• Title/Summary/Keyword: delayed system

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The embryological studies on the interspecific hybrid of ginseng plant (Panax ginseng x P. Quiuquefolium) with special references to the seed abortion (인삼의 종간잡종 Panax ginseng x P Quinquefoilium의 발생학적 연구 특히 결실불능의 원인에 관하여)

  • Jong-Kyu Hwang
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 1969
  • On the growing of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant, the phenomena of hybrid vigoures are observed in the root, stem, and leaf, but it can not produce seeds favorably since the ovary is abortive in most cases in interspecific hybrid plants. The present investigation was undertaken in an attempt to elucidate the embryological dses of the seed failure in the interspecific hybrid of ginseng (Panax Ginseng ${\times}$ P. Quinque folium). And the results obtained may be summarized as follows. 1). The vegetative growth of the interspecific hybrid ginseng plant is normal or rather vigorous, but the generative growth is extremely obstructed. 2). Even though the generative growth is interrupted the normal development of ovary tissue of flower can be shown until the stage prior to meiosis. 3). The division of the male gameto-genetic cell and the female gameto-genetic cell are exceedingly irregular and some of them are constricted prior to meiosis. 4). At meiosis in the microspore mother cell of the interspecific hybrid, abnormal division is observed in that the univalent chromosome and chromosome bridge occure. And in most cases, metaphasic configuration is principally presented as 23 II+2I, though rarely 22II+4I is also found. 5). Through the process of microspore and pollen formation of F1, the various developmental phases occur even in an anther loclus. 6). Macro, micro and empty pollen grains occur and the functional pollen is very rare. 7). After the megaspore mother cell stage, the rate of ovule development is, on the whole, delayed but the ovary wall enlargement is nearly normal. 8). Degenerating phenomena of ovules occur from the megaspore mother cell stage to 8-nucleate embryo sac stage, and their beginning time of constricting shape is variously different. 9). The megaspore arrangement in the parent is principally of the linear type, though rarely the intermediate type is also observed, whereas various types, viz, linear, intermediate, Tshape, and I shape can be observed in hybrid. 10). After meiosis, three or five megaspore are some times counted. 11). Charazal end megaspore is generally functional in the parents, whereas, in F1, very rarely one of the center megaspores (the second of the third megaspore) grows as an embryo sac mother cell. 12). In accordance with the extent of irregularity or abnormality in meiosis, division of embryo sac nuclei and embryo sac formation cause more nucellus tissue to remain within th, embryo sac. 13). Even if one reached the stage of embryo sac formation, the embryo sac nuclei are always precarious and they can not be disposed to theil proper, respective position. 14). Within the embryo sac, which is lacking the endospermcell, the 4-celled proembryo, linear arrangement, is observed. 15). Through the above respects, the cause of sterile or seed failure of interspecific hybrid would be presumably as follows, By interspecific crossing gene reassortments takes place and the gene system influences the metabolism by the interference of certain enzyme as media. In the F1 plant, the quantity and quality of chemicals produced by the enzyme system and reaction system are entirely different from the case of the parents. Generally, in order to grow, form, and develop naw parts it is necessary to change the materials and energy with reasonable balance, whereas in the F1 plant the metabolic process becomes abnormal or irregular because of the breakdown of the balancing. Thus the changing of the gene-reaction system causes the alteration of the environmental condition of the gameto-genetic cells in the anther and ovule; the produced chemicals cause changes of oxidatio-reduction potential, PH value, protein denaturation and the polarity, etc. Then, the abnormal tissue growing in the ovule and emdryo sac, inhibition of normal development and storage of some chemicals, especially inhibitor, finally lead to sterility or seed failure. Inconclusion, we may presume that the first cause of sterile or seed abortion in interspecific hybrids is the gene reassortment, and the second is the irregularity of the metabolic system, storage of chemicals, especially inhibitor, the growth of abnormal tissue and the change of the polarity etc, and they finally lead to sexual defect, sterility and seed failure.

