• Title/Summary/Keyword: decision map

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Analysis on Siting Strategy for Offshore Wind Farm Based on National Wind Map and GIS (국가바람지도 및 지리정보시스템 기반의 해상풍력단지 입지전략 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Song, Kyu-Bong;Hwang, Sun-Young;Yun, Jin-Ho;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.877-883
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    • 2009
  • This study has analyzed the scale, location, resource potential and feasibility of offshore wind farm scientifically and systematically based on the national wind map and GIS. For long-term wind power development, this study pursues siting strategy building, selection of target area and deciding development priority as well as the presenting a basis for assessment that are necessary for policy decision making by making theme layers under GIS environment. According to the analysis after organizing technological development by stages, even if only the most suitable sites are developed among the area of offshore wind farm candidates that can be developed under the current technological standard, it has been evaluated as being able to develop about 3 times of the wind power dissemination target until 2012. It is expected that about 5% of territorial water area can be developed in a short-term future while the southern offshore area possessing relatively favorable wind resource than the western offshore has been identified as the most feasible site. While about 23% of territorial water area has been classified as potential area for offshore wind farm development in a long-term future, even Jeju Island and offshore of Ulsan possessing excellent wind resource have been analyzed as feasible sites. The feasibility assessment of offshore wind lam development established by this study is expected to assist national strategy building for accomplishing the wind power dissemination target.

Development of Artificial Diagnosis Algorithm for Dissolved Gas Analysis of Power Transformer (전력용 변압기의 유중가스 해석을 위한 지능형 진단 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lim, Jae-Yoon;Lee, Dae-Jong;Lee, Jong-Pil;Ji, Pyeong-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2007
  • IEC code based decision nile have been widely applied to detect incipient faults in power transformers. However, this method has a drawback to achieve the diagnosis with accuracy without experienced experts. In order to resolve this problem, we propose an artificial diagnosis algorithm to detect faults of power transformers using Self-Organizing Feature Map(SOM). The proposed method has two stages such as model construction and diagnostic procedure. First, faulty model is constructed by feature maps obtained by unsupervised learning for training data. And then, diagnosis is performed by compare feature map with it obtained for test data. Also the proposed method usぉms the possibility and degree of aging as well as the fault occurred in transformer by clustering and distance measure schemes. To demonstrate the validity of proposed method, various experiments are unformed and their results are presented.

A Study on the Establishment of Earthquake Safety Guidance Model for Disaster Prevention Policy in Korea (지진방재정책결정 지원을 위한 건물 안전지도 구축 모형 연구)

  • Park, Hyoung-Rae;Ahn, Jeong-Keun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.251-265
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    • 2017
  • On the Korean peninsula, which has been recognized as a safe haven from earthquakes, A magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred. It has been confirmed that the Korean Peninsula is no longer a safe zone from an earthquake. The purpose of this study is to examine the state of the earthquake preparedness in our society and to grasp the properties of the building which is a direct damage object in the event of an earthquake and to help the decision making of the earthquake disaster prevention policy through the construction of the earthquake safety map. There is a purpose. Earthquake safety maps are created through spatial analysis using GIS tools. The construction of an earthquake safety map is not the whole of the earthquake disaster prevention policy, but it means that it is a starting point to effectively replace the earthquake disaster prevention system.

Design and Load Map of the Next Generation Convergence Security Framework for Advanced Persistent Threat Attacks

