• Title/Summary/Keyword: day lighting

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A Comparative Study on the Apartment Unit Plans According to the Living Environment Elements of Housing in Korea and China - Focused on Apartment cases in Seoul and Shanghai - (한.중 공동주택의 생활환경요인을 통한 단위평면 비교 연구 - 서울과 상하이 전통, 근대, 현대 공동주택 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Liang, Fei;Yoon, Hea-Kyung;Park, Hyeon-Soo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to seek a direction of development in apartment interior planning method, considering residential condition and historical planning schemes in South Korea and China. In this study, South Korea and China's traditional housing and modern apartment unit was studied to identify environmental attributes of residence. For Korea, Banga, where upper class residents lived, and modern urban Hanok were chosen to be analyzed. For China, two types of housing wear studied: Sahapwon, original form of China housing, and Yinong house which is a typical Sanghai house. First, the elements of living environment in two major cities; Seoul and Sanghai was defined to analyze factors of traditional houses in both cities. Depending on those factors, relationship among traditional and modern housing types were compared and analyzed, focusing on unit plan case studies for a better understanding of living environment in South Korea and China. From this study, similarities and differences between apartment plans in Seoul and Shanghai was examined according to their residential style, surrounding natural environment and lifestyle factors. In Seoul's apartment, spacial composition and movement lines were mainly formed around the public space in Seoul, while public space of living and dining room was located at housing entrance area in the Shanghai's residential system, configuring narrow form of housing unit. In respect of the natural environment, the unit plan of rectangular form in Seoul was more efficient in day lighting and wind circulation than the unit plan of narrow form in Shanghai. It was also found that cultural differences of stand-up and seat life style influenced on the composition of unit plans in Seoul and Shanghai.n Apartment cases in Seoul and Shanghai.

A Study on the Housing Type and Space Extension of the Traditional Houses in Samcheok Region (삼척지역 농촌재래주택의 주거유형과 공간확장에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jang-Soon;Kim, Jin-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the residential space composition and extension of Jeonja-jip and Dureong-jip in Samcheok region. The results of this study are as follows. It appears three residential plan types - Jeonja-jip with Anmaru(a room made of wooden floor), Jeonja-jip without Anmaru and Dureong-jip with Anmaru- in survey region. It was needed the extension of residential space at Jeonja-jip(a house type with two-row rooms which be composed of 田type under one roof) and Dureong-jip(a house type with inner floor which be surrounded by rooms under one roof) because of shortage of sleeping space, working space and keeping space owing to growing large family. The solutions of these shortages will be the extension of space in houses. Jeonja-jip's basic type which is the Kyup-Jip(a house type with two-row rooms under one roof) of 一 type with 6 Kans(Kan, a unit to count room to divided with four posts) is transformed and extended to 田shaped house with 11 Kans toward X-axis orientation. Dureong-Jip's basic type which is ㄱ type with 7 Kans is transformed and extended to the Sekyup-Jip with 9 Kans and the Nekyup-Jip(a house type with four-row rooms under one roof) with 12 Kans toward Y-axis orientation by insertion and addition. Jeonja-jip was developed into Kyup-Jip with front 4 or 5 Kans and side 2 Kans instead of being done into Sekyup-jip or Nekyup-Jip with insufficient day lighting and ventilation problems. Jeonja-jip and Dureong-jip were stronger than any other traditional houses in tendency to reserve Magu(cowshed) and Chikkan(toilet) in a house.

Cinematic Methods of Expression in The Film (영화 <어톤먼트>에 나타난 영상표현방법)

  • Yoon, Soo-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.569-579
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    • 2016
  • , 2007 firm by Joe Wright, deals with tragic love of Cecilia and Robbie. While the 2001 novel of the same name focuses on Briony narrative the movie is seen through romantic relationship of two lovers. However, Briony's narrative in the movie helps to accent the two's love story. The director's emphasis on the love story is unfortunately from Briony tragic story. The continuous build up of misunderstanding and irreconcilable regrets begins to materialize and explodes in the middle of the film. The director manages to use just one day and uses the same location to illustrate the background of the characters as well as build up of the plot's misunderstanding. The study will focus on the beginning of the film that enabled the beautiful love story through effect and symbolic visual expression and techniques- especially the use of mise-en-scene, camera movement, framing, and lighting and how it emphasis and use of specific color and sound.

New Yellow Single Chrysanthemum 'My Sun' for Pot Plant (분화용 국화 노랑색 홑꽃 'My Sun' 육성)

  • Jung, Yun-Kyung;Lim, Jae-Wook;Lee, Sang-Deok
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.325-328
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    • 2012
  • A new Dendranthema grandiflourm 'My Sun' was developed at Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services (GARES), Korea in 2009. 'My Sun' was initially derived from the cross in 2005 between 'Omega Time Orange', a potted chrysanthemum cultivar with orange single type, and 'Tasman', a potted chrysanthemum cultivar with white single type in 2005. The cultivar has single type flowers with yellow petals. Trial and evaluation was conducted from 2006 to 2009 for the selection of this variety, including a shading culture in spring and a retarding culture in winter. The flowering time of 'My Sun' was October 13th, and year-round flowering is possible by shading or lighting treatment. The diameter of flower is 21.0 mm. Numbers of flowers per stem and petals per flower are 34.4 and 20.4, respectively. Its leaf color was green (Green Group 137A) and plant height was 13.3 cm. Days to flowering under the short day treatment is about 42 in spring, and numbers of branch per plant was 3.4 ea in the winter. This cultivar was resistance to white rust and consumer's preference of new pot-mum is high level than control.