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Questions and Answers about the Humidifier Disinfectant Disaster as of February 2017 (가습기살균제 참사의 진행과 교훈(Q&A))

  • Choi, Yeyong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • 'The worstest environment disaster', 'World's first biocide massacre', 'Home-based Sewol ferry disaster' are all phrases attached to the recent humidifier disinfectant disaster. In the spring of 2011, four of 8 pregnant women including 1 adult man passed away at a university hospital in Seoul due to breathing failure. Epidemiologic investigation conducted by the Korean CDC soon revealed the inhalation of humidifier disinfectant, which had been widely used in Korea during the winter, to be responsible for the disease. As well as lung fibrosis hardening of the lungs, other diseases including asthma, rhinitis, skin disease, liver disease, fetal disease or cancers have been researched for their relation with exposure to the products. By February 9, 2017, 5,342 cases had registered for health problems and 1,131 of them were already dead (20.8% mortality rate). Based on studies by government agencies and a telephone survey of the general population by Seoul National University and civic groups, around 20% of the general public of Korea has used these products. Since the market release of the first product by SK Chemical in 1994, over 7.1 million items from around 20 brands were sold up to 2011. Most of the products were manufactured by well-known large conglomerates such as SK, Lotte, Samsung, Shinsegye, LG, and GS, as well as some European companies including UK-based Reckitt Benckiser and TESCO, the German firm Henkel, the Danish firm KeTox, and an Irish company. Even though this disaster was unveiled in 2011 by the Korean government, the issue of the victims was neglected for over five years. In 2016, an unexpected but intensive investigation by prosecutors found that Reckitt Benckiser manipulated and concealed animal tests for its own brand and brought several university experts and company employees to court. The matter was an intense social issue in Korea from May to June with a surge in media coverage. The prosecutor's investigation and a nationwide boycott campaign organized by victims and environmental groups against Reckitt Benckiser, whose product had been used by more than 70% of victims, led to the producer's official apology and a compensation scheme. A legislative investigation organized after the April 2016 national election revealed the producers' faults and the government's responsibility, but failed to meet expectations. A special law for the victims passed the National Assembly in January 2017 and a punitive system together with a massive environmental epidemiology investigation are expected to be the only solutions for this tragedy. Sciences of medicine, toxicology and environmental health have provided decisive evidence so far, but for the remaining problems the perspectives of social sciences such as sociology and jurisprudence are highly necessary, similar to with the Minamata disease and Wonjin Rayon events. It may not be easy to follow this issue using unfamiliar terminology from medical and chemical science and the long, complicated history of the event. For these reasons the author has attempted to write this article in a question and answer format to render it easier to follow. The 17 questions are: Q1 What is humidifier disinfectant? Q2 What kind of health problems are caused by humidifier disinfectant? Q3 How many victims are there? Q4 What is the analysis of the 1,112 cases of death? Q5 What is the problem with the government's diagnostic criteria and the solution? Q6 Who made what brands? Q7 Has there been a recall? What is still on sale? Q8 Was safety not checked by any producers? Q9 What are the government's responsibilities? Q10 Is it true that these products were sold only in Korea? Q11 Why and how was it unveiled only in 2011 after 17 years of sales? Q12 What delayed the resolution of the victim issue? Q13 What is the background of the prosecutor's investigation in early 2016? Q14 Is it possible to report new victim cases without evidence of product purchase? Q15 What is happening with the victim issue? Q16 How does it compare with the cases of Minamata disease and Wonjin Rayon? Q17 Are there prevention measures and lessons?

Studies on the Relationship between Silkworm Rearing and Tobacco Cultivation I. Tobacco Field Cultivated in Mulching System Affecting the Silkworm Rearing in Autumn Season (연초재배가 양잠에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 I. 뽕밭 부근의 담배개량 Mulching 재배가 추잠작에 미치는 영향에 관한 시험)

  • 정태암;이상풍;김정배;홍기원;김계명;마영일
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 1975
  • Silkworm is known to be damaged under the unfavorable environmental conditions. Recently, it has been often argued that nicotine is a main factor to affect the silkworm nutritional balance and to result in decrease of quantitative characters, and unbalance of larval nutrition. Especially in spring season, there is tendency to produce nicotine damage to silkworm fed with the mulberry leaf near to tobacco field early cultivated in mulching system. In these connections, the trial was made in the different pots placing by the different distance 10rn, 20m, 40m, and 60m in the direction of east-north from the tobacco field. Location of pot near to the tobacco fold is 40m below the tobacco Held and gradually higher than the tobacco field by 10 degree of slope. In addition, when the mulberry field is divided into two areas from the east-south to west-north, southern east zone is lowering down below 10 degree of slope and has 36% of east-south wind, 21% of south-east wind and 16% of south wind, etc. Pots are left on the mulberry field from the completion of lower part leaf harvest to just before upper part leaf harvest is completed for 32 days. Then silkworm at 4th-5th stage was fed with the leaf grown during the period and larval characters are statistically analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. 10-40m distant pot statistically at the same level has the longest larval duration and 60m distant pot is. not significant at 5% level. Whole larval duration has same tendency as in the 5th larval duration. 2. Percentage of delayed molting larvae at the 5th stage is increased in 10m distant pot and there is no significance statistically in other pots, as compared with that of control. 3. It is not showed that there is no damage to mortality of the old larvae in 60m distant pot. 4. 10-20m distant pot produces a low pupation and others are at the same level statistically at 5% significance, 5. It is showed that nicotine damage is occurred in single cocoon freight and cocoon shell weight up to 60m distant pot, rather higher damage in cocoon shell weight than in single cocoon weight. 6. It is showed that cocoon yield from 10, 000 molted larvae including double cocoon is decreased up to 40m distant pot far from the tobacco field in which 40% of cocoon yield in 10m distant pot by 7kg, 26% of cocoon yield in 20m distant pot by 3.9kg, 24% of cocoon yield in 40m distant pot by 3.6kg, and 12% of cocoon yield in 60m distant pot by 1.8kg, as compared with control. However, there is no significance statistically at 5% level in 60m distant pot. With these above results, it is concluded that nicotine da mage could be occurred in cocoon yield and cocoon quality up to 60m distant far from the tobacco field.