  • Lee, Moongoo
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2014
  • An overall responding security-centered framework is necessary required for infringement accidents, failures, and cyber threats. On the other hand, the correspondence structures of existing administrative, technical, physical security have weakness in a system responding to complex attacks because each step is performed independently. This study will recognize all internal and external users as a potentially threatening element. To perform connectivity analysis regarding an action, an intelligent convergence security framework and road map is suggested. A suggested convergence security framework was constructed to be independent of an automatic framework, such as the conventional single solution for the priority defense system of APT of the latest attack type, which makes continuous reputational attacks to achieve its goals. This study suggested the next generation convergence security framework to have preemptive responses, possibly against an APT attack, consisting of the following five hierarchical layers: domain security, domain connection, action visibility, action control, and convergence correspondence. In the domain, the connection layer suggests a security instruction and direction in the domains of administrative, physical and technical security. The domain security layer has consistency of status information among the security domain. A visibility layer of an intelligent attack action consists of data gathering, comparison and decision cycle. The action control layer is a layer that controls the visibility action. Finally, the convergence corresponding layer suggests a corresponding system of before and after an APT attack. The administrative security domain had a security design based on organization, rule, process, and paper information. The physical security domain is designed to separate into a control layer and facility according to the threats of the control impossible and control possible. Each domain action executes visible and control steps, and is designed to have flexibility regarding security environmental changes. In this study, the framework to address an APT attack and load map will be used as an infrastructure corresponding to the next generation security.

Development of FAPIS(Forest Aerial Photograph Interpretation System) for Digital Forest Cover Type Mapping(Version 1.0) (수치임상도 제작을 위한 산림항공사진 영상판독시스템 개발(Version 1.0))

  • You, Byung-Oh;Kim, Chong-Chan;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the FAPIS(Forest Aerial Photograph Interpretation System) development is to increase accuracy and efficiency of the digital forest cover type mapping for improving conventional analog-based mapping procedures by optimizing work-flow and mapping technology. The database models including digital forest cover type map, aerial photograph, and topographic map were designed for use in this system construction. The interface configured concisely to connect with functions such as search engine, display control, conversion to stereo interpretation mode, modification tools, automation of print layout and database models. It is expected that the standardization methodology based on this system can be applied and extended in making all kinds of digital thematic maps, providing decision-making and information of forest resources.

Image Compression Using Edge Map And Multi-Sided Side Match Finite-State Vector Quantization (윤곽선 맵과 다중 면 사이드 매치 유한상태 벡터 양자화를 이용한 영상 압축)

  • Cho, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Eung-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1419-1427
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm which implements a multi-sided side match finite-state vector quantization(MSMVQ). After extracting the edge information from an image and classifying the image into edge blocks or non-edge blocks, we construct an edge map. We subdivide edge blocks into sixteen classes using discrete cosine transform(DCT) AC coefficients. Based on edge map information, a state codebook is made from the master codebook, and side match calculation is done for two-sided or three-sided current block of image. For reducing transmitted bits, a decision is made whether or not to encode the non-edge blocks among the pre-coded blocks by using the master codebook. Also for reducing allocation bits of codeword indices to decoder, a variable length coder is used. Considering the comparison with side match finite-state vector quantization(SMVQ) and two-sided SMVQ(TSMVQ) algorithm about Zelda, Lenna, Bridge and Peppers image, the new algorithm shows better picture quality than SMVQ and TSMVQ respectively.

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Automatic Analysis Model for Support Emergency Medical Helicopter Landing Zone Using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 비상 의료지원 헬리콥터 착륙지점 자동 분석 모델)

  • Park, Jong-kook;Lee, Eun-seok;Kim, Jong-hee;Kim, Jeong-su;Kim, Jong-bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.338-340
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to support decision making of emergency rescue system with GIS which selects landing point of emergency rescue for emergency situation on mountains and dropping point when landing is impossible. The area of research was limited to Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. The results were divided into two values; landing point of helicopter on mountains and dropping point. Digital map, forest type map and forest soil map were utilized as fundamental data. Factors of landing point were slope, topographical characteristics, vegetation characteristics and area of helicopter landing point by helicopter data. And, for dropping point, slope and vegetation characteristics were divided as factors and GIS intersect function was utilized for the analysis. But, this research was conducted by excluding factor values of wind direction, wind velocity, etc. In the future, it's necessary to improve effectiveness of the analysis more by making a connection with Meteorological Agency DB.

