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A Study on Characteristics of Jinsatak(陳士鐸)'s Clinic Theory (진사탁(陳士鐸) 임상 이론의 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Ki-Wook;Park, Hyun-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.31-51
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    • 2009
  • The characteristics of Jin's ideas on clinic theory can be arranged as follows. 1. Jin emphasized warming and tonifying[溫補] in treatment and the part that shows this the best is the taking care of[調理] the Vital gate[命門], kidney, liver, and spleen. His ideas were based on his understanding of a human life's origin, and was influenced by Seolgi(薛己), Joheon-ga(趙獻可) and Janggaebin(張介賓)'s Vital gate and source Gi theory(元氣說) so scholastically, he has that in common with them but was later criticized by later doctors such as Oksamjon(玉三尊) as an 'literary doctor(文字醫)' who followed the ideas of "Uigwan(醫貫)". 2. The warming and tonifying school[溫補學派], who were influenced by Taoism, said in their theory of disease outbreak[發病學說] that since one must not hurt one's Yin essence and Yang fire [陰精陽火] there is more deficiency than excess, so that was why they used tonifying methods. Jin was also like them and this point of view is universal in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatric medicine and surgery and so on. 3. Jin, who saw the negative form of pulse diagnosis[診脈] emphasized following symptoms over pulse diagnosis using the spirit of ‘finding truth based on truth[實事求是]' in "Maekgyeolcheonmi(脈訣闡微)", but emphasized 'the combination of pulse and symptoms[脈證合參]'. He understood pulse diagnosis as a defining tool for symptoms, and in "Seoksilbirok(石室秘錄)" simplified pulse diagnosis into 10 methods : floating/sunken(浮沉), slow/fast(遲數), large/fine(大小), vacuous/replete(虛實) and slippery/rough(滑澀). 4. Jin used 'large formulas(大方)' a lot that usually featured a large dose, and in " Bonchosinpyeon(本草新編)" he thought of the seven formulas(七方) and ten preparations(十劑) as the standard when using medicine. He did away with old customs and presented a 'new(新)' and 'extra(奇)' point of view. He especially used a lot of Insam(人蔘) when tonifying Gi and Geumeunhwa(金銀花) when treating sores and ulcers. 5. In the area of surgery Jin gave priority to the early finding and treatment of disease with internal treatment[內治] and was against the overuse of acupuncture. However records of surgical measures in a special situation like lung abscesses(肺癰) and liver abscesses(肝癰), and anesthetic measures using 'Manghyeongju(忘形酒)' and 'Singoiyak(神膏異藥)' and opening the abdomen or skull, and organ transplants using a dog's tongue are important data. 6. Jin stated the diseases of Gi and blood broadly. Especially in the principles of treating blood, blood diseases had to be forwarded[順] and Gi regulation[理氣] was the number one priority and stated the following two treatments. First, in "Jeonggiinhyeolpyeon(精氣引血篇)" of volume 6 of "Oegyeongmieon(外經微言)", for the rules for treating blood he stated the pattern identification of finding Gi in blood and blood in Gi. Second, he emphasized Gi regulation(理氣) in blood diseases and stated that the Gi must be tonifyed after finding the source of the loss of blood.

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The study on ShanghanLun PingMaiFa (1) (『상한론(傷寒論)·평맥법(平脈法)』에 관한 연구(1))