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Influence of Short-term Application of Abscisic Acid in Nutrient Solution on Growth and Drought Tolerance of Tomato Seedlings (토마토 육묘과정에서 단기간 ABA처리가 묘소질과 건조내성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Il-Seop;Vu, Ngoc-Thang;Vo, Hoang-Tung;Choi, Ki-Young;Kim, Young Shik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to evaluate influence of short-term application of abscisic acid (ABA) in nutrient solution on growth and drought tolerance of tomato seedlings. The treatments included four ABA concentrations (0.5, 1, 2, $3mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$) and control (non-treatment) were applied to the nutrient solution in a hydroponic system. On the $5^{th}$ and $10^{th}$ day after growing in the nutrient solution containing ABA, seedlings were transferred to -5 bars of PEG-8000 in a growth chamber to induce water stress. Except for stem diameter and fresh and dry weight of root, there were no statistical differences in other growth parameters among control, 0.5 and $1mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of ABA treatments. Seedlings growths were strongly inhibited in nutrient solution containing 2 and $3mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of ABA. The root growth such as fresh and dry weigh of root, total root surface area, and average root diameter was slightly enhanced in $1mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of ABA treatment. The elevation of ABA concentrations in nutrient solution resulted in the decrease in transpiration rate and increase in stomatal diffusive resistance and leaf temperature of tomato seedlings. The initiations of seedling wilting after treating in -5 bars of PEG were delayed from 10 hrs in control to 30 hrs in ABA applied treatments. Additionally, the high percentages of recovered seedlings were observed in 0.5 and $1mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of ABA treatments after re-irrigation. Therefore, short-term application of $1mg{\cdot}L^{-1}$ of ABA in the nutrient solution stimulated the root growth and drought tolerance of tomato seedlings by delaying the start time of wilting point and enhancing the recovery after re-irrigation.

Effect of Planting Date and Hybrid on Forage Yield and Quality of Corn for Silage I. Agronomic characteristics and forage yield of corn (파종시기 및 품종이 사일리지용 옥수수의 수량과 사료가치에 미치는 영향. I. 옥수수의 생육특성 및 사초수량)

  • Kim, J.D.;Kim, D.A.;Park, H.S.;Kim, S.G.
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 1999
  • The corn is mostly planted in mid-April in single-cropping silage system if possible, however, in a double-cropping silage system, the corn planting date is delayed until after the mid-May. The objective of this study was to evaluate agronomic characteristics and forage performance of the eight government recommended corn hybrids for silage at two dates of planting. Split-plot design replicated three times was used, that is, main plots were planting dates, sub-plots were eight hybrids at Suweon in 1997. Days from planting to silking of optimum planting was 84 days and that of late was 69 days. The difference in silking day among the hybrids was 6 days at optimum planting and 2 days at late planting. Plant height of optimum planting corn was higher than that of late one, however, ear height and stem diameter of optimum planting were lower than those of late planting corn. Among the corn hybrids tested, plant heights of 'P3156' and 'P3163' were higher than those of the other hybrids. Ear height of 'DK713' was the lowest among the corn hybrids and stem diameter of 'P3394' was thicker than that of the other hybrids. European corn borer(ECB) damage(16.6%) at optimum planting was lower than that(49.9%) of late, however, there were no significant ECB damage differences among the corn hybrids tested. Whole plant dry matter(DM) contents of 'P3525', 'P3394' and 'P3352' hybrids were higher than those of the other corn hybrids at harvest. Ear percentages of the total dry matter(DM) of 'P3394' and 'P3156' were higher than those of the other corn hybrids. Dry matter(DM) and total digestible nutrients(TDN) yields(19,696 and 14,621kg/ha) at optimum planting were higher than those (17,163 and 12,570kg/ha) of late planting, while there were no significant differences in DM and TDN yields among the corn hybrids tested. And those hybrids with greater proportion of grain in the whole plant have higher DM and TDN yields. Correlation coefficients for days from planting to silking with DM and TDN yields were $0.84^{**}$ and $0.87^{**}$, and those for ear percent were $0.86^{**}$ and $0.87^{**}$. Results of this study indicate that optimum planting date(15 April) is better than late planting date(16 May) in agronomic characteristics and forage production of silage corn. Days from planting to silking and ear percent as welI as other characters are important factors screening the corn hybrid for silage.

