• Title/Summary/Keyword: digital communication

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Security Analysis and Improvement of an Anonymous Asymmetric Fingerprinting Scheme with Trusted Third Party (익명적 비대칭 핑거프린팅 기법의 보안 취약성 분석 및 개선 방안)

  • Kwon, Sae-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.396-403
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    • 2009
  • An anonymous asymmetric fingerprinting protocol combined with watermarking techniques, is one of the copyright protection technologies keeping both right of a seller and that of a buyer, where a seller and an anonymous buyer perform such a protocol that employs various cryptographic tools in order that the seller does not know the exact watermarked copy that the buyer receives, while inserting an invisible non-removable fingerprint i.e., each different unique watermark, into each copy of the digital content to be sold. In such a protocol innocent buyers are kept anonymous during transactions, however, the unlawful reseller is unambiguously identified with a real identity as a copyright violator. In 2007, Yong and Lee proposed an anonymous asymmetric fingerprinting scheme with trusted third party. In this paper we point out the weakness of their scheme such as: the buyer with intention can remove the fingerprint in the watermarked content, because he/she can decrypt the encrypted fingerprint with a symmetric key using man-in-the-middle-attack; a real identity of a buyer can be revealed to the seller through the identification process even though he/she is honest. Furthermore, we propose an improved secure and efficient anonymous asymmetric fingerprinting scheme which enables to reduce the number of communication between the participants.

Sino-Globalization Network of Chinese Migrants, Students, and Travellers (중국 이민자, 유학생, 여행자를 통해서 본 세계화 네트워크)

  • Zhu, Yupeng;Park, Hyejin;Park, Han Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.509-517
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    • 2020
  • This study examined Sino-globalization through the network analysis of Chinese immigrants, international students, and travelers. The data were collected from the United Nations for immigrants, UNESCO for international students, and Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China for travelers. Consequently, Chinese immigrants and international students' favorite destinations were advanced Western countries, and Chinese travelers showed a high preference for Asian regions. Specifically, Thailand was the most popular destination for traveling, while the U.S. appeared to be the main destination for Chinese immigrants and students. The QAP analysis results showed a statistically significant correlation between the immigrant network and international student network. MR-QAP analysis found a causal relationship between the two networks. These findings may serve as empirical evidence for the Chinese government to review potential opportunities and problems related to Sino-globalization and provide the basis for preparing policy measures for other countries. Subsequent studies should compensate for research limitations by analyzing specific factors affecting national choice of Chinese immigrants, students, and travelers. The economic, social, and cultural impacts of China's globalization on other countries need to be discussed using qualitative research.

Youtube and K Pop fan's Tribute Activity (유튜브와 케이팝 팬의 트리뷰트 활동)

  • Noh, Kwang Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2015
  • The global success of PSY's Gangnam Style was mediated through combination of YouTube and SNS. PSY's success led into some communication scholars' consideration of new international circulation of Korean pop culture (Korean Trend 2.0). In terms of global circulation of pop culture, it is noticeable how users appropriate YouTube channel beyond mere watching music videos and mere international circulation of Korean pop culture. The mode of fan's activity and appropriation contributes to the expansion of the width and amplification of the volume of Korean popular culture as well. The circulation of pop culture was considered in the level of exchange of tangible commodities such as CD, DVD, and so on until the adoption of digital media and Internet. YouTube has brought new mode in which the international circulation of pop culture is mediated without exchange of tangible commodities but was amplified with the diffusion of network. This study grasps how the mode of users' appropriation contributes to international circulation of pop culture through case studies of some K-pop music videos and international K-pop fans' tribute activities. In terms of theoretical perspective, fandom studies will be examined. In terms of research method, the researcher adopts netnography, a participatory observation on network, to find the feature of fandom and its contribution to the international circulation of pop cultures.

Analysis on designer's cognitive thinking process in 3D animation design (3D 애니메이션 제작을 위한 디자이너의 인지적 사고과정 분석)

  • Kim, Kie-Su
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2010
  • The success of a three-dimensional blockbuster movie, AVARTA, brought an public attention on the expansion of three-dimensional computer applications, and it allows experts predict further hardware technology developments to support the such applications. Futhermore, an internet based infra structure and three-dimensional structure, third generation network community, advanced computer networks have influenced advancement in computer technology within the 3D game industry and the spread of 2D computer animation technologies. This advancement of computer technologies allow the industry to overcome a limitation of generating cultural design contexts existed within 2D network community. However, despite of the expansion of 2D and 3D computer technologies, a limitation of analysing designers' intentions on morphology of digital contents and user interface still exists. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze (1) present conditions of the 3D industry and (2) protocols of designers' cognitive design processes based on their design communication, contents, and tools. Analysis was conducted based on literature reviews and case precedent analyses. For the analysis, a 2D Avarta sketch character was designed and then applied into a 3D game system. Observations how designers solve cultural problem within the structure via Avarta were conducted. Outcomes were then coded for further analysis.

