• 제목/요약/키워드: dictatorship

검색결과 41건 처리시간 0.018초

복지와 독재의 교환에 관한 동독과 북한의 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on Welfare-Dictatorship Exchange in the East Germany and the North Korea)

  • 황규성
    • 한국사회정책
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.113-139
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    • 2016
  • 이 글은 동독과 북한에서 복지와 독재를 대상으로 지배자와 피지배자가 맺은 교환관계를 비교한다. 시장결과에 대한 사후교정이 성격을 가지는 자본주의 복지와는 달리 사회주의에서 복지는 인민대중의 기본욕구를 사회적으로 충족한다는 목표를 두었지만 독재를 지탱하는 수단이기도 했다. 복지와 독재의 관계는 사회적으로 구성된 복지의 성격에 따라 교환이익의 등가성이 있는 경성 교환관계와 비대칭적인 연성 교환관계로 구별된다. 동독에서 복지와 독재의 교환관계는 형성(1949~1970년대), 위기(1980년대), 해체(1989년~1990년)의 수순을 밟았다. 복지는 인민이 가지는 권리로 만들어졌고 이를 기반으로 정치적 지배의 정당성이 확보되는 경성 교환관계가 성립했다. 경제위기가 소비재의 불충분한 공급이라는 온건한 형태를 띠고 있었고 복지수준이 꾸준히 늘어나고 있었음에도 교환이 경성이었기 때문에 체감되는 복지수준의 후퇴는 독재의 정당성에 타격을 주었고 전면적 해체 과정을 거쳐 서독모델을 수용하는 것으로 귀결되었다. 북한에서 교환관계는 형성(1948~1980년대), 위기(1990년대~2000년대), 전환(2010년~) 단계를 거쳐 왔다. 동독과 달리 북한의 복지는 권리가 아니라 선물로 구성되었다. 선물로서의 복지에 입각하여 복지와 독재는 느슨하게 결합되는 연성 교환관계로 굳어졌다. 경제위기는 동독보다 훨씬 심각했지만 북한 지배세력은 인민대중의 원자적 생존투쟁을 활용하여 핵심계층과 인민대중의 분리 및 독재의 복지의존도 탈피를 내용으로 하는 이중적으로 분절적인 교환관계를 창출함으로써 '독재 중립적 복지 소멸'에 성공했다. 북한에서는 교환관계가 전환됨에 따라 경제가 회복되더라도 복지는 회복되지 않을 것으로 전망된다.

20세기 서구 남성 수염 스타일의 상징적 가치 (The Symbolistic Values of Western Beards' Style in the Twentieth Century)

  • 장미숙;이화순;이연희
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to research the symbolistic values of western beards' style in the twentieth century. Namely, it is to consider the relationship between social-cultural factors and aesthetic meanings of western beards' style. The contents are, firstly, studying the conception and the types of beard. A beard is the hair that grows on a person's chin, cheeks, neck, and the area above the upper lip. At the World Beard & Moustache Championships, there are moustache category (natural, english, hungarian, dali, fu manchu, freestyle), beard category (natural, musketeer, goatee, sideburns, freestyle), and full beard category (natural, garibaldi, verdi, van dyck, freestyle), Secondly, this paper is continued by researching the history of beard from the ancient to the present day, and thirdly, analyzing political dictatorship, social resistance and expression of personality, religious dignity, related with the change of world situation, the formation of postmodern anti-culture and pop-culture, and the coexistence of traditional culture. There are long and bushy full beards in some religions like Hinduism, Judaism and Islam. The meanings of their beards are purity, life and holiness. The beards of some politicians symbolize dictatorship. Namely, the chaplin of Hitler, the moustache of Hussein and the musketeer of Castro express strong power and charisma. In 1950s'-70s' subcultures, Hipsters' goatee, Bikers' horseshoe, Beat generations' goatee and Hippies' natural represent the lack of adaptability and social resistance. Also, the celebrities and artists like Ronald Colman, Clark Gable, Don Johnson, George Clooney, and Salvador Dali express freedom, personality, and taste with beards. For that matter, the symbolistic values of beards' style in the twentieth century are the religious dignity, the political dictatorship, the social resistance and the expression of personality. Today the beards' style is one of fashion items as well as a symbol of masculinity, customs and classes.