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Effects of Endocrine Disruptors on the Expression of Estrogen Receptors in Ovary and Uterus from Immature Rats (내분비계 장애물질이 미성숙한 흰쥐의 난소와 자궁에서의 에스트로겐 수용체 발현에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Kyeung-Yeup;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2006
  • Although some phytoes rogens might have beneficiary rather than adverse effects, most endocrine disrupting compounds(EDCs) are considered to be harmful to human and wildlife health through interfering the endocrine system. Previously we found that prepubertal exposure to genistein(GS), a well-known isoflavone phytoestrogen, could activate the reproductive system of immature female rats resulting precocious puberty. Interestingly, di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate(DEHP) exposure brought inverse result, a delayed puberty, in the same experimental regimen. In this study, we examined whether prepubertal exposure to GS or DEHP affect the gene expressions of estrogen receptors($ER\;{\alpha}$ and $ER\;{\beta}$) and LH receptor(LHR) which represent the maturational status of ovary and uterus in immature rats. GS (100 mg/kg/day) was administered daily from postnatal day 25 to the day when the first vaginal opening(VO) was observed, and the animals were sacrificed on the next day(day 32). Similarly, DEHP(l00 mg/kg/day) was administered daily from postnatal day 25 through the day when the first V.O. in control group was observed, and the animals were sacrificed on the next day(day 36). To determine the transcriptional changes in the hormone receptors, total RNAs were extracted from ovary and uterus and were applied to semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). In the GS group, the transcriptional activities of $ER\;{\alpha}$, $ER\;{\beta}$ and LHR in uterus and LHR in ovary were significantly increased when compared to those of control group. In the DEHP group, the transcriptional activities of all the hormone receptors measured were significantly lowered when compared to those of control group. These alteration of the reproductive hormone receptor expressions in ovary and uterus might be represent the phenotypic aspects(secondary sexual characteristics) such as tissue weights and reproductive hormone levels during perinatal period in immature female rats.

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Risk Factors of Neurologic Complications After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (관상동맥 우회수술후 신경계 합병증의 위험인자)

  • Park, Kay-Hyun;Chae, Hurn;Park, Choong-Kyu;Jun, Tae-Gook;Park, Pyo-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.9
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    • pp.790-798
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    • 1999
  • Background: As the early outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) has been stabilized, neurologic complication has now become one of the most important morbidity. The aim of this study was to find out the risk factors associated with the neurologic complications after CABG. Material and Method: In 351 patients who underwent CABG, the incidence and features of neurologic complications, with associated perioperative risk factors, were retrospectively reviewed. Neurologic complication was defined as a new cerebral infarction confirmed by postoperative neurologic examination and radiologic studies, or delayed recovery of consciousness and orientation for more than 24 hours after the operation. Result: Neurologic complications occurred in 18 patients(5.1%), of these nine(2.6%) were diagnosed as having new cerebral infarctions(stroke). Stroke was manifested as motor paralysis in four patients, mental retardation or orientation abnormality in four, and brain death in one. Statistical analysis revealed the following variables as significant risk factors for neurologic complications by both univariate and multivariate analyses: cardiopulmonary bypass longer than 180 minutes, atheroma of the ascending aorta, carotid artery stenosis detected by Duplex sonography, and past history of cerebrovascular accident or transient ischemic attack. Age over 65 years, aortic calcification detected by simple X-ray, and intraoperative myocardial infarction were significant risk factors by univariate analysis only. Neither the severity of carotid artery stenosis nor technical modifications such as cannulation of the aortic arch or single clamp technique, which were expected to affect the inciden e of neurologic complications, had significant relationship with the incidence. Conclusion: This study confirmed the strong association between neurologic complications after CABG and atherosclerosis of the arterial system. Therefore, to minimize the incidence of neurologic complications, systematic evaluation focused on atherosclerotic lesions of the arterial system followed by adequate alteration of operative strategy is needed.