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Park, Kwang-Cheon;Jeong, Han-Sol;Ha, Ki-Tae;Shin, Sang-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.63-96
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    • 2012
  • The PingMaiFa chapter, which is the second chapter of SongBon ShangHanLun, is the scholarly description(專論) of the pulse and pathological mechanism but has not been studied and published yet. This study is about article 1-13 which is the first part of The PingMaiFa chapter. We compared the original texts within the editions, comparing and analyzing the annotations of successive dynastic medical group. The articles of The SongBon ShangHanLun PingMaiFa chapter 1-13 is consisted as is shown: article 1 states about the general features of normal pulse (平脈) and its physiological mechanism and the morbid pulses (病脈) caused by wind, cold, retained fluid, pain and heat vexation, article 1,10 state about the normal pulses of Five viscera (lung, heart, spleen, liver and kidney) and their manipulations in pulse taking, article 2 states about the differentiations of deficiency and excess syndrome according to pulse conditions, article 3, 4 state about the estimation of good prognoses and a factitious disorder by the combination of pulses and symptoms, article 6 states about Latent qi (伏氣) and its diagnostic features, article 5 states about inspection and listening examination as co-diagnostic methods of the pulse diagnosis, article 7, 8, 9 state that the emotions, such as fear and shame, and the dietary are important factors to consider for making diagnosis, article 11 states about the overwhelming pulse (相乘脈) which indicates the abnormal correlations between five phases and appears in four patterns as the dissolute(縱), the unrighteous(橫), the unfavorable(逆) and the favorable(順), article 12 states about 6 harmful pulses(殘賊脈), which are string-like pulse(弦脈), tight pulse(緊脈), floating pulse(浮脈), slippery pulse(滑脈), sunken pulse(沈脈), rough pulse(澁脈), article 13 states about "JaeGoe"(災怪) which is an unexpected response after treatment and it comes because of the formulas that had before. Throughout all these articles, The PingMaiFa chapter not only offers great value for Pulse-taking diagnosis, but also leads to a better understanding of clinical applications.

Development of Pattern Identification Questionnaire for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Korean Medicine (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애(ADHD) 한의 변증 설문지 개발 연구)

  • An, Yunyoung;Jeong, Minjeong;Kim, Miyeon;Kim, Lakhyung
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity impulsivity that interferes with function or development in children. In traditional Korean medicine (TKM) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ADHD is classified by several patterns based on symptoms and signs. However, currently, there is no objective diagnostic tool for ADHD in traditional medicine. The objective of this study was to develop the Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD (parents-survey style) to be used in Korean medicine, through a literature review and consultation with groups of experts. Methods: The types of pattern identifications of ADHD mentioned in 13 pieces of Korean and Chinese literatures and their symptoms and signs were analyzed. The advisory committee (15 Neuropsychiatrist and 11 Pediatrist in Korean Medicine) assessed the appropriateness of the literature selection and the types of pattern identification selection and their symptoms and signs, and weighed the significance of the symptoms and signs. The Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD was developed using the calculated weights by evaluated significance. The translation of symptoms and signs to the Korean language was achieved through consultation with expert translators. Results: 1. Four pattern identification types and their symptoms and signs were selected according to frequency of appearance in the Korean and Chinese literatures, and were reviewed by the advisory committee: Kidney yin deficiency and liver yang ascendant hyperactivity (腎虛肝亢), Dual deficiencies in the heart and spleen (心脾兩虛), Phlegm-fire harassing the heart (痰火擾心), and Spleen weakness and liver energy preponderance (脾虛肝旺). 2. The weights of all the symptoms and signs in the four patterns were calculated using the means and standard deviations of the symptoms and signs' importance that were obtained from specialists' significance weighting. 3. The Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD (parents-survey style) in Korean medicine composed of 38 questions was suggested. Conclusions: Using a review of the literature and expert advice, Pattern Identification Questionnaire for ADHD (parents-survey style) in Korean medicine was developed. Further clinical study is required to develop a final version of the questionnaire through the evaluation of reliability and validity.

The effects of Yukmijihwang-Tang(UJT) on Dementia induced by focal brain ischemic injury in rats. (육미지황탕(六味地潢湯)이 국소(局所) 뇌허혈(腦虛血)로 유발된 기억력(記憶力) 손상(損傷) 백서(白鼠)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Kyung-Su;Kim, Kyeong-Ok
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2006
  • Objective: Yukmijibwang-Tang(UJT) has been used for Dementia derived by deficiency of Kidney-Yin in the oriental medicine. This study was planned to examine the effects of UJT on the memory loss induced by focal brain ischemic injury in the rats. Methods : Experimental groups were divided into 4 groups ; Normal group, Control group, UJT1 group and UJT2 group. Control group were no treated after focal brain ischemic injury. UJT1 group were administered UJT 0.3 m/kg to focal brain ischemic injuried rats for 21 days, UJT2 group were administered UJT 1.2 m/kg to focal brain ischemic injuried rats for 21 days. The present author observed the number of errors on the eight-arm radial maze task, the rate of correct choice on the eight-arm radial maze task, the values of density of Cresy1 violet- stained sections in the hippocampal CA1 and the values of density of Acetlycholine Esterase (AchE)stained nuclei in the hippocampal CA1. Results : The number of errors in the Eigth-arm radial maze task was significantly decreased in UJT1 group on 1, 2, 3, 5, 6days, And it was significantly decreased in UJT2 group on 1-6days compared with control group. The rate of correct choice in the eight-arm radial maze task was significantly increased in UJT1, UJT2 group compared with control group. The values of density of Cresyl violet-stained stained sections in the hippocampal CA1 were significantly increased in UJT1, UJT2 group compared with control group. The values of density of AchE in the hippocampal CA1 were increased in UJT1, UJT2 group compared with control group, but the values were not significant. Conclusions: The present author thought that Yukmijihwang-Tang could he used for curing dementia induced by focal brain ischemic injury.