파라과이 군부독재정권의 성립과 반공주의의 역할 (Formation of Military Dictatorship and Anti-Communism in Paraguay)

  • 구경모
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제45권
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    • pp.145-166
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문은 파라과이 군부독재정권의 등장에 있어 반공주의의 역할을 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 제 2차 세계대전 이후 라틴아메리카의 각 국가들은 냉전의 소용돌이 속에서 군부독재정권의 무대가 되었다. 이는 본 연구의 사례 국가인 파라과이도 마찬가지인데, 특히 파라과이는 지리적으로 남미의 중앙부에 위치하고 있어 미국의 반공주의를 위한 전략적 요충지였다. 그 결과로 인해 파라과이에서는 전 세계적으로 유래를 찾아보기 힘든 35년간의 군부독재정권이 집권하였고, 그 정권이 수립되는데 미국이 적극적으로 개입하였다. 이 연구는 군부독재정권의 성립이 냉전시기의 반공주의와 밀접한 관계가 있음을 살펴보는 것도 일차적인 목적이지만, 현재 파라과이를 관통하고 있는 사회적 대립과 갈등, 모순이 냉전이라는 미명하게 미국 주도로 탄생된 반공주의와 군부독재정권의 잔재임을 밝히는 것도 겸하고 있다.

과테말라 내전 원주민 학살의 전개와 배경 (The Study of the Genocide in Guatemala)

  • 노용석
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제34권
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    • pp.147-172
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    • 2014
  • The Guatemalan government and guerrilla forces(the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteco, URNG) signed peace accord in 1996, and ended civil conflict(1960-1996). The bloodiest governments of the 36-year-lond armed conflict were those of Lucas Garc?a, R?os Montt and Mej?a V?ctores, between 1978 and 1983. The war that Guatemala underwent resulted in more than 200,000 casualties, more than 83% of them Mayan, according to the report of the CEH(Comision para de Esclarecimiento Historico). 'Victoria 82' and 'Opreation Sof?a' were the strategy of military dictatorship to destory indigenous Mayan communities. This paper is to demonstrates that the Guatemalan state perpetrated a genocide against the indigenous population using racism to strengthening modern nation-state and this was because, historically and structurally, it possessed, in its intrinsic naturem the repressive, ideological and legal apparatus. To distinguish Maya from ladino is often linked to cultural and social discrimination and a system of racial ranking. Militaty dictatorship used the system of racial ranking to exterminate indigenous populations.

한국사회에서의 낙인효과와 적대적 배제 정치 - '종북좌파'/'친일독재 세력'을 중심으로 - (The Labeling Effect and the Politics of hostile Exclusion in Korean Society - Centered on 'Pro-North Korean leftist Forces'/'Pro-Japanese Dictatorship Forces' -)