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Evaluation of Biomass and Feed Value of Forage Wheat in Central Region at the Paddy by Cultivars (중부지역 논 재배 사료용 밀의 품종별 생산성 및 사료가치 평가)

  • Cho, Hyun Min;Shin, Myeong Na;Shim, Kang Bo;Han, Areum;Jeon, Weon Tai
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the productivity of whole crop silage wheat utilizing the paddy fields during a couple of years from 2019 to 2021 in Suwon, Korea. This investigation was used the two maturity types of wheat cultivar 'Cheongwoo' (early) and 'Taeu' (late). The heading date of 2nd year (Oct. 2020 to May. 2021) cultivation was delayed about 11 to 13 days by more than 1st year (Oct. 2019 to May. 2020). The growth characteristics were shown that the plant height was increased in 2nd cultivation, while the number of culms and the panicle part ratio were decreased. Moreover, the nutritive value of 'Cheongwoo' and 'Taeu' were also decreased in 2nd cultivation. These changes have thought to a difference of the precipitation by cultivation years. Because, the precipitation during the period from the end of winter dormancy to the harvesting stage in 2nd (337 mm) cultivation was more about twice than 1st (169.3 mm) cultivation. However, the dry matter yield of 'Cheongwoo' was not shown a statistical difference by cultivation years, while 'Taeu' was shown to decrease tendency. The total dry matter yield regardless of the cultivation years were higher in 'Cheongwoo' than 'Taeu', and especially 'Cheongwoo' was more 3 tons per hectare (15.3 t/ha) than 'Taeu' (12.6 t/ha) at 2nd cultivation (p<0.01). The trend of dry weight in 'Cheongwoo', early mature type, showed a relatively high ratio of dry matter (p<0.05) was considered that due to a high panicle ratio by a fast heading and an adequate weight of panicles by a sufficient maturing. In conclusion, selecting the early maturity cultivars could achieve a higher and more stable total dry matter yield considering the cropping system in the central region. Furthermore, it also has the advantage of being able to double-cropping system with forage rice, which has considered the maximum whole-crop forage production year-round. These results suggest that the 'Cheongwoo' be optimum cultivar to produce the year-round forage on paddy fields in the central region.

Effect of Planting Date and Hybrid on the Agronomic Characteristics, Forage Production and Feed Value of Corn for Silage (파종시기 및 품종이 사일리지용 옥수수의 생육특성, 사초생산성 및 사료가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Myeong Jin;Chung, Sung Heon;Kim, Jong Duk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2022
  • The planting date of corn for silage has been delayed because of spring drought and double cropping system in Korea. This experiment was conducted to evaluate agronomic characteristics, forage production and feed value of corn at April and May in 2019. Experimental design was a split-plot with three replications. Planting dates (12 April and 10 May) were designated to the main plot, and corn hybrids ('P0928', 'P1543' and 'P2088') to the subplot. The silking days of the early planting date (12 April) was 79 days and that of the late planting date (10 May) was 66 days (p<0.0001), however, there were no significant differences among the corn hybrids. Ear height of the late planting date was higher than that of the early planting (p<0.05), while there were no significant differences in plant height of corn. Insect resistance at the early planting was lower than that of late planting (p<0.05), however, lodging resistance was no significant difference at planting date. The rice black streaked virus (RBSDV) infection of early planting was 3.7% and that of late planting was 0.3% (p<0.001). Dry matter (DM) contents of stover, ear and whole plant had significant difference at planting date (p<0.05). And differences in ear percentages were observed among the corn hybrids (p<0.01). And ear percentages of early maturing corn ('P0928') was higher than for other hybrids. Ear percentage at the early planting date was higher than that at the late planting date (p<0.01). DM and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields had significant difference at planting date, however, there were no significant differences among the corn hybrids. DM and TDN yields at the late planting (21,678 kg/ha and 14,878 kg/ha) were higher than those of the early planting (13,732 kg/ha and 9,830 kg/ha). Crude protein content at the early planting date was higher than that of the late planting. Acid detergent fiber content of the late planting was lower than that of the early planting date (p<0.01), while there were no significant neutral detergent fiber content difference among the corn tested. Calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) and TDN at the early planting were higher than those of at the late planting (p<0.01). Results of this our study indicate that the late planting date (May) is better than early planting date (April) in forage yield and feed value of corn. Therefore, the delay of planting date by May was more suitable for use in cropping system.