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Current Status of Systems Biology in Traditional Chinese medicine - in regards to influences to Korean Medicine (최근 중의학에서 시스템생물학의 발전 현황 - 한의학에 미치는 영향 및 시사점을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Seungeun;Lee, Sundong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : This paper serves to explore current trends of systems biology in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and examine how it may influence the Traditional Korean medicine. Methods : Literature review method was collectively used to classify Introduction to systems biology, diagnosis and syndrome classification of systems biology in TCM perspective, physiotherapy including acupuncture, herbs and formula functions, TCM systems biology, and directions of academic development. Results : The term 'Systems biology' is coined as a combination of systems science and biology. It is a field of study that tries to understand living organism by establishing a theory based on an ideal model that analyzes and predicts the desired output with understanding of interrelationships and dynamics between variables. Systems biology has an integrated and multi-dimensional nature that observes the interaction among the elements constructing the network. The current state of systems biology in TCM is categorized into 4 parts: diagnosis and syndrome, physical therapy, herbs and formulas and academic development of TCM systems biology and its technology. Diagnosis and syndrome field is focusing on developing TCM into personalized medicine by clarifying Kidney yin deficiency patterns and metabolic differences among five patterns of diabetes and analyzing plasma metabolism and biomarkers of coronary heart disease patients. In the field of physical therapy such as acupuncture and moxibustion, researchers discovered the effect of stimulating acupoint ST40 on gene expression and the effects of acupuncture on treating functional dyspepsia and acute ischemic stroke. Herbs and formulas were analyzed with TCM network pharmacology. The therapeutic mechanisms of Si Wu Tang and its series formulas are explained by identifying potential active substances, targets and mechanism of action, including metabolic pathways of amino acid and fatty acid. For the academic development of TCM systems biology and its technology, it is necessary to integrate massive database, integrate pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as systems biology. It is also essential to establish a platform to maximize herbal treatment through accumulation of research data and diseases-specific, or drug-specific network combined with clinical experiences, and identify functions and roles of molecules in herbs and conduct animal-based studies within TCM frame. So far, few literature reviews exist for systems biology in traditional Korean medicine and they merely re-examine known efficacies of simple substances, herbs and formulas. For the future, it is necessary to identify specific mechanisms of working agents and targets to maximize the effects of traditional medicine modalities. Conclusions : Systems biology is widely accepted and studied in TCM and already advanced into a field known as 'TCM systems biology', which calls for the study of incorporating TCM and systems biology. It is time for traditional Korean medicine to acknowledge the importance of systems biology and present scientific basis of traditional medicine and establish the principles of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. By doing so, traditional Korean medicine would be innovated and further developed into a personalized medicine.