  • 선우현
    • 철학연구
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    • 제145권
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    • pp.271-296
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    • 2018
  • 이 글은 한국사회의 보수 집권 세력이 오랫동안 작동시켜 온, 동시에 그 정치 공학적 실효성이 여전히 발현되고 있는 이념적 정치적 낙인찍기의 횡행(橫行)과 그 효과에 기초한 적대적 배제 정치의 활성화 실태가 지닌 본질적인 난점과 그 부당성을 비판적으로 규명해 보는데 주안점을 두고 있다. 그로부터 이 글은 다음과 같은 몇 가지 '잠정적' 결론을 이끌어냈다. 우선, 해방 이후 한국사회를 장악, 지배해 온 소위 '보수 집권 세력'은 본질상 외세 의존적 반민족적인 동시에 반민주 반민중적인 '친일 독재 (잔존 및 추종) 세력'이라는 사실이다. 둘째, 친일 독재 집단으로서의 보수 집권 세력은, 자신의 본질적 한계와 실체를 은폐하고 지배계급으로서의 지위와 기득권을 항시적으로 보전하기 위한 통치 기법의 하나로, 자신을 향한 비판적 저항 세력을 반국가적 비국민으로 규정하여 그들에 대한 정치적 탄압과 배제가 불가피하고 정당한 것인 양, 구성원들로 하여금 오인케 만드는 낙인효과 및 그에 기초한 적대적 배제의 정치(술)을 구사해 왔다. 셋째, 독재 정권 등에 맞서 비판적 거부 투쟁을 전개한 민주(화) 세력에 대해 '종북좌파' 등으로 규정지어 정치적으로 매도하는 행태는, 정치 공학적으로 기획 연출된 '근거 없는' 낙인찍기의 전형적 사례이다. 동시에 그에 따른 현실적 효과를 이용해 민주(화) 세력을 한국사회에서 영구히 배제 추방하고, 통치권과 기득권을 지속적으로 장악, 향유하겠다는 것이 보수 집권세력이 구사한 적대적 배제 정치의 최종적 지향점이다. 넷째, 친일 독재 세력이라는 규정은 사실상 보수 집권 세력의 '본질적 실체'를 가리키는 바, 보수 지배층에 씌어진 '친일 독재 세력'이라는 낙인은 '결코' 정치 공학적 차원에서 치밀하게 기획된 '근거 없는' 낙인찍기에 해당되지 않음이 확인되었다. 더불어 그것을 통한 정치 사회적 효과를 이용해 모종의 정당화될 수 없는 불순한 정략적 의도를 관철 지으려는 적대적 배제정치의 조작적 수법과도 연관성이 없음이 밝혀졌다. 끝으로, 일부 호남 출신 지식인 및 정치인들이 주축이 되어 제기한 '영남 패권주의' 담론, 특히 노무현 정권과 친노(친문)을 '은폐된 투항적 영남패권주의' 세력의 하나로 규정지으려는 시도는, 사실상 노무현 및 친노(친문)에 대한 자신들이 지닌 '정서적 거부감'을 무리하게 논리적으로 체계화하려는 기획의 '불완전한' 산물로서, '근거 없는' 낙인찍기 행태이자 그를 통해 모종의 정치적 이해관계를 관철하려는, 규범적으로 정당화되기 어려운 정치적 배제술의 하나임이 확인되었다. 이후의 작업에서는, 특정 정략적 목적을 위해 치밀하게 기획되고 조작된, 정치 윤리적 차원에서 결코 용납될 수 없는 낙인찍기의 효과와 그에 터한 적대적 배제의 통치술이 이 사회에서 종식될 수 있는 구체적인 '실천 방안'을 모색해 보는데 매진할 것이다.

노인에서의 외상 후 스트레스 장애 (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Elderly)

  • 류성곤
    • 대한불안의학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2006
  • As an aging population is increasing, more elderly people are exposed to traumatic stress. Although this issue has received more attention in some literature, it is clear that numerous questions exist in aftermath of trauma exposure in elderly people. In case of Korean elderly suffers, traumatic experience includes the Korean war, military dictatorship and violent demonstration. Studies regarding elderly PTSD is not active and a lot of patients are not still engaged in treatment. We suggest that concerns that are unique to this population are necessary.

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The Korean State and Candlelight Democracy: Paradigms and Evolution

  • Bedeski, Robert
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2017
  • The Korean state evolved as a distinct entity in a region of major power convergence and conflict. All states, as human constructions, seek sovereignty and life security of their subjects/citizens, and are rotted in organic society. In the Republic of Korea, constitutional order has provided a framework for political action and a succession of regimes - authoritarianism, military dictatorship, and constitutional democracy. Since 1960 two paradigms have undergone a cycle of growth and decline, and a third, since the 2016 candlelight demonstrations in Gwanghwamun, may be the beginnning of a third generation paradigm - populist constitutionalism.

1980년대 민중미술론의 기원과 형성 (The Origin and Formation of Korean Public Art Theories in the 1980s)