Anatomical Studies on Root Formation in Hypocotyl and Epicotyl Cuttings of Woody Plants (임목(林木)의 배축(胚軸) 및 유경삽수발근(幼茎揷穗発根)의 해부학적(解剖学的) 연구(研究))

  • Choi, Man Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 1981
  • The origin and development of adventitious roots was studied using hypocotyl and epicotyl cuttings of 34 species, 24 genus of woody plants. These cuttings obtained from young seedlings cultured in vials containing distilled water only. The several characteristics of cuttings materials studied are shown in Table 1. The results are summerized as follows: 1. The circumference shapes of cross-sections of hypocotyl and epicotyl cuttings can be divided into six categories, namely, round, irregular round, ellipse, irregular ellipse, square, and triangle. Species differences within a genus did not show any difference of hypocotyl and epicotyl cross-sections shape, however, a noticeable variation among genus or higher taxa. 2. The arrangements of vascular bundles in the cross-sections of hypocotyls or epicotyls were almost all collateral types and generally showed generic characteristics differing one to the other. However, there were some variations between species within the genus. Six models of vascular bundle arrangement were proposed for all the above speices. 3. The rooting portions of hypocotyl and epicotyl cuttings in this experimental materials can be grouped as follows: (1) Interfascicular parenchyma; (Thuja orientalis. T. orientalis for. sieboldii, Acer microsieboldianum, A. palmatum, A. saccharinum, Cercis chinensis, Lespedeza bicolor, Magnolia obovata, M. sieboldii, Mallotus japonicus, Staphylea bumalda) (2) Cambial and phloem parenchyma: (Chamaecyparis obtusa, C. pisifera, Albizzia julibrissin, Buxus microphylla var. Koreana, Cereis chinensis, Euonymus japonica, Firmiana platanifolia, Lagerstroemia indica, Ligustrum salicinum, L. obtusifolium, Magnolia kobus, M. obovata, Mallotus japonicus, Morus alba, Poncirus trifoliata, Quercus myrsinaefolia, Rosa polyantha, Styrax japonica, Styrax obassia) (3) Primary ray tissues; (Euonymus japonica, Styrax japonica) (4) Leaf traces; (Quercus acutissima, Q. aliena) (5) Cortex parenchyma; (Ailanthus altissima) (6) Callus tissues; (Castanea crenata, Quercus aliena, Q. myrsinaefolia, Q. serrata) 4. As a general tendency throughout the species studied, in hypocotyl cuttings, the adventitious root primordia were originated from the interfascicular parenchyma tissue, however, leaf traces and callus tissues were contributed to the root primordia formation in epicotyl cuttings. The hypocotyl cuttings of Ailanthus altissima exhibited a special performance in the root primordia formation, this means that cortex parenchyma was participated to the origin tissue. And in Firmiana platanifolia, differening from the other most species, the root primordia were formed at the phloem parenchyma adjacent outwardly to xylem tissue of vascular bundle system as shown photo. 48. 5. All the easy-to, or difficult-to root species developed adventitious roots in vials filled with distilled water. In the difficult-to-root species, however, root formations seemed to be delayed because they almost all had selerenchyma or phloem fiber which gave some mechanical hindrance to protrusion of root primordia. On the other hand, in the easy-to-root species they seemed to form them more easily because they did not have the said tissues. The rooting portions between easy-to-root and difficult-to-root species have not clearly been distinguished, and they have multitudinous variations. 6. The species structured with the more vascular bundles in number compared with the less vascular bundles exhibited delayed rooting. In the cuttings preparation, the proximal end of cuttings was closer to root-to-stem transition region, the adventitious root formation showed easier. 7. A different case occured however with the mature stem cuttings, in both the needle-leaved and the broad-leaved species. In the hypocotyl cuttings, parenchymatous tissues sited near the vascular bundles become the most frequent root forming portions in general and relevant distinctions between both species were hardly recognizable. 8. In the epicotyl cuttings, root primordia originated mainly in leaf traces in connection with cambial and phloems or callus tissues itself. In the hypocotyl cuttings, interfascicular parenchyma was the most frequent portion of the root primordia formation. The portions of root primordia had more connection with vascular cambium system, as the tissues were continuing to be developed.

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