with stage I and II nasal NKTCL from March 1995 to December 1999 received this treatment protocol. Three to four cycles of CHOP chemotherapy were given at 3 weeks' interval, which was followed by local IFRT including the known tumor extent and the adjacent draining lymphatics. Results: Favorable responses after chemotherapy (before IFRT) were achievable only in seven patients (5 CR's+2 PR's: 50%), while seven patients showed disease progression. There were six patients with local failures, two with distant relapses, and none with regional lymphatic failure. The actuarial overall survival and progression-free survival at 3 years were 50.0% and 42.9%. All the failures and deaths occurred within 13 months of the treatment start. The factors that correlated with the improved survival were the absence of 'B' symptoms, the favorable response to chemotherapy and overall treatment, and the low risk by international prognostic index on univariate analyses. Conclusion: Compared with the historic treatment results by IFRT either alone or followed by chemotherapy, the current trial failed to demonstrate advantages with respect to the failure pattern and survival. Development of new treatment strategy in combining IFRT and chemotherapy is required for improving outcomes.

Radiation Therapy in Recurrence of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix after Primary Surgery (자궁경부암으로 수술 후 재발암의 방사선치료)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Ok-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate treatment results in terms of the survival and failure patterns subsequent to radiation therapy in recurrent cervical cancer, fellowing primary surgery. Material and Methods: Between January 1990 and December 1999, 27 patients, with recurrent cervical cancer following primary surgery, were subsequently treated with radiation in the Department of Radiation Oncology, at the Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center. Their median age was 48, ranging from 31 to 70 years old. With regard to the Initial FIGO stage on presentation, 20 and 7 patients were stages I and II, respectively. Twenty three patients had squamous cell carcinomas and 4 had adenocarcinomas. The time interval from the primary surgery to the recurrence ranged from 2 to 90 months with a median of 29 months. The recurrent sites were the vaginal cuff alone, the pelvic cavity and combined recurrence in 14, 9 and 4 patients, respectively. Radiation was peformed, with external and vaginal intracavitary radiation in 13 patients, external radiation alone in 13 and vaginal intracavitary radiation alone in another one. The median follow-up period was 55 months, ranging from 6 to 128 months. Results: The five year disease free survival (5y DFS) and five year overall survival (5y OS) rates were 68.2 and 71.9$\%$, respectively. There was a marginal statistically significant difference in the 5y DFS in relation to the recurrent site (5y DFS, 85.7$\%$ in vaginal cuff recurrence alone, 53.3$\%$ in pelvic cavity recurrence, p=0.09). There was no difference in the survival according to the time interval between the primary surgery and a recurrence. There was only a 7$\%$ local failure rate in the patients with a vaginal cuff recurrence. The major failure patterns were local failure in the patients with pelvic cavity recurrence, and distant failure in the patients with a combined recurrence. There were no complications above grade 3 after the radiation therapy. Conclusion: Radiation therapy was safe and effective treatment for a recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix following primary surgery, especially the external beam radiation and vaginal intracavitary irradiation achieved the best results in the patients with a vaginal cuff recurrence following primary surgery.

The Results of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Endometrial Carcinoma (자궁 내막암의 수술 후 방사선치료 결과)

  • Noh, O-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Wook;Ahn, Seung-Do;Choi, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Hyeok;Kim, Yong-Man;Nam, Joo-Hyun;Mok, Jung-Eun;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Shin, Seong-Soo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2007
  • [ $\underline{Purpose}$ ]: To evaluate the outcome and prognostic factors of postoperative radiotherapy in endometrial carcinoma. $\underline{Materials\;and\;Methods}$: From September 1991 to August 2003, 76 patients with endometrial carcinoma received postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy after hysterectomy at Asan Medical Center. Stage was classified as FIGO I in 41 (53.9%), II in 12 (53.9%), and III in 23 (30.3%). Histologic grade 1, 2 and 3 were in 29 (38.2%), 20 (26.3%), and 27 (35.5%) respectively. Forty two patients received both external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and intracavitary radiation (ICR), 34 patients were treated with EBRT or ICR alone. EBRT dose was 50.4 Gy, ICR was performed in $4{\sim}6$ fractions with $4{\sim}5\;Gy$ per fraction. Median follow-up period was 51 (range $5{\sim}121$) months. $\underline{Results}$: Five-year overall survival was 89.6%. In univariate analysis, statistically significant factors to overall survival were FIGO stage, lymph node metastasis and histologic grade. In disease free survival, FIGO stage, lymph node metastasis and lymphovascular invasion were significant prognostic factors. Recurrence was seen in 11 patients. Of these, systemic failure was in 10 patients. There were no moderate to severe complications after radiation therapy. $\underline{Conclusion}$: The outcome of postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in endometrial carcinoma was good. Main pattern of failure after postoperative radiotherapy was distant metastasis. So, adjuvant chemotherapy may help in improving outcome. Further study on chemotherapy in combined with postoperative radiotherapy will be needed, especially for patients with high risk factors such as high FIGO stage, lymphovascular invasion, and high histologic grade.