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Development of Image-map Generation and Visualization System Based on UAV for Real-time Disaster Monitoring (실시간 재난 모니터링을 위한 무인항공기 기반 지도생성 및 가시화 시스템 구축)

  • Cheon, Jangwoo;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2018
  • The frequency and risk of disasters are increasing due to environmental and social factors. In order to respond effectively to disasters that occur unexpectedly, it is very important to quickly obtain up-to-date information about target area. It is possible to intuitively judge the situation about the area through the image-map generated at high speed, so that it can cope with disaster quickly and effectively. In this study, we propose an image-map generation and visualization system from UAV images for real-time disaster monitoring. The proposed system consists of aerial segment and ground segment. In the aerial segment, the UAV system acquires the sensory data from digital camera and GPS/IMU sensor. Communication module transmits it to the ground server in real time. In the ground segment, the transmitted sensor data are processed to generate image-maps and the image-maps are visualized on the geo-portal. We conducted experiment to check the accuracy of the image-map using the system. Check points were obtained through ground survey in the data acquisition area. When calculating the difference between adjacent image maps, the relative accuracy was 1.58 m. We confirmed the absolute accuracy of the image map for the position measured from the individual image map. It is confirmed that the map is matched to the existing map with an absolute accuracy of 0.75 m. We confirmed the processing time of each step until the visualization of the image-map. When the image-map was generated with GSD 10 cm, it took 1.67 seconds to visualize. It is expected that the proposed system can be applied to real - time monitoring for disaster response.

Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Behavior Control of Grid Sortation Systems in Smart Factory (스마트 팩토리에서 그리드 분류 시스템의 협력적 다중 에이전트 강화 학습 기반 행동 제어)

  • Choi, HoBin;Kim, JuBong;Hwang, GyuYoung;Kim, KwiHoon;Hong, YongGeun;Han, YounHee
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2020
  • Smart Factory consists of digital automation solutions throughout the production process, including design, development, manufacturing and distribution, and it is an intelligent factory that installs IoT in its internal facilities and machines to collect process data in real time and analyze them so that it can control itself. The smart factory's equipment works in a physical combination of numerous hardware, rather than a virtual character being driven by a single object, such as a game. In other words, for a specific common goal, multiple devices must perform individual actions simultaneously. By taking advantage of the smart factory, which can collect process data in real time, if reinforcement learning is used instead of general machine learning, behavior control can be performed without the required training data. However, in the real world, it is impossible to learn more than tens of millions of iterations due to physical wear and time. Thus, this paper uses simulators to develop grid sortation systems focusing on transport facilities, one of the complex environments in smart factory field, and design cooperative multi-agent-based reinforcement learning to demonstrate efficient behavior control.

Feedback Phenomenon in Technology Art (예술 공학의 피드백)

  • Kim Hyung-Gi
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2005
  • The computer hardware development has provided many chances of emergence between art and technology. In many cases today's interactive artworks cannot be completed without audience's participation. The interactive production process with technical supplementation can be celled feedback. Mr. Nam Jun Paik showed 'Participant TV' that interacts with audience's response in real time. It means artwork changes with the constantly changing value from the data set from human visual perception. Dan Graham showed another feedback related work, which delays 5second playback in mirror that implies consequence of time. Today's media art has to sublimate coincidence, time ant audience into philosophical artwork through consonance that comes with video and sound as we can see from Bill Viola. Stelarc produced artworks. That use input data that is weak signals from brain, muscles. Through a terminal display with player, body expanded meaning of media. Jeffrey Shaw's 'Legible City' provided a fabrication of the reality with the interaction of bicycle's pedal speed and steering direction that is controlled by 4river. RE:MARK used microphone as input device as Edmond Couchot's 'Je same a la vent' and Nam Jun Paik's 'Participant TV' did. There is no communication without feedback between human being. The reality makes audience involved into artworks. That is the reason why feedback has to be natural. Through the feedback process, the originality of the idea is altered by audience. The feedback is not just part of flesh of artwork rather skeleton of it. Technological showoff cannot be art itself The perfection of technological application plan helps feedback that interacts with audience naturally in order that audience hoes not feel the feedback as artificial plan. Interactive media art has to be evolved into new media form with new integration feedback technology.