The Comparative Effects of Yugmijihwangtang in Donguibogam and Experiment Research Results -Focusing on the Korean Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine- (육미지황탕 효능의 동의보감과 실험연구결과의 비교고찰 -한의학과 중의학을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Yoochang;Kim, Myung Dong;Lee, Sundong
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.223-251
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : A lot of experiment results of Yugmijihwangtang(YM) are reported in various kinds of journals. Many of them report on the new effects that are not recorded in the traditional medical texts. So it is necessary to take it into consideration that newly reported effects could be of help to clinical practice, because this process of comparison of Donguibogam and scientific experiment results will have basis to lead into the evidence based medicine. Methods : We compared the effects of in Donguibogam and the experiment results of YM. Results : The effects of YM in Donguibogam are to replenish essence and marrow, and to treat red wen, fatigue, treat hypouresis, urinary sediment, urinary urgency, hematuria, hydrocephalus, speech and movement retardation, yin-deficiency, diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver, melanoma, disability to see near and far sight, tinnitus, hearing loss, alopecia, angiogenesis, cough, cough at night, trachyphonia, and, infantile convulsion. The experiment results of YM since 2000 in both Korea and China are to inhibit atopic dermatitis, renal interstitial fibrosis, anti-oxidant, emphysema, stress, glomerulosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy, chronic glomerulonephritis, hemorrhage, plantar sweating, dermal aging, kidney aging, bone loss, breast cancer, pathological myocardial cell, primary liver cancer, thrombosis, osteoporosis, intrauterine growth retardation, chronic renal failure, IgA nepropathy, slow cerebral development, and hippocampal tissue lesions on the one hand, and to help bone formation, renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system, cerebral recovery, cognitive function and expression, osteoblast proliferation and differentiation, learning and memory, cold-tolerance and oxygen deficit-tolerance and anti-fatigue, endometrial formation, humoral and cell-mediated immunity, immune regulation effect, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovary Axis, and spermatogenesis, on the other hand. Conclusion : When we compared the effects of YM with the experiment results of YM, there existed a considerable gap between them. So, from now on, it is expected that a great effort and consideration are needed to solve these gaps from an academic and clinical point of view.

A Survey on Korean Medicine Doctors' Recognition and Treatment for Developing Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline of Female Infertility (여성 난임 한의표준임상진료지침 개작을 위한 한의사의 인식과 치료에 관한 실태조사)

  • Hyo-Jeong Jung;Dong-Il Kim;Su-Ji Choi;Su-In Hwang;Young-Jin Yoon;Jang-Kyung Park
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.122-138
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to develop a Korean Medicine(KM) Clinical Practice Guidelines(CPG) of female infertility. We conducted this questionnaire survey to reflect the experiences of Korean Medicine doctors(KMD) and clinical field in Korea. Method: We sent a questionnaire survey to KMD belonging to the Association of Korean Medicine by e-mail. We received 665 responds, and analyzed the answers. Results: 51.2% of respondents knew the previously developed CPG of female infertility, and 18.3% actually used. 83.3% agreed about the necessity of CPG of female infertility, and 80.3% had practical use plan. 90.2% of respondents treated less than 5 infertility woman for a month. 22.7% of respondents treated 50% of patients with collaborative treatment of KM and Western medical treatments. The main age group of patients was '35~40 years'(54.7%), and the most common cause was unexplained infertility(61.7%). The most common pattern identification of female infertility patients was Kidney deficiency(55.4%). KMD used 'a combination of decoction of herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment' the most(43%), and 'a decoction of herbal medicine treatment alone' was next(35%). 84.2% conducted lifestyle modification education about diet, stress, exercise etc. Conclusion: We figured out Korean Medicine doctors' recognition about CPG of female infertility, preference of treatments, and also characteristics of patients visiting Korean Medical clinics to make a practical CPG reflecting clinical situation.

The Change of Tissue Lipid Levels and Fatty Acid Compositions by Alloxan-induced Diabetes in Rats (Alloxan 유도 당뇨성 흰쥐에서 조직 중 지질 수준 및 지방산 조성 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Ho;Jun, In-Nyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1273-1278
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    • 2004
  • The change of tissue lipid levels and fatty acid compositions in alloxan-induced diabetes was studied in rats (SD, male) in order to examine the pathway of diabetic complications. Rats were injected with alloxan 20 mg/kg BW or 40 mg/kg BW to induce diabetes. In rats injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg BW), the body weight was significantly decreased, food intake and liver weight per 100 g (BW) were significantly increased, compared with other groups. The blood glucose levels were apparently elevated as about 2 times in rats injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg BW) than the other groups. The concentrations of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol were not significantly different among the groups. However, the levels of serum triglyceride tended to increase according to amount of alloxan injected. Liver cholesterol levels were significantly decreased in rats injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg BW) compared with other groups, but triglyceride levels of those were not significantly different among groups. Concerning the fatty acid compositions of serum, liver, kidney, spleen phosphatidylcholine, the percentage of linoleic acid in rats injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg BW) was significantly increased, while that of arachidonic acid was significantly decreased compared with the other groups. Therefore, the ratios of arachidonic/linoleic acid in tissue phosphatidylcholine tended to be low in rats injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg BW) and especially significant low levels were found in serum and spleen. Thus, it was suggested that insulin deficiency can affect on fatty acid biosynthesis and induce diabetic complications.