A Comparative Study on Daylighting Performance Prediction of Light Tube and Dish Concentrator (광튜브와 디쉬형 집광기의 자연채광 성능 예측 및 비교 연구)

  • Oh, Seung Jin;Han, Hyun Joo;Chun, Wongee
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2012
  • This study presents the simulation results of Photopia when a lecture room with north-facing windows were illuminated by two different types of daylighting systems to improve the imbalance in its lighting conditions. Especially, the candela power distribution curves (CDCs) on a clear sunny day at the summer solstice, reaching $80^{\circ}$ in solar altitude, were analyzed with respect to the illuminance available at task areas (work planes). The difference between its illuminance on the north and south areas exceeded 1,000 lux without any daylighting system. This, however, decreased drastically with the application of a daylighting system. When a light tube system was introduced, it reduced from 906lx to 603lx and, even further to 308lx with the application of a dish concentrator system. Generally, the performance of a light tube system was greatly influenced by solar altitude while its effect on the dish concentrator system was rather negligible.

Effect of Night Interruption with Mist and Shade Cooling Systems on Subsequent Growth and Flowering of Cymbidium 'Red Fire' and 'Yokihi'

  • Kim, Yoon Jin;Kim, Ki Sun
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.753-761
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    • 2014
  • Growth and flowering of Cymbidium 'Red Fire' and 'Yokihi' plants were examined in a greenhouse with cooling systems in summer, and with night interruption (NI) lighting in winter as a forcing culture system. The greenhouse was divided into two sections with separate cooling controls during the summer season. One section was cooled by a mist system (mist), while the other section was cooled by a shade screen (shade). During the winter, the greenhouse was redivided into three sections within each cooling system. Plants were grown with NI either at a low light intensity of $3-7{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$(LNI) or a high l ight intensity of $120{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$(HNI) u sing h igh-pressure sodium l amps during the 22:00-02:00 HR. The control plants were grown under 9 h short-day condition. NI for 16 weeks and cooling for 9 weeks were employed twice during the 2 years of the experimental period. The air temperature was approximately $2^{\circ}C$ lower in the mist than in the shade and the relative humidity was 80 ${\pm}5%$ in the mist compared to $55{\pm}5%$ in the shade. The daily light integral in the mist section was 48% higher than in the shade section. The time from initial planting to flowering pseudobulb emergence decreased with both LNI and HNI for both cultivars, regardless of the cooling treatments. Under NI conditions, however, between 60% and 1 00% of plants of both cultivars flowered in the mist, whereas no or 20% of 'Red Fire' or 'Yokihi' plants, respectively, flowered in the shade treatment over 2 years. Plants grown under the mist had bigger pseudobulbs than those grown in the shade under both NI treatments. These results show that commercial use of NI in winter and a mist cooling system in summer would decrease crop production time to 2 years and increase profits in Cymbidium forcing culture.

User's responses to the type of campus layouts -Based on perceived safety and landscape visual preferences- ([캠퍼스 공간설계 유형에 따른 이용자의 지각반응특성에 관한 연구-안전지각과 시각선호에 대한 비교 분석-)

  • 엄붕훈;한성미
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.104.1-104.1
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp the characteristics of user''''s response to perceived safety and visual preferences for outdoor green spaces by the types of campus layouts. This research was investigated by color slide ratings and questionnaire survey to the students who are majoring in Landscape architecture in three universities locating at Taegu area. Two research sites have similarities in many ways but have differences in campus land form and design type such as ''''Closed'''' and ''''Open'''' types. Major results were summarised as follows ; 1. As a result of the slide test, the high degree of visual preference was shown in the campus that is ''''Closed'''' type. However the degree of perceived safety was lower than that of in Youngnam Univ. campus. 2. According to the result of the comparative analysis between user''''s perceived safety and visual preferences in each campus, the degree of perceived safety at ''''Closed'''' type was lower than that of ''''Open'''' type, but the degree of visual satisfactioni was higher at ''''Closed'''' type. 3. The factors affecting visual preference in campus were shown as density of wood, land form, and diverse type of the spaces. On the other hand, the factors affecting perceived safety were ''''enclosed space by wood'''' at the day time, and ''''the condition of lighting'''' at night. 4. Regarding gender differences in sensation of each space variables, female users showed higher satisfactio on the scenic beauty. 5. Regression analysis showed that general satisfation was determined by the variables such as ''''arrangement'''', familiarity'''', ''''cleanness'''', and ''''closed feeling'''', in Kyungbook Univ. And in Youngnam Univ. , the variables were ''''texture'''', ''''perceived beauty'''', ''''cleanness'''', and ''''complexity'''' respectively. 6. In conclusion, campus users wanted the outdoor spaces that have various land form and somewhat ''''open-closed'''' mixture type, which has a good ''''Edge Effect'''' to satisfy both aspects in safety and visual preferneces.