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Mapping Urban Inundation Using Flood Depth Extraction from Flood Map Image (침수지도 영상의 침수심 추출기법을 활용한 내수 침수 위험지도 작성)

  • Na, Seo Hyeon;Lee, Su Won;Kim, Joo Won;Byeon, Seong Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2018
  • Increasing localized torrential rainfall caused by abnormal climate are making higher damage to human and property through urban inundation So The need of preventive measures is being highlighted. In this study, the methodology for calculating flood depth in domestic water map using an interpolation method in order to utilizing the results of flood analysis provided only in the form of a report is suggested. In the Incheon Metropolitan City S area as the test-bed, the flood depth was calculated using the interpolating the actual flood analysis by image and verification was performed. Verification results showed that the error rate was 5.2% for the maximum flooding depth, and that the water depth value was compared to 10 random points, which showed a difference of less than 0.030 m. Also, as the results of the flood analysis were presented in various ways, the flood depth was extracted from the image of the result of the flood analysis, which changed the presentation method, and then compared and analyzed. The results of this study could be available for the use of basic data from the research on the urban penetration of domestic consumption and for decision-making of policy.

A Study on Advancing Strategy for National Environmental Geographic Informations - Focused on the National Environmental Assessment Map, Ecological Map and Land Cover Map - (국토환경지리정보 고도화 전략 연구 - 국토환경성평가지도, 생태자연도, 토지피복지도를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chong-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2007
  • In 2006, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea, completed the construction on national environmental geographic informations including National Environmental Assessment Map, Ecological Map, Land Cover Map and so on. At this point of time, it is necessary to establish the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, considering the complicated characteristics. Therefore, this study suggests the advance strategy on national environmental geographic information, reflecting results of analyzing the given condition and the trend of informatization. National environmental geographic information has spacial quality to be managed dispersedly in a department unit or an operations unit. According to this quality, requirements for users who need the policy based on national environmental geographic information and complex information are not satisfactory. And, the information system centering the process of administrative affairs should be converted to one putting decision supporting first in importance. Therefore, this study sets up "the realization of the sustainable land management system by advancing national environmental geographic information" as the vision of the advancing strategy. In order to accomplish the vision, this study established the purpose as follow; constructing strategic and geographic information based on knowledge, arranging the foundation to open information to the public transparently, building expanded and integrated national environmental geographic information, embodying the environmental administration based on national environmental geographic information, enhancing the efficiency of national environmental geographic information, and supporting efficiently the process of administrative affairs. And this study suggests executive plans to achieve the vision and the purpose as next; developing the quality control program to verify the information confidence, building the system to integrate and to provide environmental information, collecting information, readjusting laws and regimes in parts of the construction, the application and the management of the system, and operating the task process, human power, organization and information technology. This study puts the emphasis on providing the turning opportunity politically which is possible to make sure of the information confidence in quality, advancing from the expansion of one in quantity. However, this improvement strategy doesn't reflect all national environmental geographic information and current status of environmental administrations. Therefore, for applying the result of this study to the actual environmental administration, it is necessary to discuss regularly the systematic categorization of national environmental geographic information, to interview with the contracting parties and so on hereafter.

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Fast Coding Mode Decision for Temporal Scalability in H.264/AVC Scalable Extension (시간적 계층에서의 스케일러블 부호화 고속 모드 결정 방법)

  • Jeon, Byeungwoo
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2013
  • Recently proliferating heterogeneous multimedia service environments should be able to deal with many different transmission speeds, image sizes, or qualities of video. However, not many existing video compression standards satisfy those necessities. To satisfy the functional requirements, the standardization of the H.264/AVC Scalable Extension (SE) technique has been recently completed. It is an extension of the H.264/AVC which can encode several image sizes and qualities at the same time as a single bitstream. To perform optimum mode decision, motion estimation is performed for all MB modes, and the RD costs are compared to identify an MB mode with the smallest RD cost. This increases computational complexity of H.264/AVC SE encoding. In this paper, we propose an early skip mode detection scheme to reduce candidate modes and suggest an algorithm of fast mode decision utilizing reference modes according to the mode history.