Radiation-induced Pulmonary Toxicity following Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer (유방암 환자에서 보조적 방사선치료 후의 폐 손상)

  • Moon, Sung-Ho;Kim, Tae-Jung;Eom, Keun-Young;Kim, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Won;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, In-Ah
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2007
  • [ $\underline{Purpose}$ ]: To evaluate the incidences and potential predictive factors for symptomatic radiation pneumonitis (SRP) and radiographic pulmonary toxicity (RPT) following adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) for patients with breast cancer. A particular focus was made to correlate RPT with the dose volume histogram (DVH) parameters based on three-dimensional RT planning (3D-RTP) data. $\underline{Materials\;and\;Methods}$: From September 2003 through February 2006, 171 patients with breast cancer were treated with adjuvant RT following breast surgery. A radiation dose of 50.4 Gy was delivered with tangential photon fields on the whole breast or chest wall. A single anterior oblique photon field for supraclavicular (SCL) nodes was added if indicated. Serial follow-up chest radiographs were reviewed by a chest radiologist. Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) toxicity criteria were used for grading SRP and a modified World Health Organization (WHO) grading system was used to evaluate RPT. The overall percentage of the ipsilateral lung volume that received ${\geq}15\;Gy\;(V_{15}),\;20\;Gy\;(V_{20})$, and $30\;Gy\;(V_{30})$ and the mean lung dose (MLD) were calculated. We divided the ipsilateral lung into two territories, and defined separate DVH parameters, i.e., $V_{15\;TNGT},\;V_{20\;TNGT},\;V_{30\;TNGT},\;MLD_{TNGT}$, and $V_{15\;SCL},\;V_{20\;SCL},\;V_{30SCL},\;MLD_{SCL}$ to assess the relationship between these parameters and RPT. $\underline{Results}$: Four patients (2.1%) developed SRP (three with grade 3 and one with grade 2, respectively). There was no significant association of SRP with clinical parameters such as, age, pre-existing lung disease, smoking, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and regional RT. When 137 patients treated with 3D-RTP were evaluated, 13.9% developed RPT in the tangent (TNGT) territory and 49.2% of 59 patients with regional RT developed RPT in the SCL territory. Regional RT (p<0.001) and age (p=0.039) was significantly correlated with RPT. All DVH parameters except for $V_{15\;TNGT}$ showed a significant correlation with RPT (p<0.05). $MLD_{TNGT}$ was a better predictor for RPT for the TNGT territory than $V_{15\;SCL}$ for the SCL territory. $\underline{Conclusion}$: The incidence of SRP was acceptable with the RT technique that was used. Age and regional RT were significant factors to predict RPT. The DVH parameter was good predictor for RPT for the SCL territory while $MLD_{TNGT}$ was a better predictor for RPT for the TNGT territory.

Radiation Therapy in Elderly Skin Cancer (노령의 피부암에서 방사선치료)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.113-117
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate the long term results(local control, survival, failure, and complications) after radiation therapy for skin cancer in elderly patients. Material and Methods: The study spanned from January 1990 to October 2002. Fifteen elderly patients with skin cancer were treated by radiotherapy at the Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center. The age distribution of the patients surveyed was 72 to 95 years, with a median age of 78.8 years. The pathologic classification of the 15 patients included squamous cell carcinoma(10 patients), basal cell carcinoma(3 patients), verrucous carcinoma(1 patient) and skin adnexal origin carcinoma(1 patient). The most common tumor location was the head(13 patients). The mean tumor diameter was 4.9 cm(range 2 to 9 cm). The radiation dose was delivered via an electron beam of 6 to 15 MeV. The dose range was adjusted to the tumor diameter and depth of tumor invasion. The total radiation dose ranged from $50{\sim}80$ Gy(mean: 66 Gy) with a 2 Gy fractional dose prescribed to the 80% isodose line once a day and 5 times a week. One patient with lymph node metastasis was treated with six MV photon beams boosted with electron beams. The length of the follow-up periods ranged from 10 to 120 months with a median follow-up period of 48 months. Results: The local control rates were 100%(15/15). In addition, the five year disease free survival rate(5YDFS) was 80% and twelve patients(80%) had no recurrence and skin cancer recurrence occurred in 3 patients(20%). Three patients have lived an average of 90 months($68{\sim}120$ months) without recurrence or metastasis. A total of 9 patients who died as a result of other causes had a mean survival time of 55.8 months after radiation therapy. No severe acute or chronic complications were observed after radiation therapy. Only minor complications including radiation dermatitis was treated with supportive care. Conclusion: The results suggest that radiation therapy is an effective and safe treatment method for the treatment of skin cancer in elderly patients who achieved a good survival rate and few minor complications.

