• Title/Summary/Keyword: deicing countermeasure

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Fuzzy Rulebase Application for Estimation of Snow Accretion on Power Lines and Deicing Countermeasure Plan (퍼지 룰베이스에 의한 전선착설 예측 및 대책 지원 기법)

  • 최규형
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.782-788
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    • 2003
  • Making deicing countermeasure plan against snow accretion on power line is a very complicated problem, which should take into account both the possibility of accidents due to snow accretion on power line and the stable operation of power system. As knowledge engineering can be a good solution to this field of problems, a prototype expert system to assist power system operators in forecasting snow accretion on power lines and making a list of all the feasible and effective deicing countermeasures has been developed. The system has been remodelled into a fuzzy expert system by adopting fuzzy rulebase and fuzzy inference method to systematically process the fuzziness included in the heuristic knowledges. Simulation results based on the past snow accretion accident data show that the proposed system is very promising.

Knowledge Engineering Method Ie Estimation of Snow Accretion on Power lines and Decision of Deicing Countermeasures (지식공학에 의한 전선 착설 예측 및 대책 결정 기법)

  • 최규형
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2003
  • To Prevent the damage of power system facilities by snow accretion on transmission lines, a prototype expert system has been developed. The system has the basic functions of forecasting snow accretion on transmission lines and making a list of all feasible and effective deicing countermeasures to assist power system operators. As estimating of snow accretion on power lines and making countermeasure plans are very difficult to solve analytically, knowledge engineering can be an effective method for this problem. The heuristics about the effect of weather conditions on the snow accretion process on power lines and power system operation for the deicing constitutes main nile base. Simulation results based on past snow accretion accident data show that the proposed system is very premising.

Proposal of Domestic Road Bridge Deck Deterioration Models and Forecast of Replacement Demand (국내 도로교량 바닥판 열화모델 제안 및 교체 수요 예측)

  • Kim, Jin-Kwang;Jang, Il-Young
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2017
  • Bridge decks are members that rapidly deteriorated due to various environmental factors such as heavy vehicle and deicing salt, etc. As the lifespan of bridges built in Korea increases, it is expected that the demand for replacing the deteriorated bridge decks will increase. In other countries, Accelerated Bridge Construction technology using precast decks is already actively being used as a countermeasure for replacement demand of deteriorated bridge decks. In this study, bridge decks deterioration models are proposed by collecting and analysing the condition index data of domestic bridge decks. Also, the future replacement demands of deteriorated bridge decks in terms of replacement time and replacement scale are predicted.