Korean Society of Heart Failure Guidelines for the Management of Heart Failure: Management of the Underlying Etiologies and Comorbidities of Heart Failure

  • Sang Min Park;Soo Youn Lee;Mi-Hyang Jung;Jong-Chan Youn;Darae Kim;Jae Yeong Cho;Dong-Hyuk Cho;Junho Hyun;Hyun-Jai Cho;Seong-Mi Park;Jin-Oh Choi;Wook-Jin Chung;Seok-Min Kang;Byung-Su Yoo;Committee of Clinical Practice Guidelines, Korean Society of Heart Failure
    • Korean Circulation Journal
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    • v.53 no.7
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    • pp.425-451
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    • 2023
  • Most patients with heart failure (HF) have multiple comorbidities, which impact their quality of life, aggravate HF, and increase mortality. Cardiovascular comorbidities include systemic and pulmonary hypertension, ischemic and valvular heart diseases, and atrial fibrillation. Non-cardiovascular comorbidities include diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic kidney and pulmonary diseases, iron deficiency and anemia, and sleep apnea. In patients with HF with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy, renin-angiotensin system inhibitors combined with calcium channel blockers and/or diuretics is an effective treatment regimen. Measurement of pulmonary vascular resistance via right heart catheterization is recommended for patients with HF considered suitable for implantation of mechanical circulatory support devices or as heart transplantation candidates. Coronary angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis and reperfusion in patients with HF and angina pectoris refractory to antianginal medications. In patients with HF and atrial fibrillation, longterm anticoagulants are recommended according to the CHA2DS2-VASc scores. Valvular heart diseases should be treated medically and/or surgically. In patients with HF and DM, metformin is relatively safer; thiazolidinediones cause fluid retention and should be avoided in patients with HF and dyspnea. In renal insufficiency, both volume status and cardiac performance are important for therapy guidance. In patients with HF and pulmonary disease, beta-blockers are underused, which may be related to increased mortality. In patients with HF and anemia, iron supplementation can help improve symptoms. In obstructive sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure therapy helps avoid severe nocturnal hypoxia. Appropriate management of comorbidities is important for improving clinical outcomes in patients with HF.

Clinical diagnostic study on Physiological Signal data measured on 31 cases of lumbago with EAV(Electro-puncture According to Voll) (요통환자(腰痛患者) 31례(例)에 대(對)한 EAV측정치(測定値)의 진단적(診斷的) 고찰(考察))

  • Han, Sang-Gyun;Ha, Chi-Hong;Kim, Jae-Hong;Cho, Myung-Rae;Bae, Eun-Jeong;Shin, Young-Il;Yang, Ki-Yong;Hwang, Kyu-Jung;Lee, Byung-Ryul
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2002
  • Background and Purpose : Most diagnostic method for lumbago were invasive and complex. So we need to simplify and objectify diagnostic method for lumbago. Some study with EAV which is one of Physiological Signal Measuring Instruments, report significantly result as objective diagnostic method for other clinical symptom. By using EAV, we have obtained some physiological signal data from meridian-acupoints of 31 lumbago cases. Objective and Methods : This study researched into the clinical statistics for 31 case who ware in lumbago, and they ware treated with oriental medical care at the Dong-shin university oriental hospital during 6 month from June 1 2001 to November 10 2001. The data were analyzed and interpreted to compare with traditional differentiation of symptom-complexes, then further evaluated as the Five Evolutive Phases to make them differentiated. The EAV valus of Five Evolutive Phases were identified with the sequence of wood(木), fire(火), earth(土)steel(金), water(水). Results and Conclusion : These values of physiological signal were identical with standard differentiation of symptom-complexes of lumbago which is the main cause of deficiency of Qi and blood of the kidney and bladder. Among Five Evolutive Phases, Earth and wood values were increased, steel, fire and water were decreased significantly. This data imply the possibility of somewhat generalization from measuring instruments.

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