Anti-Obestic Effects of Artemisiae Capillaris Herba, Artemisia Capillaris Stem Aqueous Extracts on the High Fat Diet Supplied Mice (고지방 사료 급여 마우스에서 인진쑥 추출물의 항비만 효과)

  • Kim, Hong-Tae;Kim, Dae-Dong;Ku, Sae-Kwang;Kim, Ju-Wan;Jang, Kwang-Ho;Oh, Tae-Ho;Lee, Keun-Woo
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.348-365
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    • 2010
  • Artemisia capillaries THUNB is a perennial herb that belongs to the family compositae spp. and the most common plant among the various herbal folk remedies used in treatment of abdominal pain, hepatitis, chronic liver disease, jaundice and coughing in Korea. The object of this study is to observe the dosage-dependent anti-obestic effects of an aqueous extracts of dried aqueous extracts of stems of Artemisia capillaris Thunberg. [Artemisiae capillaris Herba, In-Jin in Korean, INJ] on 45%/Kcal high fat diet (HFD) supplied mice. 45%/Kcal rodent HFD are supplied to ICR mice from 1 week before initiation of INJ administration throughout the 12 weeks, and after the end of 12 weeks of 62.5, 125 and 250 mg/kg/day of INJ administration, the efficacy was divided into five categories 1) hypoglycemic, 2) hepato-protective, 3) nephroprotective, 4) hypolipemic, and 5) anti- obesity effects. The effects were compared to those of simvastatin (for hypolipemic activity), silymarin (for hepatoprotective and free radical scavenger effects) and metformin (for hypoglycemic and related anti-obesity effects). 7 animals per group (8 groups; total 56adapted mice on HFD were selected base on the body weight at 6 days after initiation of HFD supply) were used in this experiment. INJ and all three different reference drugs were directly suspended or dissolved in distilled water, and administered at a volume of 10 mL/kg, once a day for 84 days from 1 week after HFD supply. As results of 91 days of continuous HFD supply, mice showed marked obese states, hyperglycemia, hyperlipemia, liver damages and kidney damages. These mean the obesity, diabetes, diabetic hepatopathies, nephropathies and hyperlipemia were induced by HFD supply. After end of 84 days of continuous treatment of three different dosages of INJ, all diabetes related complications were inhibited; relatively favorable anti-obesity, hypolipemic, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic and nephroprotective effects. These favorable effects showed relatively good dose-relations between all three different dosages of INJ treated, and INJ 250 mg/kg showed enough favorable effects on diabetes and related four complications tested as compared with one of each three different references. Otherwise, the efficacy of 62.5 and 125 mg/kg of INJ was somewhat slighter than those of all three reference drugs. Therefore, the suitable effective dosage of INJ is considered as 250 mg/kg/day in the present study. The overall anti-obesity effects of INJ 250 mg/kg-treated group was similar or more favorable than those of metformin 250 mg/kg-treated group, and INJ 250 mg/kg showed slighter hypoglycemic effects with silymarin 100 mg/kg and metformin 250 mg/kg, similar hypolipemic effects with simvastatin 10 mg/kg, and similar hepatoprotective effects with silymarin 100 mg/kg, and similar nephroprotective effects with that of silymarin 100 mg/kg and metformin 250 mg/kg, respectively. Obese, hyperglycemia, hyperlipemia, steatohepatitis and related nephropathies induced by HFD supply were dramatically inhibited by 84 days of continuous treatment of all three different dosages of INJ. It is, therefore expected that INJ extracts will be a favorable alternative agent for diet-related diabetes and complications.