User's responses to the type of campus layouts -Based on perceived safety and landscape visual preferences- ("캠퍼스" 공간설계 유형에 따른 이용자의 지각반응특성에 관한 연구-안전지각과 시각선호에 대한 비교 분석-)

  • 엄붕훈;한성미
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.104-116
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp the characteristics of user's response to perceived safety and visual preferences for outdoor green spaces by the types of campus layouts. This research was investigated by color slide ratings and questionnaire survey to the students who are majoring in Landscape architecture in three universities locating at Taegu area. Two research sites have similarities in many ways but have differences in campus land form and design type such as 'Closed' and 'Open' types. Major results were summarised as follows ; 1. As a result of the slide test, the high degree of visual preference was shown in the campus that is 'Closed' type. However the degree of perceived safety was lower than that of in Youngnam Univ. campus. 2. According to the result of the comparative analysis between user's perceived safety and visual preferences in each campus, the degree of perceived safety at 'Closed' type was lower than that of 'Open' type, but the degree of visual satisfactioni was higher at 'Closed' type. 3. The factors affecting visual preference in campus were shown as density of wood, land form, and diverse type of the spaces. On the other hand, the factors affecting perceived safety were 'enclosed space by wood' at the day time, and 'the condition of lighting' at night. 4. Regarding gender differences in sensation of each space variables, female users showed higher satisfactio on the scenic beauty. 5. Regression analysis showed that general satisfation was determined by the variables such as 'arrangement', familiarity', 'cleanness', and 'closed feeling', in Kyungbook Univ. And in Youngnam Univ. , the variables were 'texture', 'perceived beauty', 'cleanness', and 'complexity' respectively. 6. In conclusion, campus users wanted the outdoor spaces that have various land form and somewhat 'open-closed' mixture type, which has a good 'Edge Effect' to satisfy both aspects in safety and visual preferneces.

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Effects of Replacing Corn with Rice or Brown Rice on Laying Performance, Egg Quality, and Apparent Fecal Digestibility of Nutrient in Hy-Line Brown Laying Hens

  • Kim, Chan Ho;Park, Seong Bok;Kang, Hwan Ku
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed of effects of replacing maize with rice or brown rice on laying performance, egg quality, and apparent fecal digestibility of nutrient in Hy-Line Brown laying hens. A total of 200, 25-week old Hy-Line Brown laying hens were randomly assigned to one of 5 treatments, each of which was replicated 4 times. Four experimental diets that were formulated two different grains (brown rice or rice) with two inclusion levels of (15 and 30%) as a replacement of maize. The experimental period was 8 weeks. During the experiment, hens were provided with feed and water ad libitum and were exposed to a 16:8=L:D lighting schedule. There were no differences in feed intake, egg weight, and egg mass during the 8 weeks of the feeding trial among groups. However, hen-day egg production was greater (P<0.05) for Brown rice treatment groups than that for basal and rice treatment groups. In addition, the supplementation of brown rice or rice did not have an effect on eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, and HU during of the feeding trial (Table 4). However, egg yolk color was less (P<0.05) for basal treatment groups than that for among treatment group. ATTD of dry matter (DM) and crude fat were greater (P<0.05) for brown rice 15 treatment than for rice 30 treatment. Crude protein (CP) was greater (P<0.05) for brown rice 15 treatment than for basal treatment. In conclusion, brown rice or rice grains is a good alternative energy feedstuff and can be used in laying hens, totally replacing maize, without any negative effect on the laying performance, egg quality, and nutrient digestibility.

A New Spray Chrysanthemum Cultivar 'Yes Line' with Single Type and Purple Color (자주색 홑꽃 스프레이국 신품종 'Yes Line' 육성)

  • Pak, Ha-Seung;Choi, Taeg-Yong;Won, Mi-Kyoung;An, Jong-Beom
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.317-320
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    • 2008
  • A new spray chrysanthemum(Dendranthema grandiflorum Ramat.) cultivar 'Yes Line' was originated from a cross between 'T22319' and 'SP02-037-13'. This cultivar was tested on the characteristics from 2004 to 2007 for the evaluation and selection including shading and retarding culture. The natural flowering time of 'Yes Line' is late October, but year-round production is possible by shading, lighting and retarding culture. This cultivar was single in flower type, with a color of red-purple(RHS 74C), with the flowers of 21.4 per stem. 'Yes Line' showed the vase life of 16.5 days in autumn season. The diameters of flower and flower center were 4.3 cm, 1.2 cm respectively. The days to flower under the short day treatment was 7.5 weeks and preference of consumers were high at 3.86 ranged up to 5.00. It has resistance to white rust and was possible to cultivate all-year-round.