  • 최열
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제7호
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    • pp.37-64
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    • 2009
  • The theories of Korean Public Art originated by the artists who were against dictatorship and they associated with democratic politicians. They criticized the Fine art that were supported by the dictatorship and gave their efforts for restoration of 'resistance paintings(against dictatorship)', 'proletarian painting', 'realism painting'. In addition, they participated new social ideology(democracy) movement and demonstrated for their rights in arts. These became the main kernel the public art theory was initiated. The public artists splitted into several different parts and participated in the democratic social movement as well as the art movement for freedom. They opened various art exhibitions within different genre, diverse space for various art section such as an exhibition hall, a factories, a university, or a congregation square. Furthermore, the public art theorists published their divergent views through newspaper/broadcasting or unauthorized printed materials. Most of the public artist and the theorists kept their relationship strongly until 1985, the time when 'National Arts Association' started. In 1983 and 1984, they were clearly separated into two parts; artists(move only in art museums) and activists(move in public spaces like school, convention square etc). Their ideological separation also took out national problems. The division; professional artists and armatures, became the social issue as a social stratification matter. And in creating method, there are also other conflicts; critical realism, and public realism as well as western painting and traditional one. These kinds of separation and conflicts made different Public artists associations, under divergent names; 'Reality and Speak'(R&S), 'KwangJu Art Association', 'Durung', 'Dang(Land)', and 'Local Youth Students Association'. In addition, their ideology and pursuit toward art movements were very difference. However, the differences and conflicts weakened When the oppression of democratic education from new dictatorship(Pres. Jun, Doo Hwan) came out. In August. 1985 the government opened to the public so called, 'The draft of School stabilization law'(Hankwon Anjung Bup) to control the teachers' rights and that initiated bigger street demonstration and conflicts between police and educators. In November.1985, assembly meeting of National Arts Association in democracy opened as 'ONE' combined organization. In this presentation, I'd like to summarize the stream of art movement until 1984, and clarify the main art theories that lead the Public Art Movements in 1980s. The main theories in 1980s are crucial because they become the origin of public art theories. This presentation started with O,youn's "Hyunsil Dong In the first declaration" and explained the absent of practice in 1970s. In addition, Won, Dong Suk 's theory was mentioned as all over struggles in theories before 1980s. GA and R&S 's founding declarations in 1970s were the start of public art theorists' activities and this article reported the activities after the declarations. First, realism base on the consciousness of reality. Second, practice art democratization based on the ideology. Third, the subject of public art movement based on understanding people's social stratification structure. Fourth, the matters of national forms and creative ways in arts based on showing reality. Fifth, the strong points in arts that the practitioners accepted. About the public art theories around 1984, I discussed the dividing point of public art theories that were shown in 'generation theory', 'organization theory', and 'popularization theory' by the practitioners. The public realism theory that subjects the contradiction of reality and point out the limits of critical realism not only showing the new creative ways but also giving the feeling of solidarity to the public art activist groups. After that, public art movements expressed 'Dismentlement of Capitalism' and 'Public revolution'. In addition, the direction of public art movements were established strongly. There were various opinions and views during the start and formation of the public art theories. The foundation of theorists activities derived from the practitioners who had the concept based on stratification and nationalism. The strong trend of group division spreaded out by practitioners who opened art work together in factories, universities, squares and rural areas. Now many lively active practitioners are gone to the other field not related with arts, and others join into professional art field not public art one with unknown reason. The theorists have the same situation with the practitioners. It means to me that theory always have to be based on the practice.

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1970년대 '한국 민속촌' 건립 과정과 시대적 의미 고찰 (Development of Korean Folk Village in 1970s and its Historical Meaning)

  • 김지홍;전봉희
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2010
  • Korean Folk Village was founded in 1974 as the first open-air museum in Korea. It consists of over one hundred traditional Korean houses and buildings. Most of structures in the Village were reproduced or newly constructed in traditional style. Some houses were used as craft shop and folklore performance. Preservation of vernacular architecture by the government began in the late 1960s in Korea. The development of the Village was initiated by the central government for the sake of attracting both the foreign and domestic tourists. Park Chung-hee administration focused on national culture to justify their dictatorship. The government drove a very rapid economic growth in the 1970s and Korean society was in the midst of modernization leaving many traditional landscapes behind in the memory. The Village was aimed to appeal the Korean people's nostalgia and at the same time to combine their folk into the modern nation.

North Korean Leaders' Personality Reflection on Provocation Patterns: Narcissism and Fear

  • Lim, Sora;Ko, Sunghwah
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.216-233
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    • 2020
  • Over the last 70 years, South Korea has gone through countless provocations from North Korea. Provocation is something that must be delicately calculated before the actual action, since it can be extended to a serious conflict. Among the possible factors, this paper focuses on the leader's characteristic, because 1) under North Korean dictatorship, the leader's thoughts are critical influence to policies and 2) personal characteristic, especially if it is the dictator's, hardly changes even when the external circumstances change. The purpose of this paper is in analyzing the correlations between North Korean leader's characteristics and provocation pattern. First, three generations of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un's personal characteristics will be described. Next, particular provocation features in respective leader's period will follow. Lastly, how each leader's characteristic and concerns were reflected on the provocations will be analyzed.