The Bone Mineral Density Impact Factors of Adult Women before the Menopause - based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - (폐경 전 성인여성의 골밀도 영향 요인 - 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Jung-Hee;Yeo, Jin-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2015
  • In this research, we have analyzed the impact factors on the bone mineral density thru the examination of bone density difference in the entire femur, femoral neck and lumbar of adult women before the menopause in accordance with the general features, lifestyle, eating habits, health and body composition. The survey was conducted among adult women before the menopause and older than 30 years based on the data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey carried out in the 4th term (2008-2009) and 5th term (2010-2011) and we would like to provide the research results for the establishment of recommendations or guidelines for the treatment of adult women before the menopause with regard to the impact factors on the bone mineral density and for the development of health education materials for the accurate measurement of bone mineral density of young women in order to prevent the postmenopausal osteoporosis. With respect to the general features of adult women before the menopause, the bone mineral density was higher in the entire femur at age 40-44, femoral neck at 35-39, in high-school education level, in the earlier menarche group, without smoking experiences, with regular walking time and exercise frequency and with the habits of eating no hamburger or pizza. With regard to the body composition, the bone mineral density was higher in obesity and lower in underweight cases, higher among people with abdominal obesity and weight control experiences. In terms of total body fat ratio, total amount of fat and muscle, the bone mineral density got gradually increased from the 1st quarter (Q1) to the 4th quarter(Q4). The obesity, disease, total amount of fat and muscle were shown to be significantly related with the bone mineral density in this research and it is required for young women to keep the adequate weight and the normal BMI in order to increase the bone mineral density. For the prevention of osteoporosis, it is advised to keep the right habits including regular exercise and no smoking discipline from the growing period and achieve the maximum bone mass thru the control of proper weight from a young age.

Seroepizootiological Study on Bovine Leucosis in Korea (한국(韓國)에서의 소백혈병(白血病)의 혈청역학적(血淸疫學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Jun, Moo-Hyung;Chung, Un-Ik;Lee, Chang-Ku;Baig, Soon-Yong;Lim, Chang-Hyeong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 1982
  • Since bovine lymphosarcoma causes considerable economic loss to the dairy industry, seroepidemiological survey on bovine leucosis virus (BLV) was carried out for the dairy herds throughout the country to observe the epidemiological situation of the disease by using immunodiffusion test. Attempts were simultaneously made to detect bovine leucosis virus in the lymphocytes from BLV antibody-positive cattle by means of fluorescent antibody techniques, syncytium assay and electron microscopy. In immunodiffusion test for BLV antibody in 2003 heads of dairy cattle selected randomly from 164 herds, the prevalence of positive reactors by regions were 37.8% in Central, 27.2% in Honam (Southwest), 28.0% in Youngnam (Southeast) and 25.2% in Youngdong (East coast)and averaging 29.7%. By provinces, Chungcheong appeared the highest prevalence of BLV antibody carriers (41.8%), while Jeonbug revealed the lowest incidence rate (24.4%). When the results of serological studies were analyzed by age groups and the sizes of herds, the number of reactors increased gradually with the advance in the age of cattle and the herd size. The highest rate of BLV carriers was found in the ages between 6 and 8 years, and in the size of herds with 20 to 50 heads. One hundred and seventeen breeding bulls from the central regions were tested for BLV antibody. Four out of 70 bulls (5.7%) of Korean cattle and 14 out of 39 bulls (35.9%) of Holstein were reactive for BLV antigens. Of 164 dairy herds examined, 17 herds (10.4%) have no BLV antibody-positive cattle, while 42 herds (25.6%) were included in the range of 20 to 40% of the positive rate and 10 herds (6.1%) in the range of over 80% of the rate. When the lymphocytes from the BLV antibody carrying cattle were cultured in the presence of phytohemagglutinin and stained with FITC-conjugated sheep anti-BLV serum, 8 out of 11 cases (72.7%) of BLV positive cattle revealed specific fluorescence for BLV in the lymphocytes. In syncytium assay of the peripheral lymphocytes of the cattle, 5 out of 7 (71.4%) lymphocytes from BLV antibody carriers induced syncytia in the indicators of bovine embryonic splenic cells. The cultured lymphocytes were examined with an electron microscope to detect the BLV particles. Two out of 6 specimens (33.3%) from the reactors showed the typical type C virus with the size of 90 to 110 nm around microvilli and in intracytoplasmic vacuoles.

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