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The Construction of Kinematic Survey System for the Efficiency of GPS Cadastral Survey (지적측량 효율성 향상을 위한 GPS 이동측량 시스템 구축)

  • 김경택;장지원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2002
  • As the necessity of land information has increased according to development of computer and Information-communication, people have been interested in the satellite measurement system that can update Cadastral and Geographical information rapidly and exactly. Most Cadastral base points which had limitation of measurement technology in the 1910s were less accurate and were destroyed through the Korean War. They also many problems in the process of reinstallation. So, they require the quick and correct method of measurement in re-equipment of a base point and a parcel based survey and so on. This study intends to present the GPS survey direction by understanding and analysing all sorts of problems rising in case of applying the GPS to cadastral area in order to increase the efficiency of the GPS measurement, and also develop the GPS kinematic survey program to apply to the efficiency of a kinematic survey. As a result of research, I could confirm the accuracy of Cadastral base points in Kwangju area by using Korea GPS array and a base point, and could get the result similar to existent cadastral survey result with the coordinate conversion program of Cadastral technology research institute. We however have to pay our attention to the transformation of the plane coordinates because the difference between tens of cm and the existing result can outbreak according to the Gauss conformal double projection method. And, I could figure out the practicality of the developed GPS kinematic survey program, compared with common use program. I expect that it can be applied to the digital cadastral survey and the cadastral map renewal as well.

The Spatial Networks and Network Factors of the Internet Display Advertising Industry in Korea (한국 인터넷 디스플레이 광고산업의 공간 네트워크와 네트워크 형성요인)

  • Rhee, Ji-Won
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.274-291
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    • 2012
  • Since the advent of the internet as representative of the development of information communication technology (ICT), information transfer forms have changed rapidly these days. In the new techno-economic paradigms, I would ultimately consider how spatial structures of a knowledge-based service industry have been altered dynamically. To delve into this background, this study conducts an empirical case study of the internet advertising industry, particularly, among the whole advertising industry. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to identify dynamic characteristics of spatial networks among actors for knowledge creation in Korea's internet advertising industry. In addition, it also is to analyze the formative elements of spatial networks which would have an influence on constructing the space of new economic activities. There are multilateral approaches. This research is classified into types of actors such as inter-firm, intra-firm, and firm-customer, and categorized according to spatial ranges such as local, regional, global levels. In the meanwhile, formative factors of the spatial networks could draw a conclusion from two aspects: inter-firm networks in the process of business in the internet advertising industry, and individual networks in the nonoccupational aspect. Accordingly, the results of this study suggest that actors' networks of two perspectives would make mutually complementary relationships and create new relational spaces in the digital economy.

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Trend Analysis of ICT Accessibility and Utilization Levels of Korean Students based on OECD PISA Data (OECD PISA 자료를 활용한 우리나라 학생들의 ICT 접근 및 활용 수준 추이 분석)

  • Kim, Hye-Sook;Kim, Han-Sung;Kim, Jin-Sook;Shin, An-Na
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.17-43
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the directions of information and communication technology(ICT) education in K-12 based on the analysis of ICT accessibility and utilization levels of Korean students. To this end, we analyzed the trends of Korea and OECD countries by survey period, focusing on the OECD PISA 'ICT familiarity survey' conducted in 2009, 2012 and 2015. The surveyed subjects were 15 year-old students and the analysis method was calculated based on the sampling weights. The results of the analysis of Korean students are as follows: First, ICT accessibility at home increased from 2009 to 2015, but was consistently lower than the OECD average. Second, the overall Internet usage time was lower than the OECD average. The Internet usage time on weekdays increased from 2012 to 2015, but on weekends decreased. Third, the ICT accessibility in schools decreased from 2009 to 2012, and increased in 2015, but was lower than the OECD average in 2015. Fourth, the student age ratio of first time computer usage increased from 2012 to 2015 and the average age for computer usage began before age 6, but was below the OECD average. Lastly, student use of digital devices for items such as Internet searches for entertainment and SNS activity has increased from 2012 to 2015, but the level of everyday use such as e-mail, online chat, program downloading, and reading Internet news has decreased. Based on these results, this study suggested policy plans for the improvement of ICT education for elementary and secondary school students in Korea.